Trailer Shop Simulator

Trailer Shop Simulator

Really scuffed, but still really fun

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Spectacle fighter Games.

Absolutely love the game and recommend it. This game has very good potential. Check out my Gameplay on the game.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Trailer Shop Simulator on Steam

Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency

Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency


Introduction: Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency(AISA) is a surveillance system building game. You will control an intelligence surveillance agency, you will need to achieve mission goals by establishing the surveillance system in the city. A news system will be provided in the game to provide players with the latest mission information. You can customize your equipment according to your needs in the Research center, including surveillance probes, surveillance drones, large reconnaissance drones, etc, and you can choose the way to complete the task according to the current intelligence. The location of the surveillance system you deploy, the detection range of the surveillance system, the efficiency of eliminating threats, and the casualties of civilians will all affect the success probability of your mission. Every action you take may have different effects.

Initiating foreign territory surveillance program

Protocol ‘AISAS-984XN’

Get main objectives:

– Establish surveillance network

– Search and Eliminate threats

Administrator detected

Initiating ‘Briefing’ protocol

Welcome to Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency (AISA)

– AISA is an intelligence surveillance agency approved by the Foreign Territory Land Monitoring Act, which is subordinate to the Ministry of National Defense.

– AISA is mainly responsible for the detection and elimination of terrorist activities in overseas territories and cities.

– The surveillance plan will allow administrators to place surveillance equipment anywhere in the city.

– Any individual entering the surveillance area will be scanned by the surveillance equipment and obtain personal information.

– If the surveillance device locates the threat, the administrator will be asked to take action.

– Administrators will be authorized to use equipment including military detectors, drones, and electronic warfare weapons.

– The administrator will be able to customize the equipment research plan according to the needs.

Authorizing the deployment of surveillance equipment

Authorized. Monitoring equipment is now free to deploy in the city

System diagnosing:

– Command center ready

– Research center ready

– Operation center ready

– Black Ops center offline

Bypassing local reinforcement security network


Requesting citizens information


Inquiry parallel projects status:

– PRISM (Decoy)

– Upstream Collection (Decoy)

– ECHELON (Activated)

Gathering Intelligence from base stations

Access denied, additional equipment required

Initiate program complete

Waiting for commands

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Cold War Games.

Advanced Intelligence Surveillance Agency on Steam



A new cult spreads viciously, far and wide through social media platforms, rituals are performed to summon Entities to your dimension, they call themselves the Children Of Nyx. a shady private military known as FRONTRUNNERS clear areas of the entities and collect important intel on the cult to stop the spread and prevent further damage, you are a FRONTRUNNER.

Weapon Customization / Roguelite Elements

Purchase weapons, upgrade them with sights, foregrips and suppressors, and enter several maps to complete both primary and secondary objectives, completing objectives garners you more and more money, but dying will cause the loss of your guns and items.

Diverse And Special Enemy Types

During your flight, you will discover different forms of enemies, with specialties, but none compare to the boss enemies, who will stalk from the shadows, and are the most deadly you will find, stay observant, cover each other’s backs, or die together.

Customization That Matters

What you carry on you matters, how many magazines do you want to bring, how many grenades/flashes do you want to bring, what medical equipment to bring, etc. There are many decisions to be made, everything affects your weight, thus affecting your sprinting speed, and turning speed. However better packs and training your body can increase your carrying capacity. Also, you can share gear with your friends, so one person can carry medical supplies etc.

Medical System

Your body can only take so many hits, once you go down, you’re not out of the fight, you will be downed until healed by a teammate, or on the hardcore mode you’re able to bleed out. If you’re hit, there is a chance you will start bleeding, bleeding will lower you to 20hp, where you are one hit. However there are ways to still be in the fight better, First Aid Kits allow you to either heal yourself while downed or pick your friends up quicker. Bandages allow you to heal a small amount of HP and stop bleeding out. Medical Kits allow you to heal large amounts of HP and become fully healed.


Team up with friends through Steam invites to complete your contracts, no splitting money, everyone gets the full amount, having a team will allow you to cooperatively move through the maps, if you cooperate, you will have a much better chance of survival. Playing with a squad will also allow you to revive each other, meaning you can avoid losing your weapons.

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Early Access Games.




ICBM is a great way to kill an hour, along with a few hundred million people. It’s got a bit of a learning curve to it but it’s simple enough that you can pick most of it up in 2 or 3 games.

What I find interesting (and a little terrifying) about ICBM is how nothing is permanent and how the game always keeps you at the edge of your seat, because much like a real nuclear war, you could find yourself and everything you’ve built being vaporized by thermonuclear weapons at a moment’s notice. If you build an airbase, the enemy can nuke that. If you build missile silos, the enemy can nuke that. If you build submarines, the enemy nuke that. The game effectively works out to be a scramble between you and your enemies as you try to keep tabs on where they’re keeping their city-melting goodies, as well as protecting your own, either by keeping them well-hidden, or building enough defences that the enemy can’t smash through them until you’ve already turned their continent into a giant radioactive parking lot. Then there’s also the question of “Should I attack first or is that going to end horribly for me and 85% of my country’s population”, which then promptly leads to the question of “But If I don’t do anything, are all my cities going to be on fire in 5 minutes” which means you’re always guessing, or always trying to find out.

Real player with 385.2 hrs in game

I had to go back and change my original positive review to inform you not to buy this. Multiplayer community is dead and its been less than a month since the game lauched.

Game already has rampant hacking which ruins the game for everyone. Not to mention that the actual game itself is not really that fun after a few games.

Matches are 95% build up and 4% figuiring out who to attack and 1% fun combat. Most games you’ll build up for 35mins to literally not be able to use a single one of your nukes due to the game ending due to nuclear contamination via a massive barrage two guys release at once and even if you launched right then your nukes would not hit the ground before their nukes end the game.

Real player with 43.3 hrs in game

ICBM on Steam



Really fun strategy game with an environmental twist. This premise has you doubting between going all-in for the win and playing more conservatively to preserve the environment. I played beta for the past two years and the final version is even more polished! Server issues on launch day aside, great game and I certainly recommend it.

Extra fun when playing with friends, the AI is a decent matchup for beginners but can be predictable at times.

Update: Even better with the map editor and workshop update. You can now play with your friends on maps that you created yourself.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

I would rate this:

Overall - 7/10

Strategy - 10/10

Graphics - 7/10

Originality - 9/10

Replay ability - 4/10

This game is great fun and it seemingly has the perfect balance of R.N.G. and strategy. I have never found myself in a spot where bad R.N.G. couldn’t have been avoided. Playing with friends is great if you can, but the AI are a good challenge. (The AI NeuralNewt on hard can put up a great fight.) This game isn’t really complete yet, I heard of some additions and maybe a campaign being added later on but the game as it is is fantastic- in concept. As I said don’t let its retro graphics fool you. It can drag out and be a bit and become, well, less nuanced to state it simply, and after playing it for a while, both through playing many rounds and/or long games.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

Epicinium on Steam



8.5/10. BLACK DAY .. to buy or not to buy. Well here’s the deal.

If you have been frustrated by the lack of good tactical and infiltration games then this should already be in your library.

Reminds me of classic tactical games when they used to make them good.

This game features really well thought out maps. Sandbox customization. Diverse hostiles from human opponents to futuristic robots and everything in between and there’s more to come.

What i really enjoy about this game is the fact that it totally Lets the player decide how he wants to play. There’s no right or wrong way. Take the easy or Hard Way or if you think you can handle it Hardcore all the way.

Real player with 138.2 hrs in game

Are you a fan of tactical infantry/special forces combat games such as the great Ghost Recon series? Do you enjoy game series such as Metal Gear and Splinter Cell ?

How would you like a DEEP TACTICAL SANDBOX experience that comes with x21 thoughtfully created maps for you to play with; a majority of which are just ENORMOUS in size and are BEAUTIFUL to see?

Altogether, Black Day generously gives us:

…x3 gamemodes

…x21 terrific maps (with time-of-day and weather variables!)

Real player with 42.6 hrs in game

BLACK DAY on Steam

Close Combat: The Bloody First

Close Combat: The Bloody First

Do I recommend this game? Yes, If your looking for a classic close combat game.

However, I still have to bring up the fact that this game still feels pretty bare bones. After playing through the entire campaign with the US, I tried to play a campaign as the Germans. And, well, I know its a game about the American division and the fighting it encountered, but if you’re going to include the ability to play a German Campaign then you should be at least pretending that the same unit was fighting the whole time.

Real player with 146.7 hrs in game

I really wanted to like this game, i may in the future if the game breaking issues are fixed but for now I would Stay away from this game. I ignored the fact that the graphics look terrible for 2019-2020 thinking i was going to get the classic feel of cc with the detailed platoon and company creation and in depth map navigation giving it a realistic feel during combat and in some cases they did do well with keeping those aspects in the game but the game itself is so bugged and poorly optimized that its design ruins almost all of my game attempts, i was able to complete the grand campaign with few bugs that caused me to restart the game but when going back through and playing the Italian campaign and again on the African campaign I ran into such terrible problems that I felt I had to say something, for one the AI is terrible, LOS fails to spot enemy literally 3 feet away, troops fail to load or fire at all when given fire orders, or will just wander out into the open and get shot, or fail to find cover when ordered to do so, troops will run up to enemy tanks when they get close and throw grenades at point blank range killing themselves without orders. The bazookas, mortars, all artillery, and air support accuracy is a complete joke and honestly feels like a complete roll of the dice when using them. Enemy tanks can glitch into each other creating impervious bunkers that your troops just fail to comprehend when it happens and kills almost anyone who gets near them, HQ teams do not feel like they give any kind of bonus, vehicles and troops navigate terrain terribly and cause you to click on multiple locations before they stop saying, “no clear path”. Some missions would end with me taking all objectives and breaking enemy morale and even though that should progress you to the next mission I ended up being forced to repeat them. Also, after experiencing these issues, if you choose to quit a game you will be greeted by chicken sounds, I guess the devs thought that would be funny but with the experiences I had with this game that little addition just makes me dislike this unfinished product even more. This game was never worth 40 bucks, it feels like an upgraded version of sudden strike 3 and i cant even remember how old that game is… I would say $20 is even too much for this game in its current state, that said, i still hope the devs stick with it and fix its issues because it is a game that has great potential but as a consumer I just dont advise others to buy this game right now but would say to check back some time later.

Real player with 131.9 hrs in game

Close Combat: The Bloody First on Steam

Panzer Corps 2

Panzer Corps 2

It’s an OK title that doesn’t live up to the previous installment in game depth and it’s poorly optimized, so it crashes my pretty decent computer with a dedicated graphics card.

Despite the criticisms below, the main game is decent (if short), so it may still be worth it, but don’t expect the DLC to somehow expand or better the game. It was more frustrating than entertaining.

I got the field marshal edition with all the dlc and what they don’t tell you in the AD is that the DLC is not at all connected to the main game. it’s a stand alone game where you advance in chapters. TOTAL bummer.

Real player with 481.5 hrs in game

Huge disapointment. I’m a huge Panzer Corps fan and I could’nt wait for this game to come out. I have played this game and have run into some errors that need to be adressed

Let me start with what this game gets right.

1. AT guns act like artilery when defending against hard targets, ei tanks, which is a good feature that makes both Tank destroyers and AT guns usefull and instrumental both attacking and defending.

2. The option for troops to use a transport and then dismount is also a very welcome feature.

Real player with 278.1 hrs in game

Panzer Corps 2 on Steam



This game is fucking awesome. I don’t really know what to say about it but this game feels really good, its fun, has a nice community, mods. the game feels realistic but very easy for anyone to pick up and improve, most of the technology in-game actually exists irl, but in-game its very simplified

Real player with 75.2 hrs in game

great game, tons of amazing modded maps and planes. if you like any flight sim get this. its controls are super easy to learn, understanding weapons may take some time but you will learn it pretty fast if you just watch a couple videos and play with them yourself.

Real player with 68.7 hrs in game

VTOL VR on Steam

Wave War One

Wave War One

Let me say first of all that this game does have promise although it has needs for improvement, first the AI pathing is broken, particularly on the snowy map and it needs more music, not the same one track on a continual loop! The speed of the running animations could be sped up just a bit as it takes units too long to get to there position and start firing. Also the balancing needs to be fixed as when you start a game, you can only get about 2-3 and your enemy can have up too 5-6 doesn’t seem a lot but it does make a difference.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

fun little game made by a small time creator

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Wave War One on Steam