This is one of those 4 / 10 sort of games.

It isn’t that I hate it, but I’ve played a lot of musou games and this isn’t a particularly good one.

Plus it is for an anime I’d never even heard of before and am unable to find anywhere even now.

Most other musou games are rather more fleshed out than this one.

There aren’t many characters, and quite a few of them have clone movesets or near enough to them.

Weapons can’t be significantly customised beyond picking an elemental moveset after unlocking them, and an annoying card collection is the substitute for character skills (but you’ll probably want exactly the same cards on every character anyway since some are overwhelmingly better than others).

Real player with 48.3 hrs in game

I feel like I can review this now after 10 hours before I sink another 60 hours in.

Positive Remarks:

This game marks a turning point for KT and for all of us who love their Omega force games. This game needs more positive attention. I mean that in the most don’t fuck this up for us kind of way. I want more of this sub genre in their catalogue. Curse me, I even want more DLCs.

I knew before I started the game I would love it -the instant I saw it. Usually, that feeling is met by severe disappointment. Not so this time, Not so, Sir! There are unlockables in this game. Unlockables. Allow me to explain the gravity of that to the uninitiated: that’s stuff they could have just charged you for on DLC.

Real player with 34.3 hrs in game


NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution is not as revolutionary as the title might suggest, but I think it’s the step in the right direction.

The disappointing thing is lack of canon story mode in the game. Instead, we have Ninja World Tournament, Mecha-Naruto Story and the Ninja Escapades. The Ninja World Tournament is just mode, in which you thrive for championship in a tournament consistin of 4-characters brawl. Initial ranks of the tournament are easy, but difficulty rises gradually. Also, you can roam the island (the bigger progress you made in the tournament, the more areas you can visit), doing challenges, missions and events. Even thought it has absolutely nothing to do with canon storyline, the mode is quite fun to play, some friendship events are hilarius.

Real player with 482.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Multiplayer Games.

This is one of those games I’m highly indifferent about. Looking back, I wouldn’t call this game a bad game at all, in fact I quite enjoyed it. The “story” is comprised of four short stories with some (easy) fights peppered in that expand the lore in the naruto world through the story of the Akatsuki, Itachi and Shisui, a unique story about the new character “Mecha Naruto”, along with a 10 minute movie about team Minato which I quite enjoyed. Overall, this will take maybe 2-3 hours to complete. Which is quite a bit less than I’d expect for a game with such a steep price tag. The replay value is unfortunately nonexistant unless you are looking for the two achievements given for achieving S ranking on the Itachi and Akatsuki mini story lines. However, if you didn’t already get these achievements on your first playthrough as these fights are quite easy, you will without a doubt get it on your second. There is also the “Ninja world tournament mode” which I enjoyed quite a bit. In this mode, you can select a character of your choosing (with the exception of all the young characters, which kinda sucks) and duke it out in a four-player brawl against NPCs. Unfortunately, there is no online mode for this. This is really awful since like the rest of the NPCs, they are quite easy to defeat, and offer no real challenge. I will admit by the S+ tournament I was sweating a bit at the intensity, but the difficulty is entirely due to major NPC buffs in the form of a constant “true awakening form” and not a more advanced AI. That being said, I still won it on my first go-around which really ruins the fun of the game. This will most likely take about 5-6 hours to complete (basing off my own time). And overall, you’ll get about 7-9 hours of gameplay out of the story if you play to completion. Such a small playtime leaves something of a bitter taste in my mouth considering the price tag of this game. However, if you’re seeing my play time, you’ll notice I have 100+ hours in this game as of writing this review. This is due to this games' bread and butter, the online mode. However, unfortunately enough for the online mode, the online community has depleted in the two months since this game has come out. This has made finding someone to fight almost a chore and you really have to just open the game and cross your fingers that you’ll find someone. Speaking from personal experience, now that the game is about 2 months after launch, it is a very common occurence that you will find noone to battle.Near the games' launch, the online was solid and all you had to worry about was a tiny bit of lag since so many people were on the servers. However, even now that not so many people are using the servers, the lag is still existant if not worse. This is a huge no-no in my opinion for a 1v1 fighter to have any form of lag. Especially to the point of making the game near unplayable at points. This raises a secondary issue in the fact that even if you manage to find someone to play against, that person might have a laggy connection and make your game either near impossible to play, or make your game crash entirely. In total, this game was very fun. But now that the main focus of this game, the online, has fallen into an abyss, I would advise against purchasing this game. Still, for all the fun I had, I think this game is great. 8/10, buy it if you have a time machine or you love wasting money for a couple hours of fun.

Real player with 167.7 hrs in game

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution on Steam

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment Review

Admit it; we all wanted to know what those last 25 levels will be like in this Death Game. Now you get the front row seat to experience it as it unfolds.

For those that have yet to watch the Anime TV show or read the Manga’s and other reading materials, note that this review contains spoilers for them all.

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Remastered Content can be found throughout the game.

  2. All original DLC content has been added to this version of the game.

Real player with 515.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Multiplayer Games.

ok, I’ve finished the Hollow Area main storyline (though not all of the possible area events/quests) and am on Floor 90 of the actual castle. This game is good, but it does take getting a few things to really shine; and also realization of what the focus is.

While you can go clear floors 76-100, that part seems really sort of secondary to the hollow area. It’s mostly just to open up story bits with little cutscenes with all of the girls, but otherwise the actual levels are fairly unremarkable. I’ve not gotten to the top yet, so I’m not sure if the story changes up more closer to the top, but that’s what I’ve noticed so far.

Real player with 121.0 hrs in game

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment on Steam

Uncraft World

Uncraft World

After seeing Rooster Teeth do a video on this, I bought the first two Uncraft Me! games on the Xbox 360 a couple years ago and found them addictive, despite (or because of) the challenge and the “reward” (wink wink) at the end of each level. So, you could imagine my happiness when I found this game had finally been ported to Steam.

I have found that the game plays easier when using a game controller, like that for the Xbox One. I would not recommend using a keyboard to play this game, or you will find yourself having a much harder time controlling your character, thus causing you to die multiple times, and not beat the level until 20-30 minutes later.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

UPDATE: In 2019 I tried to play the game again and saw I was missing 1 skin. Went to the forums to learn where it is unlocked and instead learned that the developers of this game have given up on development. Not in so many words, but that is the long and short of it. So it’s going to be in early access forever.


Ok so after “finishing” the last 2 levels I’m happy to say that I would not recommend this game anymore.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Uncraft World on Steam

Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom

Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom

This will be my first review ever so it may not be what you expect, but here we go.

Having played 160+ hours, beaten every single mission in S-Rank with Dire Subjugation, completed the Gallery (have made every equipment), and gotten all achievements, I believe my review will be accurate.

The game follows the same story as the anime/manga, including short cutscenes for the highlights of the show. Starting with Attack Mode (which is considered “normal” mode). Beating that unlocks True Attack Mode (or “hard mode” - also “TAM”). PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE GAME DIFFICULTY SETTINGS ASIDE FROM THIS FOR EASY, NORMAL, AND HARD. On TAM, the titans have much more life on each body part and are much more aggressive, turning and grabbing much quicker. There is also Expedition Mode, in which you can play Survey Missions either online of offline. If playing online, you can have up to four people playing together.

Real player with 291.2 hrs in game

Now, I am a massive weeb, so I am probably very biased when it comes to anime games. I am also a big fan of the Warriors series games, so when I found out there was going to be an Attack on Titan game made by the same company, I was thrilled. Now for my review.



Now, as much as I enjoy flying around slaying titans, the game does have it’s bugs, and I’ve had more than my fair share of accidental wall hugging. Combat is VERY fast-paced on any substantial difficulty level, possibly too much for other people. Half the time, I’m just mashing buttons and hoping a titan doesn’t grab me. (Although I do play on extra hard mode, so that’s probably why.)

Real player with 210.9 hrs in game

Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom on Steam

BLEACH Brave Souls

BLEACH Brave Souls

As a disclaimer, this review is only really going to help people who’ve already played the game on mobile or emulator as it’s about the port itself, not the game so if you’re looking to play for the first time, seek another review! :)

Overall the Steam release of Brave Souls is a very good port and feels great to play but as I’ll highlight below, it’s not without it’s fair share of flaws:

The Pros:

-Unlocked framerate, looks great at 144fps and plays extremely fluidly

-Will run on pretty much anything with it originally being a mobile game

Real player with 2436.3 hrs in game

1. The best gatcha game out there.

2. The banner system will get you whatever character you like.

3. The amount of pearls this game will give you for free is at another lever. I player 1500 hours( 100% free) and I got like 20.000+ pearls.

  • 150 pearls = 10 summons(There are banners that will start the 10 summons at 50 pearls and to 200, 250) There are 1st step is 50 pearls, 2nd step is 150, 3rd step is 200. 4th step is 250 and 5th step is 250 with a guarantee 5*

  • And do not forget at every 5 step you will get a guarantee 5* character

Real player with 2101.0 hrs in game

BLEACH Brave Souls on Steam

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis


After thousands of hours playing on JP since 2014 as a Solo Player, and already a thousands hours on NA (sadly once again as a Solo Player), I have come to give you this advice that you will desperately need:

Don’t feed your MAG till you do research

Don’t go to block 69 if you’re streaming Block 69 has been removed. RIP hentai lovers. (I think they are migrating to block 34 because you know…rule 34…)

Real player with 5841.5 hrs in game

The Review has been edited to an extent, I am only playing the game at this rate to collect game-time because this is the game with my highest playtime on steam. I have not done any content for weeks infact. I am even slowly losing interest in this aspect.

Edit 5: I am tired.

SEGA sent mmoloda C&D to tell them to take down all pictures they had that was taken INGAME, with INGAME fashion and INGAME poses.

Y-yeah, sell us fashion that you end up wanting us to take down, more $90 scratch rewards please!!!!

Real player with 3787.5 hrs in game

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis on Steam



I am currently ranked #1 in the UK; and #3 Globally.

I’m a Fana Main (Fana Best Waifu)

The game is well optimized and has a good story (None-Cannon), with difficulty settings, to incite challange, the games AI is absolutely terrible in that when you’re playing through the story they do absolutely nothing at all, and when you’re in a multiplayer game because it couldnt find anyone to match your skill level, it matches you against bots who just slap you around 24/7. (Magna & Gauche Bot NEED NERF PLS)

Real player with 49.6 hrs in game

First off, it’s hard to decide, if i recommend it or not, because actually… i do neither.

i bought it, because i like the series, even though i had read and seen the bad reviews. And guess what: they were mostly justified.

  • What i really liked, is the story. It has a mixture of actual anime-cutscenes, 3D-animated cutscenes and 2D-only text cut"scenes". The whole story is pretty much like an extra arc for the anime.

o But the cutscenes sadly lack a tiny bit of detail, as if a few frames and text parts were missing, so some things weren’t 100% clear for me in the Asta-part of the story.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game




March 7th: The review has been updated. Check the bottom of the review for more details

Have beaten the game a few days ago. Now, if you are looking for a review with some details, and if you are still not sure whether you should buy this game or not, then read on.

First, many people seem to be talking about the whole connection issues, and yes, it appears you need to be connected to the Xenoverse server in order to even play offline. But do you get disconnected so often that, it is almost unplayable? Not really. Most of the time, the offline mode works without any issues. But usually the online mode is off, and you most likely will end up seeing the message stating that the Xenoverse online is currently off. But yes, this game basically requires you to level up and all anyway (Unfortunately I have not done the online mode yet, so I might add some more to this review when I get my hands on it), so in the end, you should have no problem playing the game, at least the offline mode. And I will explain why the game is made like an MMORPG later in the review.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game

TLDR: The biggest problem with the game right now is the servers. There are some drawbacks in the gameplay department but the pros outweigh the cons. If you’re a fan of the Dragonball series and the world that Akira Toriyama has created then this game is a must buy. If you don’t really care for Dragonball but are interested in the gameplay it is a solid game but packed with fan service that will probably go over your head. You will also probably be less forgiving of its flaws and may not get enough enjoyment out of the story and the Dragonball world to offset them. Character customization is definatley the high point of the game, everything from looks to stats to skills is up to the player.

Real player with 104.2 hrs in game




An autogame with “meh” history, characters based in gods and deities an all this

Positive: good graphics


-Farming “mana” (the currency), can take 3 to 1 month get for the necesary for leveling or buy the “trash” in the shop

-Is practically a “pay to win”, not pay, not win nothing

-Arena system is very wrong and impossible fight with the same level for the highest damage, impossible for advance

-Events are “pay or not win”

-Farming the 2nd money “diamonds” are the worst, 30 per day and with lucky 100 more, need 2500 to 3000 for a pull in the gacha system

Real player with 2266.9 hrs in game

The game has a harsh disparity between the amount of In-Game Currency, Diamonds compare to the banners that requires these diamonds to summon. There is no reasonable pity system. Coins is the closest thing to pity and they will always expire if you do not have enough to trade for a feature hero or a RNG box that includes a random featured hero. Yes. These pity coins EXPIRES. The minimum requirement to gaurantee enough coins to trade for one of these feature heroes or boxes is 120k-180k diamonds. As a FREE TO PLAY player, one can take 2 years of saving and barely have enough. 2 years, for possibly one Pity hero. Some content of the game can only be cleared by having the correct heroes. Each of these heroes are gauranteed at 60k-85k diamonds. Their coins also expires. I whale. From free diamonds I can get maybe 30k from pvp and events within a month. I can choose to drop 250+ dollars to get 45k more for that month. It lets me have 75k per a month and within 2 months i can gauranteed a current meta hero. and thats after 500+ dollars. I don’t do that recently, but that would be the gist of how i used to approach banners. Just save for 2 months if i can even last that long with all the event exclusive units coming out being all tantalizing. I would recommend to play it if you literally have nothing else to play. Try some flash games. Try some oregon trail. Beginner’s luck is real but 4 months in you’ll be hating the game just like most people who can’t whale their way through or have consistent luck or patience to save for months on end. It’s gotten slightly better, but the gap between f2p and p2w is getting wider and more shameless each month. You can find exceptions but that’s like finding King Arthur in a crowd of mediocre knights who was lucky enough to pull that sword.

Real player with 2008.8 hrs in game