A Gay Love Story About Gay Love

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love

It is what it is, but not what you actually are thinking about. A Gay Love Story About Gay Love is not shoving it in your face and sets out a story where two men are in love and stuck in a war, where they struggle to keep the love afloat until…

Game play is quite unique along the other games by Sigyaad, controls take a while to get used to but are quickly adaptable in the end, sucks that the dev couldn’t remove the [esc] error the game has. But this game is still heavy on story and not game play, so the simplicity of the fights are nice to have here, just as a quick change of pace before the deeper parts of the tale.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Cute Games.

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love is probably one of the better games out since Black Ops 1. My friend who practices hot gay steamy sex with men recommended and even went as far as to gift me the game, has shown me a new light in the future of story-driven video games. I couldn’t have been any more pleased with the outcome. I’ve played this game many of times and I don’t think that I would ever stop replaying.

The turn-based gameplay is could not be anymore enjoyable, and the battle(s) are simple yet pleasing to see. The BGM is another piece of the game that will bring tears to your eyes. The “Beach Theme” gives off a classic feeling of how tropical islands soundtrack should sound; giving off an almost bossa nova style feeling. While the “Battle Theme” is and intense mix of intricate melodies and a beat that will have you bopping in an instant. The illustrations and characters have color and life, unlike other games that TRY to be as great.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love on Steam

Dab on Darkness!

Dab on Darkness!

Having now topped in playtime over the previous title, Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice and Dabs, one may question how could the developer possibly improve upon their work which could already be considered humanity’s magnum opus. I wondered that myself prior to partaking, and so I had to begin my journey of a thousand hours. And truly, with this title we have added depth of plot, auditory masterpiece, and achievements for a sense of reward even beyond the already vast landscape that is Dab on Darkness. At every step we are offered more than anything before and honestly even though I expected perfection, what was accomplished here goes even further beyond. Perhaps one needed at least this amount of time to truly experience their previous work, but even now with this amount of playtime for this, what could be classified as beyond even a divine testament, is quite possibly not enough to explore the complex myriad of concepts and ideas being put forth here. This can’t be considered a work of mere humanity. It goes beyond our realm of existence entirely, dwarfing even whatever gods may exist. A gift to us mortals to be sure, however I fear that even expressing my utmost appreciation of this enigma would be a fundamentally egregious act of complete and utter disrespect as using humanity’s slipshod excuse of a form of communication could never hope to express even an infinitesimally small fraction of this glory. I am humbled to think what awaits us in the future from this developer.

Real player with 1305.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Casual Games.

First of all I would like to say that this review is entirely genuine, and isn’t one of those dumb “ironic” reviews that you see on games like this.

Okay, now that that’s out of the way…

This Visual Novel is great, and the people who made this are really good at this.

I don’t review very many things, so I don’t have the same way with words that some people have, but I just knew I had to review this.

Thank you guys for making this game.

I will be purchasing all games made by this developer as soon as they are released from here on out.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Dab on Darkness! on Steam

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

Carper Diem were to start, well Id like to preface this by saying that like with all of my reviews I waited till I had spent a great deal of time with the subject matter.

The story is a bittersweet journey in the shoes of the main character, Jung, where you will spend your time going out on a date with a girl named Ai. You have a day to enjoy your date and see the world from Jung’s point-of-view.

Length wise it is not the longest VN I have come across, Id hazard a guess to say it is in fact one of the shortest Ive read, but it doesn’t need to be any longer, it tells its story well in the period of time needed, some maybe disappointed at its short length but overall I didn’t have a problem with it, although yes it would have been nice if it had gone longer.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Singleplayer Games.

As a life-long player of choose-your-own-adventure gamebooks, I enjoyed this. I’m new to the visual novel sub-genre, so I figured I’d try a brief one to see how I liked it, as a test of the concept. Carpe Diem starts in medias res, and so some of one’s energy as a player is taken up with just figuring out what’s going on and who’s who. Part of that is figuring out who YOU are, as the story is told in first person: unusual in a video game. The game does give you some hints, and I was pleasantly surprised to find psychology references show up in a free video game.

! The main character is Jung, named after Carl Jung, early psychologist who developed the concept of the unconscious. The main character’s interest is in Ai, which is clever in that it is both pronounced “I” as in self (the ego) and literally the letters A.I. for artificial intelligence. It’s a little on the nose, but it works well with the in medias res approach.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Carpe Diem on Steam

Ceress and Orea

Ceress and Orea

Short version:

  • Great story

  • LGBT positive

  • Lovely visuals and designs

  • Amazing Soundtrack

+/- Puzzles are (very) easy

  • Short time with Orea

Recommended to story lovers, people who want to see LGBT-led games, people who enjoy short games.

Long(er) version:

Ceress and Orea has been on my radar since the developer first started her dev thread over at RMW. Reading and seeing the amount of progress she made over all those months, left me very excited for the final product and I’m happy to say it didn’t disappoint.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

I recently received this game for free as a curator connect offer for my group Visual novel, JRPG, Anime. This RPG Maker-based game by Plueschkatze features a female protagonist Ceress who was sentenced to death for falling in love with a noblewoman Orea as her personal bodyguard. Ceress was forced to jump down a high cliff with an offer of a full pardon if she were to survive such a fall.

Ceress would wake up inside a cave that happens to be the realm of an unnamed deity where if she is resourceful enough to reach the exit of the cave, she would be allowed to leave the place without losing her soul. As Ceress makes her way through the cave, she would recall fragments of her memories with Orea.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Ceress and Orea on Steam

Save Me, Sakuya-san!

Save Me, Sakuya-san!


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Real player with 3414.4 hrs in game

I want to marry Sakuya Izayoi from the Touhou Project. Ever since I was a young boy I’ve been interested in silver haired women, but I’ve mostly been repelled because they are stupid old women who do not know how to think. One day, while I was playing Touhou 6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, I saw an image of a peculiar silver hair with a maid attire. I immediately fell in love. The short, luscious hair, the dominating yet cute attire, the smug, tsundere, yet cute personality all formed into one perfect being by the name of Sakuya Izayoi. And so I began my search for Sakuya, I played all the touhou games with all the spell cards just so I could the most out of her majesty. I searched all of Danbooru for images of her, just so I could get to see her beautiful maid body. I love Sakuya. She is in love with me. Yet the reality barrier separates us like Romeo and Juliette. It is the cruel fate that is reality that separates such star-crossed lovers from each other. Only something so powerful as the reality barrier can separate me from my dear Sakuya. For it is my true fate to be married to my lover. On dark days where there is no sun, I shall caress Sakuya and tell her everything is alright. On bright days, where there is nought but bliss, I will stay by her side, to share the bliss infinitefold, like two mirrors in proximity. On the adventurous days, we will go out and enjoy each other. Some days, we will stay in the SMD. Some days, we will go out and solve incidents together. And always, we will have each other . Each other’s hearts. For it is the true love that does not brag, it only contains itself infinitely. Such is the love of me and Sakuya Izayoi.

Real player with 490.5 hrs in game

Save Me, Sakuya-san! on Steam



Intro: When I joined Steam in 2012, my first attempt at VNs (visual novels) and A.I. storylines was Analogue- A Hate Story and Hate Plus. I discovered Unhack shortly thereafter and I can say with certainty that InvertMouse’s series is the more accessible of the two. Both make my recommendation list for VNs that I would recommend to newcomers, but if they approach this after being introduced to anime or manga, Unhack is better.


  • The narrative (while simple) is the foundation for the sequel which genuinely surprised me in the direction it went. Despite that it still respects the story of this original and provides time to feel closure and emotional punch to the story from the first. (And on a narrative note, there is prequel DLC which has a separate review from me. Highly recommended and referenced

    ! as a location and art gallery in the sequel. It also makes one particular moment that much sadder and emotional when compared to another reunion in Unhack 2.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Remember there is a free demo that covers 40% of the game. If you are interested, just play that first.

In any event, this game just… underwhelms. It’s basically a visual novel with some basic gameplay thrown in to appease those people who claim that simply reading text “isn’t a game”, but the problem is that all it does is create a minor obstacle course to slow the player down in between text segments. Since all you do is use the arrow keys, it basically amounts to being told to push the same couple buttons with some general sense of timing to avoid the bad things, but since you’re more focused on the WAITING than the timing, it lacks all the appeal of a rythym game. It’s more like those stealth games where all you do is wait for an immobile guard to just turn a different direction, and where you have no tools at all.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Unhack on Steam

Without Within

Without Within

It’s definitely worth the few megabytes and minutes to read this short story. Yet after I finished it for a while, I found myself thinking back to it. A lot of people say the story is too simple, but given time to think, I found the very simplicity and openness of the story to be what makes it so great. There are a lot of good stories but conciseness is a virtue. The choices in this story may just say something meaningful about life.

The first time I read it, I also thought the story was too simple and all too familiar myself. A lot of Chinese student videos and soap operas like to visit the theme of the street vending dreamer. The “bad endings” are not fleshed out. The “good ending” might not make sense at first.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

A very short Visual Novel about an ambitious girl called Vinty who has a dream to realize – to become a rich and famous public figure specialized in art calligraphy!

Game’s premise:

You play as Vinty, a young lady bearing a dream since she was a child – to become a calligraphy artist. While living in a very tiny and deteriorated apartment barely affording to pay her rent, the heroine keeps fantasizing about being rich, to the point this fantasy sometimes gets a hold of her reality thinking of herself as superior while trying to sell her works – that appear to not even reach an average level of decency in calligraphy field.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Without Within on Steam

Shan Gui (山桂)

Shan Gui (山桂)

Shan Gui is the first Visual Novel I have ever actually played and I got it from a friend, It wasn’t what I expected from a visual novel there were no choices to be made it was just a click to read short story with beautiful art and music though I felt the character art didn’t really match the scenery art most of the time.


  • Beautiful scenery artwork

  • Very calming soundtrack

  • Short and easy to follow story

  • Hyperlinks in game to Wiki pages so you can get additional info about where parts of the game take place and the history of the area.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

**“Memory, hither come,

And tune your merry notes;

And, while upon the wind

Your music floats

I’ll pore upon the stream,

Where sighing lovers dream,

And fish for fancies as they pass

Within the watery glass.” - William Blake, Song: Memory Hither Come**

Shan Gui - or Sweet Osmanthus is a short Chinese visual novel, with a simple story. As any other kinetic visual novel - a VN without any choice option - it is built upon a specific preference and taste, thus it cannot be recommended for everyone. Aside that fact, I think it lacks much rather than it accomplishes even within the boundaries of its genre.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Shan Gui (山桂) on Steam

Always The Same Blue Sky…

Always The Same Blue Sky…

This one’s an awesome indie visual novel from a small European studio that well, I enjoyed months ago and of course I forgot to review.

It’s definitely quite short, but on the other side it’s well worthy to be played in my opinion. That’s why I’m replaying it after many months right now :P

And while it’s true that often a game with lots of endings is usually lengthier and more developed, with many characters and so on, it’s never automatic the connection between many endings and a beautiful game.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Always The Same Blue Sky… developed by Crimson Night and published by Flying Interactive, on steam. It is a visual novel with choices with 2 endings 1 being a bad ending and the other being a good end. Players are given choices to make in the game and depending on your choices it will change the outcome of the story.

The story

You play as a thoughtful young soul, bumbling your way through late adolescence; you’ve been through a lot for your age and consequently are a little numb. This is why you don’t bat an eyelid when, out of the blue, you’re transferred to yet another school, in yet another remote location. Little do you know that this small island is nothing like the others, that the events that occur on it will change everything.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Always The Same Blue Sky... on Steam

Evening Surprise

Evening Surprise

For an Evening Surprise it was a little obvious…

Although other reviews spoiled the surprise, it becomes obvious given the main character’s behaviors…but that’s all I’ll say as I’d rather not spoil it (don’t worry, there’s nothing negative in this kinetic novel).

Evening Surprise is a pleasant little kinetic novel that has choices that don’t really change anything, though there are some choices that give achievements, but in the end, you’ll still get the same result. It’s also a bit short as I read through all choices in about 45 minutes. Given that I’m a slow reader, you may be able to finish reading every bit of dialogue in this game in a matter of 30 minutes or less.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

A great and funny idea, well executed, that will warm your heart and foolishly make you smile - and all that, for free.

Evening Surprise is a short and free Visual Novel worth your time. What a beautiful surprise it was indeed : despite the length (around 20 minutes of reading to complete the story), the game manages to go from “average everyday life” to “aww, this is so damn cute !” in the blink of an eye.


You play as Max, a lazy ass, living with Ann, a sweet girlfriend who works, cooks and loves you. The game drags you along their daily routine : enjoy the time you spend together through several pretty and colorful vignettes with a pleasant and adequate atmospheric soundtrack. During your progression, you’ll be given some choices that won’t really make a difference, but lead you inevitably to the gracious ending that will catch most people off guard. A refreshing experience that gets my recommandation hands down.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Evening Surprise on Steam