

Chains is a game about linking 3+ bubbles of the same colour. It features 20 puzzles, each different from one another. Rules, objectives, layout change from one puzzle to the next, sometimes even the gravity is modified.

Basically though there are two types: puzzles that make you think a little, and puzzles where you have to act fast. Unfortunately there is much more of the “act fast” ones. When I got this game I thought it will be relaxing & laid-back. It wasn’t most of the time. Chains require focus, reflex and speed, which makes it rather tense experience, stressful even. Hey, I’m old ^^

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Relaxing Games.

To start off, I bought this game for 50 cents with a 90 percent off coupon, from its original price of 4.99. That’s a pretty good deal in my opinon at least. I like to think of these types of games as Flash Games, or rather those you can play on the internet for free. Thus meaning I do think the price on this is a bit to high, and 99 cents instead would be quite a great deal.

Compared to a free web game, this game offers the same amount of gamplay, level systems and what not, you finish one you go the next, pretty simple. But that also means that is the only things it offers if you know what I mean.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Chains on Steam



What’s new if this type of game has been already done to death?

  • Cute silly story which you don’t need in order to play (kinda appropriate for kids)

  • Some extras which make it more enjoyable than open or free games in the same vein

  • Game modes always challenging you and pushing you to the next level

  • Nice audio tracks

  • Overall sense of action and a feeling of joy

What’s bad with it?

Not much that I can say. I have enjoyed lots of hours of casual play and have already achieved whatever I supposedly wanted from it. There’s some replayability value but I’m already done at 12 hours (check my status and you’ll see if I reinstalled and kept playing later on).

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade 4 Player Local Games.

Review from a Hardcore Tetris Attack/Planet Puzzle League Player

When I saw this on sale, it was an instant buy! I was jonesing to flip some panels like back in the old days! As someone who played an unhealthy amount of Tetris Attack/Panel De Pon and Planet Puzzle League when I was younger, I can honestly say that I got my money’s worth here. If you’re familiar with the formula of those games, you’ll feel right at home here, and at the asking price, it’s honestly a steal!


Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Flipon on Steam

Witch Stone

Witch Stone

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Witch Stone, which is a 2D mobile app tier clicker/physics puzzle from known asset flippers, Piece of Voxel. This is a basic retro puzzle game that plays like Bust-A-Move but without shooting, you just click on balls to make them fall and if they fall the right way they pop.

The artwork is minimal and looks to be phoned in/asset flipped (not a surprise, this is Piece of Voxel we’re dealing with).

There’s no working full screen mode, in fact, if you hit alt+enter, Piece of Voxel actually go out of their way to insult PC gamers by telling you they won’t allow you to try switch to full screen (“Don’t even try, i won’t let you do it), then terminate the game. Insulting your customers is not a winning strategy, but then this is Piece of Voxel, who make a living stealing other people’s work and trying to sell it on Steam as a scam. What’s that? Oh yes:

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Relaxing Games.

Witch Stone on Steam

Zuma Deluxe

Zuma Deluxe

I have NO idea how I managed to put so many hours into this game. This is a casual, easy to learn, fast-paced game. I consider games like this perfect “thinking” games…not because the game itself takes a lot of thought (it doesn’t) but because you can let your mind go elsewhere while playing. I often clicked this game open when on the phone, listening to music, mulling something over, just had a few minutes, etc. But yet, it is still a fun little game to get serious about if you want to. This is exactly what a casual game should be. Colorful graphics, many different game boards, addictive (I am trying to cut down), and fast-paced.

Real player with 206.4 hrs in game

Oh my, that’s the game that took so many days, and nights, and even some of the work time from me and many of my friends! While it’s not really innovative or something, being a bit upgraded version of the Bejeweled… It was Zuma who made me and so many other people possessed!

You know, I’m not really recommending you the game. If you’re not a fan of casual games like “match 3”, you’ll be quite okay without it. And even if you’re a fan… Maybe you should not try it. Because yes, it is a poison. The S-grade time consumer. You take a level, then one more, then just one more… Each of them isn’t anything really hard, and take about a minute or two… but then, you wake up hours later somewhere on the 8-4 level, and thinking “This one should be the last!”. And maybe you’ll quit right away. But you’ll surely return, and get to the 13th level eventually. And if someday you’ll manage that highest 13th too, that accomplishment will be marked in your head on the same scale, as, like, finishing an annual income statement!

Real player with 50.5 hrs in game

Zuma Deluxe on Steam

10th Corpse

10th Corpse

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As a detective selected to investigate a potential upcoming murder, you come to a mansion ready to solve the case. Upon your arrival, you are met with several people who could be potential suspects that you must keep an eye on. Of course quite rapidly you learn that there is much more to this house than it would appear.

The house’s odd connection to puzzles is how this game really incorporates the games into the story. With every step of your investigation of a mysterious letter, you will have to solve puzzles of varied styles to move forward. You will be put in charge of solving match 3, hidden object, tile matching and Dr Mario styled puzzles from several different characters all with different purposes of solving said puzzles.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Puzzle game + layout - nothing new = A decent match 3 game with 100 levels. Play match 3, HOG, tile and tetris puzzles. Answer questions correctly to get bonuses.

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Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

10th Corpse on Steam

Academy of Magic - Lair of the Beast

Academy of Magic - Lair of the Beast

This game was decent enough that I played through it a couple of times!

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

A very plain and uninspired Match 3 with basic characters and an uninteresting plot. No time limits to provide challenge and just basic Match 3 tropes throughout.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Academy of Magic - Lair of the Beast on Steam

Academy of Magic: Dark Possession

Academy of Magic: Dark Possession












Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

This is a good concept, so it’s unfortunate that the game is buggy and broken. This means that you can get completely stuck in a level and never be able to get out of it, even to buy the items that will help you to complete it (which you will not find out about ahead of time). The developers should have done testing before this was ever released for sale.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Academy of Magic: Dark Possession on Steam

Academy of Magic: The Great Dark Wizard’s Curse

Academy of Magic: The Great Dark Wizard’s Curse

Fantasy match 3 + newer graphics + for all ages = Another fun match 3 game from HH. Collect stars and other resources to unlock tools that can get you out of a tight spot.

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Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Academy of Magic: The Great Dark Wizard's Curse on Steam

Artifact Hunter

Artifact Hunter

This is one of the harder Match 3 games I’ve played, in that it seems to take a long time to clear a board–cascading tiles that clear areas are rare! It takes time to fill the various power ups too, but at least they are an option. There is a story, though kinda silly–and the voices are…not-so-good imo. I normally love the music from these developers but in this game I play through the first 2 songs (one song will replay itself until you finish that level, then the next song starts, and replays, with the next level, and so on). By the time the 3rd song comes up –which I dislike–I quit the game and return later–so I’m just listening to the first two while I play. It does get tedious but I am recommending it because I keep playing (I think I’m getting close to finishing). It’s an okay Match 3 game.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

This is a match 3 game (move a tile to align 3 or more tiles or the same color/type).

You follow the steps of your father throughout various important archeologic sites in the world. This is all very linear since you follow the story step by step. There’s no replaying of any level as far as I could determine.

There are 95 levels to go through to finish the game. Each level is graded and you can earn up to three stars. I’m not sure what triggers 3 stars or not - probably the timing. Also, I’m not sure about the purpose of grading levels since there’s no ranking or “points” of any sort.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Artifact Hunter on Steam



Fun and relaxing little game.

Pro tip; Helps if you pretend to be a Samurai whilst playing

Speak quickly and angrily!

Grow facial hair!

Maybe if you kill another samurai and apologize after, you’ll get to date his wife!

The possibilities are endless!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Boxoku! on Steam