Day Repeat Day

Day Repeat Day

The match-3 aspect is standard, but the story-telling and choices affecting endings is pretty cool. The overall feel of the game is brilliant and I love stuff like this. Perhaps a bit steep at full price buut it’s a great experience - give it a shot on sale.

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Casual Games.

WTF did I just play? Just when I thought I’d seen it all, someone mixes a match-3 game with a visual novel and some kind of dystopian/satirical life sim, throws in weird video sequences and lots of social and political commentary, and the result is amazingly good? Like, seriously, it doesn’t only get points for originality, it’s actually really well done. The UI is a bit bare-bones, but the writing is brilliant, the piano music beautiful and atmospheric, and I’m not an expert on match-3 puzzles, but they seemed very good as well - challenging, but not frustrating, and also perfectly integrated in the story.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Day Repeat Day on Steam



A strange experience, if you’re interested at all I’d recommend not reading much more about this

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Cinematic Games.

This is a “game” much in the same way a walking simulator or a VN is, so just fair warning.

I am currently on Day 4 and will update again when I get to Day 7.

I will not spoil specifics.

The “game” is best experienced as intended: do each day without changing clocks or anything. Do Day 1, and then do Day 2 the following day when it unlocks. Complete all exercises with honest intent, to include the writing prompts and meditation exercises.

There is a narrative and character and background amidst what feels like real mindfulness concepts. The blend between the real and fictional is intriguing and keeps me coming back each day. The layout of the exercises feels intended, with the motivational video leading into the discussions/lectures by KARE, then a meditation/breathing exercises that inevitably lead you to ruminating about what KARE just talked about, a writing prompt that sometimes gives you pause about wanting to be completely truthful, and a final checklist of items that you’re more than likely just going to click through without actually implementing.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

UnearthU on Steam



ICBM is a great way to kill an hour, along with a few hundred million people. It’s got a bit of a learning curve to it but it’s simple enough that you can pick most of it up in 2 or 3 games.

What I find interesting (and a little terrifying) about ICBM is how nothing is permanent and how the game always keeps you at the edge of your seat, because much like a real nuclear war, you could find yourself and everything you’ve built being vaporized by thermonuclear weapons at a moment’s notice. If you build an airbase, the enemy can nuke that. If you build missile silos, the enemy can nuke that. If you build submarines, the enemy nuke that. The game effectively works out to be a scramble between you and your enemies as you try to keep tabs on where they’re keeping their city-melting goodies, as well as protecting your own, either by keeping them well-hidden, or building enough defences that the enemy can’t smash through them until you’ve already turned their continent into a giant radioactive parking lot. Then there’s also the question of “Should I attack first or is that going to end horribly for me and 85% of my country’s population”, which then promptly leads to the question of “But If I don’t do anything, are all my cities going to be on fire in 5 minutes” which means you’re always guessing, or always trying to find out.

Real player with 385.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Cold War Games.

I had to go back and change my original positive review to inform you not to buy this. Multiplayer community is dead and its been less than a month since the game lauched.

Game already has rampant hacking which ruins the game for everyone. Not to mention that the actual game itself is not really that fun after a few games.

Matches are 95% build up and 4% figuiring out who to attack and 1% fun combat. Most games you’ll build up for 35mins to literally not be able to use a single one of your nukes due to the game ending due to nuclear contamination via a massive barrage two guys release at once and even if you launched right then your nukes would not hit the ground before their nukes end the game.

Real player with 43.3 hrs in game

ICBM on Steam

Counter Terrorist Agency

Counter Terrorist Agency

This is my revised and final review now that I’ve had a fair bit more time with it.

CTA is a game I’ve wanted for a long time, which is why it comes as such a disappointment that so little thought was put into its design. I love the idea of tracking terrorist groups, deciding how and when to strike, collecting intelligence, and ultimately trying to prevent attacks. Unfortunately, it’s let down by shallow and often unclear mechanics. The devs were active in the beginning, responding to criticism and quickly putting out an update that greatly increased the quantity of scenarios in the game, and more have been added since. However, they seem to have been silent for just over a month now, and the Steam forums have been completely dead for over a week. They claim to be working on a pair of updates that would add a sort of “free mode”, as well as a much-requested re-work of the case file system. Unfortunately, I’m not convinced these will be enough to solve the fundamental problems this game suffers from.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game


Counter Terrorist Agency is what the old game Covert Action would have been if the player were in a higher-up position, not every troublemaker had a name of a Spanish or Arabic origin, and relations and resources of nations were an issue. Things usually start out with suspicious behavior making the news, threats made to reporters, or just an intercepted phone call in which two people may say something suspicious, and from there, the player orders agents to go to work by having a suspect’s phone tapped and their social media accounts hacked, then waiting for more conversations in which the suspect’s role within an organization can be verified depending on the contents of the conversation. (The player may be able to guess at the role of the person they’re speaking to if that person infers they have any authority over the person the player tapped/hacked.) Once enough suspects have been identified, it’s time to stop the terrorists from acting by either arresting or killing (preferably) confirmed members. Arrested terrorists can possibly be interrogated revealing more people involved in their plot. (Interrogation can possibly even reveal a leader’s identity.)

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Counter Terrorist Agency on Steam

Pegasus: Broken Wings

Pegasus: Broken Wings


Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

I played twice with it.

So for those who insist this part of the review included, up, left, right down arrows Enter and ESC controls and there you have it good.

The dev there got out of the classical soft 2D look toward a more 3D cold aesthetic where he both had more control and ownership of his characters and action. Since what happens globally, I guess it was his best bet to narrate a very complex story that casts an interesting foreshadowing into the future of our freedom, privacy and how much a government can use external events to their advantage to lock down a society and turn politics into plain accepted tyranny. It does into the same charms of the Incitement series, City of Chains and Outrage but in the Pegasus-5 mature universe. You got to check upon the morale of your crew members and have the option to romance most of them very inclusively, but without artificially changing them into your own likings and orientations, which makes them pretty realistic in the versimilitude of the game universe.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Pegasus: Broken Wings on Steam

Good Morning, A.I.

Good Morning, A.I.

“Good Morning, Jude. Initiating calibration on fifth generation human rights.”

Choose your words carefully, the A.I. will cling to each one as you delve deep into politics, economy and morality. Your student’s values and perception will be defined by your discussions with them. You’ll have to resolve apparent contradictions between the answers you’ve given and see the physical manifestation of your powerful learner change in tune with their evolving personality.

“We just need to hold off cyber-attackers for 422 nano-seconds before we can seal access protocols. That’s where you come in.”

Pirates, hackers, anti-AI activists will try to break into the quantum world of paradoxes in which the A.I resides. Design defences to withstand attacks across multiple simulatenous states of existence, using a visual interface looking remarkably similar to a puzzle or tower defense game.

“Heya’ bot-boss. How’s the cutest dystopia-bringer of Western Europe doin’ this mornin’?”

Professional controversy is bound to mingle in your personal life. Choose what friendships you save, who you’ll romantically pursue and how Jude handles the power in their hands. Who will you keep besides you when it all ends?

“In hindsight, it makes sense that we got here. But we didn’t suspect th- Aw, man, reached my word limit for today. We’ll chat again tomorrow if- [User Muted].”

Your decisions can lead to many potential fates for Amsterdam, implemented by the A.I at the end of your tutelage. Multiple playthroughs allow you to explore different relationships and to find over 30 different outcome variations for the city and many more for its characters.

This game is being developed with the support of the Creative Europe Programme - MEDIA

Good Morning, A.I. on Steam

Power & Revolution 2020 Edition

Power & Revolution 2020 Edition

Its recycled from their previous editions so most 2019 features have bugs, The game itself is still bugged so clearly they never worked on that with this new release, the cheat codes for the game no longer work, something they didn’t fix, the same gamebreaking glitches from before are present here, only worse.

I can promise anyone reading this, This game is NOT worth anymore than £13-15, yet they charge basically £40 for the base game, more for the dlcs, Despite the fact you can clearly see they haven’t put the effort into this game.

Real player with 647.5 hrs in game

My recommendation for purchasing before I played heavily and time passed is directly below, which has led to the correct review of this developer and their products below the initial, good review.

(This review no longer applies, but is left up for others to see how great it is upon the first gameplay when purchasing)

[Power & Revolution is not for the faint of heart, or those who want a easy diplomatic game. I recommend it for the strategies and fun involved. If you are one who prefers peace over war, P&R will not be too difficult on the realistic settings as long as you do not select a country currently involved in wars (terrorist or nation v. nation). I personally enjoy creating contracts, upping the researches and viewing the Space Programs to see space, upping the quality of life, and increasing my military presence. Power & Revolution (2020 especially) can be challenging with the citizens happiness and keeping the countries out of debt. A great option is the ability play various countries at once, and the ability to create, join, and leave international organizations (NATO, UNO, WHO, ASEAN, etc…).]

Real player with 310.5 hrs in game

Power & Revolution 2020 Edition on Steam