Eternal Destinies ~The World of Possibilities~

Eternal Destinies ~The World of Possibilities~

In an age of barbarian invasions and bad harvests, with the gods and demons too entangled in their own conflicts to pay much heed to humanity…

A girl was born to an elderly childless couple in a small village far from the capital.

The signs were vague and sometimes contradictory.

The village priestess and a travelling fortune-teller could not agree on what her future holds.

In the end, a Sage from a nearby mountain suggested:

“Let the girl seek and fulfill her own destiny.”

The village elders agreed.

As soon as she reached the age of maturity, she was sent to the capital to seek her fortune… whatever it might be.

Form friendships and rivalries with the town’s inhabitants, or face the many enemies outside.


It is possible to talk to almost anybody or anything with the right skill(s).


Choose the right activities to reach one of the numerous possible destinies.


Town Square

The townspeople gather here to gossip and share information.

You might hear some interesting rumors!


In addition to the armorer and the tailor, several small stalls offer their wares on the town market. Their contents change seasonally.


Are the gods actually listening? In any case, you can pray for luck.


The biggest bookstore in town. It carries many unusual titles and the selection keeps changing. The owner likes to participate in the writing contest during festivals….


Rumor has it that some unspoken misfortune has befallen the royal family.

Magic shop

Buy potions or chat with the owner’s apprentice.

The Big House on the Hill

What secrets does it hide?

Adventure Mode

Explore the areas around the capital and beyond!


An invisible force that influences everything from the outcome of battles to how likely one is to stumble upon useful items.

Luck can be improved (or ruined) in many different ways.

Special Events

Festivals are held twice per year. Observe the competitions or participate in them… or even rent a stall and try to sell the festival goers some snacks!

Barbarian invasions might occur during the raiding season.

It’s best to pay attention to the Town News!


Many different outcomes are possible depending on your choices.

Read More: Best Anime Female Protagonist Games.

Eternal Destinies ~The World of Possibilities~ on Steam

Jake’s Love Story

Jake’s Love Story

Very Fun VN, for the price it’s pretty good. Probably one of the only Novels that I’ve really enjoyed in a while. Has typos that might trigger some but I try to look past that. Was pretty hooked and even Completed all the achievements, I felt somewhat complete when I finally figured out the right things to say and do.

Spoiler Ahead

! But I was hoping for a harem ending as well when you ask them both to prom ;) Wink Wink

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Parody Games.

THIS GAME, I mean, woah, I gotta calm down here. Jake’s Love Story for the PC is quite possibly the hardest game I have ever played. Forget Silver Surfer, Dark Souls, Hotline Miami 2, whatever. This game doesn’t mess around. I struggle to even play this game for more than a few minutes before I have a mental breakdown and want to play something else. I don’t even save my progress, I just close the game.

The difficulty of this game… is LEGENDARY. If you wanna play this game, YOU GOTTA BE HARDCORE.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Jake's Love Story on Steam

Anonymous Player

Anonymous Player

Decided to give this a try because the screenshots were intriguing and the store page had some cute motivational phrases.

Most of your deaths will be from falling off. You know how unresponsive RPG Maker movement is? Imagine that in a precision-movement game. Doesn’t work. The gameplay is your generic dodge the instant death as you memorize the movements of different hazards.

Sorry to say the dev seems really proud of this, and the store page is cute, but the game isn’t any good. The writing once you’re in the game is bleh.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Indie Games.

Anonymous Player on Steam

What Makes Us Special

What Makes Us Special

Mikołaj Spychał once again demonstrates a natural potential for storytelling in “What Makes Us Special” but also exposes a glaring lack of proficiency in character, plot, and world development throughout this exceedingly short visual novel. This story felt rushed, almost unnaturally so, with far too many “A few days/weeks/months/years later…” fillers. To be perfectly honest, the $12.99 price point precludes any forgiving leeway on such throwaway “literary” junk.

Already suffering from a sub-par story, “What Makes Us Special” fails to impress in any one area at all. The game has no CGs, no chapter replay, and no on-screen UI. The sprite artwork is mediocre, the characters are flat, and the music is repetitive and oftentimes inappropriate for the mood of some scenes. The background artwork was made by a different artist and is rather nice.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game


Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

What Makes Us Special on Steam

XorceD - Sashiro’s Laedrum

XorceD - Sashiro’s Laedrum

Get this game if it’s on sale, a hidden gem among VNs.

3 different endings, cool characters, nice story.

Has cards and achievements.

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

Usually I don’t play story driven games, but ‘XorceD - Sashiro’s Laedrum’ is wonderful!

Surprisingly refreshing and cool! Great characters, good job to the developers!

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

XorceD - Sashiro's Laedrum on Steam

Your Friend Hana

Your Friend Hana

It’s been over a week since I saw the sun, food has become flavourless, water and bread are sustenance enough. Caffeine has lost its effect, and has become a necessity, with my first sip of the day becoming a weekly affair. A grim reminder of how stronger substances could hinder me should I fall for their charm.

I’m making steps, day by day, ever progressing, but she’s learning. My path is clear, and I am steadfast - I learn more with every passing day, the information shared a vital tool in my goal, each a piece of a puzzle that lights another path. I must tread carefully, for she is ever watching, her eyes piercing.

Real player with 914.6 hrs in game

Don’t listen to those negative reviews, they spend less than 1$ (even less or gain a little profit by buying on sale and selling those expensive cards!) and expect triple A game. Then spending their time writing hundreds of words critizing.

The purpose of Hana is to give advice in form of a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, with the latest update featuring hero pick choices for popular games, “Your Friend Hana” is even more a funny and useful ‘tool’ (ehm, I mean friend).

Just in case you don’t know yet, type in :

Real player with 58.1 hrs in game

Your Friend Hana on Steam

Girlfriend Rescue

Girlfriend Rescue

Girlfriend Rescue is a RPG that takes a interesting cast of characters and puts them in a decent story. You play as Dan (you can rename him and the rest of the characters) a young man who is part of a gang and is in love with a young women named Laura. On his way to a cafe where Laura is, Dan is about to tell Laura how he feels about her when she gets kidnapped by a mysterious ex gang member. As Dan loses hope of ever seeing Laura again, Dan’s friends inform him to not give up that they know some info on who took Laura and if they act now they might be able to save her. Dan agrees and runs straight after the kidnapper, as one of his friends who is the informer of the crew warns Dan that this kidnapper is dangerous and he should be prepared for whats to come. This is basically the main plot and how the game starts. It has a old school adventure game plot where you already know what the point of the game is. This story which i found decent eventually copies the feeling of old Mario Games ( Sorry Mario but the princess is in another castle) where everytime you complete an area where you think Laura is you basically just missed her and now she is somewhere else. This drags for about 8 to 9 stages i believe…but in a decent way where the game still feel fresh enough. The only problem I had with this is that Dan acts like him and Laura have been lovers but she doesnt even know how Dans Feels (So Dan looks a bit obsessive for a girl that really is not his girl ).

Real player with 78.7 hrs in game



  • Skills

  • music

  • finding items without pressing action key

  • CC on bosses, and most other mobs.

  • Silly game

  • linear stages

  • Healing items.

  • Artwork could have been a bit better

  • Hunger

  • Many mobs gave you bleeding, or poison status, or both. Was a bit frustrating.


When I first saw this game, I was a bit doubtful; story didn’t interest me too much and I used to play medieval/fantasy or sci-fi rpgs and this was (kinda) present time in normal world. But I decided give it a try, and glad I did that! Game was hilarious and I kept laughing thro playtime. (It could had something to do late hours I played tho) Character’s classes were silly and their skills were ridiculous, suited users perfectly.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Girlfriend Rescue on Steam

Touhou Endless Dream

Touhou Endless Dream

A word from Endless Dream’s ever-busy English translator

A well designed game and worth recommending.

I always thought that the Touhou fandom needs more fan-games that are just plain relaxing and satisfying to play, due to the original games' admittedly, hard difficulty.

Roguelike is Endless Dream’s main selling point, and it really got it right. the game itself is, great ( although I’m not the one to say since I’ve played only a little and just watched my friends play). As a person who has followed along the patches, I do think that the game is being polished more and more. Plus, it’s Touhou, how could you hate Touhou?

Real player with 87.3 hrs in game

Really fun Roguelike Bullet Hell.

Can’t comment much on it, start yourself a run, kill various object shaped enemies along the way, collect yourself some money, get equips to boost your stats and face the Bosses (if not rushing you can fight up to 4).

Think first before going into the next area making sure the darkness doesn’t reach you, get yourself some permanent upgrades after the run and try to unlock more characters to play as.

The game is fairly hard on higher difficulties and pretty cozy tbh.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

Touhou Endless Dream on Steam

Wander Stars

Wander Stars

Wander Stars is a turn-based RPG with roguelite elements where you make your own attacks by combining words to make your own fighting techniques. Learn new words to collect, combine, and experiment to discover enemy weaknesses, synergies, and strategies that will help you win your battles!

The story of Wander Stars follows Ringo, a young martial artist looking for her brother, and Wolfe, a mysterious scoundrel running from his past, as they join forces in an unlikely partnership to collect the pieces of the Wanderstar Map.

Key Features

  • Make your own attacks - Collect and combine different types of words to make your own fighting techniques like a SUPER AWESOME FIRE KICK!

  • An anime you can play - Each run plays like an anime episode where you experience the adventure through exciting cutscenes and intense battles.

  • Wander into adventure - Explore every place you visit through a randomized map and find treasures, rivals, special events and more!

  • Binge and reruns - Replay episodes to learn hidden aspects of the story, find any events you missed, and train to earn permanent upgrades.

Wander Stars on Steam

3 Stars of Destiny

3 Stars of Destiny

If you like old school style pixel graphic types of RPGs… you’ll probably enjoy this game. It’s an okay game but to be honest it barely makes my recommended list. I do love a good RPG especially on that can tell a good story and give me a sense of exploration and adventure this one just falls short of that.

Graphic wise it’s okay. The graphics are just very typical for an RPG Maker game there’s not a lot of uniqueness to the sprites and the character portraits are only so so. They aren’t bad they just don’t really stand out. The music and sounds are pretty decent but some of it is too repetitive and I have to play without sound. It’s not that different than other similar RPGs in terms of graphics and sounds.

Real player with 105.8 hrs in game

3 Stars of Destiny is, all in all, a good game.

The game serves as a prequel to Laxius Power (freeware RPG games) and Laxius Force (check aldorlea for more info). This may or may not make the experience better for you, although I played this game before any of the others, and I loved it, so it’s whatever.

The game is a pretty standard fantasy game. The story is okay, honestly even though I absolutely adore the game, the story isn’t insane. It wasn’t meant to be insane either. This game was meant to be about how the main characters meet up, and that’s what the game showed off and did well.

Real player with 104.8 hrs in game

3 Stars of Destiny on Steam