Welcome to MASD!
The main goal is to survive at all costs!
Collect resources, make friends, fight, build shelters and craft weapons. All this and more is waiting for you here in MASD!
All activities in MASD will bring your character a valuable gaming experience. The higher level your character reach, the more game features and locations are available to you.
Don’t forget about trading with other players to earn valuable coins, which you can spend on resources or new equipment.
Read More: Best Arena Shooter Hidden Object Games.
Arena of Kings
Experience MMORPG-style arena PvP in its purest form. Create your hero, customize your spells, and jump straight into 3v3 arena battles in a fight to the death! With no barrier to entry, there’s nothing stopping you and your friends from joining our world. Play for FREE!
_“The ultimate Esport game of raw skill, lightning-fast pace, teamwork, and strategy.”
- Iverson, Bloodline Champions DreamHack World Champion_
Freedom of choice is a core pillar in our design. As a player, become empowered by the meaningful choices you make when theorycrafting your build. With over 150+ Spells available and only 8 fitting on your Spell Bar at a time, discover limitless combinations that directly impact the course of battle.
Solo Queue or Flex Queue in teams of 3 players. Precisely calibrated Skill-based Matchmaking ensures that you’ll be matched against the right opponents every game.
To the victor go the spoils! Consecutive victories increases your group’s
Bounty Value, advancing your party closer towards King’s Ascent, a Continuous Global Tournament Event reserved for the two most dominant teams. Winning Ascension rewards epic treasure and a global shoutout heard across the Arena of Kings universe.
We are dedicated to maintaining a healthy state of the game. Consistent game updates bring us closer to a more perfect state of balance. Seasonal content patches introduce new classes, spells, arenas, items, and fresh leaderboards to climb!
Lag ruins gaming. Our commitment to a smooth player experience experience is paramount. Experience instantly responsive movement, performance optimized high-tick servers, and gameplay fluidity that has been heavily QA tested with arena veterans.
Read More: Best Arena Shooter PvP Games.
Not so much a grossly incompetent game as an utterly pointless and uninspired one, given the “current year” and all. Honestly, give me an old-school top-down shooter like Commando over this any day of the week. Especially one ending with the letter “y”.
Oh, and for those who were wondering: this game has precisely nothing to do with the slightly-more-famous Dota 2 (aside from some “meme”-based nonsense). You should feel a fool for even asking.
Verdict: 4/10.
(PS If you enjoyed this review, feel free to check out my two Curator pages:
– Real player with 0.4 hrs in game
Read More: Best Arena Shooter Gore Games.
Avoid this low effort game based on trying to mock an expert in Russia who tried to analyze why a student killed 19 and left 70+ injured in a school shooting in Russia back in mid October of 2018.
You can watch my video here which talks about the reason this game was made, and why I don’t recommend it as opposed to much better games at a similar cost which are simply much better made games (and that also aren’t just trying to cash in on a meme which came from a school shooting in Russia that left innocent people dead)
– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game
CosmicBreak Universal
Imagine a company so oblivious to the health of their game. It’s CyberStep. Save yourself the time, the money, and mental state. DO NOT SUPPORT THIS GAME OR COMPANY.
No optimization for servers/ No registration on shots/ Lagging is quite literally a mechanic in this game. It is laughable the ignorance this company and dev team has. Their is a feedback thread under discussions, but it heavily falls on deaf ears.
The prices are still unreasonable after..12+ years? Hackers & cheaters flood the game’s economy and instead of directly addressing the problem, the devs took away the only way to trade among other players. Hackers & cheaters simply come back with a new account once banned, and devs turn a blind eye.
– Real player with 650.5 hrs in game
TLDR: Yes I would recommend this game to anyone who likes or is interested in this genre, but do not waste more on it than you would regret flushing down the toilet. Just enjoy it while it lasts and dont get too attached in case the devs decide to throw balance out the window and monetize like a mobile idle gacha and drive it into the ground like they did the last 2 times…
PVP/BALANCE: For now it is very much playable for f2p and the overall pvp balance is tolerable, but the developer has a proven track record of running this into the ground twice already so I wouldnt take them at their word that they learned their lesson this time, especially since the 3 times they did try balancing before concurrent players dipped to low double digits all either failed miserably (beam lasers), were blatant whale appeasement with heavy nerfs to f2p viable builds and slaps on the wrist for gacha bots (hd seraph crim and the initium duo), or ways to enforce planned obsolescence, hitting gacha bots that despite their(the dev’s) best efforts managed to remain viable in the meta for more than a few months and make way for the new wave of meta defining op (ivis and the crimson veil mechanic).
– Real player with 435.4 hrs in game
The Ultimatest Battle
After being part of Alpha and Beta testing…
Fully free to play, will never be pay2win ;
The spirit of Team Fortress 2 mixed with Worms and Smash Bros ;
The best community i’ve ever known, old players giving thousands of weapons to new players and advices on global chat… Rare thing nowadays ;
6 balanced classes you can customize with hundreds of hats and accessories ;
9 different game modes (some will come back for events such as Zombie-Mode and Boss-Battles) ;
– Real player with 249.3 hrs in game
This is one great game, with no p2w. The game, as you’ve probably seen in other reviews, feels like a mix between Team Fortress 2 and Worms. You can get all weapons with crafting, and can get the ones you want first quite fast with crafting and trading. Skins and other shop items can be won through a lottery, which requires 5 tickets to play, and you get 2 tickets per day if you do your 3 daily quests, which takes little time. Not only that, but new players won’t be in a disadvantage since the default weapons are balanced so they are just as good as other weapons. You will end up liking one weapon more than others though, so that’s up to you. But nonetheless, this is a great game and all it’s missing is a bigger community. Give it a try.
– Real player with 224.7 hrs in game