Tesla vs Lovecraft

Tesla vs Lovecraft

Summary: Visual overload - the Game

Multiplayer: Yes, 4-player local (supports Remote Play)

Completion: 12 hrs (three repeat campaigns)

Cards: Yes | Cloud: Yes

In a strange universe where Nikola Tesla is a super scientist harnessing the power of lightning, he is upstaged by an enraged H.P. Lovecraft, possessed by the forces of Dark Old Ones. As his lab burns down, the ancient war between Nikolai Tesla and H.P. Lovecraft ensues.

Tesla Vs Lovecraft is a twinstick shooter through and through. Left stick or WASD moves, right stick or mouse click fires. One important trick in Tesla’s arsenal is the ability to teleport short distances, allowing you to make quick escapes, or more importantly, letting you zip through certain walls.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Destruction Games.


Tesla vs Lovecraft has one of the most interesting set-ups for a game I’ve ever seen. Pitting the guru of electricity Tesla against perhaps the most influential horror novelist H.P. Lovecraft is simply ingenious. And it works quite well. From the twin stick meisters 10tons, makers of Crimsonland and Neon Chrome, you can expect great meaty combat against massive unrelenting hordes of horrors. Accompanying the fun gameplay is an epic electrifying soundtrack, and stylish 3d visuals. With 3 distinct difficulty modes, and a set of progressive upgrades, you always feel like you’re making progress.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Tesla vs Lovecraft on Steam



Maybe my judgement is affected by playing too many terrible raycast engine maker games lately, but I don’t think this game deserves all the flack it’s getting in the reviews section here. Yes, it has problems, but for the price (especially on sale) it’s a decent classic Quake-wannabe FPS shooter.

The Good:

  • classic Quake-style gameplay (though not nearly as good as Quake itself obviously)

  • no ammo cap for any of the guns, unless it’s 999 or something which I’ve never reached

  • no weapon reloading, though some guns have recoil that gets worse the longer you hold down the fire button which is fine

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Dark Humor Games.

=== [ 👪 Audience: ] ===

🟥 Everyone

🟥 Kids

🟥 Teens

🟩 Adults

🟥 Mature

=== [ 👀 Graphics: ] ===

🟥 What Is This?

🟥 Bad

🟥 Acceptable

🟩 Good

🟥 Great

🟥 Stylistic

🟥 Beautiful

=== [ SOUND/MUSIC ] ===

🟥 Bad

🟥 Nothing Special

🟥 Good

🟥 Great

🟩 Beautiful

=== [ 🌏 Story] ===

🟩 This Game Has No Story

🟥 Nothing Special

🟥 It´s Alright

🟥 Well Written

🟥 Epic Story

=== [ 💎 Price ] ===

🟥 Free

🟥 Underpriced

🟩 Perfect Price

🟥 Could Be Cheaper

🟥 Overpriced

=== [ ⏰ Game time/length ] ===

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Monument on Steam

Azy - Old School FPS

Azy - Old School FPS

Azy is a skilled demon hunter. Having learned about the infernal cult, the main character went in search of the lost hall, which connects six worlds. Now you have to destroy the inhabitants of each of these worlds.

Retro first person shooter.

  • No sections with platforming that can be annoying at times.

  • No petty enemies.

  • Each boss has a HealthBar.

  • No reloading weapons.

  • Six different themes and each theme has its own unique enemies.

Read More: Best Arena Shooter 3D Games.

Azy - Old School FPS on Steam

Howard Phillips Lovecar

Howard Phillips Lovecar

Howard Phillips Lovecar is one of those games where you can feel yourself getting better at it every time you play it, and there’s a lot of nuance in its controls and the way the different mechanics interact with one another. It reminds me of playing flash shmups on the internet when I was younger. The controls should appeal to fans of shmups looking for something new. You can only fire your shotgun out of the left side of the car and the tommygun from the right. Combined with the way driving works, you have lots of options for dealing with threats. You can circle around targets, do figure 8s in front of them, or just sit still in a blind spot and hold down the fire button. The different eldritch horrors are all instantly recognizable, and all of them have slightly different arrangements of tentacles and spikes, so there are subtleties to approaching one covered in tentacles as opposed to one with spikes that spawns homing drones. The atmosphere, (cultist yells, washed out color palette) especially when you’ve taken some damage and the darkness closes in, add atmosphere to a suprisingly tactical shooty arcade game.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

You are driving through the wastelands in your pickup truck and you are trying to stop those nasty cultists are trying to summon old gods. Gods with tentacles.

At first glance game reminds me of the good old GTA, but with a lot more arcade feel. Each play is very short and intensive. Also developer promises to update the game with new features during the early access so big thumbs up from me!

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Howard Phillips Lovecar on Steam



I was a beta tester for Siphonophore so I’ll go into a bit more depth about the game.

TL:DR - I enjoyed my time with the game, The gameplay loop is simple and fun, Boss fights are challenging and the game’s story kept me interested while at times a little confused.


You start off with a basic cannon like weapon which you will be using for a majority of the game with new weapons and colour upgrades becoming available once you have defeated each boss. You also have a dash ability that can be used to propel you short or long distances with momentum affecting how far you travel. The creature also has some weapons to deal with enemies and is more useful against the bigger enemies you encounter.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Tip: Hold E and use scroll wheel to enable progress.

So far I don’t think it’s a masterpiece. The gameplay is lacking due to the large number of enemies, important indicators communicated exclusively through the HUD, and near complete lack of distinction between food and foe.

However, it’s worth playing. The aesthetic and sound design are just like in the trailer, and the dialogue while probably thoughtless gibberish is entertaining to read (except in the extended tutorial that entirely misses the core issue).

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Siphonophore on Steam

The Bolt Age

The Bolt Age

It has some great aesthetics and a nice story, but the game needs to be polished, I will return to this review at a later date, after some updates have been made to remove the bugged enemies, which can spawn in walls, be unable to die, be invisible and there are issues with an inability to change weapons at time.


Good Aesthetics

Nice Story

Great Graphics

Smooth animation for the electricity

Level design is decent


It is just way to buggy at the minute to be playable, WITH UPDATES this will be a very PROMISING GAME but it just needs some fixes to make it playable.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

I was excited to try this game out as from the trailer it looked like a game a really enjoyed in my childhood.

It did turn out to feel that way, the visuals were pretty cool and the weapons felt exciting to use. Unfortunately my laptop has served it’s time and can’t handle this game’s VFX so I’ll pick it up again when I get a new rig.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

The Bolt Age on Steam

Quake Champions

Quake Champions

This is Quake brought to a new era! Quake Champions is simply the fastest, most rewarding and fun FPS available. You can dabble in other games, but at the end of the day once you’ve completed the single player campaign in a day or two or even spent a while in the multiplayer, Quake is the one game you keep returning to. Nothing beats careering around the map, boosting yourself along or up in the air by throwing a rocket under your own feet or against a wall, flipping around and taking out an opponent with a well-placed rail, or frying them with your lightning gun if they’re still close enough.

Real player with 5548.5 hrs in game

From the company who brought you the Golden Horse Armor DLC that started the (unwanted) DLC and microtransaction craze, and more recently, the epic (disappointment) game Fallout 76, comes the Quake III / Quake Arena / Quake Live reboot, Quake Champions!

Are you a veteran Quake III player who wants to feel like a boss? This game is for you! Are you a noob who wants to get pwned and be a constant punching bag for a group of elite players? This game is for you! Are you a regular player who wants to spend countless hours attempting to learn all the tricks and tips and attempt to reach godly Rapha levels of expertise (but likely never get there)? This game is for you!

Real player with 1442.8 hrs in game

Quake Champions on Steam



Christ! I’m not sure how to respond to this game. I’m iin my 30’s and i grew up on fps games. DUSK is possibly the best game I have ever played. I feel that the creator grew up playing, doom, quake, half-life and the like. The game is so perfectly created by someone who wished that he could create a shooter that took small parts from all of those games and put them together in a way that i would never expect. It is retro in a way that isnt jokey, but it incorporates all the best elements from every 90’s shooter. In conclusion, its not half-life, but it’s better than every other shooter that came before that. Honestly, one of the best shooters of all time.

Real player with 72.9 hrs in game

Fantastic shooter and had me gripped from start to finish. If you like the retro style then this game is for you. Loads of secrets similar to doom etc. Gameplay is smooth and fluid. Runs like a dream at 120fps+.Such a simple game to play, it’s a no nonsense shooter. Updated on a regular basis and great value for money. Loving it.

Highly recommended. A++

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

DUSK on Steam




Viscerafest is a piece of playable poetry wrapped around a bloody gut-punching, alien shooting, retro-style shooter, that seems to be heavily inspired by games the likes of Duke Nukem and Quake.

And not just heavy inspired; Viscerafest literally plays out and feels just as good. Lead by a tenacious, narcissistic female protagonist who doesn’t care about anything other than quick cash out and goes the extra mile to cause as much mayhem as possible, a fitting personality for the game I must say.

*– [Real player with 77.6 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198329404521)*

Usually I don't do reviews, but this time is exceptional

Let me cut to the chase. This game is good.

I'll try to not over praise this game because now avaliable only one episode and it's too early to say, how good full game will be, but at this moment everything in this game makes me scream "Bloody hell, that feels good!!!". Movement is fast and smooth, gunplay is good and well-balanced, enemies are tough and every one of them requires a special approach to kill them, levels are complex and really creative.If you are a big fan of oldschool shooters and you're looking for real challenge - Viscerafest is your choise.

*– [Real player with 11.8 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198283906827)*


![Devil Daggers](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/422970/header.jpg "")

## Devil Daggers

This game is pretty much my favourite game ever (regardless of whether I'll be playing it 2 years from now).

### TL;DR

- **Just try it. There's more to it than you probably think… and it's only like 4 quid.**

Devil Daggers (DD) seems like a pretty simple arcade shooter on the surface, and that's what it'll be to you for your first few hours of playing this thing. But if you stick with it long enough, you'll start to see a little depth to it, especially if you pay attention to the replays of higher players on the leaderboard.

*– [Real player with 2160.8 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047430363)*

Devil Daggers is hellish, and that's the highest regard I can give it.

Cliche ridden elevator pitch: Stay alive for as long as you possibly can while fighting off baddies from beyond in a dim, dark, purgatorial arena, with nothing but your rapid-fire daggers and wits. Harkening back to late 90's games such as Quake, the movement system is extremely satisfying. Of course, you have standard movement with WASD and your mouselook, but once you get the general hang of the game, you can introduce bunny-hopping and dagger jumping into your repetoire. These systems reward you with speed and manueverability that can turn average, 'nothing special' runs into challenges to the world's top players. While not as snappy as one might like, its movement system just feels right at home here, and is immensely satisfying.

*– [Real player with 126.8 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197979631229)*
