Monsters sandbox

Monsters sandbox

A game in which you are alone with the zombies and you need to defend against them in order to survive. The game features 6 locations. There is a gun shop. But also, weapons and ammunition can be found in the locations themselves.

The atmosphere of the game is rather creepy, the corresponding music in the background adds horror.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Hack and Slash Games.

The game requires certain improvements. But some modes are interesting to play. I liked the “defense” mode (Coop)

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Monsters sandbox on Steam



Short Version: Fast paced tower defense plus 2D run’n’gun that pushes all the right buttons. Awesome retro simplicity in gameplay (run, jump, shoot, build one of three towers) with plenty of modern features (upgrades and extra challenges galore) along with an intentionally silly story make this game utterly scrumptious.

You know those crazy dreams where a bunch of random pieces from your life / movies / video games get smushed together in a ridiculous fashion that somehow make a weird kind of perfect sense? Well, imagine a dream where Megaman lost his job and decided to instead pursue his secret wish of becoming a spaceship handyman, only to be sucked into an 80’s sci-fi movie plot where aliens were invading the ship and only his newfound turret-building skills and rusty blasting action could save the day. This is Spacejacked in a nutshell, and it is glorious.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Tower Defense Games.

When I first saw this game, I thought it would barely have enough content to keep me entertained for a couple of hours. Well, I’m glad I was proved wrong.

How can I even start to describe this game? “A super fast-paced arcade tower-defence” it’s a good start but it doesn’t cut it.

This game makes most tower-defence look easy by comparison:

  • You have to manage to defend your spaceship’s cores located in different rooms from getting destroyed. This means, you have to fend off hordes of enemies in several separate rooms, basically at the same time, with limited resources (metal). Since you barely gain any metal from the monsters/ aliens you kill, most of the time you’ll be running from room to room destroying your turrets to get metal to build or upgrade turrets in another room and then repeating this process until all rooms are secured.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Spacejacked on Steam

Alien Arena: Warriors Of Mars

Alien Arena: Warriors Of Mars

I’ve been part of the Alien Arena community for approximately 9 years, so I’ll try to be as unbiased as possible. I’m a huge fan of retro sci-fi, so when I stumbled on Alien Arena it immediately caught my attention. I grew up on games like Catacomb 3D, Wolfenstein, Doom and Quake, Alien Arena’s adherence to the arena fps format is one of the many reasons I have stuck around for so long.

AAA companies have a player base, Alien Arena has a community, the difference is huge! The developers actually take the time to help people out, listen to ideas for Alien Arena put forth by the community and best of all, they’ll get in a play a game with you. I warn you against playing against the main developer, we don’t call him the evil martian ruler for nothing!

Real player with 124.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Gore Games.

Alien Arena: Warriors of Mars:

Good afternoon to you, Ladies and Gents. As you are well aware, mankind has had different styles of entertainment throughout centuries. One of the most documented examples is the glorious and bloody Roman Gladiator Games. Well, if I tell you that we have discovered a similar type of game, where Martians (and I am not talking about the British here), robots and humans fight against each other in a confined area, I bet you’ll want to see . . . hey?! All you have to do is to tune in to Alien Arena: Warriors of Mars.

*– [Real player with 4.0 hrs in game](*


![Cargo Breach]( "")

## Cargo Breach

### Who Turned the Lights out!

Cargo Breach is an arcade like shooter where you enter a room with a number of alien enemies, clear the room and move onto the next.

There are 3 different types of guns and the unique thing about these guns is they are all customized by how you adjust your hand positions. By default you have two pistols but can turn them into a mini gun or plasma launcher both of which also have alternate firing modes.

Each weapon works better against different types of enemies so quickly knowing which to switch it at any moment is key to doing well in this game.

*– [Real player with 2.0 hrs in game](*

I received this in a bundle and wasn’t expecting a whole lot, but surprise: it’s a really fun game! It has that dark and creepy aliens/doom 3 type atmosphere, with simple but satisfying shooting and teleport mechanics. I love the way they incorporated the tracked motion controller to create the different guns! At points it’s really tough; like you teleport right into the middle of a room, surrounded by bad guys. Hope you have a wireless solution :) I’ll take this one over many of the other monster-wave-shooters any day. (Also, the ping pong minigame in the lobby has surprisingly good physics, too.)

*– [Real player with 0.6 hrs in game](*


![Curved Space]( "")

## Curved Space

What is this game about:

In 3 words Curved Space is about Push Forward Combat. The same phrase used by ID software to explain the combat philosophy of Doom 2016 which results in frantic, nail biting, free flowing combat. It is not that Curved Space was designed to mimic Doom, however good design decisions and good combat often share characteristics in common.

Yes the name and the gimmick behind Curved Space, make a big deal out of the technology that enables acrobatic maneuvering and shooting over curved surfaces. Yes the Campaign has multiple paths and expertly voiced dialogue. Yes the weapons are many and awesome and absurdly unique. Yes there is an energy lash that lets you siphon energy from your enemies and energy nodes alike. But that is just where the game starts, that is just how the game pulls you in and shows you its wares. The game really comes alive and starts to shine once you get past all of that and start to dig deeper into the nuanced combat system.

*– [Real player with 266.5 hrs in game](*

A super creative and fast paced game that'll keep you on your toes!

You'll start off feeling like you can take on anything with your little blaster. However things change very fast and you end up adapting very quickly without even realizing it. You'll start off keeping your distance and trying to stay safe, but after a short while and after gaining some confidence, you'll be charging in trying to lash and dash in no time.

Additionally, with the various amount of weapons and enemies you'll have a lot of fun experimenting with combinations while trying to survive.

*– [Real player with 25.7 hrs in game](*


![Dangerous Zone]( "")

## Dangerous Zone

Stars received: 1.0/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.1] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.1] Sound & Music

[0.2] Graphics

[0.2] Game Design

[0.1] Game Story

[0.2] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: 2D walking survival

*– [Real player with 2.5 hrs in game](*

The worst thing about this game isn't the fact that the hitboxes make no sense,

lasers can go straight through your head,

but they hit you when they come near a circular hitbox around your feet,

that stretches so far beneath and to the side of your feet,

that it made me doubt my own eyes in the beginning.

Nor the fact that most levels make no sense. They seem so out of order.

Every new level I need to figure out what the dev actually want me to do.

Neither is it the fact that this game looks like a 1 week project from a beginner dev that got accepted on

*– [Real player with 1.8 hrs in game](*


![Dark Nebula VR]( "")

## Dark Nebula VR

[0.2] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.1] Sound & Music

[0.3] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0.2] Game Story

[0.1] Game Content

[0.2] Time to complete feels ok? (or if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0.1] Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could hold spot in Favorites?

[0.7] BONUS point: Review for VR

Stars received: 2.2/10 ___ Note: v.2 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: VR Arena to shoot some spawning Ogres

Overview: not bad graphics, but poor design and gameplay will put you off almost instantly.

*– [Real player with 1.1 hrs in game](*

Bought on sale. Also bought their other game, which was a mess. You see the stuff in the trailer? That happens sometimes. See the reloading? There's no reason to move your hand like that, it just reloads like a pump shotgun. You get 11 rounds and there are no other apparent weapons, but some upgrades, and two missiles which I never found ammo for anyway. All the enemies are the same except some have a shield and some have an axe. There seem to be some hazards as well, but they are trivial. The armswinging is done poorly and there is no option to change the direction of movement (I would rather move where I'm looking that in a controller direction, since I can't shoot backwards).

*– [Real player with 0.1 hrs in game](*


![HyperFeat]( "")

## HyperFeat

It would be nice to have some sound options every game should have one, but besides that it's a good cheap game.

*– [Real player with 0.2 hrs in game](*

An indie developers first game on Steam.. and it shows all too well.

This game lacks so much polish that it quite simply makes it unsatisfying to play. It feels "bad" even though it's not a bad game and it does offer some good sprite art and nice ideas and enemy movement etc.

Watch my video if you want to see more on why I cannot recommend this game at this point in time.

.It needs a LOT of work! Let me know when it's been in the over for a full 60 minutes, not just 60 seconds!

*– [Real player with 0.2 hrs in game](*


![UFO : Brawlers from Beyond]( "")

## UFO : Brawlers from Beyond

Nice game to play with friends!!!

*– [Real player with 46.4 hrs in game](*

At first I wasn't sure but once I started playing this game it was hard to put down. Definitely one to play with friends. It's hilarious, technical, and lends itself to a lot of variety so very replayable. If you like Alien, co-op or vs fighting, and you have a good sense of humor, consider picking this game up.

*– [Real player with 6.5 hrs in game](*


![Battle Arena VR]( "")

## Battle Arena VR

The game is a very immersive and dynamic, fast-paced shooter. Easy to get the controls and survive but harder to master, especially when my opponents use the hook to move around faster and in less predictable ways. I wish the bots to be smarter and to be able to fly around as I do (they just walk and jump). Worth checking out!

*– [Real player with 121.6 hrs in game](*

There are great games. There are great free games. But you know you're playing something really fantastic when you're playing a free game and you feel like you should be sending money to someone. This is a very fun game. It's a PVP battle arena in VR with a twist. You've got a choice of weapons in your right hand, but in your left hand you have an electronic grappling hook that basically lets you navigate the map like you're Spiderman. I was in the process of looping under a suspended pedestrian walkway and firing my hook into a new attachment point so that I would spiral back over the top of the bride to finish off an opponent when I realized that my face hurt from grinning. The tether that attaches to your hook has just enough elasticity that you can swing and bounce all over the map but still retain some semblance of control. The graphics are a little bit minecraft-ish, which isn't my favorite stylistic choice, but the playability and engagement are off the charts. It's one of those games that is just FUN. It's immersive and everything just works/feels just right. They've done a particularly good job with the sound design and haptic feedback for your weapons. There's something viscerally satisfying about feeling the kick from the gun and a specific type of haptic feedback that lets you know that you've hit your target or confirms a kill. It's easy to dive in and start shooting, but there's enough complexity that you're not going to just immediately reach your maximum skill level. You play fast paced 5 minute matches with about a minute's worth of cooldown/warmup between each. The voice chat feature works great and the players that I've played against have been a lot of fun. Look, it's a very fun game. It's free. Why would you not try it? If you hate it, you can yell at me for wasting your time and I'm a delicate little snowflake, so it'll be fun for the whole family.

*– [Real player with 43.9 hrs in game](*
