It is a game what I wanna give a comment after 17 min’s playing.

I’d like to share with you how I love the game.

First the graphics are cute and lovely. It feels like coming out from a fairy tale.

Then the gaming would like to say excellent both in the keyborad mode and the joystick mode.

You should control your character to run and to fall with one hand.

At the same time control the light star to go to the right direction with another hand.

Do not get your character falling in trouble after transporting.

Real player with 129.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Casual Games.

Hidden gem-like game. A cute girl and a fairy will venture out to save the village. Peaceful BGM / cute characters / simple controls / beautiful illustrations / really perfect healing game! Highly recommended. (o´・ω-)b

*Nyanco Channel (Steam Curator) ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿


Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

ELMIA on Steam



This game is absolutely stellar. I doubt I will play anything better this year, or perhaps even in years to come.

First and foremost, this game grants the player absolute control over the character. The movement is fast and responsive, and the more you learn about the game, the better you can maneuver, to the point where you can do things you never would have thought possible at first. This sense of control is absolutely wonderful because I can apply both my reflexes and timing as well as my puzzle-solving skills to the level in front of me. The level design features branching paths that allow you to tackle the level many different ways, and give the player a sense of exploration. Will you go the easier and slower path, take more difficult shortcut, or will you look for the perfect jump to create your OWN shortcut? The game also allows you to place your own checkpoints, and unlike They Bleed Pixels, they actually mean it, meaning that you get to tackle the level before you on your own terms without compromising the difficulty.

Real player with 120.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Fast-Paced Games.

So close…so very very close. This would have been a GOTY contender for me but it slips and wobbles


I’ll start with the good: Cloudbuilt is basically Sonic Generations. Remember boosting to beat your time and precision, quick twitch platforming within a level that has multiple pathways? It’s here. Maybe the budget isn’t, but the excitement and speed definitely is. As is the creativity, only difference here is levels have more vertical movement and therefore aren’t as fast, but the idea is the same.

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Cloudbuilt on Steam

Lovely Planet

Lovely Planet

So nearing the amount of in game time that equates to 10 actual rotations of the Earth (228.6 hours at the time of this review), I feel as though I have a proper understanding of this game, and my input will be valued.

Short version: This game is superb. You’d have to be an absolute fool to neglect this purchase.

Long version: My roommate suggested me this game after learning that I was looking for games to speedrun. I purchased it, fired it up, and not a moment later, fell in love with it. That kind of love you feel that just warms your whole body. My initial reaction was, “Wow, this soundtrack is incredible! And these graphics! It’s so simple, yet so capturing and quirky!”

Real player with 256.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Indie Games.

The world is kind of a heavy place lately, and it’s become hard to escape and find that moment of peace we all could really use. Everywhere we look for entertainment or relaxation reminds us of the discord and disorder seen more and more through images of violence and confrontation. Where do you turn when you want to get away from the realities of the world we’re being reminded of every day?

Of course everyone enjoys the challenge and hyperactive action of first person shooters but as some of us grow older we tire of their melodramatic, heavy handed, and needlessly intense nature. Could it be possible to have that same action in a more refined, artistic, and abstract style? Lovely Planet is exactly the kind of shooter to bring us this sort of peace so needed in an entertainment industry fueled by glorified aggression.

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

Lovely Planet on Steam

Earth Overclocked

Earth Overclocked

Surprisingly nice and addictive game in the genre that I don’t usually like. Earth Overclocked is yet another one of those cheap indie real-time permadeath rogue-like games that you can often find in bundles and most of which suck very hard. For many reasons. Those are usually way too poor, way too unpolished, or something like that. Up to the point where they’re half-broken games that kill you faster than you can understand what’s going on and what you should do. For example, not so long ago I suffered through a game called Vampire of the Sands. The idea itself wasn’t that bad, but the experience itself… it was extremely unpleasant.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Actually, not bad, but with some problems.

I liked how quick the runs are. You are forced to finish your run in 20 minutes, but you can find some items which can extend your timer, so there is no need to stress out about the timer, especially on the first difficulty. I finished my first run after 100 minutes of playtime and after that I could fairly easily finish the game on every second try. My record was 12 minutes and 4 seconds.

There are a lot of weapons to find and play with, but the downside is - all of them have a durability stat, so after some time they just break and you are left with nothing. So switching weapons is essential and a big part of the game’s core difficulty.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Earth Overclocked on Steam

Sonic CD

Sonic CD

It all started when I was 7 years old. My parents gave me a Sega Genesis and a copy of Sonic the Hedgehog for christmas. I fell in love with it the moment I booted up the game. The graphics, the music, the speed! It overwhelmed my young mind. I played it for hours on end, memorizing each level, the location of every powerup, every enemy, every single ring. It was the only thing I did, I stopped going outside and playing with my friends, for Sonic was the only friend I needed. Eventually I became unsatisfied, I needed a new Sonic the Hedgehog game to fuel my addiction. My prayers were answered with the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. My parents refused to buy it for me. They believed I was too obsessed with the first one and knew that buying the second one would only make my obsession worse. This devestated me. I NEEDED that game, I felt like an alcoholic going through withdrawl. I lost all of my spirit, I had trouble sleeping at night, and sometimes I would experience hallucinations where Sonic was in the room with me. I begged my parents every day, but they wouldn’t budge. I felt I had lost the will to live. Thankfully, I got the game. I aquired it the same way every kid got something that they wanted but their parents wouldn’t buy for them, Grandma. I was overjoyed, finally I could experience the masterpiece that is known as Sonic The Hedgehog 2. This time he was accompanied by Tails! I was delighted. I played this game, and mastered it like I had the original. By now I had lost contact with society, I didn’t talk to anybody at school, I had no friends, and I never left the house. This didn’t bother me though, in fact I preferred it that way. Just as I started to get bored of that game, Sonic 3 came out. My obsession had hit an all-time high, I was amazed at the quality of that game. We now had Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. They were my friends, or “The Gang” as I called them. My parents were scared of me now. If they tried to take the game away from me, I would throw a tantrum and break things until they gave it back. No amount of reasoning, counseling, or Native American rituals could change me, because by now Sonic had was not just an obsession, but a lifestyle. I lived and breathed Sonic. But then came the dark days, no sonic games were coming out. Sega had stopped supporting the Genesis, and had launched the Saturn. I didn’t have one, but that didn’t matter. No new Sonic games were coming out. There were rumors, but the only one that ever turned out to be true was Sonic R. I saw it as an abomination, how could Sega do that to Sonic? After several years I had just about given up. I would often times cry myself to sleep, believing that Sega had given up on the blue hedgehog that I had come to adore. I wrote my own stories about Sonic, but they weren’t enough. But then it happened. I was at the grocery store with my mother, when I saw it: A magazine with a picture of the Sega Dreamcast plastered right on the cover. I begged my mom to buy it for me, and she did, relieved that I wanted something that wasn’t Sonic related, or so she thought. I read the articles about the upcoming system, and then I saw what I have been wanting to see for years, a new Sonic game was in the works, and it was 3D too! My life had a purpose again. When the day finally came, I was there. I was the first in line, I had convinced poor old Grandma to buy it for me, and I made sure I got a copy of Sonic Adventure. If the games on the Genesis amazed me, Sonic Adventure left me speechless. The worlds were so detailed, the graphics so realistic, the music blew me away. This was the way Sonic was meant to be. It rekindled the fire that had laid dormant in me that is Sonic. I wrote more fanfiction, I made my own fancharacters and I even shipped them. Then I realized something, Sonic wasn’t just a blue hedgehog on TV, He was a part of me. I became one with Sonic. If you want to be like me and know what truly matters in life, I fully recommend this game to you. Sonic is more than just a game, Sonic is a way of life.Go see the sonic movie, speeding to a theater near you February 14th, 2020.

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Sonic CD is a pretty good game that took advantage of some great ideas, but after multiple playthroughs, I felt that it was marred by noticeable flaws which dragged down what would otherwise have been a solid game.

Time travel enhances the exploration factor to Sonic’s already multi-tiered level design by creating secondary objectives that require seeking out specific objects, in addition to changing the terrain for each time zone. This gameplay element is reinforced thematically; if you don’t find the badnik spawners, the zone enters a Bad Future where Eggman has soiled the landscape… but if you do destroy them, things look even better than in the Present, and as a bonus all of the enemies are destroyed. I always feel a certain sense of satisfaction from going to the Past, destroying the spawner, and then going into the Future of that same level to enjoy the scenery and rack up rings and 1ups (“I did this, and now I’m reaping the rewards”). You can also create a good future by collecting all of the time stones (which also gives you the “good” ending, as miniscule a difference as it is).

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Sonic CD on Steam