Combat Wings: Battle of Britain

Combat Wings: Battle of Britain

Combat wings: Battle of Britain

You won’t learn how to pilot a fighter plane, but there is certainly fun to be had with this game. With varying difficulties mainly changing the realism of the game, you can go from a simple simulator to an arcade shoot em up depending on what you fancy. I went for the latter and had a great time blasting Germans out of the sky. The campaign in this game is worth the money alone, and that is a really good thing because multiplayer is as dead as a door knob. The graphics were not top of the line, but that is fine for a low end PC. It was still good enough to shoot some planes out of the sky, and the frame rate was impressive. I experienced tearing once during the campaign and that was probably do to background processes. I do wish the voice actors had a little more variety, but the narrating was fine. The sounds of the plane responded to the input of the controls. The shots were pretty addicting, if the gun did not over heat you could hold down the fire button and enjoy the endless bap-bap-bap. My only issue with this game is you. Why are you not playing multiplayer with me? If you don’t have one of the newer flight simulators yet, I would definitely recommend this one to try out.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Multiplayer Games.

I am confirming that my Logitech F310 Gamepad combined with good old Windows 7, works perfectly with Combat Wings: Battle of Britain.

Surprisingly the manual and the game description does not mentions it’s compatibility, and total customization.

Simply access the menu settings and configure the controller to your preferences.

It is important to note that the ground mission in which you are operating an AA gun mounted on a turret, that you must put all controls (gamepad) back to “default” positions.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Combat Wings: Battle of Britain on Steam

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars is a mixed bag of things, but mostly an arcade sim with a decent (though hyperbolic) story wrapped around it. You play a female protagonist named DeeDee who, being a pilot smuggler gets caught up into World War II. And she serves with a man who personally flew and fought with her father in World War One. As the missions progress, the story unfolds through static cut scenes that have a pleasant cell shaded hand drawn look. Missions vary from stealthy strike missions to all out balls to the wall multi-plane dogfights. If you’re looking to play an IL-2 Sturmovik imitation, look elsewhere; this is strictly for the arcade fans. Difficulty can be toggled, but some missions are more difficult than they have any right to be. One particular mission toward the end involved destroying fleeing vehicles through the city of Berlin. Tall buildings made it difficult to get decent bombing runs or rocket attacks, and it took me over 50 tries to get it. (But at this point, being so close to the end I had to finish it!)

Real player with 38.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Singleplayer Games.

In my 30 hours (at this point in time) playing this, I thoroughly enjoyed this game, especially for $10.

It has the feeling of a budget game, which I expect it was (the first Air Conflicts has recieved so much Flak [Ha ha ha, get it? Flak? Anti-Air? Anyone?] that they probably were a little scared of how the second would turn out) but they managed to make this game a very, VERY, good budget game, especially for $10.

I’m not sure what people are talking about with the low resolution stuff. These past two weeks I’ve been able to play it in full 1920 x 1080, no iffy decals or anything. Though, on my laptop (I used to play this on a laptop, ran pretty well actually) I encountered a bug where the text, some of the logos, and most of the decals were very, very, low res. Didn’t happen to me when I played it on my desktop, though.

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars on Steam

Air Hunter

Air Hunter

Quite addictive action in which you can get stuck for a long time. The game is addicting and fun. It has good graphics and musical accompaniment, For the price, the very thing !!!

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Military Games.

Not a very fast airplane arcade scrolling shooter in which you fly on a combat plane and shoot oncoming enemy planes. Quite calm gameplay, allows you to relax and turn down the screen for an hour or two.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Air Hunter on Steam

Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China

Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China

I should say, I have not been playing flight simulators that much previously, but if you’re heading to start, then FLYING TIGERS: SHADOWS OVER THE CHINA is right for you.

Game of the genre will appreciate both amateurs and beginners, and now I’ll tell you why:

  • Soundtrack. After the game was launched, the first thing I noticed was a soundtrack in the main menu. Without a minor doubt, it was amazing. I enjoyed it while setting the game up. Music in the game itself is quite dynamic and non-irritating as well.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Ok, played it through. I wanted a casual dogfight arcade game, and that’s what I got (so I played with arcade controles obviously). Controling with the mouse feels good, the plane is responsive, it’s not a pain to aim and shoot as it can be in so many other games. There’s a bullet-time unciton, I must be dumb, I never managed to use it, but to be honest I never needed it.

The visuals are good enough, the sounds are convincing, the voices are convincing too. The music is half-half, some great score, and some that, while nice, don’t really fit the atmosphere, I find, but it’s nitpicking.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China on Steam

Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers

Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers

Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers has a couple issues that make it more frustrating than fun. The mission objectives often don’t unlock until you’re well into the middle of the enemy forces. This especially becomes a problem in the later levels because by that point half your planes may have been shot to pieces. In the final mission of the second Japanese campaign, there is an obnoxiously long narrator speech, and you have to pretty much circle the entire battle area dodging hordes of enemy fighters and flak until it’s done and the objective pops up so you can start. The other issue is that none of the other pilots will respect your personal space. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had my own allies swerve into me, causing us both to die. This is also an issue with enemy planes. At first I thought it was cool - the Japanese fighters were crashing into me, interesting to see Kamikaze tactics in the game! Then the Americans and RAF did it too. I think the planes simply don’t detect your presence at all unless scripted to chase.

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

To start things off, I’ve always loved these fighter planes-esque games (e.g. War Thunder, Pearl Harbor). AC:PC was honestly the best game on my joystick that I’ve ever played (other than Star Wars: Rouge Squadron). Two separate campaigns in the WWII era, having the choice between Japanese and Americans were very interesting. Upon initializing the mission, you’ll notice that every mission is taking off from an aircraft carrier (duh!). And unlike most single player campaign mode fighter games, you aren’t the only one in the sky. You’ve got a whole squadron behind you (or in front, I’m always in the back) and the best part is that you can switch planes like how you switch players in FIFA. The pilots also have a ranking system e.g. Private, Captain and added skills to them depending on rank. It gets emotional when one of my starred pilots die in combat. The overall dogfighting is very fun and engaging, but when it comes down to missions, not so much.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers on Steam

Dogfight 1942

Dogfight 1942

Great intuitive controls when using a PS4 controller and DS4 Windows. Flight sticks are apparently not supported. I don’t care. I threw mine out after my FSX days.

Finished this game and loved it. Got more worth than the three dollars i paid for it.

Great arcade game and historically accurate.

Voice acting is hilarious. Aussies saying let’s start the barbie for example.

Sure it’s not in 4K HD all round. There’s a glitch on the Enter the Reich mission where it suddenly goes in to hard mode and you can’t see enemies in the sky.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

This game is clearly marketed for fans of arcade flight sims, and in that regard, I think it does its job very well. The game play is very familiar for players like me who have played previous combat wings titles (duh). The graphics (save for buildings and bridges) are beautiful, even today. The aircraft are well modeled and behave much like their real world counterparts, besides the rockets. However, there are a few features the game has that don’t make any sense whatsoever or frustrated the hell out of me, and that will be my main topic for this review.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Dogfight 1942 on Steam

Iron Wings

Iron Wings

[The Bad]


  • Extremely long load time when starting the game.* Free Flight map looks large but blocked by invisible walls which forces your plane down if you don’t turn back.* All enemies planes cheat; they have phantom turrets that can shoot back.* Keyboard and mouse control can’t be changed.* Awkward default controls; [Home] accelerate [End] decelerate. Why can’t we just have W & S?* Keyboard and mouse control don’t work properly; you can’t assign order to wingmen using the suggested keys. Therefore wingmen idle beside you.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game


There are plenty of flight simulators on Steam and that is a wonderful thing. And yet, not all players have the spare time or disposition to cater to complex aerial titles and their steep learning curve. Arcade flight is thus, the perfect compromise between simulation of the airplane controls and fun factor. Don’t you dare consider me a flight simulator elitist, since before I even layed my eyes on IL-2 Sturmovik, I was already enjoying the dogfights in the H.A.W.X and Blazing Angels series of arcade flyers. Yes, Ubisoft Bucharest used to make some pretty good titles about airplanes, not just submarines. You can still purchase the Silent Hunter series on Steam and Uplay but good luck finding digital (& legal) keys for H.A.W.X 1 and 2…

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Iron Wings on Steam

Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders

Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders

Time for yet another review…well Sky gamblers: Storm Raiders has some good and bad points but then that’s the same with many games made today, Firstly some good points the graphics are fair (medium) the music very good and gameplay is good too, There are plenty of missions to do and multiplayer is good too.

It has a score system to increase rank and unlock new planes which you get from completing missions and shooting down planes or sinking ships or destroying buildings also the maps are not too bad.

Real player with 168.4 hrs in game

Sky Gamblers Storm Raiders is a simple, arcade WW2 flight simulator that’s enjoyable for a couple of hours.

The game covers a number of historical WW2 battles including Pearl Harbour, the battle for England etc. and the campaign brings you many of the typical locations you expect from a WW2 game, like France, Britain, Germany and the Pacific.

As an Android port, graphics are not as polished as some AAA titles but the game is still fun to play.


  • classic dogfights

  • easy controls

  • supports joystick, keyboard and mouse

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders on Steam

Battle Of Britain

Battle Of Britain

for $1.99aud price it is fine - it is hard and really there is nothing more to it than just trying to get a high score. Its pretty tough once the screen is full of bullets and rockets and you need to use your speed boost (i suppose its like WEP) carefully.

that being said i would love there to be a bit more content, like more varying aircraft to fly and enemies to fight and different backgrounds

  • could for example have a background that looks like London or the Dover coast maybe, and could have some german Heinkel or Dornier bombers as another enemy to take down as well as just avoid crashing into

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

This is a nice casual game for when you want to sit back, and shoot down some German aircraft.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Battle Of Britain on Steam

Flying Flogger

Flying Flogger

im at level 26 and its both really fun and challenging so far!

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

really fun little game! frustrating at times but thats all part of the fun!

here some gameplay footage!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Flying Flogger on Steam