

In similar vein to games like Super Hexagon, 140, Gauge and Duet, oO is a minimalistic game with simple objectives and simple controls - on the surface. But while things may look easy enough at first glance, the challenge comes in mastering the sparse mechanics you are given to get past whatever sadistic obstacles oO’s glowing, circular world cares to throw in your direction.

With ever more complex patterns to overcome and a faster and faster rate of play, the simple “push space to flip” mechanic might only be one button but will eventually build to challenge even the fastest of reflexes. You will die again, and again, and again

! and again, and again, and again, and again, and again; but unlike some other punishing titles of similar ilk, the deaths here don’t tend to feel cheap. You’ll always know why you died, and what you need to do to avoid death next time.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Fast-Paced Games.

Too frustrating to be much fun. I do like the deceptively-simple concept and the wobbly-screen mode you can unlock each time you clear a level… but the overall charm wears off very quickly. It doesn’t take long for things to start to feel mindless, and this is not the kind of game where mindless gameplay will get you anywhere.

I’m surprised at the glowing reviews this game has gotten. (And of course anyone who doesn’t recommend the game gets slammed with downvotes, I’m sure I’ll be no different.) Scrolling through the positive reviews, hardly any of the users seem to have played for more than a couple hours - probably because the ragequit is strong with this one; I imagine many of these people played it once and haven’t touched it since - so again, it’s tough to understand the positive feedback. For the novelty, sure. Everything else… hm.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

oO on Steam



This game is a lot of fun and definitely worth the price! Has a nice retro feel and reminds me of old block breaker and space invaders games!

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Score Attack Games.

Super addictive. I thought I would just play for a minute and put it down but I wound up playing for 6 hours straight. It brings back feelings of playing galaga at my favorite pizza place as a child. I could really see it sitting along games like galaga and space invaders in an arcade in the 90’s. I haven’t spent so much time playing with balls since church camp!!! 10/10

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Probe on Steam



A charming short game that has fun, fast paced gameplay, well-made pixel art and OST, a cute story and exciting challenges, but a terrible endless mode.

The gameplay is pretty simple. you avoid/destroy objects in your way to reach the end of the level, you’ll find more weapons and accessories to help you avoid the obstacles as you progress. The game is pretty RNG dependant in nature, so sometimes you’ll find yourself in situations that are barely manageable, but that doesn’t matter that much, if you die you’ll not lose significant progress and you’ll respawn pretty quickly, that keeps the gameplay fast paced and dynamic. There’s also the eventual boss, while some of them suffer some problems regarding attack patterns and janky hitboxes, they’re fun overall.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Arcade Action-Adventure Games.

If you want the review in English, go to the end.

Vou dividir a análise em prós, contras e finalizaçao.


O jogo é divertido

Tem um lindo desing de personagens, fase e boss.

Fair price

Diversos minigames

Diversas armas e opções de mobilidade


A repetição do passarinho é algo que chega a ser irritante

Algumas coisas desnecessárias, como o passarinho já dito e a “nuvem” de laser no boss lunar.

Algumas armas e botas são interessantes porém tao ruins que chegam a ser inúteis, como:

Martelo, tem que carregar, o cabo não quebra prójetéis por algum motivo, e o dano é muito pouco

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game


Army of Numbers

Army of Numbers

As a math nerd, I love it. I’m happy that there’s finally a quick game I can play to relax that still makes me think instead of just brainlessly push buttons and swipe. This is what this genre should be.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Most fun with maths that i have had

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Army of Numbers on Steam

Boson X

Boson X

I started playing this game a little over two years ago after somebody mentioned it in the comments section of a Super Hexagon video on YouTube, saying something to the effect of “If you think this game is hard, then you should try Boson X!” Having been looking for a new game to try out, I decided I might as well buy it and see what the game was all about.

Boson X quickly became my favorite game to play during downtime, such as before leaving for school or waiting to go someplace. I could play it while I was talking to friends online, while listening to music, or if I just needed to get my mind off of something, I could open the game and collide particles until I felt better.

Real player with 909.9 hrs in game

Boson X. An fast-paced indie platformer that requires a lot of memorization of patterns to get you through.

It seems that the objective is to help two (or three if you consider a robot one) scientists discover three particles by traveling through some visual starfield. The goal is to run along blue platforms that emerge from the endless void around you, building up enough energy to spark a particle. This task, as you progress, isn’t as easy as it seems as newer stages bring forth new obstacles, may it be moving white flats, fragile red flats, thick walls, and even rings that emit electric currents. All this game really needs is mind power and complete concentration.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Boson X on Steam

Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky

Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky

great game. totally worth the price. weapons feel good, tons of levels and a hoard mode, and it gets 100x better with friends. my only complaints are the lack of vsync (on linux at least, idk if the windows version has it) and I feel like the weapons system could have been pushed a bit further. I would like to see some more utilities like temporary invisibility or a dash/speed boost. A chainsaw would be cool too. I give a 9/10 considering the price.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

I consider myself to be a social gamer, meaning I often don’t gravitate towards games that aren’t specifically made for multiplayer; however a friend of mine wouldn’t stop recommending Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky, and now I’m so glad he did. My expectations were surpassed to say the least, and I absolutely loved the Co-op aspect of it, because of how valuable teamwork can be, and how the action of “Accidentally” shooting my own teammate was never met with frustration, rather a seemingly endless hilarity that eventually became part of the game when me and my brother played together.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky on Steam



Hit the halfway mark. Pretty entertaining game for only 5$. Worth the price.

Basically crypt of the necromancer not if is was not a rythm game and your characters always running. Game gets really challenging as levels go on.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

If you don’t have this game, you aren’t sitting with the cool kids

Another great experience from Beautiful Glitch

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

MAZEMAN on Steam



As an avid Thumper player, this game checks all of my boxes.

-dark atmosphere

-killer soundtrack, heavy drums

-high speed, high intensity

-high skill ceiling

The game makes use of all of its mechanics, all of the time. So even though you are encouraged to go fast, there are points where you can’t always be turbo-ing. USE THE BRAKES!

Solid game, and I’m only on world 4. 10/10


After completing the game, I have to recommend it even more.

And the devs are receptive to feedback and are improving the game! There were several unfun issues with a few objects and hitboxes, which have been patched, making this an even better speed game.

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game


Плюсы и не только:

Игра мне понравилась. Прикольная графика и довольно хороший саундтрэк. Проходиться за часов 9 - 15, боссы прикольные и в почти каждой локации свои механики. Достижения получить довольно легко кроме трех последних, там нужно еще найти зону в которой это можно сделать (а их там 100+). А также есть режим от первого лица.


Сюжет - 2 предложения в начале и конце. (да, я знаю что игра не про сюжет, не бейте)

Хитбоксы - иногда можно задеть что-то и не умереть или не сбросить ‘дрон замедления’.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

NERVE on Steam

Psychocat: The Door

Psychocat: The Door

Yes. The best. Thumbs up

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

A real good follow up to the answer. It adds more complex layers of the button swapping which keep the gameplay fresh and interesting. The soundtrack is a fitting choice again and this time the game is split into many smaller levels instead of one long run which does make for a little bit more manageable obstacle training and also keeps the early stages from becoming boring as you master the easier difficulties. With a bit of insanity and a nice little catch at the end an overall well rounded sequel.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Psychocat: The Door on Steam

Speed Limit

Speed Limit

Speed Limit is a fun arcade action game, where the perspective of the gameplay and the gameplay style itself changes every 2 levels. It’s framed as what is essentially a non-stop action movie setpiece, where if you die, then the footage is rewound, and you are placed at the last checkpoint. The controls for each gameplay style are very responsive, and the different gameplay styles are all fun to play. I think the Pseudo-3D motorcycle sections are my favorite, because of the sense of speed, and the music during those parts is great. All the pixel art in the game is well done, and very detailed. The death animations and Pseudo-3D effects are of especial note. The sound effects are good, and the music is fast paced and fits the fast gameplay very well. The game is $12CDN, and I think that’s a fair price for what you get. You get the game of course, the artbook which has some really interesting insights and tidbits into the game’s development, as well as the soundtrack. There are quite a few achievements, and some of them are really challenging. It took me roughly 7 hours to 100% the game and get all the achievements. You can tell this game was made with care, and the developers really appreciated the games of the era that the game pays homage to.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #106 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i]

“Crash. Test… DUMMY!”


Here’s The Thing:

You are Bruce Willis but err, due to budget constraints…!! Hmm. Ahhh, you’re a washed-up action star who- no, that ain’t it either… You’re an untrained passenger on your way to going about your hipster life.

Suddenly, some SWAT team and or Secret Servicemen (because come on…) bust in on you and you’re a patsy of some sort!! So, like any reasonable law-abiding citizen, you come into a fully stocked pistol, and thus begins your unwilling joyride of awesome stunts and equally epic on-screen (and off) deaths~

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Speed Limit on Steam