Enherjar Synergy

Enherjar Synergy

Well, I saw this game and I thought the neons looked cool, so I decided to give it a download. I really like shooters, even though I can’t say that I usually have high rankings in other multiplayer games, it’s always still alot of fun to hop into matchmaking with my friends when they want to play and this one caught my attention. What I like about Enherjar Synergy is that it seemed really easy to get started playing. They have bots that are pretty fun to train with and get to know the maps, and they also have a Student Aim Assist which really helped me get the hang of shooting with all the different guns in my first few matches. I never played other fps games that were so beginner friendly, like, I’ve played Apex and Overwatch and got slaughtered my first few matches, so I just stopped playing them right away. This one I feel like I can actually play with others at my skill level, which is awesome because I really love multiplayer shooters and it’s nice to be able to play one where I feel like I can do alot of damage to nubs hahaha

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Dark Games.

This game is INCREDIBLY hard to look at. It is by far the ugliest game I have ever played. The environments are built with just WAY over the top Neon and Boom. Your enemies are just beams of light by the looks of it and to top it off, there’s an UGLY as hell dirty visor screen filter thing going on and it’s horrendous. I streamed my first-time experience with this and I couldn’t finish a game because it’s just so difficult to just look at despite several attempts. I have no idea whether the map designs are good, or if anything else is good because the visual aesthetic is not it chief.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Enherjar Synergy on Steam

Universe 51: Tannhäuser Wars

Universe 51: Tannhäuser Wars

Universe 51: Tannhäuser Wars is a free-to-play fast-paced multiplayer FPS, set in a story-rich universe.

Two unfamiliar groups are mysteriously teleported to the same location. Since communication between them is impossible or undesirable, they clash!

Game Modes

Two separate game modes are planned for development. A team deathmatch (divided into casual and competitive play) will be available on-release, while an open world sandbox/exploration mode will be released later down the line.

In team deathmatch, each team starts with a set number of points, called tickets. Respawning consumes 1 of your team’s tickets. When a team reaches 0 tickets and all its members are dead, that team loses.

In sandbox mode, all sorts of things will be available. Vehicle racing, land exploration, amusement park rides, you name it!

Read More: Best Arena Shooter PvP Games.

Universe 51: Tannhäuser Wars on Steam

Enemy Remains

Enemy Remains

Yelp Rating: 4/5

Graphics: When starting off in the first level, you are greeted with a wonderful, yet gore-filled map with calm, yet unsettling tones. When making your way through the maps, you will be greeted with much more colors that really bring the eerie feeling of the game. As you adventure throughout the map, you will come across other gore scenes, such as animal intestines and mobs.

Gameplay: The concept behind the game is simple. Shooter game, figuring what the hell happened, defeating hostile mobs, along with bosses, which vary if difficulty as you progress. You come across crates filled with loot, traps, explosives, and much more! There are a variety of weapons to use, especially figuring out the best combo for bosses and mob gang-ups.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Twin Stick Shooter Games.

Enemy remains is your classic top down shooter with various power-ups and weapons found through the game to use at your disposal. It has various traps and enemies which can have extremely variations of attack. The bosses are challenging but not super difficult where it makes you want to quit the game. The mechanical machine you ride in could use some type of attack or two but man can it run stuff over! If you like making monsters suffer this is your game! I have yet to try the multiplayer aspect so this review will be edited.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Enemy Remains on Steam




Viscerafest is a piece of playable poetry wrapped around a bloody gut-punching, alien shooting, retro-style shooter, that seems to be heavily inspired by games the likes of Duke Nukem and Quake.

And not just heavy inspired; Viscerafest literally plays out and feels just as good. Lead by a tenacious, narcissistic female protagonist who doesn’t care about anything other than quick cash out and goes the extra mile to cause as much mayhem as possible, a fitting personality for the game I must say.

*– [Real player with 77.6 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198329404521)*

Usually I don't do reviews, but this time is exceptional

Let me cut to the chase. This game is good.

I'll try to not over praise this game because now avaliable only one episode and it's too early to say, how good full game will be, but at this moment everything in this game makes me scream "Bloody hell, that feels good!!!". Movement is fast and smooth, gunplay is good and well-balanced, enemies are tough and every one of them requires a special approach to kill them, levels are complex and really creative.If you are a big fan of oldschool shooters and you're looking for real challenge - Viscerafest is your choise.

*– [Real player with 11.8 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198283906827)*
