Super Night Riders

Super Night Riders

My first reaction to this game was: this game can only be valuable for nostalgia/historical factor, and I can’t honestly recommend it to anyone else. But then I played it a little more, and it got me thinking.

This game faithfully recreates the gameplay of 80s arcade racers with all the important details, but with more modern visuals. The visuals are not mind blowing, but they look pleasant and are not dull.

The gameplay doesn’t have a lot of variety, unfortunately, even compared to the 80s racers. There’s only one vehicle you can choose, one type of “enemies”, no unexpected nasties like an oil spill and such, and the track variety is pretty much limited to the visual theme. The tracks are handcrafted though and are nicely tuned in terms of the difficulty curve and the challenge.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Arcade Games.

Super Night Raiders is my first racing game that I’ve managed to finish. Actually, it isn’t exactly a racing game - you aren’t trying to be the 1st but complete laps under a given time, depending on the difficulty setting you choose. While you are driving you are encountering other freeway bikers which are supposed to be obstacles that you aren’t supposed to hit - if you hit them you get a massive speed penalty which can ruin your run. One or two mistakes is actually ok, but if you do more than that you probably won’t make it on the normal mode. Easy mode is exactly the same, except that it grants you more time to finish each lap so you are allowed to make more mistakes, but you don’t get achievements.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Super Night Riders on Steam

Anime Sunset Ride

Anime Sunset Ride

At a Glance

| (Adult) Content | (F) nudity. |

| Censorship? | No. Woot! Woot! |

| Hours of Gameplay | Twenty minutes. |

| Modding Support? | No. |

| Patch Available? | Download from Steam. |

Anime Sunset Ride is a lewd memory game with assorted anime girls.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Puzzle Games.

Cool!! Yes!!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Anime Sunset Ride on Steam



TL;DR An incredibly fun and addicting super speed reflex game.

Your job in this game is to go fast. Really fast. Faster than your brain can think, kinds of fast. You need to avoid obstacles at ridiculous speeds while trying your best to score some points for tricks along the way. This game is an arcade type game from the start, just get a better highscore. But the way it’s done is incredible and it really makes want to keep playing in a sort of “Just One More Run” type of way.

The game starts off pretty easy but gets progressively harder as you improve. This keeps the game feeling fresh even after long play sessions because of how the game scales with you. Well most of the time that is. You’ll start off at a low speed of 100 km/h and slowly make your way up, but if you ever die you can respawn at the last 100 that you got up until 700 km/h (For instance, you die at 450 km/h, the next you can start at 400 km/h rather than 100 km/h). This keeps the pacing of the game quite good, for you don’t have to be perfect in every lower speed level just you have a chance at the next high speed. Most of the time.

Real player with 112.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Arcade Games.

Extremely entertaining obstacle-avoiding game with a great “just one more try” feeling.

Mechanics are really simple to understand: the bike move on its own and you can either dodge left/right or drift left/right in order to change directions. You can also jump in order to make stunts through direction inputs.

You start at a speed of 100km/h and it slowly increases. Using stunts, drifting and using speedboosts on the road can increase the speed even faster. After every 100km/h cap (i.e. 200, 300, 400…) the game saves your progress and once you die you can start at the last goal achieved. This is applied up to 700km/h.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

Hyperun on Steam

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

The fact that they released an old game in this state is absolutely ridiculous and inexcusable.

  • Partial controller support for a game that doesn’t support kb+m despite the fact that it could work (you need workarounds in order to play with Dualshock 4 for gods sake).

  • Constant crashing during load screens. You know that lovely feeling of doing side stuff for hours only to have the game crash on you and removing all your progress because autosave isn’t a thing? Outstanding.

  • No options whatsoever. Wow look, you can toggle fullscreen on or off, so advanced.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game


Aaaaand that’s the next game all done! What an experience this game was. Let’s begin with the review:

Soooo…once again, I’m glad I gave these games a chance and I’m glad that I bought both of these instead of just one, definitely got a more fuller experience with them. So, where do I stand on this game?


While I don’t think this game is narratively better than the first game, The assassins in this game don’t feel like real people at times and more or less just feel like ‘oh, just another bad guy for Travis to fight to get to the top, I guess.’ It’s kind of jarring going from a game that had characters with some levels of depth to them and you could almost feel their struggles up until they died to a sequel where only a few of the assassins actually feel like they’re properly fleshed, and one of those few is just a character from the first game brought back from the dead that Travis himself doesn’t even get to face, with that character being ‘New Destroyman’, instead Shinobu fights him (or rather them since there’s two now and it’s kind of an annoying fight, ngl.) The story is….worse than the first game and while it has it’s good moments in it as well like Henry fighting an anime mecha girl, Shinobu making her moves on Travis which is uhhh…kind of funny and kind of weird at the same time considering the fans who probably DID ship them got slapped in the face and those who didn’t were probably just thinking ‘Yeah, that seems about right’, and Travis and Sylvia having more banter (which was some of my favorite moments in the first game and this one since we got to see the two interact more here and form a sort of…screwed up bond), overall, the story is just…okay, not as good as the first game’s but not god-awful either…Jasper is a really crappy character, though, ngl, he’s comic-book as heck and he really only just made Travis get out of retirement because of him killing Greg/Bishop…who barely mattered before in the games asides from him fetching your bike on NMH1 and running the shop in both games. It’s just kind of sad we didn’t get a better story considering how amazingly improved everything else was.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle on Steam

No More Heroes

No More Heroes

Welcome to the Garden of Madness, Sudabros…

tldr; the game is great, but the port is not


The non-technical part of this port is still good, even after 14 years, the game has it’s charm. The heart and soul of the game is still here (except “Heavenly Star” is absent, but you can mod it back in), but the technical side of this port - OH THE TECHNICAL SIDE..

As you could see, most of the reviews here talk about the lack of controller support (KB+M is not an option;

! and why would you even want to play it on KB+M? ) - the game only supports XBOX360 controller, BUT DS4Windows works just fine for me.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Yes. But not yet.

the game works really well, but there’s some bugs that need fixing.

Here’s some stuff nobody else is saying:

  • A bunch of achievements are broken, specifically those that have progression tracking. The counting doesn’t work properly. Those who have the achievement “Dial M for Massacre” are using SAM… for shame guys.

  • There’s some particular segments in the game where you need to hit a target at the right time but the timing is extremely finicky if not completely broken. Luckily they are all optional, but some are tied to a certain achievement. It’s not impossible per se, but I sure avoided them like the plague.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

No More Heroes on Steam