Tower Tag

Tower Tag

Where do I begin?

I have tried this game first time in an arcade. It was fun! But that’s pretty much it. When it came out on steam I thought why not? Price was half of what I paid for 90 minutes in the arcade and expected pretty much of the same chill shooter with random people. After 50 hours into this game, and 1 Official Tournament I cannot believe how wrong I was.

First let me tell you that this game is not just about jumping between towers and shooting other players. NO! This is one of the most intense and exciting e-sports game I have ever played! And definitely #1 for VR. This game requires tactic and teamwork that can put games like Onward to shame, combined with a faced paced game style that won’t let you take a breath till the end of the round.

Real player with 163.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter PvP Games.

I played Tower Tag for the first time years ago in a VR Arcade in my town and I was totally hooked from the first 10 seconds. This made me think about VR in a different way.

Every played Paintball? This will teleport you back into every habit you automated on the real field in seconds.

Never played Paintball? Doesnt matter, shoot em up - but be quick.

All you need is 1 controller, 2 buttons (shooting and teleport/heal) and 3 things on your mind: you can only win as a team, you need to communicate and you better bring water coz this thing will get you sweating in no time.

Real player with 109.5 hrs in game

Tower Tag on Steam