Air Hunter

Air Hunter

Quite addictive action in which you can get stuck for a long time. The game is addicting and fun. It has good graphics and musical accompaniment, For the price, the very thing !!!

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade War Games.

Not a very fast airplane arcade scrolling shooter in which you fly on a combat plane and shoot oncoming enemy planes. Quite calm gameplay, allows you to relax and turn down the screen for an hour or two.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Air Hunter on Steam

Heliborne Collection

Heliborne Collection

This is a shortened version of a longer review I wrote of the game - Steam didn’t have enough room for all of the gushing praise I have for Heliborne. This was written in August of 2018, but I’ve adjusted it to account for recent updates.

Heliborne is a helicopter action game similar to World of Tanks or World of Warplanes, but with no real micro-transactions (skins can be purchased, both with real money and experience points, but they are purely cosmetic). Players are introduced to a series of NATO (primarily American) and Russian helicopters, beginning with piston-driven craft that handle like flying barges armed with simple machine guns to sleek modern attack choppers with guided missiles. Each chopper handles differently and mastering their unique characteristics is a lot of fun. The flight model is definitely more arcade than sim, but each bird has real heft and momentum in flight. Getting from point A to point B (or, should I say, LZ 1 to LZ 2?) isn’t terribly difficult, but doing it with style? Coming into a hot LZ at speed to drop troops under heavy fire? That takes a little bit of practice. A basic understanding of the physics Grand Theft Auto was able to figure it out fairly quickly.

Real player with 464.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Multiplayer Games.

Mixed Feeling Review, Devs turn back to old version = Thanks.

The new Developer: Klabater did bad to this game.

Feel sad for the new ppl who bought it only for the EE.

Please - Don’t rush. Take it slow. Make sure all working well and lookin good before next big update.

Oh and don’t forget to Test it as well - “Think like you are the player” :-)

The only pictures to show:

Real player with 315.3 hrs in game

Heliborne Collection on Steam

Modern Assault Tanks

Modern Assault Tanks

Clear pay4win, greedy like hell. Microtransactions everywhere, cannot progress without paying. No balance at all. Do not bother.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Wargame Games.

A new take on an old theme but much much better than just the plain “Modern Tanks” game title! Better physics and much more realistic!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Modern Assault Tanks on Steam

Gunship Recon

Gunship Recon

Note that this game is just an arcade game.

A simple operation helicopter arcade game.

There are various missions such as destruction of enemy weapons, rescue of hostages, assassination and destruction of enemy facilities.

A game based on the conflict between Willsword (the player’s country) and Maxell (the enemy country).

8 levels in all.

The game feature that can be easily replayed.

Simple control. You can aim at the enemy while stopping on the spot. This is useful, but the pleasure as a flight simulator is halved.

Various terrain and weather.

Damage caused by a collision on the ground is minimal.Instead, the physical inertia from the impact makes it harder for the player to maneuver the helicopter.

The battlefield is 2 kilometers square except for some levels. It will be game over when you go out of the area.

The enemy is not only ground weapons, but also unmanned airplanes.

Allied flying squadrons will protect you.

Since only the machine gun can be used in the first half of the game, you need to aim at the enemy accurately.

In the second half of the game, you can use homing rockets, which makes the game play more like arcade games.

This game uses music selected carefully from the previous songs composed by Sonic-Alpha.

You need a graphics board to play this game.

The graphic settings may optimize the sensitivity of the mouse.

I think that the setting of the joystick can be done at the first boot screen. (Test play is not done with the joystick)

This game is not good as a flight simulator. (It is an arcade game)

It does not officially support joysticks or controllers. (May be usable with key assignment)

The play time of the level seems shorter than other games.


C: Change camera

ESC: Pause, return to menu screen

Mouse: Ascend, descend,turning

Right mouse click: Change weapon

Left mouse click: Shoot weapon

W: Speed up

S: Speed down

A, D: Move the helicopter left and right

Gunship Recon on Steam



Ace Combat 7 is an amazing game aswell as a good return-to-form for Project Aces. One thing I like the most is the gameplay, no doubt out of all the Ace Combat games I’ve played Skies Unknown has the absolute best. It’s as intense and high-octane as running from a guard dog, the only difference being it’s actually fun. But everything else is sort of lacking, and pales in comparison to the older games. The story is kinda… Meh. I loved the whole suicide-squad-esque story it had going on during the 444 missions, but everything after that started to get kind of dull. The DLC missions are wonderful though, my personal favorite being Anchorhead Raid. The soundtrack is good albeit kind of boring (even Daredevil. They use the Daredevil motif in a bunch of the songs here and it gets boring very quickly. Or well, atleast in my experience), that is except Magic Spear! Magic Spear is absolutely amazing and I love it with all my heart.

Real player with 367.4 hrs in game

It’s a great game for anyone interested in Fighter Jets. Note: THIS IS NOT A SIMULATOR.

I’ve had plenty of fun flying around in a jet, taking out enemies left and right, it also has an interesting story, that is not at all confusing if you knowledge of the timeline prior to this.

The music is also amazing.

Multiplayer is kinda dead though with only two modes.

Real player with 94.8 hrs in game


Raid on the Zone

Raid on the Zone

Been playing this a couple of times now, and I’m very fond of it being so close to the original Raid on Bungeling Bay, even though it has been enhanced with more intelligent AI, which also makes it a bigger challenge. I haven’t beaten it yet, but I’m going to! Lots of good gameplay and replayability. Recommending this for everyone who likes to shoot stuff and have fun!

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

I really enjoyed this game as it resembles the old Raid on Bungeling Bay, which I have enjyoed a lot as a kid. The game is hard but loads of fun! :) Highly recommended for anyone with a trigger finger.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Raid on the Zone on Steam

Tank Golfing

Tank Golfing

Interesting Idea, clunky/terrible execution.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Tank Golfing on Steam

Air Combat XF

Air Combat XF

The game itself was gifted to me as a prank. Tried to get all the achievements and got stuck because of a glitch. Reported it and it got fixed. Love seeing such an activity form the dev’s side.

The game itself is quite short but to be honest - it hade some challenging moments which I liked. Worth getting this as a prank, had some fun for a while.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

It’s pure adrenaline fun. If you ever wanted to just jump in and shoot stuff, this is it. Minimal mission briefing is all you get as background story unlike the demo for their latest iteration called Massive Air Combat; that one has a pretty nice cutscene and you get to fly a heavier aircraft but since it’s a demo we get to see only one in the 1 mission in the demo.

Considering that it costs me only about 0.6 SGD, it’s a pretty good bang for the buck, pardon the pun. So, it is an arcade flight game and the good thing is; it doesn’t go overboard with the arcade freedom of latitude. Since version 2.2 there were some physics restrictions introduced and gameplay tweaks which makes the game a bit closer to reality and a bit tougher. There is no difficulty setting but if you want an easier time, maybe version 1.0 is the way to go. You can opt for that in the Beta version of the game in the Steam UI.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Air Combat XF on Steam

Battle Village

Battle Village

The BGM of the game is a little ok. It can be seen that the developer wants to create a tense atmosphere. But,But,But I didn’t feel nervous and even giggled. Why? Let me tell you:

1.In the game, the enemy’s tank birthplace position is completely fixed, and the order is also completely fixed. You can run to the top of the screen and kill the tank easily, which is easier than bullying a three-year-old. I even had an illusion that if I had been born during World War II, I would have been a trump tank driver.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game


it’s missing a bit to Give it a Go,

feels like was not much of a thought about a good level design and some fancy interface

not bad though, I was sad to discover that game can be really abused by just standing down the spot line.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Battle Village on Steam

Hexagon World

Hexagon World

No. Just no. Do NOT pull the trigger on Hexagon World.

It’s pretty feature-free. The only controls are to 1) add land; 2) add water; 3) make a set of hexes desert; 4) make a set of hexes snow. That’s it. Nothing else. If you play this for 5 minutes, you’ve done everything you’re ever going to do with it.

Two menus (house and bomb) aren’t even implemented. No way to change the speed. No way to change the sound volume. No way to scroll the map – you can only zoom in and out on the center point. The cool airplanes? Just dots on the screen; you can’t even see what they’re doing unless it’s happening near the screen center. Switching from flat earth to globe view often results in just a black screen.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Entirely feature free “god game”

Actual trash, do not buy

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Hexagon World on Steam