

Think of Pokemon + Championship Manager + Dota Auto Chess!

Collect a team of robots. We call them Raivos. These are highly advanced creatures that are quick at learning. They start with no knowledge, so everything they learn, through advanced machine learning, they learn from you.

Welcome to an alpha test version of Raivo. This version is not a complete game. The final version will be released around summer 2021. The final version will have in-app purchases, but the current version is intended for testing only. We will distribute the alpha version free of charge, and develop the game based on feedback received and metrics collected.

We’ve built an all-new AI toolset specifically for games in mind. When you train your Raivos, they don’t just level up – they actually learn from you and apply the new skills in practice during the game. Over time, they develop their own personality. Your Raivos will become your pets.​ Some of the features are not yet available in this version, but we will keep on adding more features over time.

Compose your team, equip and train them, and enter them into an online arena for a match against Raivos trained by other players!​ The current version does not have multiplayer mode, but the final version will feature online multiplayer against other players.

Raivo on Steam

Deadly Daycare VR

Deadly Daycare VR

A very fun and unique VR experience! It gets a little spooky if you don’t tend to the creatures' needs fast enough but that only incentivizes you to finish your tasks quicker. Also, the devs are very receptive to user feedback as they fix issues very soon after they’re brought to light. 10/10 game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Singleplayer Games.

Pretty fun game that is quality over quantity and I really like that, the game is only 3 levels long but it’s pretty fun. I liked the first level the most because I love the goat, but the twins were also pretty cool. Good game I will come back to if there’s more updates to it. Only bug I found is that I beat level 3 but got no achievement for it, nothing big or game breaking just something I noticed 10/10 Good game, and it’s free.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Deadly Daycare VR on Steam

FIT Food

FIT Food

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Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Artificial Intelligence Multiplayer Games.

The complexity and intricacy of this game allows you to choose between multi-characters and a diverse group of cards to play. Every session leaves you wondering where the time went. You can sink so much time with friends and family playing this game learning about food, and each other. Love the focus the devs put in to making the scenery so beautiful so we can enjoy the 4k experience.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

FIT Food on Steam

Rhythm Brawl

Rhythm Brawl

as of alpha build 2.2 here are the pros and cons of Rhythm Brawl.


the notes aren’t really synced to the music, pretty slow, no support for arrow keys when playing songs, and the AI is pitifully easy. I mean even on master mode I kicked there butts 23,000 to 6,000


songs have potential to be pretty good in a rhythm games, I find the voice clip for the character select to be absolutely hilarious and I want it to never be changed, and pixel art is pretty good.


the sound waves on the title screen are not working right at all and could probably give someone a seizure.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

this is a nice game and i love the idea behind it, kind of like the guitar battles in guitar hero 3.

not gonna lie at current time the game is a bit unplayable but has a bunch of potential to be great, the graphics are nice and i love the character designs, music is a little underwhelming but alright for the start of development (haven’t played all the songs yet so i will update this when i have), i do recommend people try this out if you are a fan of rhythm games as i can see a battling rhythm game being massively loved if giving a chance to grow and guided by the rhythm games community.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Rhythm Brawl on Steam

Tales From Yeoldeburg

Tales From Yeoldeburg

This game is good, I like it even though I don’t like horror games this one is good.

Dont be fooled by the graphics though

Edit: I just finished this game and all i can say was WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS.

This game is like hot steaming garbage, No it cant even be compared to garbage

First of all, all the jumpscares were lazy and not even scary.

Second of all, the gameplay sucks, most of it is just walking around.

And lastly, Where was the story, it was like it was trying to make one but patheticly failed

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

First of all, I would like to thank the developer and the other players to answer me stupid questions about my course.

There was a part of the game that you would need to find something in an inclined view with very crude mosaic. My eyes ached after several minutes, so I have to quit the game (with Alt+F4, since there’s no in-game menu or exit function provided) and for this reason may not try it anymore.

The story so far is quite jumpy, which remains me of Thirty Flights of Loving.

I also encountered some game-breaking bugs, like dropping from the edge of the map and stuck in the volcano, in which case you have to shut down the game and restart it from the last checkpoint.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Tales From Yeoldeburg on Steam

Incremental Cubes

Incremental Cubes

At this time I feel like you should probably not get this game.

Quick notes:

  • The game is free, but you should be warned that the game is still buggy and the balance is out of whack.

  • Also not very obvious in the video or description is that while the game is free, there is an in-game store where you can purchase stuff like temporary speed boosts, extra slots, and permanent upgrades to the game speed. You aren’t explicitly forced to buy anything and there is a daily bonus that can give you a bit of the in-game currency, but it’s random and even with the best luck (always getting the 3% chance reward) it would take 10 days to get anything really worthwhile.

Real player with 272.9 hrs in game

Most recent update destroyed the game. In discord the Developer said;

“[v 1.0.7 “Hot Fix”]

Offline bonuses and helper updates

Adjusted to reset the original maximum value on prestige.”

These “helper updates” have caused people to no longer progress in the game at a reasonable rate. Game is now in a dire need of rebalancing. game is currently UNPLAYABLE as of November 22nd 2021. I will not be playing anymore. I will consider my $10 that I paid for the “starter pack” a “cost” of trying out this game. I do NOT recommend to anyone who likes Idle or Incremental games.

Real player with 212.9 hrs in game

Incremental Cubes on Steam

Bird by Example

Bird by Example

What is Bird by Example?

Bird by Example is — and I say this with great passion — an RPG sandbox where all the occupying NPCs are grotesque birds who mimic your behavior with deep learning algorithms. Nothing is scripted! Everything is emergent! Be the bird you want to see in the world!

Steam has asked me to be more explicit with the game’s features:

  • world

  • objects

  • jump

  • crawl

  • punch

  • squawk

  • bite

  • physics objects

  • other*

  • stories??**

It’s an artificial intelligence sandbox acted out by birds with concerning musculature! Help them see, help them love, help them eat a big fat bug! Right now at this very second, the metaphysical bounds of this game hold a throng of hungry birds who wish nothing more than to be like you! Like Mama!

_*: Imprint psuedo-neurologically upon independent bird agents, using recurrent neural networks, gradient descent, and a custom-built system of semiotic metadata evocation (to afford transferrable behavior between distinct objects and agents which share characteristics along an n-dimensional space).

**: Isn’t life a story? Aren’t we all little stories, flying on this crazy rock?_

You said this was a game? Who’s Mama? I’m Mama? Who are you again?

Please pay attention. These birds are equipped with artificial neural networks that optimize themselves against your own actions! Using trendy deep learning algorithms found in a black box at the bottom of the sea, and something called ‘gradient descent’, they will try to become mathematically perfect distillations of you! It’s very computationally expensive and very math!

But what do you actually do?

Explore, follow self-imposed rules, and cultivate your flock! Tutor a bird to act just like you! By simply doing things, they will learn from you by witnessing your play! Bite an orange and you may start to see other birds doing similarly! Squawk at a another bird and watch your flock erupt into squawkage!

Oh! That’s interesting. So they have brains!?

Woah, strong word! Let’s avoid that word!

Have you ever played a game, and thought: “This is fun, but I live in such fear that I cannot enjoy it…”

Yes, I do live a life of fear! And thank you for blowing off my silly and ethically challenging question!

Yes, you do live in fear! You’re like any brain-wielding creature! But in Bird by Example there will be nothing to be afraid of! In bird world there is nothing to be afraid of! Nothing to be afraid of! Turn that brain off!

Okay. And the game is fun? It’s a game?

You must teach the rest of the birds basic life skills! If not, they will all starve to death!

Wait, you coded these birds to feel hungry but didn’t teach them how to eat?

That feature was out of scope! Please!!! Hungry!!!

Hold on… What’s a bird?

A bird is a fictional creature which came to me in a dream on a particularly cold night in February. I woke up in a sweat the next morning and quickly tried to recreate the apparition from memory. The results? Remarkable.

Earliest known footage of a “Bird” from that morning.

They were perfect. All they needed was a name.

The word ‘Bird’ is a mix of the word ‘word’ and the letter ‘b’ This is because I needed a word — or “wird” — to describe the birds. Sadly, a word using ‘a’ was already taken. It’s like gamertags!

I experimented for many weeks with flight, but no matter how much I stretched out their arms they would not.

Whatever. Doesn’t matter.

Bird by Example on Steam

Clash of Legions

Clash of Legions

Not a terribly sophisticated game…easy to play…easy to understand…easy to spend money. If you want to play a quick, fun, and low level of intensity game this is the one that fits the bill.

Real player with 119.6 hrs in game

64 hours an frustrated. I love this style of game and when this one works its really fun. However do not spend money on any rubies. Actually don’t spend any of the rubies you earn right now. So much of this game is broken in a horrid way. The pet shop doesn’t work at all but it will take your 200 rubies or 50000 gold every time you try it. I lost 150k/600 rubies testing this. Thats 3 REAL DOLLARS of in game currency. The honor store doesn’t work. You grind pvp battles to earn enough points and then can’t do nothing with it. You grind MP Dungeons and get lucky picks then you just don’t get the rewards. Packs cost to much for what you get. I opened 10 packs at once 3 times with rubies. ONE ORANGE PER 10 PACKS! THAT’S $21 REAL DOLLARS WORTH! The creators carbon copied a super fun game from Kongregate and are now using it to rob fokes. This is a FULL RELEASE! How is that even possible. It should be early access with 0 pay features. Y’all owe me actual paper fools. Just gonna take my rubies and dip wit the package. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves. Did I forget to mention the devs don’t exist. 0 contact with players and no way to complain. I wanted this game to do well but it flopped all over my face. if the Devs exist y’all got some serious butt to kiss. Its to late for me. I’m in way to deep already. If you want to save yourself DO NOT JUMP DOWN THIS HOLE! Its a cold hole.

Real player with 116.5 hrs in game

Clash of Legions on Steam

Regimental Chess

Regimental Chess

I find this game very interesting, but with a few problems. When you get into a game with someone, either player can leave and come back as they choose, making it similar to email chess. The downside is that this makes it difficult to actually get into a game and finish it. You tend to lose track of the individual games when there’s a list of 10 of them waiting for the other player to make their move. I personally don’t like this Words With Friends/Draw Something style of gameplay as it can slow the pace of games to a crawl. The option of timed moves or a chess clock, forcing the players to stay and finish the game in a set amount of time would be a big improvement. That being said, when both players are actually staying in the game to completion, it’s very, very good. The changes to regular chess that have been made here keep the feeling of playing a chess game, but on a bigger scale. The ability to control groups of pieces at once adds a layer of complexity that is extremely engaging. At the same time, having the pawns engage each other one at a time, trying to open up a path for your other units reminds me of something out of a Total War game.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Regimental Chess is a modern take on a somewhat old concept where bored students would put a bunch of chess boards together and play a large bash with several sets of pieces, with a variety of different house rules for such games floating around.

It’s an unusual idea but the delivery here is quite flat, with barebones low poly chess pieces, multiplayer only but there’s no players (no AI, I understand that would be a complex undertaking, but if you set a high bar for a game, you should at least try to reach it!), a confused and annoying UI, quite a few bugs, and of course they want your email address. That’s the kind of stuff that will get any gamers hackles up, so it’s understandable there’s no players. Because of those issues I can’t recommend this.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Regimental Chess on Steam

Assignment 42

Assignment 42

Very delicious robot game where you navigate between rooms and use robots to solve problems. For some reason at level three it didn’t run for me. But as I try to point out in many of my reviews. I has potato.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Great game controlling your robot. And evacuating hostage.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Assignment 42 on Steam