

A simple story about a simple man, that just wants his everyday routine not to be ruined. A story, that many of us could tell.

Once you’ll start to play Dave, you will soon find out that there is a quite some background for this well made tribute to a Pac-man like games. I was simply amazed with the amount of all the dialogues, options, hidden jokes and obvious puns, all accompanied with great chiptune music. The music itself makes a huge work here as well, as many times I have just realized that I am humming the tones along with my head nodding to the rhythm.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Pixel Graphics Games.

Dave-Man is a charming retro-style game that taught me to despise anyone named Cathy! (for real, there is something very satisfying about getting caught out by her for the 15th time and exclaiming ‘GOSHDARNIT CATHY’ while smacking your desk).The gameplay is heckin fun, reminds me of my terrible attempts at Pac-Man when I was a wee lad but with cool extra stuff like online shopping and cats!!!The music is delightful, love the chiptune sound and it is there to comfort you when you inevitably get caught because you tried the hardest difficulty room.The end of a run is a really nice touch too, I won’t spoil it but it made me genuinely laugh.Overall I’d super recommend, and honestly it’s a steal for the price. It’s cheaper than a coffee from Costbucks for Christ’s sake and it comes with janitorial friendship!!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Dave-Man on Steam

Murder Hornets

Murder Hornets

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2 and Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my review & gameplay here: https://youtu.be/l7jIzkuyNkU

Remember when we had all those bad VR wave shooters? They’re back! But at least it’s not zombies this time. It’s … murder hornets … the meme VR game. Yeah that’s almost as bad as zombies.

Look, I still enjoy playing a good wave shooter … but this is not it. Not even close. It’s a stand still 180 wave shooter with melee, although you can dodge left or right to avoid the projectiles. There’s basically 3 type of wasps / hornets that look like bees, although there’s several different skin variants. There’s a fast moving one, a regular moving one (big or small), and one that squirts at your face …. not even going to touch that one.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Casual Games.

It’s Cheap. It’s loud. It’s Funny. It’s impossibly difficult. I was 100% satisfied with my purchase. (devs, please show me how to turn it down a bit!)

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Murder Hornets on Steam

Code Brown

Code Brown

there are hard keys and it is a not so long game

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Stealth Games.

Hilarious game play. Can’t seem to figure out the safe yet, but everything else is self explanatory. The game is meant for people with a sense of humor.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Code Brown on Steam

Dumbass Drivers!

Dumbass Drivers!

A bad option to spend your money on!

This game is trash.

Not the good kind of trash, but just a waste of time!

Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Maps are badly done, yet playable with much patience!

  • Design sucks. I mean the graphics are worse than many free games from the beginning of the 21st century, it is just bad, cheap landscaping and very low budget production overall.

  • THE GUY to the right of the screen makes me freak out. I mean WHY? Why do you add something like him? xD

You can get the achievements relatively easy, if you feel the need to get them … ( 25h)

Real player with 33.6 hrs in game

Please send help. They’re living in my walls and making me play this in the 9th circle of hell. There are bugs inside of me. THERE ARE SPIDERS. IN. MY. FUCKING. BONES.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Dumbass Drivers! on Steam



It’s too short but too funny at the same time,

i liked everything in this game and i hope you guys continue updating it.

i know you’d say that you may not updating its contents but i think this kind of games would be so popular in the future :)

btw, the memes you’ve used in dev. diary was so hilarious xD. ESPECIALLY COFFIN DANCE.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Pro tip: don’t be cheeky like me and remap the blue keys to left hand and red keys to right hand, forcing yourself to reset to default and relearn your entire muscle memory the instant linked notes appear.

The default key layout may look weird but it’s designed that way for a reason (that I failed to understand and then paid the price for).

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Moirs on Steam



I liked unlocking new operating systems, and overall, any game with a skin of Windows 95 on it, I like it.

That being said, I did notice some awkward wording that was carried over into the PC port.

“Select a right button to continue.” should read “Select the right button to continue.”

For Progress Defender with the Antivirus, it says “Database need to be updated.” Not only is this not a complete sentence, it has the plural form of need. You could put something along the lines of either, “The database needs to be updated” if you’re looking to complete the sentence, or “The malware database needs to be updated.”

Real player with 621.9 hrs in game

It’s a nice, fun game if you like casual arcade-like action and nostalgia for graphical user interfaces. The goal is easy, but the game introduces enough obstacles and game modes to shake things up, allowing for a fun and challenging experience.

I will say, though, that it’s still transitioning from mobile to desktop. Some elements, such as the pinball, are still confined to a horizontal play area. Dragging the progress bar over a movable desktop item can immediately cause the cursor to drag the desktop item instead, even if the player doesn’t let go of the mouse. On a related note, the right mouse button doesn’t do anything in-game.

Real player with 81.8 hrs in game

Progressbar95 on Steam

Short Fuse

Short Fuse

I love this game! I should though - I designed it :)

Real player with 2531.1 hrs in game

cool dude game

Real player with 175.4 hrs in game

Short Fuse on Steam

Toilet Flushing Simulator

Toilet Flushing Simulator

This is actually a fun game, would be better if there were more stages and toilets!

Can’t wait for an update so I can play again! :D

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Bro best game I played since craftmine 8 420/69 amazing game

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Toilet Flushing Simulator on Steam

Orlando the Fireman

Orlando the Fireman

This game is not really fun. Is it supposed to be a parody? The game is almost identical to super mario bros. All u are doing is going up and saving people with the occasional person with water sometime being available. The main screen is only a play button. There is no tutorial or explanation for the game. There is no “Esc” button. There is no place where I can find about scores? How well did I do; can I beat my personnel score??? This game should not have been released for even these simple options.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

I wouldn’t play this on my phone

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Orlando the Fireman on Steam



Chimpology is a retro pixel button mashing game where you must hit the keys corresponding to “1” and “0” in sequence. Get the numbers right and you can progress. Enough mistakes and you lose. For some reason they decided that despite having “0” and “1” keys on your keyboard, they should be “z” and “m” because apparently these guys never saw a keyboard before.

There’s no other gameplay to speak of here. Graphics are ugly. The developers seem to have put more effort into explaining why their terrible game works the way it does (chimpanzees or something) than actually developing a game people might enjoy. Totally not worth $3.

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game


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Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Chimpology on Steam