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Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Shoot 'Em Up Games.

An extremely unique game with a concept I’m surprised I haven’t run into before. The game itself is very fun in general with decent graphics, fun game play, and pretty cool character movements. I’m quite curious to see what will become of this game and especially how they will handle multiplayer.

I however do have an issue with the game. Every once in a while when you respawn your character stays on the ground. You can still move around but its impossible to do anything productive. Here’s what I mean:

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game





Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Multiplayer Games.


Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Snowballer on Steam

Neon Ships: The Type’em Up Shooter

Neon Ships: The Type’em Up Shooter

At first glance, the game seams like any other spaceshoot but when you start playing it you realize that the “type system” add a whole new level of gameplay and this makes for a unique experience! Recommended for anyone who wanna try something different and challenging.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Shoot 'Em Up Games.

This is a nice idea, but has way too little of everything. It’s not a bad value game, cause it’s oh so very cheap, but I’d like way more content. This is just too good of a game to leave with 3 levels / 0.2 hours to complete the content. Also I’ve seen no issues with Linux which is nice (i3, multiple displays).

What I’d like to see:

  • more levels

  • more phrases, srsly, I’ve got the same phrase twice in a row in 12 mins and so many repeats.

  • more mechanics? Diffferent ships, different modes (like shmups often have slow mode), power-ups (maybe certain ships drop “bombs” and you have to activate bombs by typing a certain phrase, like in typing maniac?).

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Neon Ships: The Type'em Up Shooter on Steam



After seeing someone else’s review on here actually get answered by one of the developers and realizing my feedback might help improve the game, I decided to leave my honest review of the game instead of my usual, “pretty epic”. I love this game first of all, and try to play it daily. To me, its an excellent game with its fair share of bugs and faults. Its an excellent workout game, and (at least for me) I didn’t even realize I was working out until after my first session after downloading lasting 2 hours and OH MAN my arms hurt, I couldn’t even lift them very high. To me, this is one of a VR games most positive attributes, the ability to get me to exercise and not realize it. Another positive aspect of it is it is SO FUN for about the first 3-4 hours. Don’t get me wrong, its still fun after that, but it loses the rush of having to adapt to the map to keep going. After the first three hours or so, you lose the feeling of having to adapt and just learn and memorize the map. Its gets to be like oh I just have to get through this this part. Granted, the more the play, the farther you get, and the more new map you discover, but its having to play a portion I’ve already played 100 times to get to the hard part where its most fun is disappointing to me. I think the game needs more randomly generated parts to accommodate the rush of having to adapt and improvise to succeed. I also think the campaign sounds very promising and am immensely looking forward to that. I also like the arena and timed modes, though I do feel like the game needs to expand a little broader. For example, maybe some modes where you only wall walk on buildings and its like a city setting or something like that. I just think like modes that focus on particular ways of getting around, like a level where you have to only or mainly swing on the ziplines or ceiling things (don’t know what they are called). I did really like ziplining and using the ceiling things when they appeared in game and think its a nice quick break from running. Or just something that expands the range of stuff to do, like adding a new transportation way? (I would really like that, like places where you can double jump or maybe a one time use a game thing where you can climb a wall to escape death) But either way, I think the added stuff should not just focus around whats already there, although should definitely incorporate it. In terms of the existing things and not what could be added, I think there are definitely bugs that need to be fixed. Often times I go to pull my gun and it dosen’t work and its in general very inconsistent. The wall walking also seems to sometimes not work and it can get pretty annoying. I also love and I mean love the slow motion. Its a great mechanic and a wonderful part of the game adding to the badass feel you can get when grappling and shooting an enemy at the same time. I also do NOT think there needs to be feet or something to show you where you will land. The game is harder without it, but it just takes some time and you’ll get it every time. The game could also use some more items instead of just meds, you could have something that ups your speed or jump ability or something like that. I also think the game would benefit massively from straying away from the go in a straight line type of game, and have the map turn right and left or maybe even have you turn around or changing up the level of ground throughout the game, having you fall downwards and continue there, then having you swing back upwards. I think they could a lot with this, having you go upwards into the clouds or down into the underground, or even having mutiple paths you can take, but still keeping the general you have to go this way and not jsut be a giant map. I also think they could switch up the enemy type, like in the underground having to fight goblins or something that fits the theme, and in the clouds, cloud people or something like that. I can only IMAGINE the fun of this game when turning back and forth, fighting a giant boss battle while traveling up, down, left, right, etc. I think the game would TAKE OFF and be one of the best games of all time. But, I’m having way too much fun with this, so to sum it all up, fun game with some faults and a LOT of potential. (please use some of my stuff)

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

I will start this off by saying this game is really amazing and fun… when it works.

With that out of the way lets get to the pros and cons of this product.

Cons first

1. The price Tag.

This game as it stands right now is not worth the $20. Yes i understand its an early access title but hear me out. They have so much more to do to this game. I would have liked to have seen tiered price jumps with later updates. Early access (Day 1 update 1 $10). Back half of First Phase (Major update 1 $15) Phase two (2nd Major update $20). Final game ($25-$30). I’ve seen multiple people refund the game due to just the price and not the game play.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

STRIDE on Steam

Racing Juke

Racing Juke

The never saves your progress. The badges are broken they just award them to you for doing nothing. You get nothing for buying early access. It’s a rip off the cpu drivers are pretty bad.

The CPU drivers offen go out of control and do sharp turns when ever you go near them.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game


Recommend for all

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Racing Juke on Steam