Return of the Heir

Return of the Heir

WARNING THERE IS A POINT OF NO RETURN WHERE YOU CAN’T BACK TRACK once you get to this point if you progress if you’re missing anything you cannot go back and get it time stamp here 1:09:46

Updated play through full game:

I like the graphics, the music and the story, but this is a hard and pretty frustrating 2d platformer. If you want a challenge this game is definitely for you. The creators give you 12 lives and a way to earn extra lives throughout, but this game gets a good bit harder as you progress and having to start over when you’re really far in the game just sucked the will to beat it out of me to be honest. I don’t want to have to run around and collect all of the items all over again because I suck at the game or some enemy was sniping me off screen when i didn’t have jump room. The obstacles in the game change color with the background too which hindered me a lot at the start I kept missing chains that were in areas, spiders, etc. and these mistakes pile up until you have to restart the whole game. It’s a good homage to older 2d platformers so I definitely recommend this game for people who enjoy that struggle.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Archery Platformer Games.

Well, this game is really difficult: there are limited amount of lives for your whole playthrough, a lot of traps and tricky level design that creates pretty decent challenge. The gameplay is a little similar to Dead Cells, the music and graphics are good. Unfortunately i wasn’t able to beat this game because of difficulty, but if you like challenges and like overcoming difficulties, this game is your choice.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Return of the Heir on Steam

Light Tracer 2 ~The Two Worlds~

Light Tracer 2 ~The Two Worlds~


Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Archery Character Action Game Games.

If you find this review helpful be sure to thumbs up and follow my Curator Page . If I missed something leave a comment and I will try to update the review asap

Light Tracer 2: Bright ambition that needs some more work.

Light Tracer 2 is a Puzzle solving RPG that needs a lot of reworking for its core gameplay loop though conceptually is a great idea for a game.


Starting with the puzzles in game, they are for the most part really clever and well thought out. Some of them get really involved and take some consideration to find a solution, with some benefiting from using this second god type character to get a view of the puzzles and help you see things from a better perspective, other puzzles though are much simpler and often have exploits that weren’t intended by the player to do. While playing you are encouraged to explore the environments to get items for crafting recipes but more often than not it ends up being a redundant task as early on you aren’t a strong character so going out of your way to get these resources means you’ll fight creatures that out number and often overpower you meaning when you do kill the creatures you’ll often end up low on health and your reward is a often nothing useful to recoup the cost of the battle. While fighting enemies and doing puzzles you gain XP/Currency that you can use to level up your player, gain new abilities or progress the games story and that’s where things get bothersome. The biggest issue in the game is that your characters XP/Upgrade points are using the same currency for the progression of the games story, so it becomes a game of “do you want to level up, or unlock the next area?”, because of this you’re often just burning through the game by doing puzzles, getting just enough XP/Currency to progress to the next puzzle, then after finishing 6 puzzles you can either level up your character or go to the next island or optionally do the remaining puzzles on the island to get a small amount of XP/Currency. This quickly becomes a problem as most creatures/items on the map don’t give you anywhere near enough XP/Currency to balance this out. You are encouraged to discard the resources you gather as they all have a value of xp/currency you can recycle them for. Even if you do collect enough items to craft a health potion it will cost you 50 points of the xp/currency to craft instead of being a free crafting system it costs the resources and a fee. This seems like something that can easily be fixed just by adding a secondary currency for the main gameplay progress separate from the player xp/currency so hopefully this is something the developer can look into in the future. The combat in general is not that satisfying and seems more like a after thought rather than something that was fleshed out. Enemies attack patterns are just annoying and you’re often interrupted mid combo more often than not resulting in a a very unsatisfying combat system. Normally this would be remedied by blocking or dodging and using something like invincibility frames but this games block feature is locked behind upgrades meaning your only option is the dodge feature which is just a normal dodge with no invincibility frames and normally that would be fine but most creatures have at least one attack that you can’t space yourself far enough with the standard dodge. I think in general terms of gameplay there needs to be some QA as the core gameplay outside of the puzzles is just not that enjoyable when it could be fixed really easily by adding invincibility frames to the dodge feature and making the player not stagger so easily then also adding a separate currency/method of progressing the story than the currency used to level up the players stats/upgrades. There were a handful of bugs I experienced during my playtime and reported to the dev that hopefully will be removed before the game is released.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Light Tracer 2 ~The Two Worlds~ on Steam

Herakles and the Princess of Troy

Herakles and the Princess of Troy

Definitely one of my favorite games out there. I love the amount of time put into this, as it makes the game so much better. There are difficulties for any type of player, and it’s based on skill. You can unlock buffs, new weapons, and a lot more in this. Strategy is also involved. There’s a lot of stuff to list that I love about this game, but it’s best to try it for yourself. I would highly recommend buying this game, or at least checking out the demo.

Real player with 130.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Archery Hack and Slash Games.

This is a top game it really should be more popular than it is. there so many different ways you an play this game and it never gets old unlike carrots. the replayability is really crazy. I really think you should at least try the demo. just take some advice play the demo or just buy the game

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Herakles and the Princess of Troy on Steam



please note that this current review is an edit to my original review, it will be quite long but its worth putting out there.

firstly when i first got this game i hated it, i wont lie about that because honesty is the best policy or at least thats what i have been raised to believe. anyways i left a rather hateful and scummy review saying that this game wasnt worth it even if it was literally given to me and looking back i realize i was a bit harsh in my words and judgement. i would like to thank Jake for contacting me and letting me know about the changes made to the game. there was a lot to look at and even with the time i accumulated (its not much but its enough for this purpose) i can now see that many changes were made for the better. there are alot of pros with this game that now allow me to change my negative review to a positive one, however there are still issues i would like to address with the game following the reasons i now find this game worth it.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

Unknightly is a very solid stealth game so far. The team has been steadily adding features based on player requests and there’s plenty of fun to be had even in the first few available chapters. Peaking around corners and lurking in shadows just feels great in VR.

The enemies behave appropriately in different situations with guards becoming slightly suspicious if they only catch a glimpse of you or moving in if you’re fully visible and making too much noise. Other guards will also start hunting you if they’re near an alerted friend so you have to think quickly to limit the consequences of an ill-conceived approach. The variety of postures and communications from the guards combined with the clear visibility and noise meters support an observant and cautious play style.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Unknightly on Steam

The End of Dyeus

The End of Dyeus

It’s a quaint little game. No handholding, no restrictions save for what you can accomplish with the gear and upgrades you find. Simple, but not entirely straighforward. Graphics/animations are a big seller for me as I’m a sucker for this style. The combat is.. Adequate. Melee consists of blocking and attacking, learning your opponents' moves, and making sure the shield you have blocks more damage than your adversary dishes out. Simple and generally not rewarding. Same goes for the bow; keep a good stock of arrows and kite. The crossbow allows for a shield, but it’s the same taste as both; kite, block if your foe gets too close, then shoot. Locations are lackluster, and the land is a bore between areas minus the ever-weakening mobs you encounter thanks to your gear. There are shops, but they’re rather redundant save for artifacts that I won’t spoil abilities/tweaks for. The story is sort of clíched, but semi-original. Still, most of it is learned through books ala Dark Souls. Oh, and keys are rebindable. Though, as much as I’m loathe to say this, Dyeus could have benefited greatly from mod support, though for nearly being out a month with hardly any Community Hub activity, I doubt that could have taken the game to greater heights.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Overall it was a pretty nice experience, it was fun having to figure out where to go next and getting brutally murdered because I went somewhere that was way over my head.

Figuring out which weapons work best for each enemy, which ones to engage in melee or ranged was also nice.

The melee was usually fine but there were some particular enemies that were a patience game, where you are both attacking and blocking and it takes quite a while to actually get a hit on them.

If you’re like me and struggled at the end one bit of advice:

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

The End of Dyeus on Steam

Riddle of the Sphinx™ The Awakening (Enhanced Edition)

Riddle of the Sphinx™ The Awakening (Enhanced Edition)


It took me around 20 hours to finally complete ROTS Enhanced, and I must say it was well worth the price (I’m including the DNCs I also purchased in my opinions: Night Exploration DLC and the Dead Ends/Hints DLC).

First, the DLCs I purchased:

-The Dead Ends (Hints) DLC helped a LOT along the way, when I needed it, which was once in a while. None of the “puzzles” were, to me, illogical…so with some help and nudging I was able to complete everything. There are a LOT of different areas in the game and thus a lot to cover, which the DLC does well. I also appreciated the way the Dead Ends DLC was structured: either hints OR direct solving ,depending on which area/node you were visiting during the game. Player’s choice, and the entire DLC was easily integrated into the game: right click during the game, then click on a menu icon, taking you to the menu where the Hints DLC resides, without quitting out of the game, per se.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Riddle of the Sphinx is a point and click adventure game that was released in 2000. Recently, it has been “remastered” and updated to run on the latest systems. I was very excited to hear that this game was coming to steam and even more excited to hear that the game was being updated. I remember playing this game back when it was first released and I recall loving it then. I was looking forward to reliving fond memories of an awesome game that combined two loves of mine. Puzzles and Ancient Egypt.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Riddle of the Sphinx™ The Awakening (Enhanced Edition) on Steam

Realms of Eternity

Realms of Eternity

This is an impressive start to what might be an amazing game… I agree with some other reviews that the content is still in-process, but just by people who like to swing swords around and cut stuff, or shoot bows (which is actually very accurate in stark contrast to the sword-phasing in and out of contact) there is a ton of data still left on the table to be collected for refinement.

I was really impressed with the introduction of the messenger ninja, and the overall environment. Also, I had the bow & arrow mini-game freeze on me… I went back, since I was close to high score, but it froze again. boooo… Another thing with the mini-game, is that some of the enemy ninja freeze/glitch where you can’t kill them. Thus, you can not progress to the next wave.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2 and Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my review & gameplay here:

I know this game is in Early Access and I hate to give a negative review when I can see that the developer is actively developing the game. However, what’s available right now is just not enough and it’s also not very good. It’s a nice start to what might be a good game, but I have to review the game that I played.

What’s available right now is two things. A very simple sandbox where you can cut pieces of wood / bamboo and some fruits & veggies with a sword (2 handed or 1 handed). You also have a bow & arrow wave shooter mini-game, that’s very similar to Holopoint … just not nearly half as good.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Realms of Eternity on Steam