Robot Daycare

Robot Daycare

A charming little visual novel about friends, philosophy, memes…oh yeah, and there’s also a robot!

Personally, I enjoyed the game, as well as both endings (for different reasons; something something spoilers). It’s a fairly quick playthrough (maybe 1~2 hours), so it doesn’t require a lot of your time.

Also, the couple of easter eggs I stumbled upon when naming the robot were amusing. :D

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Robots Games.

I truly cannot reconmend this game, and here’s why.

I appreciate a game that tries to deal with mental illness and depression. I believe that these are important issues to bring to light, and to have a conversation about. However, there are 2 things about this game that made it really hard for me to swallow:

1. The way that all of the characters related to one another and to each others' personalities and challenges felt very contrived, inauthentic, and ultimately without empathy. You have a charcter that in the beginning literally tries to program a robot to kill his friends laughing with them by the end, a character who fakes his own death, causes everyone massive trauma,. and is ultimately like “lol whoops guys should I not have done that?”, and folks modeling behavior that is absolutely not the right way to deal with or help someone dealing with mental health issues. Yes. The game makes it clear that there are no easy answers and that dealing with those issues is difficult. But I legitimately felt bad playing the game at some points because I had no way to choose better actions for the characters because you literally get to make like 4 choices in the entire game.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Robot Daycare on Steam



You are born into a strange world where the laws of physics seem not to apply to you. Gravity can change direction as you see fit and if you make a mistake, never fear! Time can be reversed so you can try again.

In this pixel art inspired 2D platformer you will explore an alien planet, collecting various items while avoiding obstacles and solving puzzles by shifting gravity to get around. A benevolent AI called D.I.A.N.E. will be your guide as you traverse the landscape and learn more about this strange sensation called “being alive”.

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Female Protagonist Games.

OmniGrav on Steam



This is a pretty darn unique game, gotta start off by saying that. Syntherapy is an interactive narrative game where you take on the role of Dr. Park, a therapist who takes on the task of providing help to an AI named Willow who has seemingly gained sentience.

Amidst the therapy sessions, you also have to maintain a good relationship with several people (and things). Firstly there’s Tara, one of Willow’s creators and closest friends. Second we have Dr. Freeman, the head of the university that is currently funding the research that helped create Willow. Finally there is your own ethics, if you stray too far from what you call professionalism then that factor will suffer.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Multiple Endings Games.


As a self-proclaimed great psychotherapist (without any real training, experiences or studies), I would say this is a game test my theories of my options. At least, no humans were harm in the testing of my theories.


  • introduction to basic mental health issues

  • introduction to basic mental health therapy methods

  • Many Multiple endings

  • Requires deep thinking

  • I like some of quotes. one example is " :): It’s all in how you look at things"

! Able to sense the struggle between gaining trust, and how revealing personal relatable details might affect professionalism

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Syntherapy on Steam

Strange Nightmares

Strange Nightmares

Using a Fnaf inspired time system, this game is all about surviving the night… You wake up to a mysterious voice in the darkness, and enter a world of unknowns, a room full of darkness and doorways that lead to familiar, yet twisted and foreign places. Each with their own horrors that again, feel familiar to you. Armed only with your mind, a flashlight, and a mysterious voice in your head, you must survive the nights and search for a way to escape these nightmares… That is, if nightmares are really all they are.

Strange Nightmares on Steam

WTF Is Wrong With You?

WTF Is Wrong With You?

This Game! Bro… This game Right here! I haven’t actually finished it, because there are a LOT of questions…. But what I did play was super funny! I played this on Twitch. Me, my chat, and even hubby who was in the room with me were cracking up! We were blown away by some of these questions and DEF NOT for kids… But fun and hilarious for streaming if you want a fun interactive just chatting game. 10 out of 10 recommend for adults

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Code word: Basic

Woul rate this game with a 6/10 (In comparison their game “The Journey - Episode 1” of the same developer would get a 10/10 from me.)


  • Unique

  • Nice art

  • Interesting questions

  • Potential to make you accidentally shout “What? No way!” at your screen out loud XD ( – Actually did that. My poor soft-hearted pet nearly had a heart attack XD)

  • Got a bit faster to the point in the beginning than in the Test series, though sadly not as fast as in the journey.

  • You get to add a code word to your “collection”

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

WTF Is Wrong With You? on Steam