Clea 2

Clea 2

This one is a solid sequel ill start with that.-

Still keeps all aspects of the original game, as in you are gonna be tense more than once, testing your patience to avoid a game over… (looking at you

! Arcane Realm) REEEEE .-

Sound design: as with the first game, it is top notch, you WILL be using sound as a tool to get around and the game does this aspect beautifully.-

Played with no issues on a xbox one controller, and controls in general are responsive, no issue on that end as well.-

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Cute Games.

OH MAN WHAT A SEQUEL! Another great game by InvertMouse we have here, Clea 2 takes the foundation of the first game and spice it up to make it interesting. New gameplay mechanics are present as well and they feel natural, If you played Clea 1 you’ll feel right at home. Also Fluorine is GREAT lead, and I enjoyed her journey. The Story also more deep than Clea 1, but some of the characters kind come and go (Nacy looking at you) but either than it it’s fine. Overall GREAT GAME and I recommend it to anyone who is into the genre/who has played the first game as well!

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

Clea 2 on Steam




  • 2D Live Characters.

  • No Jumpscare. your skills alone determine her fate.

  • Full Voice.

  • Challenging stages.

  • Nice Art. I like it. and also I like Rewards.

  • Interesting soundtrack.


  • No Steam Cloud or Cloud Storage. Your progress will not save to up even you have to play on other device.

  • BUGS when you open the game and didn’t appear anything.


Clea, an beautiful and cute girl has a younger brother whom she loves so much named Edmord. Their parents are scientists (even though I don’t know what scientists they are). Clea’s family has many maid who is always ready to serve the Family. Clea has strange disease involving Clea’s Chaos (although similar but she is not a Doppelganger) to haunt her mind. But don’t worry, if you bring some red herbs and use it, Clea will be safe. In this game, you have to be able to find a way out to be able to survive from the house. There will be many challenges involved. There are many types of challenges on Main Menu to playing them. The game have Multiple Endings and Secret chapters, maybe it will be very difficult for you if you can finish them in less than 1 hour. The most important thing is this game doesn’t have Jumpscare might not be complicated if played one. I suggest to you to play this game at night. Because this game has a horror genre and it will be very challenging if you play it at night and don’t forget to use a headset with loud sound

Real player with 323.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Cute Games.

Clea is a game that I’ve been following since it was a mere concept art from the developer. At the time, I wasn’t very interested in the project; mainly because the original art wasn’t very beautiful (sorry XD). But then, all of a sudden, the character designer which worked with InvertMouse on his previous projects came back. And then… I saw it. The new version of that original concept art; and it looked fabolous. I was stunned; those eyes, that direct gaze at the player, almost emotionless and soulless, devoid of any life, made me think: “Wow. This… this is fantastic! Maybe it’s for the best if I follow this project, it may turn into something very interesting.”

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Clea on Steam

Hyde and Zeke

Hyde and Zeke

Please. Read this entire review before you come to a conclusion about whether or not to try this game & remember that most of the following complaints come from the last mode, Sage mode, & all my losses were mostly my fault. While the RNG is either the worst or most noticeable in that mode, I got impatient & left my cover when I thought I had enough time, so a lot of my rage was self-inflicted.

As problematic as this game will sound, as awful as I’m going to make it appear, please understand that it functions perfectly fine & is still a product of effort, clearly seen in the art & AI.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Indie Games.

I Like this game but i might be a little biest because the animater for the game is my Art touter so ya here is her link: this game is a keyboard game so there is no mouse controls you press A to start and S and W to go up and down very good game highly reccomend

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Hyde and Zeke on Steam

Suicide For Him

Suicide For Him

It is a dream come true to see this game take shape like this, and I am very excited to see it grow!

Although it is an indie game with a small team, it has so much to offer such as:

  • A beautiful and original soundtrack

  • Brilliant voice acting that brings the characters to life

  • Entertaining extras that add more variety to gameplay

  • An anime/manga, stylish art-style that is appealing to look at, especially for fans of the genre

  • Customisation of the main character which will expand further

  • An engaging story with the first act being a great introduction to the game’s character and universe

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

I want to know what the connection between this game and the simulator is? Because the style is kind of similar.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Suicide For Him on Steam

Chibi Horror: The School

Chibi Horror: The School

I really enjoyed this game as something different. You roam the halls of the haunted school, hoping not to run into the one active chaser as you collect eight books. Books appear in random locations each time, and you never know where the chaser is.

There are some jump scares, though they didn’t always appear in the same place or happen each time. Overall it’s pretty fun and you have infinite run and battery life. The only problem I had is that the chaser can spawn right in front of you even if you just left her a floor away, so there is an element of luck as well.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

It’s like, Minecraft slender man but with your pixelated wives. You never know what they are going to do. They will stalk you and try to get your attention. If you are really lucky, you will never see any of them due to the way they randomly roams around. I am deathly scared of little girls stalking me so… it’s perfect for me.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Chibi Horror: The School on Steam



Masterpiece of stealth

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

“…it’s built around a fantastic and incredibly fun core that is unlike anything else out there and I hope to see more DLC, or even a sequel, in the future. It hooked me pretty badly – I just couldn’t get enough. I loved waiting for my moment to strike, then pulling off the perfect execution of teleports and takedowns, only to fade back into the shadows before anybody saw, or even fixing a mistake swiftly by taking out any alerted guards with precise ferocity.”


Full review at

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

Aragami on Steam

Chupa Chupa VR

Chupa Chupa VR

Thanks for the gift Taco. I teleported myself into a wall a few times and turned into an huge pervert

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

I licked this game a lot, it really appealed to my tastes

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Chupa Chupa VR on Steam

The Count Lucanor

The Count Lucanor

This is a smart and surprisingly literate little game. There is some obvious jank in the controls and general presentation, but it does little to detract from the overall experience. The game really nails the dark and disturbing tone of its most obvious story inspirations, which are old fairy tales and moral fables. You won’t find much for jump scares and modern horror gore, but the whole affair just drips with heavy atmosphere and tone. So, if you’re into a more frenetic, slasher-thriller style of scare, this probably won’t be for you. But if you want something more deliberately paced and that builds a quiet horror by giving you nasty little things to think about and puzzle over, which is much more my speed, then I think you’ll find this a treat. Be aware, this applies to gameplay as well. There’s no combat in the game whatsoever, just avoidance. And your walk speed is fairly plodding. I didn’t find it an issue, as you never have much ground to cover to get where you’re going and the ambling pace helps to maintain the atmosphere. Others will find it slow. You’ll hopefully know your own tendencies well enough to know if this will be an issue for you, because the game is resolutely and deliberately stuck in first gear the whole time. Caveat emptor.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Review originally posted on Vox Ludicus - Review: The Count Lucanor . You can read it there with glorious formatting and images, or just the text (without image captions) below. DISCLAIMER: Game played on retail code provided by the developer.

Playing The Count Lucanor made me realize how rare fairy tale games are on the PC, and this game is very much a video game of a fairy tale. A tad on the grim side, perhaps, much like pre-Disney stories were, but a fairy tale nonetheless. With its pixel graphics and Bach’s works turned into chiptune as a soundtrack, as well as a few cutscene sequences that’ll remind you of a Studio Ghibli film, there’s little doubt that in the aesthetics department the game is well furnished – and what of the rest?

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

The Count Lucanor on Steam

Sniper Hunter Adventure 3D

Sniper Hunter Adventure 3D

Full disclosure: I got this game on sale for .49 cents USD. And I actually enjoyed this one. I’ve played a lot of hunting games where you’re stuck in place, and they are usually a buggy nightmare. But here you can choose from a range of game. Each animal, including boar, rabbits, wolves and ducks, has a range of levels. You get money for completing a hunt and can buy upgrades, eventually.

I found the wolf hunts to be the easiest, but boar hunts at level two are good for earning cash. Is it perfect? No. You’re stuck in one spot and some of the shots reply on being speedy more than skilled. There are bugs of the animals zooming in for no reason at all. And if an animal is out of range, tough luck. It would be nice to see an untimed hunt and more affordable weapons upgrades.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

What do you get when you buy a hunting game for two dollars? A two dollar hunting game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Sniper Hunter Adventure 3D on Steam



Uhm, what can I say? I really like the game because…

Gameplay - 9✔ (I didn’t know right away that I had to click lol)

Story - 10✔

Endings - 10✔ (I’m satisfied with all three!)

Graphics - 10✔

Horror-ity - 10✔ (No jumpscares, just chases)

Puzzles - 10✔

I’m glad you still produced the game.

And, I’m super happy with my purchase! ~

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Have so much fun with the game, even though i still didn’t finish the game after 103 minutes xD

edit: i clear it after 2.4 hours!!!!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Noctambulant on Steam