Panzer Knights

Panzer Knights


Panzer Knights is a very promising tank action game. It’s still rough around the edges and there’s a lot of development to go, but it’s well worth supporting and I would happily pay more for the complete product. Since my original review there have been many additions and improvements.


  • Excellent visual design both in terms of the tanks and the characters. The artist and model maker did an excellent job.

  • There are good number of tanks and many crew characters to choose from, including lots of pretty girls - though there are men too if want to make it a little less gratuitously moe. Since the male and female crew have the same skillsets anyway, I imagine most of us are going to use the girls. As for the tanks, you get a decent variety of well known vehicles such as Panzer III, Panzer IV, Panther, and Tiger each in two or three variants.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime World War II Games.

Do you like tanks? Do you like World War 2 history? Are you a complete massive wehraboo? Then this is the game for you.

This game takes aspects from WOT and War Thunder. Specifically the arcadey shooting of the former with the realistic tank movements of the latter. The game is pretty fun, large variety of tanks and crews with some camos to unlock to give you a bit of customization. Crewmates can have their skills improved as you gain more money therefore allowing you to perform better on the battlefield.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

Panzer Knights on Steam

Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator

Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator

What is Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator?



You are Erwin Lemmor and you have been transferred to a TANK School where you meet some tanks in your new class.

Pros and Cons


+An actual proper realistic tank dating simulator!

+The tank models seem to be pretty accurate.

+The story is very interesting and the world building is amazing.

+The game sometimes gives you freedom to choose your dialogue.

+The game makes you feel many different emotions and immersion is guaranteed.

Real player with 1032.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Memes Games.

Last time I reviewed the game was 2 years ago (old review down below) and since then I have grown as a human, or in other words I have played 300 more hours of this game for total of 500+ hours.

Where I once recommended the game, I can now only endorse and praise it. In my previous review I commented upon the various WW2 aspects of the game, but reflecting back on that my review was like a 9gag user reviewing sex positions.

I dont understand how I missed the social critical aspects of this masterpiece. It shows how corrupt and anti proletariat todays governments using clever tactics. The way you play as a young man in a foreign country forced to fulfill his military duty, but instead find yourself in tankgirl filled world, in which no one is willing to explain to you what is going on is a great analogy for how the government is just trying to use and punish us as soon as we make one wrong step. And before you ask, no, I dont just say this because I lost custody over my child for playing this game instead of going to my court appointment.

Real player with 1010.0 hrs in game

Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator on Steam



I bought this game right as I saw it. It has two of my favorite things mashed together. TANKS AND ANIME!

I quickly downloaded it and began playing it. At first I was kinda confused about the controls and it took me some time to get used to it. A tutorial would be great for first time players. It is very fast paced and the gamplay mechanics are for the most part playable. KEEP IN MIND THIS IS EARLY IN DEVELOPMENT! IF YOU WANT A POLISHED GAME RIGHT OF THE BAT GO SOMEWHERE ELSE INSTEAD OF TROLLING THE DEVELOPERS.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Multiplayer Games.

It’s not often I write a review, but this game is well worth it.

For starter, I just want to say that this game has finally sated that burning desire to drive a tank that Girls Und Panzer instilled in me.

That aside, this game has a lot of unique and enjoyable aspects:

+Destroyable terrain

Crush cars, blow up support pillars, knock over vending machines, even destory a poor, innocent Chibi statue. in other words, you get to be just a destructive as a tank should be

+Different camera angles

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game


Voxel Tank VR

Voxel Tank VR

Love it. Very short but very fun. Worth a few bucks for sure.

Suggestion for Developers: the Warning message appears right in front of you and blocks your view at a critical time. Consider moving this to not obstruct the players view.

All your base are belongs to us!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

  1. “Voxel” never meant “blocky artstyle”.

  2. This game doesn’t even have a blocky artstyle. “Toon Tank VR” would have been a more appropriate name.

But enough of that, for $5 or less, it’s not terrible. The main disappointment is that with a little more time and a little more content, this could be a better game worth $10 or more (looking at the dev’s release list, though, it doesn’t seem like they value putting in adequate development time). Right now you only get 4 maps (3, really, excluding the training map) and each one takes about 5 minutes to complete. You’ll retry once or twice for S Ranks and then you’ll have 100% completed the game in about an hour.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Voxel Tank VR on Steam

Tokyo Warfare Turbo

Tokyo Warfare Turbo

It may say I have only played this game for only a day or less but I first played this on Xbox from a recommendation by a friend because I like this game and man I like it, having suffered on War Thunder in getting my first top tier MBT, the M1A2 Abrams, it was a slog to get to that stage but here in this game, it’s refreshing and is fun… but it has problems that bug me, annoy me and downright makes me want to drink a cup of milk.

let’s start with the focus of the game… tanks.. are they fun? yes but a good amount of them are not worth playing at all, let me break it down for you, your first tanks is terrible and can die incredibly easily so grinding the first levels aren’t as fun but I managed it on Console but there is literally a way around this.. buy the Tank Expansion and you get about 8 tanks, don’t pay attention to 7 of them and look for the T-72A in the Russians.. yeah your first MBT unlocked via paywall but trust me, even if you grind normally, you will get a superior T-90A anyways as your first MBT or is it a T-90A? I don’t know. just use the MBTs, put it on TD, have every bot go against you in Japanese light tanks, turn off module damage (note that you need to enable this every time you die or spawn, it needs to be fixed) and have power ups and fast paced mode enabled, you will soar up levels really fast. now some MBTs are not worth using.. like the Black Eagle.. its so bad, you may as well not bother despite its gun being powerful, its armour is a major downgrade and your modules will break easily to the weakest cannons.. I’m not joking.. but the more powerful MBTs like the Leo 2A6 and T-14 are amazing in their own right and can knife fight several MBTs on their own reliably but the M1A2, my favourite MBT is a disappointment, why may you ask? well its firepower is excellent, its reload is quite slow, most WW2 tank reloads can beat it but its armour is good at least but its just not as good as the T-14 Armata which is just god damn overpowered in every way. In terms of how the AI works, they are alright but I feel their ability to pick up power ups should be removed as I have been locked by a rapid firing T-34 that picked up Fast Reload, should be only be regulated to be picked up by players to be honest with you. now do I want to see more content for this game? absolutely… while it has problems, they should hopefully be fixed and I have faith that they will, I would like to see new tanks as well as reworks for the tanks in the game that look so plastic like or weird like the T-90A and the M1A2 Abrams but why not new vehicle types like helicopters? this is a huge ask yes but it would give the SPAA in the game another reason to be used rather than being LEAD DEATH HOSE MACHINES OF DESTRUCTION with their LARGE AUTOCANNONS THAT FIRE FASTER THAN YOUR LITTLE PIP SQUEAK CANNON YOU MORTALS USE!- Ahem anyways what helicopters am I looking for in particular? maybe the AH-64D Apache, the Mi-28N Havoc, the AH-1Z Viper, the Mi-24P Hind and maybe Utility Helicopters like the UH-60 Blackhawk, UH-1Z Venom and Mi-8. also China really needs more vehicles to be honest as their ZTZ-96A isnt cutting it.. hell add more experimental tanks in the game, it would make me play with other nations more often and for my final request, more maps would be great, I’d love to see a Berlin wall type map or maybe a large sprawling city with skyscrapers that loom over like New York City.. overall, I give this game a 9\10.. amazing game, hope you make it even better with the upcoming content ahead.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

I am coming at this from the perspective of someone who played the first game extensively and enjoyed it.

It’s extremely difficult to call this a sequel because It feels like the same game, but missing stuff. I’m honestly surprised that there is a DLC map-pack, considering all of those maps are recycled from the original Tokyo Warfare game. Infact, every map and vehicle is recycled from that previous game. The DLC vehicle pack is the only “new” content introduced and that comes at it’s own seperate cost.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Tokyo Warfare Turbo on Steam

War of the Human Tanks

War of the Human Tanks

Battleships and chess with lolis.

Fantastic fun, interesting story with many twists and several endings, engaging gameplay that demands strategic thinking and an incredible soundtrack throughout.

The game’s story is told through visual novel format, which sets the state of affairs and the stage for the battle to follow. Battles are fought in real-time, but with a sort of turn-based system that runs on ticks, for example after giving a unit orders to move you must then wait for it to radio in asking for new orders before it can be moved again. Battlefields are presented as a grid of octagons, and before the round commences you must first place your units as in Battleships. Each unit has it’s own special properties and characteristics similar to chess, for example some may move 2 spaces at a time whereas others may only move 1, or one unit might only be able to attack horizontally whereas others must attack at least 2 spaces ahead of itself. The aim of each battle is to eliminate the opponent’s ‘Command Tank’ before they destroy yours which, regardless of how many units they have remaining, wins you the battle. The battlefield is covered by a shroud as seen in most real-time strategies with sight range varying between your different units, so early game tactics may usually consist of Battleships-esque artillery strikes into the dark hoping you’ll hit something, as your units gradually advance closer to the enemy, thinning out their ranks until their command tank is within firing range.

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game

The first time I saw War of the Human Tanks, I was put off by how obviously low-budget it is; that was a huge mistake. Apparently, the art style just needed some getting used to, because once I got into it, I thought the graphics were actually pretty good. There’s full voice acting, fun animations and even some really catchy music that makes me itch to buy the soundtrack.

But what about the meat of the game? That, for me, comes in two packages (or perhaps Amasson boxes): the story and the gameplay. Let’s get this out of the way: The story is awesome. I loved it. This is definitely not a “skip-the-dialogue” kind of game; in fact, after a certain point, the story became the main appeal. It’s simultaneously lighthearted and grim, with a really interesting setting that ends up being much more detailed than you might suspect at first. There are four endings (two main paths, with two endings each) that all end up being pretty radically different and are all fantastic in their own way. I’m really in love with the setting, and all the little things you can learn about the rather disenfranchised battle-androids they call Human Tanks; the story really exceeded my expectations in every way. The translation is great, and the writing is clever, funny and serious when it needs to be; some of the big twists were huge gut-punchers. I’d definitely say the story was maybe the best part for me, and it’ll stick with me and inspire me for other personal projects for quite a while.

Real player with 53.0 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks on Steam

Metal Waltz: Anime tank girls

Metal Waltz: Anime tank girls

One of my favorite character collection games. I’ve played Metal Waltz for over 8 months, longer than all but one online game I’ve played recently.

Metal Waltz is remarkable among free-to-play game in that it is one of a few games that are TRULLY free to play. Unlike many other free-to-play games, that require you to pay real money (or grind premium currency for months, or get insanely lucky) to get top characters, all characters in Metal Waltz are obtainable without need to spend real money. Paying can notably speed up your progress in this game, but unlike many other games, won’t instantly grant you access to top characters. But it doesn’t mean that Metal Waltz is easier to play for free than other free-to-play games, in fact, both free and paying players will have to grind for many months to reach top content.

Real player with 4248.4 hrs in game



1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

Real player with 1801.5 hrs in game

Metal Waltz: Anime tank girls on Steam

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations

Warning: 1000+ word review from a guy that’s way too passionate about a trilogy that features chibi girls that shoot at each other and explode. Please read if you have spare time.

The first two War of the Human Tanks games are among my favorite PC-exclusive games I have played so far. So, I bought the third game on the same year it was released and… it wasn’t my cup of tea. What made the Human Tank games so special to me is the ability to break the game with overpowered tanks and pit those tanks against other overpowered extra stage enemies in a game of dark chess. This game takes that away and makes you play fair and square with the opponent in a normal strategy game.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

I’m going to write a lot of words about anime tanks because I really like this series and I don’t think anyone else knows it exists. The last game in the series, Limited Operations, has been out for around 9 months and has about a dozen reviews. Here’s a really long one and consider this a review for the series in general.

The War of the Human Tanks series is essentially anime Battleship. Fights are real time and pause when you click a unit to choose an action. There’s always a large fog of war and most units are of the one hit, one kill variety. Tanks are of the mass-produced style, outside of a couple of special NPC’s, and are permanently destroyed when killed in action. Tanks can also equip modules that you can create which do things like increase shooting range and area, increase movement and so on. Limited Operations changes the last few parts up, though.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations on Steam

War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR

War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR

Welp, this certainly was a pleasent surprise. who would have thought that having a cute army of tank girls would be so interesting. The music is also interesting and I never tire of the battle/death cries of my, and my enemies, troops.

In the story there are acouple minutes of dialouge then a skirmish. For the battles, you must deploy a tank that acts like a king in chess, if she dies you lose (you can even have multiple). then you can make other units (if it is within the maps unit cap) like artillary (slow but long/wide range) shock tanks (fast/cheap/suicide explosion), assault tanks (medium speed, medium attack range) and much more. There is a fog of war, so you must proceed with care to find the enemy through scouting and prediction based on where you see them fire. You must build and upgrade your units by using supplies from winning or losing battles, so you may have to grind in the caverns or in free battles if you cannot preserve your troops.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game

This game… this goddarn game.

I’m not exactly sure where to start, so first off: this game is absolutely fantastic! I haven’t played EVERYTHING yet (still need to get Glitch-Heshiko and play the 2 or 3 optional Floor 90+ Battles), but still. The combination of Visual Novel and (Semi-)turn based Strategy game is beautiful and really well balanced, most if not almost all the tanks have their use and encourage players to figure out their favorite strategies and the Modules and combination of them just add to the fun (I still have fun giving my Peko-Peko a Tank Life ensurance and just making her explode, achieving absolutely nothing… I’m an Idiot.).

Real player with 69.3 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR on Steam

Valkyria Chronicles™

Valkyria Chronicles™

Review For Valkyria Chronicles PC

Review by : Joell Joelly


  • Great story.

  • Lovely anime art style.

  • Great voice acting. (English and Japanese)

  • Unique blend of real time and strategic gameplay.

  • Challenging.

  • Tons of management/upgrade options.


  • Matches can take a long time. (not necessarily a con)

  • Frustrating menu system.

  • Enemy turns are not skippable, or able to be sped up.

  • Some ‘strategic’ choices have to be made without the necessary information.

Real player with 191.8 hrs in game


It maintains by having a lasting appeal with a diverse set of memorable and unique characters, a satisfyingly emotional and well thought out story with simple, yet strategic gameplay that offers freedom through various tactics. Despite all of this, there are certainly questionable flaws, yet they’re completely smothered with the games overarching enjoyment and charm which ultimately pushes the game in a familiar but fresh direction.


Valkyria Chronicles takes place in a fantasy setting similar to Earth which introduces the story with two waging superpowers, the autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance and the loosely-united democracies of the Atlantic federation. This engagement is known as the EW2 or the Second Europan War. Both powers are reliant on a resource called Ragnite which fuels and controls both factions economies. Overtime, the Ragnite lessened and became more scarce causing the Empire to declare war against the Federation, sparking the EW2.

Real player with 107.2 hrs in game

Valkyria Chronicles™ on Steam