Cho Dengeki Stryker All Ages Version

Cho Dengeki Stryker All Ages Version

Having put more than 30 hours in this Visual Novel and played it to utter completion (all routes + all of Jack’s Diary pieces), it’s time that I give my full opinion regarding the VN in its entirety.

I personally, whole-heartedly, recommend this VN to anyone, especially those who are familiar with superheroes and the desires of heroism and fighting for justice. If I had to compare it to another anime or story out there, it would be Samurai Flamenco in terms of the whole wish fulfilment topic and desire to be a hero - however, unlike Samurai Flamenco, Cho Dengeki Stryker had enough time and resources (plus being a VN makes it more convenient) to explore the entire topic of what it means to become a hero, its struggles, its victories, its desires, how it can clash with reality.

Real player with 71.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Singleplayer Games.

Disclaimer: I have not played through ALL the endings, but I have played through most of them. A couple things though seem very unlikely to change, and if something does change I’ll edit my review.

First: All Ages Version does -NOT- mean it is appropriate for all ages. This is T for Teens given some of the dialogue - and Jack’s Diary, which is frickin hilarious.

That said, this is a great visual novel. Not an epic one like Demonblade, Princess Waltz, or Fate/Stay Night, but still a great one, and possibly the best action VN on Steam. The best part I think are the characters - you will learn to love the Balmoran Vanguard. While not super-original, they are still more than 1 or 2 dimensional archetypes. The humor is excellent. The fighting… varies. I found some outright boring, with victory being as dramatic as “wow, good job dropping a boulder on the villain after your allies did all the work.” Other fights were appropriately dramatic and required the main character doing something suitably crazy/difficult.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Cho Dengeki Stryker All Ages Version on Steam



Flash revised for steam sale 2020-06-20

$36 is a fair price!

I liked the first game, but this game is… bad. I play it a lot, and I enjoy my time with my part of the PC community, but we all wish the game was less bad.

The game is not beginner friendly anymore, unlike its predecessor. It’s about memorization. Make sure to pick the best characters or the game will not be fun, because matchups are also important!

There was a core gameplay which was largely intact in the first game, where each option you could take in battle had advantages AND risks, and those risks were clear to the other player. But that’s not true anymore; the risks your opponent is taking on are invisible and only revealed through experimentation, if indeed there are any risks at all to what they are doing. And that invisible risk profile for each moveset is different for each character and how each person plays each character, so I hope you like homework.

Real player with 804.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Multiplayer Games.

Fun, floaty, and buggy are my top 3 words for this game. this is the only anime arena fighter ive ever played, but ive heard globku say its one of the best ones out there. the characters are diverse and fun, and its clear that at least some passion was put into making the game. but the support is lacking from the devolopers, as the only updates so far have been silent, small updates that only do things like sometimes give you 500 coins as a bonus after the online match. hawks is going to finally release soon, and we all hope that we get some good balance patches to accomodate his release. overall id say this game is fun if you enjoy your character(s) that you play, and can tolerate the mass amounts of bugs and poor netcoding, becauae this game has often disconnections or poor internet moments. The community is small, but close, and there some awesome people in it. the lack of crossplay means that you can only play players of your same console, which is both good and bad, depending on how you see it. this does breed little “subcommunities”, like the small pc community ive become a part of, which is close-knitt and sick to be in. you can enjoy this game if your tolerant of its issues. also network play is arguably the best part of this game. the story, per usual with most fighting games, isnt going to knock your socks off. mission mode can be an annoying grindy mess, and is bad. arcade mode is an improvement from last time. character and hero card custimizations are also better from last time. UI is cleaner. Ranked mode in online is a definite upgrade as only winning or getting oone round for a loss will get you points, the latter only giving one point. disconnections/ragequits also give one point, so a game in which you’ve won one round already that was cut short will give you 2 points, which is a good idea. events arent super special, but is no harm to the game or anything really. i could see it maybe being enjoyable for some people. I have one last note to end off with: the best part of this game is the fact that Mineta is now in it.

Real player with 469.7 hrs in game




TL;DR: Needs balancing, would be a lot bigger if Bandai didn’t mess up release and basically refuse to listen to customers. Not even worth $30 in my opinion

On launch, a very large portion of the people who had bougth this game could not play.

Bandai released this game in the U.S after already being released in japan a full two months ahead of time.

Why does this matter? It matters because in those two months of being released in Japan you would think that they would have been able to do away with a couple of things.

Real player with 56.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Character Customization Games.

My Hero One’s Justice is a decent game with simple mechanics and flashy combat.

Performance wise I’ve run into a few freezes which take a little while to blow over. However, I could never really determine the cause of these freezes since they’ve each happened at different times. Otherwise the game performs fine.

Graphically, this game is decent. Nothing about these visuals is insanely impressive and nothing about them really screams awful either. At most they’re average and that’s it. The main reason I was disappointed in its visuals is because the original reveal trailer, while it was CGI, seemed like acheivable visuals for the base game. As unrealistic as it was for me to assume that, the game’s visuals itself aren’t up to par with that trailer which is unfortunate.

Real player with 40.6 hrs in game




Let me get this out of the way: One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows is not a great game. It has more than its share of issues, including:

  • Clunky and awkward controls, with most moves having a delay.

  • Unbalanced gameplay.

  • Tons of loading screens that are even worse on modern systems than older systems.

  • Pace-killing elements like tons of e-mails, tutorial screens, and redundant pop-up messages.

  • Random battle elements (like meteor showers) that are more annoying than fun.

  • Getting up from being knocked down VERY slowly.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

I 100% completed this game in 2020 minutes in one sitting just to write this review and I can say this without a doubt.

One Punch Man a hero Nobody wanted is a game that nobody should own as it currently is. The game is plagued with terrible design decisions and can be extremely infuriating at the later stages.

Before I really get into the problems with it, I just want to state I honestly do not hate this game as much as most people do and so, if you do like this game please take this review with a punch of salt.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game


ZHP: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman

ZHP: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman

In ZHP: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman, your character is custom-made to kick as—many enemies to the curb as you want! Use the deep customization system to outfit your ranger from head to toe, establish your own base, and fight your way through an array of randomly-generated maps to forge your own heroic story.

ZHP: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman on Steam

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

TL;DR: A fun, yet disappointing game with a questionable future that at the end of the day does disservice to both Marvel and Capcom brands.

The Marvel vs. Capcom series is one that I hold dear in my heart. And this game’s gameplay is a deserving continuation of that series' tradition of fun, frantic and chaotic fighters with immense depth.

Unfortunately it would be remiss of me to recommend this game in its current form, at its current price, even with the current discount at the time of this writing. The game just simply doesn’t have anything besides its gameplay, with a lacklustre cast of characters mostly imported from Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, tremendously disappointing and at times just plain ugly graphics that pale in most regards with its predecessor, mediocre soundtrack with a complete disregard to the series' legacy and some remixes that are… not good and questionable at best UX decisions, with menus that appear to be placeholders and yet still somehow manage to cause lag.

Real player with 54.0 hrs in game

Don’t waste your money on this game. It’s already discounted for 33% off because of poor sales; but if you want the full game you’ll need to drop a ridiculous amount of money on DLC anyway, so what the discount actually saves you is closer to 2%.


The game is actually pretty fun. They dumbed down some of the controls from previous installments, but it adds a new instant tag out system and still boasts an extraordinary amount of depth. Unfortunately, not all of the new inclusions are as fun in higher level play.

Real player with 28.0 hrs in game

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite on Steam

The Wonderful 101: Remastered

The Wonderful 101: Remastered

I’ve been playing this game for YEARS back when it released on the Wii U. I never thought in a million years that The Wonderful 101 would have an official PC release. And yet here we are. So how does it hold up?

Maybe I’m being biased here but I genuinely believe this is PlatinumGames and Hideki Kamiya’s magnum opus. The combat system is extremely intricate and complex but damn does it feel satisfying to master. This is NOT a cutesey wootsey Pikmin-style adventure game. This is very much an action game that ranks up there with games such as Devil May Cry and Bayonetta (2 other games Hideki Kamiya is responsible for. Go figure.). This is a game that does NOT hold your hand whatsoever nor does it do any spoonfeeding. You’re gonna get punished. You’re gonna get destroyed. You’re gonna get nothing but consolation prizes along the way. You’re probably also gonna get frustrated with the weapon switching gimmick and say the controls are bad and that it should’ve stayed on the Wii U where it belongs.

Real player with 308.1 hrs in game

At first this game can seem very inaccessible due to its abnormal controls and original home on the Wii U. Hopefully this review will clear up some misconceptions as well as highlight, in short, what makes this game so incredible.

TLDR: PLAY THE DEMO, it will give you a basic feel for the gameplay as well as a showcase of the game’s spectacle. Any fan of Bayonetta, DMC and the likes should play this game right now. This game is incredible and my favourite of all time. The controls are responsive (when played with a controller) and the combat is incredibly mechanically deep, combined with an immense level of spectacle through its 20 hr story. It is just Wonderful.

Real player with 113.9 hrs in game

The Wonderful 101: Remastered on Steam



UMvc3 pros

  • It has some cool characters people wanted to play as in a fighting games for ages like dante and arthur and stuff

  • It’s easier so you don’t need to worry about things like tricky finger puzzles or blocking or thinking in order to win sometimes and that’s good because everyone wants to win

  • I like the little pie chart showing you how much of a scrub you are

  • It looks really good, while capcom cut so many corners on this game it’s a circle, they didn’t scimp on the animation. there’s even small things like characters moving their eyes to follow each-other and people having mist breath on the snow stage

Real player with 212.0 hrs in game

It’s Mahvel. It’s also MT Framework, so the port is great. The netcode isn’t the best but I’ve heard that’s a problem across the board with all of the re-released MVC3 ports. Playing it on PC with higher FPS than console and in a crisper resolution is a treat.

Bit of cons first -

I will warn you - as someone who played the game semi-competitively in it’s hayday, the online is not very welcoming. You will get trashed by people that have had over 5 years to practice and play. As with any fighter, there’s a strong learning curve and UMVC3 is the definition of “touch of death” combos. The game is very, very fast in comparison to other fighters. Because of that, it’s easy to get frustrated and it can absolutely be considered a flaw. I don’t want to act like this game’s perfect - it’s not. Vergil is still in the game and it’s more or less unpatched since the last update we had on consoles. There’s alot of broken things in the game, I would not pick this up expecting the world’s most balanced and competitive game.

Real player with 73.2 hrs in game


SUPERHERO-X [Alpha Edition]

SUPERHERO-X [Alpha Edition]

This is a very unique fighting game, combining high-octane Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon style acrobatics with MCU-style superhero powers and mixing them together with a very well designed create-a-fighter core gameplay mechanic.

There are no pre-designed characters in this game, you create all of them yourself, that is what sets this game out from all the other fighting games.

You want to create a superhero that can summon huge tornadoes that pickup your opponent and send them flying? Or maybe you would prefer to create a lightsaber-wielding Sith Lord type of character? Perhaps you want to create an evil Captain America-like character that shoots lasers out of his eyes like Superman? Well in this game you can do all of that!

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Don’t get me wrong… this game has the potential to be good in the right hands but it’s a half ***ed made game. The graphics are okay, the combat is simple with little effort into actual combo’s. I could literally get my opponent in a nonstop juggle combo until I win. You have to play to unlock most of the costumes to even create your character and even then, it’s not enough to keep playing after unlocking everything in 75 minutes of boring loading screens with the same voice commenting the same thing… over and over and over.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

SUPERHERO-X [Alpha Edition] on Steam

Lovely Fox

Lovely Fox

Oh, Lovely. You walk like an exotic dancer, and you clomp around like one too, making more noise than a Clydesdale as you scamper around the map. But you have those cute little fox feet and when you swim I see those paw pads! So a whole .49 cents USD well spent.

OK, you have an uncanny valley human face, and ginormous boobs, but you are brave. You swim, you run, you fall off of rocks. Controlling you is like steering a tank, but that’s OK. You live in a beautiful world. I have no idea what size you are because you are bigger than some flowers and smaller than others, but I’m pretty sure this game is a meme anyhow.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

This review was made based on an Early Access product (v1.4b), so some of these points may not apply to future versions of the game.

Over two years ago, this game popped on up Steam as “Coming Soon”. At the time, Steam didn’t allow much in the way of Mature Content offerings, let alone ones slanted toward “furries”. So I Wishlisted it, but the game never seemed to go live. Today, I found the game showing up in my Wishlist Sales page, “released” just a few weeks ago into Early Access. The reviews didn’t look good, but I had to give it a spin.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Lovely Fox on Steam