Not so much a grossly incompetent game as an utterly pointless and uninspired one, given the “current year” and all. Honestly, give me an old-school top-down shooter like Commando over this any day of the week. Especially one ending with the letter “y”.

Oh, and for those who were wondering: this game has precisely nothing to do with the slightly-more-famous Dota 2 (aside from some “meme”-based nonsense). You should feel a fool for even asking.

Verdict: 4/10.

(PS If you enjoyed this review, feel free to check out my two Curator pages:

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Gore Games.

Avoid this low effort game based on trying to mock an expert in Russia who tried to analyze why a student killed 19 and left 70+ injured in a school shooting in Russia back in mid October of 2018.

You can watch my video here which talks about the reason this game was made, and why I don’t recommend it as opposed to much better games at a similar cost which are simply much better made games (and that also aren’t just trying to cash in on a meme which came from a school shooting in Russia that left innocent people dead)

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game


Soul Saber 2

Soul Saber 2

There are three good things about this game: boob physics, costume damage and optimization. Those minimum requirements are spot on, it’s hard to find a PC that won’t run it.

But the camera view is so disorienting during melee combat! Combat goes from slowish from afar to “what the hell is going on” when you’re close to the enemy. Maps feel really bland and generic. The gameplay itself only feels fun when you’re playing with larger teams. The menu interface keeps spinning around, which is very bad on the brain.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Sexual Content Games.

There is no manual camera control, but jumps around automatically from one enemy to the other as they die or as you move in and out of their range. The firing is interesting with the requirement to let go of the trigger to improve accuracy, but enemies respawn so quickly and combat occurs from such a far distance that I don’t really get a sense of satisfaction. The melee combat is fun to use while being able to be defended against, and I also like how the clothing damage appears on different places in different games, as opposed to just exposing the privates only every time. But even with these positives (along with the character selection), the negatives I mentioned make it so that I don’t really enjoy playing this game. I really gave it a chance.r

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Soul Saber 2 on Steam

Telefrag VR

Telefrag VR

I didn’t know what to expect since it’s hard to take classic arena shooter experience to VR. I was afraid that the movement would be clunky, but I’ve switched to smooth movement style and when I got used to aiming and firing it brought true joy.

I consider this game as an attempt to do something bigger in the future, something that other game developers can try and adapt to their titles. The idea of telefragging is not new, but making it a main mechanic was a bold move.

If I had to point one thing I was most happy about, it’s that maps are well-designed and I was surprised many times by an enemy walking to what I expected was a ceiling. Turns out you can teleport and switch orientation on some surfaces. Cool idea.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter PvP Games.

I’ve spent a couple of hours with this title so far and I can already tell it’s a solid game and fun experience, especially if your’e a fan of tournament shooters of old in the vein of Unreal Tournament or Quake. The VR component makes all the difference obviously and the creators learned their lessons from Detached when it comes to creation of huge VR enviroments. The movement and combat in Telefrag feels fast and rewarding even if a little bit chaotic at times. It takes some practice, especially if you’re new to the whole concept of VR games but it’s well worth the effort. Wiping out your opponent by “telefragging” is a very satisfying experience. Matchmaking sometimes takes a little bit too long but I guess it will change once people start flocking to the game. Overall a very nice game despite its little shortcomings. 8/10

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Telefrag VR on Steam



As it said, Play like it used to be in old 90’s! And here we get in, smooth and clean graphic, 0 system requirements and perfectly captured old rocket shooter gameplay! pretty solid already, isn’t it? Developers are always answer on questions and pushing new updates, fixing bugs and promising new maps content, and i believe them so far! I recommend this game.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

looked super interesting, so i bought it for my friends and figured it would be a fun time for a night or so, and it was. the game is super simple and easy to understand but has a bit of a skill curve to it, highly recommend it, if you can get past a few minor bugs. make sure you buy this with some friends, wait till it goes on sale, because nobody plays anymore. play this with some friends, itll be a real fun night

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

eBall on Steam

Operation Rescue: Bunnies

Operation Rescue: Bunnies

Disappointed this left Early Access without it’s problems fixed. Biggest is the it needs to auto detect the native language at start. It starts in Chinese by default. You must press ‘Y’ to change to English. There is no way for an English player to know this when starting!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Operation Rescue: Bunnies on Steam

desTRUCKtors: Warfare Showdown

desTRUCKtors: Warfare Showdown

Its good fun

The car designs are cool

It controls okay, camera can be a little annoying

A race mode with something like 3 laps would have been fun but overall its a fun time. Good bargain bin material

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

The game is ok, but nothing that will make you keep playing. It’s a sandbox arena with other cars spawning for you to kill. You can beat the game with the first car upgraded, there is no reward to progress further than that. If you want a game easy to beat and get 100% achievements, then this game will be great.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

desTRUCKtors: Warfare Showdown on Steam

Sexy Sniper

Sexy Sniper


Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Ok, the game is just an assett flip, and it has some really annoying bugs, but it is cheap fun. Doing the mission is nice and finding the right route is not too easy. And besides that, it is just a big fun to kill all the stupid enemies with the gun in slow motion, the bugs are a laughing factor too. So, if you are a fan of cheap, trashy games, then take a look.

Gameplay video:

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Sexy Sniper on Steam

Soldiers Of Freedom

Soldiers Of Freedom

This game is pretty good. It needs some fixes though but overaly had fun playing the game

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Awful game. It is incredible Valve let this on the market.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Soldiers Of Freedom on Steam

War Builder League

War Builder League

Update 12Jul19:

Game seems interesting.

Active developer fixing some issues quickly.

Mostly AI.

Fractions of a second time-to-kill.

May rejoin game sometimes, but on either team.

Bots can shoot through shields/walls.

Bots sometimes do not function at all.

Instant kills promoted, defeating purpose of building.

Can hack to harass a single player, preventing them from playing all match, from spawn.

Infinite self-destruct loop.

Having AI bots as allies is bypassed by predefined groups of players.

AI effort/skill inversely linked to current relative score of a team.

Real player with 180.0 hrs in game

Before you read the Do Not Recommend and walk on:

There are some in development features that look exciting to retouch on in a future iteration including:

Mech Legs. I love me some mech-i-pedes

Mega Bots. I love me some big bots.

New Maps. I love me some variety.

There was some other stuff shown on their kickstarter page but given how funding efforts went, it’s uncertain how much of the remaining content on said list has plans for active or down the line development.

Real player with 158.0 hrs in game

War Builder League on Steam