Bacon Rebellion

Bacon Rebellion

Its worth its price of $4 but it doesn’t try to be worth anything more than that. No extra gamemodes, no multiplayer, no customization options to change gameplay, and no support for modding. This game was supposedly put on the backburner for 7 years and it was just dropped onto Steam with no marketing. Its likely that the developer just wanted this out of development limbo. Adding the fact that there’s only been two small updates in the past few months, its clear that there’s no more plans to add anything to this game any further.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Score Attack Games.

Straight up just a fantastic and fun arcade twin stick shooter. If you like twin stick shooters go for it, if you don’t why even think about it.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Bacon Rebellion on Steam



This game is awesome! The speed and progression are excellent. The difficulty is just right. The graphics are flashy and the game has that unknown thing, that soul and mystique that make playing through it so good. Robotron lovers need to get this game now.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Fantasy Games.

TL;DR: A good time-waster if you can get it on sale.

What I like is that it has a progression system to the powerups. Yes it feels a little tacked-on, but I don’t mind chasing the upgrades.

The game is competent, and the levels are enjoyable with good variety. However I find the graphics all look the same so you can’t distinguish your avatar from the projectiles, from the enemies, the enemy projectiles, etc. It is all a big phony retro blur.

I played it for about 1.5 hours before I grew weary. Probably wouldn’t have lasted that long but I’m a sucker for twin-stick shooters.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Retromancer on Steam

Swarm Arena

Swarm Arena

Do not be fooled by the steam store page, this game has fully implemented online play through the steam system. I bought it for it’s gameplay, and still enjoy it for that and it’s well done online laddering.

Not only are the controls solidly simple, but they also allow for quite a few physics based trickes to be pulled off. This results in gameplay that rarely gets dull and allows the player’s playstyle to clearly show in multiplayer matches.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Shoot 'Em Up Games.

This game is absolutely fantastic. After a while of searching for a multiplayer, fast-paced action game for a great price I came to this gem. The gameplay is fast but responsive and skillful, there isn’t a moment where you feel cheated by the controls. There’s not a flaw in this game and you could easily kill hours playing this. Would recommend.

It’s also a perfect price to gift a friend after you learn the skills then kick their butt.. until they get better than you xD

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Swarm Arena on Steam

Ascending Madness

Ascending Madness

You’re tripping and loving it …

… until the skulls showed up.

Ascending Madness is a twin shooter that’ll challenge your arcade skills. As you play, you’ll find a variety of psychodelic enemies while fighting them off with cool weapons and equipping with rune power ups.

But it is much more than that. Immediately, you’ll be thrown into Merrick’s story that’ll leave you asking “What is happening? What happened? Where am I (Merrick)?” As you explore, you’ll meet other characters (if you can call them that) who will fill in the details and then confuse you more … or perhaps it is just the madness talking?

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

Great game

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Ascending Madness on Steam

Curved Space

Curved Space

What is this game about:

In 3 words Curved Space is about Push Forward Combat. The same phrase used by ID software to explain the combat philosophy of Doom 2016 which results in frantic, nail biting, free flowing combat. It is not that Curved Space was designed to mimic Doom, however good design decisions and good combat often share characteristics in common.

Yes the name and the gimmick behind Curved Space, make a big deal out of the technology that enables acrobatic maneuvering and shooting over curved surfaces. Yes the Campaign has multiple paths and expertly voiced dialogue. Yes the weapons are many and awesome and absurdly unique. Yes there is an energy lash that lets you siphon energy from your enemies and energy nodes alike. But that is just where the game starts, that is just how the game pulls you in and shows you its wares. The game really comes alive and starts to shine once you get past all of that and start to dig deeper into the nuanced combat system.

Real player with 266.5 hrs in game

A super creative and fast paced game that’ll keep you on your toes!

You’ll start off feeling like you can take on anything with your little blaster. However things change very fast and you end up adapting very quickly without even realizing it. You’ll start off keeping your distance and trying to stay safe, but after a short while and after gaining some confidence, you’ll be charging in trying to lash and dash in no time.

Additionally, with the various amount of weapons and enemies you’ll have a lot of fun experimenting with combinations while trying to survive.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

Curved Space on Steam



I am addicted. I played for 6 hours last night. Gotta get the next upgrade!

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

This is a great way to have fun with your friends gathered around the screen! I love being able to play, gain points, and progess in short increments!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

KosmoSquad on Steam

Max Raider

Max Raider

Fun arcade shooter game! Love running around defeating enemies with the sword!

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

I’m I big fan of shooter games, and Max Raider is very good. The gameplay is different and really nice. I recommend playing this game.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Max Raider on Steam



So yeah… if you read the reviews and see warnings of “dying over and over and over,” it’s correct - so if you’re the type of person who would get frustrated by that, this probably isn’t your game. HOWEVER - I can say with certainty that the game is at least FAIR… just hard. So, you’re never going to be able to say, “That was completely unfair, and there’s no way I could have avoided that.” No… you’ll be saying, ah, man, if I had just darted to the left a millisecond sooner…

So this game is hard. Very hard at some points. The amount of bullets that come at you is unreal. You collect your little power-ups that help a little… you dart around trying to power up your gun or shield… You chip away, bit by bit, at the insane bosses. You die. Over, and over, and over. Then, when you finally strike that killing blow… you just sit there, staring at the screen, thinking HOLY MOTHER OF GOD I DID IT.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Really fun game actually. Super difficult, great graphics, really responsive and generally just really satisfying.


As you progress further in the game you do start to realise that this is like any other ‘challenge’ game or ‘boss fighting game’ in that it’s very, VERY unfair. There are points where you absolutely have to take damage or rather can’t avoid it at all. This leads to some pretty BS deaths at times.

I mention this because the devs are planning on adding an endless/survival mode where you get 1 life to do the whole campaign and are a part of a different, more hardcore leaderboard. This is just silly since the best player on the leaderboard (Gold in all levels / 100% complete / fastest time ever) takes damage in the majority of the boss fights.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Chippy on Steam



A twin stick shooter at its finest, definitely worth the buy!

Found out about the game through a subreddit and just working on some of the achievements now. Played through the whole game with keyboard + mouse, so don’t be worried if you don’t have a controller at hand, or don’t like the feel of one. Simple mechanics evolved into complex gameplay, and all in all a really unique experience.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

A great twin stick shooter with an upgrade system that always keeps the game interesting and keeps your play style changing to suit each level and situation. I highly recommend for everyone to give this game a try. For the price you get a great bargain on an amazing game.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game


Space Smash

Space Smash

It is a really addictive shoot ‘em up game with the idea taken from Players Battleground that the playing field becomes smaller and smaller. But the good news is that you can collect items to resize the playing field again.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

This is a great game!!!!

I have an issue with my Xbox360 controller, only worked the left thumbstick, but not the right one, so I used both the controller and the keyboard, the controller to navigate and the keyboard to fire.

Hopefully, this will be fix soon. Nevertheless a great game that you should have in your library.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Space Smash on Steam