Abiko The Miko

Abiko The Miko


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Action Roguelike Games.

A nice introduction to bullet hell games for a small child and a fairly fun casual game. Don’t purchase this AND Abiko the Miko 2 – they are seemingly identical games.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Abiko The Miko on Steam

Accel Magician Mimi

Accel Magician Mimi

If you look at the rest of the developer’s games, it appears they either used a kit and reskinned it, or made one game and reskinned it, multiple times. Keep this and the fact I’m basing my recommendation on the sale price I obtained it at (59 cents).

Game only consists of 3 stages and bosses, which can easily be completed in under an hour. However, there is 2 player battle mode and co-op, adding to the replayability. Controls are responsive. No optimization issues noted. Difficulty progression is smooth and different enemies have varied enough attack patterns to keep the game interesting.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Action Roguelike Games.

Accel Magician Mimi on Steam