Well the day has finally come, launch day! I’ve been helping out playtesting this game for a while now and It’s great to see how far it has come since the very first day I got my hands on it.

The game has quite a lot of levels, that being 40 levels across 8 worlds. The later worlds are usually longer and pretty tough mind you! So it’s welcoming to have a sort of challenge that gets progressively harder as you get further into the game. Furthermore the worlds has a very neat addition of interconnection between them. At the last level of the Pure world, you will start seeing trees and woodlands, leading up to the next Woodlands world. And the same for the end of Woodlands where you see a castle in the distance, etc. It’s a tiny thing but it really enhances the game experience!

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Archery Difficult Games.

Challenging! I love challenging.

This game is just what I’ve been looking for. A game to practise your skill at platforming and shooting targets that are NOT other life forms.

The controls seem to work well and I appreciate, as always, the option to change the key bindings for individual preference.

While you do get a better score for being fast, there’s nothing stopping you working your way through each level at your own pace. This makes it a more relaxing experience if that’s how you’d rather play. Though it can still be frustrating when you keep falling off, until you get good at it. Practise and patience makes perfect.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

ADVERSE on Steam

Sherwood Extreme

Sherwood Extreme

Sherwood Extreme is a gem in a sea of countless games. I have had the pleasure of being in the closed beta as a QA tester. Sherwood Extreme has a simple yet complex variety of game-play mechanics. The average player will always have fun and the dedicated will always be coming back for more. This game has great potential as it grows in Early Access. In the future, I believe the speed running community will enjoy this game. The developers at CageStudios are people who are passionate about their game. They listen to community feedback and want to make a great game. The developers have built an awesome community on their discord.

Real player with 182.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Archery Shooter Games.

even though i have 10 hours in this game i can’t recommend this to people which hurts because i loved the time i spent with it. you play as Walmart robin hood in parkour levels killing enemies with various bows you can get through in game currency. you also have a shield but you’ll probably never use that. let me get the pros outta the way first. 1. the game play loop is fun for awhile till you realize the lack of variety and patterns. 2. there’s a decent amount of cosmetics you can get in game for free. 3. you can make chickens explode. now for the cons. 1. the lack of pretty much anything. 2. while i said the game play loop is fun it’s also incredibly repetitive, dull, and slow even though i think the intentions are for it to be fast. 3. the bugs many times my bow wouldn’t shoot this seemed to only happen in certain area but still was annoying. another bug i noticed was the game crashed a fair bit and if i clicked something to fast that would somehow crash the game as well. 4. the rpg system… man at first i loved it but after awhile it felt like a forced attempt to get people to play longer. what i mean by this is the rpg system really don’t help since in order to “level up” and get skill points you need to grind levels A lot and your reward is so small that it won’t matter till way later. on this same topic leveling up weapons was a slow and honestly boring grind since you can just grind the first level over and over(if you go there with a mission for it it’s even faster). 5. the missions. while they seem cool and fun at first they’re actually pretty dumb. they claim to add tons of variety to each level/mission they don’t. they only change a few minor things. for example traps that are easy to avoid, “different” enemies, etc. i can name more but the point is this game if just a slow, boring grind for nothing of value. oh they also have co-op but since almost nobody even plays it’s pointless. i know i said i don’t recommend this game but if you want something that’s fun-ish and relaxing for a bit give it a try.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Sherwood Extreme on Steam