

Edit: oh and btw what happened to keyboard and mouse support???

Edit 2: They are fixing the bugs which is nice. If they add keyboard and mouse support I can fully recommend this but not yet


☐ I am currently staring at screenshots

☑ Beautiful

☐ Yee

☐ Participation award

☐ Didn’t even try

☐ ‘Modern art’


☐ I can play this 24/7

☐ Fun I guess

☑ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Not a Highlight

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ I warned you :/


☐ I will randomly hum this until I die

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter PvP Games.

I honestly love this game. It has that sporty feel and the rounds are super short which all in all makes it really addicting. At least for me lol. It’s got a couple bugs I’ll admit but I still think it’s worth it.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Olobollo on Steam



Defentron is a pretty relaxing game, despite being a tower defense. The retro look and sound are well done and suitably nostalgic, without needing to rely on gratuitous particle effects, waves, or flashes like some other retro games or genres like to use. The different types of towers all have fun and unique properties, and the enemy variety and additions from stage to stage kept me thinking a good amount, rather than finding one strategy I liked and just using that on everything.

Being able to power up a given turret in a pinch was cool too, but if I have one criticism about that mechanic’s game balance, it’s that it feels necessary to use that function on the basic turrets (at least for the early game), which destroys them afterwards, and it felt like a bit of a waste. That is, instead of trying to plan out placement or turret types to counter different contingencies, I felt like I had to budget my resources to account for “necessary losses” rather than just “acceptable losses,” which made it feel less like a puzzle game at those parts, and more like the traditional gratuitous enemy spam TD games that I don’t like nearly as much as this one.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Minimalist Games.

Defentron is a fun tower defense, and certainly a challenging one. Many levels can really get you stuck until you figure out the right sequence of towers and upgrades to buy, but that difficulty gives the game a lot more longevity and replayability, specially if you are going to try and complete all achievments.

It took me 14 hours to complete everything the game had to offer, which I feel is a good value for the pricetag

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Defentron on Steam

Devastation 2 - Repatriation

Devastation 2 - Repatriation

Devastation 2 – Repatriation is a revolutionized 3D “Blast them to hell!” shoot ‘em up, arcade style game.

Devastation is back! And jacked with intense ACTION! Literally! The alien horde has returned, but how? To take over the intergalactic web? With alien malware technology called the Byterrians? Time to bust out the back up software and eradicate these suckers once and for all!

Absolutely obliterate everything! Take things to the next level with 6 different missiles and bombs, 11 different weapon combinations but wait there’s more! What did you say? Weapon mods and customizable boosters too? Just awesome! And just to top it off you can now customize your ship with 10 different color schemes!

Upgrade and repair your ships defenses, battle through in a new 3D revolutionized futuristic environments with 12 different dynamic levels. Annihilate over 20 different Byterrian types with Hyper Speed, blow apart large waves of enemies with single massive explosion and decimate over 10 different heavy bosses.

Devastate like never before! Kill your enemies as fast as possible, unlock in game achievements, earn a god-like multiplier and build an insane score!

Devastation 2 is unlike any other shoot’em Up!

4 Different difficulties

  • Trainee - Easiest mode for beginners, 3 continues, enemies move & shoot slower, low bullet velocity, power ups spawn very frequently.

  • Mayhem - Normal mode for balanced players, 2 continues, enemies move and shoot normally, power ups spawn frequently.

  • Chaos - Hard mode for competitive players, 1 continue, enemies move & shoot much more quickly, high bullet velocity, power ups spawn less frequently.

  • Nightmare - Very hard mode for skilled players, no continues, enemies move very fast, shoot very often, extreme bullet velocity, power ups spawn rarely.

4 Different game styles

  • Arcade - Play with normal settings [3 lives, shields] in a campaign of 12 levels each ending with a boss, upgrade inventory to build ships artillery & defenses.

  • Hardcore - Play with no shield [3 lives, no shield] in a campaign of 12 levels each ending with a boss, upgrade inventory to build ships artillery & defenses.

  • Survival - Play an exclusive endless survival mode, weapons unlock per wave, enemies are more difficult per wave & rank. Set custom settings before play.

  • One life - Play with no extra lives [0 lives, shield] in a campaign of 12 levels each ending with a boss, upgrade inventory to build ships artillery & defenses.

-Story Line-

Year 2020, 32 years later. We received a corrupted broadcast on our devices from an unknown entity which appeared from our collected data base on the aliens that we had annihilated to extinction years ago. The broadcast consisted of a garbled language we had to shift signal to understand. The message became clear: “You are one but we are many, We are not outside but we are inside. Your data now belongs to us!”.

Upon exiting the broad cast, our devices became infected with a worm virus, linking from server to sever. There was no doubt the aliens have full access to the worlds data base and infecting the intergalactic web.

A security program interface was built around the Horus ship. It was only accessible through the backup drives but the software needed a constant energy supply. The best way was to extract the power cores from the enemy structural data nucleus by destroying them. Enhancing the “new” digital Horus to be equipped with new weaponry, armor and enhancements by spending these cores revenant energy.

We sent the Horus into the intergalactic web and scouted through damaged back doors where the virus had travelled into, encountering the byterrian species that was expelled from the virus burrowing themselves into structural firewalls with ease. The aliens hard coded the byterrians to be extremely volatile. The only way to get to the leader was the complete annihilation of these digitized species.

The Horus vaporizes byterrians and grows more stronger but the byterrians are just as formidable. As long as power cores were gathered, their immense plan to inject a cybernetic virus on highest security data structure on the globe will be negated and the world is saved once again.

The plan? Send the entire species back into oblivion. Its time for repatriation!

Read More: Best Arena Shooter Shoot 'Em Up Games.

Devastation 2 - Repatriation on Steam

DSY: Don’t Shoot Yourself

DSY: Don’t Shoot Yourself

Fan f-ing Dance

I was on board with this game up until one of the last levels in which the game rotates your mouse control (that’s the only way I can rationalize it; in practice it feels like you have no control) with no UI and the result is an unplayable level, even on easy. The game was hard but possible up until Fan Dance, so that’s still a good 1-3 hours of content depending on what difficulty you play on. But Fan Dance is terrible game design and definitely soured the experience, especially considering it’s so close to the end.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

its pretty good, I found that due to the game being mouse driven some of the mechanic made things more chaotic than they should have been e.g I went through a teleporter but my mouse didn’t move so my character attempted to zip back to where my mouse is and then I lost because it ran into some bullets.

Aside from constantly beating levels obviously atypically to how the level design would suggest, it is a fun little puzzler that should be an app but is good enough of a game to feel right at home in my steam library.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

DSY: Don't Shoot Yourself on Steam

Shoot Shoot Mega Pack

Shoot Shoot Mega Pack

This is a super fun game that’s easy to learn, feels light and whimsical on the surface, but the more you play, the more you realize that the game has serious depth and replayability. The sheer number level and game mechanic permutations is awesome and makes every round feel fresh and different. The controls are slick, excellent game feel, and the art and sound design are great too.

Round up some friends, grab some controllers, and I guarantee you’re going to have some good fun.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Like Jason P. Kaplan, I am also a character in this game. I was also present when it was invented, and I watched it grow up like a sturdy oak.

But if I thought it was bad, I would just say nothing.

It’s good. It’s smooth. This is multiplayer mayhem burnt down to an essential, all-shooting diamond of a thing.

If you have friends, buy SSMP. If you do not have friends, I don’t know. You live in great denial.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Shoot Shoot Mega Pack on Steam



A twin stick shooter at its finest, definitely worth the buy!

Found out about the game through a subreddit and just working on some of the achievements now. Played through the whole game with keyboard + mouse, so don’t be worried if you don’t have a controller at hand, or don’t like the feel of one. Simple mechanics evolved into complex gameplay, and all in all a really unique experience.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

A great twin stick shooter with an upgrade system that always keeps the game interesting and keeps your play style changing to suit each level and situation. I highly recommend for everyone to give this game a try. For the price you get a great bargain on an amazing game.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game




So yeah… if you read the reviews and see warnings of “dying over and over and over,” it’s correct - so if you’re the type of person who would get frustrated by that, this probably isn’t your game. HOWEVER - I can say with certainty that the game is at least FAIR… just hard. So, you’re never going to be able to say, “That was completely unfair, and there’s no way I could have avoided that.” No… you’ll be saying, ah, man, if I had just darted to the left a millisecond sooner…

So this game is hard. Very hard at some points. The amount of bullets that come at you is unreal. You collect your little power-ups that help a little… you dart around trying to power up your gun or shield… You chip away, bit by bit, at the insane bosses. You die. Over, and over, and over. Then, when you finally strike that killing blow… you just sit there, staring at the screen, thinking HOLY MOTHER OF GOD I DID IT.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Really fun game actually. Super difficult, great graphics, really responsive and generally just really satisfying.


As you progress further in the game you do start to realise that this is like any other ‘challenge’ game or ‘boss fighting game’ in that it’s very, VERY unfair. There are points where you absolutely have to take damage or rather can’t avoid it at all. This leads to some pretty BS deaths at times.

I mention this because the devs are planning on adding an endless/survival mode where you get 1 life to do the whole campaign and are a part of a different, more hardcore leaderboard. This is just silly since the best player on the leaderboard (Gold in all levels / 100% complete / fastest time ever) takes damage in the majority of the boss fights.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Chippy on Steam

Evil Heart Fever

Evil Heart Fever

Bear with me, this is my first long review. Overall I’m recommending this game, as it was decently entertaining and it’s only 1$ (and I got it on sale 40% off).

The gameplay is solid enough, basic twin-stick style shooting to take down waves of enemies coming at you from the sides of the screen. Your character shoots at crosshairs where your mouse is located, and can do a quick dash every 2-3 seconds depending on your stats until it reaches the crosshairs. The progression is fairly solid, staying relatively challenging without any real difficulty spikes aside from possibly the bosses, who are chosen at random; some bosses are pretty easy to downright unthreatening, while others can be incredibly difficult to deal with while still fighting the swarms of basic enemies. These bosses show up every so often (with health scaled to your level), and regular enemies stay spawning during your fight with them at no slowdown. You can even end up with multiple boss angels simultaneously if you don’t kill each one fast enough. As you kill angels you gain levels and earn perks, a choice of 1 from a random 3 possibilities, thus allowing you to get stronger to face the tougher stock enemies the game will flood you with. You can even get one of five special transformations, each with their own unique perk, by acquiring three specific perks related to the transformation. Pretty simple, but a decent enough gameplay loop for a dollar.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

A really fun multidirectional-shooter-roguelike mashup thing, amazing product for a dollar. It’s theme feels nice and cohesive, between it’s mix of Lovecraftian and religious items, enemies, and the player itself if a nice touch, and works well. The game looks alright, nothing amazing, but it does the job and doesn’t hurt to look at. There are only a few flaws with the game, such as what I assume are bosses being really fucking hard to kill, meaning you need to get lucky and be beefed up or have a synergy by the time one comes. There’s also the kinda of small library of upgrade items, which is about 35-40, and while that isn’t too small of an amount, some more items would be pretty dope.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Evil Heart Fever on Steam

Waves 2: Notorious

Waves 2: Notorious

This game, even as early access is one of the best shooters I’ve ever played. (I’m not young been gaming for 30 years.)

Without doubt anyone who liked Waves original will love this game. It’s just better in every way. The same goes for Geometry wars fans, I love that series (Geometry wars 3 was best IMHO) but Waves 2 equals that. It really is that good.

The game play itself is fast, frantic, addictive and looks better than most games of this genre.

The menus are somewhat confusing at first, but this is offset by the great game play. Arcade is easy to jump into, but other than that the menus are not really intuitive. May seem like a small thing, and the game is still early access so once it’s easy to understand all the options it will be much more beginner friendly.

Real player with 569.8 hrs in game

This is one of those games for twitch/adrenaline junkies - of which I am NOT one - that will ensnare regular scrubs with its addictive nature. It’s fast and furious, and currently all about the season leaderboards. A short game only lasts a few minutes long, but if you’re skilled, you can rack up the score and dominate people who play for longer periods of time.

I love this app, but be warned: it’s been in development for a few years. The Developer is active in the forums, and he/she responds to the community frequently. Parts of the game have changed SIGNIFICANTLY since it got the green light from Steam. The bottom-line is that this is already a lot of fun, but it’s not finished, and could change again.

Real player with 80.8 hrs in game

Waves 2: Notorious on Steam



Love the game. Currently have the highscore in the gamemode classic. Try to beat me ;)

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

I have only played for a short time so far, but am really enjoying the game. I can see myself sinking many hours on this to climb up the leader board.

Update: This game is dangerously addictive.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Dextram on Steam