Aura Kingdom

Aura Kingdom

Now, i’ve got a few hundred more hours with this game than my steam says, given i played it outside of this program, and I can say for sure that this game is both a blessing and a pain at times.

The storyline can be a bit repetitive, if you have many-a character made

A lot of the decent cosmetics are worth a pretty penny amount of gold

Hard to find a guild/clan thats highly active, unless you make your own

Great class customization, no “this class can only be a 2nd to this class” bullshit

a fishing system! (i love fishing in games, sorry)

Real player with 415.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime PvE Games.

I was trying to log into my account after not accessing the game for a year (due to school and me having to uninstall the game) but couldn’t cause apparently I used the wrong username and/or password. And when I went to check my “Forgot my pass” on Aeria, I found out that my account was blocked. And I’m honestly very taken aback and very disappointed. I have no idea why my account was disabled, but it makes me extremely unhappy cause I’ve dedicated plenty of time into the game, and to have my progress lost just angers me tremendously.

Real player with 179.8 hrs in game

Aura Kingdom on Steam



I have been playing this game on an off for about 8 years, before the new server even came out and have probably wasted more than 3000 hours of my life across several accounts and multiple different characters. I find the game itself quite fun although it can be repetitive at times with its mundane combat system and buggy naval combat, however, what plagues this game the most is the absence of options for free to play players to get gear or equipment that could be considered at least mediocre: before the elite dungeons update, free to play players could make a decent amount of money by grinding sea levels and gathering magic crystals (a valuable in game resource). However, after the update even that option got removed as magic crystals became way more common and the only viable way to get better gear became spending real money in the game.Overall the game is pretty good and can be fun if played with friends for the first time, but is an absolute pay to win nightmare.

Real player with 354.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime PvP Games.

First of all, sorry for my poor english, its not my first language.

I’ve played this game for a long time before it came to steam, im very happy it still alive! This simple MMORPG taught me how to play with a keyboard, since it was the one of the firsts game i’ve ever played on a PC. This game have amazing songs, and the graphics are cute (at least before you leave the first island), but they work very well with the atmosphere. As you progress, you have to sail to another islands, and you can control you battleship on the ocean, listening to the greatests songs in the game.

Real player with 295.4 hrs in game

Florensia on Steam

NosTale - Anime MMORPG

NosTale - Anime MMORPG

Well because there are so many downvotes I thought I should say something.

Almost every downvote says: This game is pay2win but I don’t think Nostale is like that.

Well sure you can pay 100€ each month and get tons of ingame money BUT

  • every Item from the cashshop is tradeable so you can get EVERYTHING and you get no disadventage by not paying money

  • of course people who spend money get lots of gold to be precise if you spend 100€ you get 2500 Nosdollar on my server this is 137.500.000 gold but if you play the game and look out for some ways to earn money you’ll get this much as well

Real player with 2112.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Multiplayer Games.

Let me begin this by saying I started playing NosTale on the UK server back in 2007, transfered to Global on release, then went back to UK after the death of Global. From 2007 till around late 2014 (with a few breaks) NosTale was one of my main games to play. It was by far my favorite MMO, and even became a social outlet for me. Most of the time, I could just log in and be happy to socialize with fellow Family members, or just passing time sitting in town, surrounded by the pixel faces I had grown to love. Two of my most important friends in the entire world I met in Nos. Just passing the time together, questing, and eventually leading to a leap of faith that many other players would never do. These are the reasons I loved this game, but unfortunately the game was a horrible excuse for an MMO, and eventually became an Unbalanced Cash grab. Towards the end of my time playing It became less and less fun, and slowly but surely a lot of the community died out. Unfortunately the common ground we shared, in raids, pvp, and TimeStones, was all lost, and most of those people are gone, lost across the world.

Real player with 918.9 hrs in game

NosTale - Anime MMORPG on Steam

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis


After thousands of hours playing on JP since 2014 as a Solo Player, and already a thousands hours on NA (sadly once again as a Solo Player), I have come to give you this advice that you will desperately need:

Don’t feed your MAG till you do research

Don’t go to block 69 if you’re streaming Block 69 has been removed. RIP hentai lovers. (I think they are migrating to block 34 because you know…rule 34…)

Real player with 5841.5 hrs in game

The Review has been edited to an extent, I am only playing the game at this rate to collect game-time because this is the game with my highest playtime on steam. I have not done any content for weeks infact. I am even slowly losing interest in this aspect.

Edit 5: I am tired.

SEGA sent mmoloda C&D to tell them to take down all pictures they had that was taken INGAME, with INGAME fashion and INGAME poses.

Y-yeah, sell us fashion that you end up wanting us to take down, more $90 scratch rewards please!!!!

Real player with 3787.5 hrs in game

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis on Steam

Digimon Masters Online

Digimon Masters Online



-Easy to access

-Wide variety of Digimon


-Only 4 Digivolution trees per character (you can make like 30 characters, but that’s tedious; guess that’s why so many slots are locked behind a paywall)

-Essentially pay to win (hatching lv3 eggs is hard enough, but I hear lv5 is necessary late-game)

-Words cut in half in dialogu


-Poor grammar

-Terribly unintersting storyline

-Crashes consistently (in my sub-hour playtime, it crashed twice)

-Difficult to learn (controls definitely take a long time to understand and get used to, and the game does a horribl

Real player with 5783.0 hrs in game


They have now removed eggs from arena and Removed perma aura nd perma jogress from coloseium reward makeing other players not able to compete.

officially dead game now

** UPDATE **

Started playing few days ago and manged to get preatty far.

its a good online game somewhat querky sale system but its not bad. ( after some searious time in this game i wanted to add some things )

i made it to max level and max digimon level on my main digis.

and i found the entire experiance of this game quite good.

Real player with 1509.5 hrs in game

Digimon Masters Online on Steam



Either you love it OR you hate it. A BIT cliche of an opener, I know, but if you don’t come into this game and it’s community with a specific mindset you’re simply not going to like it. I’ve been playing this game since it launched on steam, and before the Steam version I played the PC US version which launched in December 2013. I’ve always had a soft spot for Onigiri, as it is one of the VERY FEW surviving Anime MMORPGs! However, this game is by no means perfect. And I’ll be putting all nostalgic bias aside in this review.

Real player with 2515.6 hrs in game

The game is overly complicated with no explanations. You will spend a lot of time on wiki. There is a problem with DC’s, I mean you will get DCed probably within 10 mins of playing and it will continue through playing. The weapon system sucks u need items for every aspect of crafting… even repairs. That means if you don’t have them…. your weapon gets wrecked if fail, your 1st weapon smelt can fail which is dumb as all hell. Did I miss anything… oh right the language isn’t fully translated on some NPC’s which makes quests difficult…and also means they pretty much said screw it and stopped trying to make the game better. Bad feeling about this game like it might be dying due to the fact the creators gave up? RNG and bad weapon system with huge DC’s is it worth the nonsense? Break my weapons, waste my time…to bad for you clowns.

Real player with 189.9 hrs in game

Onigiri on Steam

Tree of Savior (English Ver.)

Tree of Savior (English Ver.)

Note: I played this game completely F2P (more on this) and was considered a top damage dealer(AKA DPS) before I quit the game in April 2020. I will try to say a few things to help you make up your mind before you start the game.

Tree of Savior is a F2P game, but you will find yourself struggle if you’re not a casual that doesn’t care about how strong your character is. There are ways to earn in game currency, and it’s definitely doable, but know that you will always see players who spend money have it way easier. This game is very P2W (Pay to Win).

Real player with 4015.8 hrs in game

Hello readers, here is an informed review on this title.

Tree of savior suffered from the work of uncaring developers and caused it’s own backlash to begin with. The game has from that point been unable to amount a comeback. IMC brought it upon themselves for ignoring the community.

In recent times it has begun to make improvements and changes for the better, but mistakes hamper the game to this day and in some cases gotten worse with time. I will cover the aspects of the game for anyone reading that may be interested in playing and what you can find if you do.

Real player with 3394.9 hrs in game

Tree of Savior (English Ver.) on Steam

Dragon Saga

Dragon Saga

fun getting into it, might not appeal to some ppl bc of the visuals, style.., i played it years ago and for thousands of hours, has a combat system that is part beat’em up like tekken/streetfighter/etc., also abilities simillar to WoW, with resources and cooldowns, also its possible to macro stuff together (cash shop item macro slot, thats a thing this game had worse, but is still there, pay for benefits, it can feel really grindy if you don’t watch out for EXP buff items (stacking the ones that work) for example, there is a currency that drops tho, that can buy you important cash shop stuff like that, but in the end everything can be reached with basic ingame gold by trading for cash shop stuff (some of it is only giftable, so a bit if a hassle, bc cash and delivery is independent, but there are few items there that are like that. this games has alot of outdated or clunky systems in it, like the market that is basicly an auction house that needs you to buy licenses to sell stuff for a fixed duration, low number of slots, if you buy stuff theres a search bar but the filters are really basic and theres no sorting except for shop points, like a score you can raise with an item xD cash shop ofc. well i could go on like that forever but i just wanted to make clear, it has flaws, its grindy, most content is mediocre, ai is stupid af, but the thing i come back for is the fast, nicely animated 2d combat that comes with a tacked on mmo. i can see what ppl don’t like about it but somehow theres alot of the fun stuff in mmorpgs, like stats, gear, upgrading (by grinding like a crazyperson), talent tree, lots of items, classes and skills, costumes, pvp, housing, crafting, etc.

Real player with 856.4 hrs in game

Building end-game equipment

80% done

Prepared to throw in money/grind for enchantment protection

Waiting for sale


Stat you’re building for got a hard-cap.

Congratulations, the gear you’ve spent months on is now useless.

You need to re-plan all your 16 equipments.

Your class is in the mid process of getting nerfed hard.

This game has been out for 6 years, yes?

and they still couldn’t for the life of it get class balance done.

Everytime they nerf one class, or change one/two stats to become useless,

Real player with 648.7 hrs in game

Dragon Saga on Steam

Lucent Heart

Lucent Heart

Lucent Heart, what can I say.

First off, I’m one of the dedicated players who’ve been playing this for years and I am happy to see it on Steam. However, it didn’t went on here without its struggles. Yes, it doesn’t have the best graphics, best storyline or the best anything, but this is pretty old. And if you’re like me, chances are, you love this game as much as the other player that you invested over thousands of hours into it. Which I did. I would say Lucent Heart is one of those games you played in your childhood and you simply fell in love with it, like Zelda or FF7, Lucent Heart gives off the same vibe and that’s one of the charms of this game.

Real player with 292.9 hrs in game

A thrilling and unique experience! This game has so much to offer. From battling tough enemies to finding your perfect lover, this game has it all. You may team up with other fellow players or go completely solo, the choice is yours. Equip cosmetics to make your character look cool, pets for buffs, battle pets for an extra hand, and weapons that will burn, freeze, slice and dice, pierce, stab, cast, and shoot your enemies into oblivion!

This game has an intensive zodiac system and deep lore as well. It’s really neat, and you can explore and learn more about zodiac signs all while play the game!

Real player with 259.6 hrs in game

Lucent Heart on Steam

Ragnarok Online 2

Ragnarok Online 2

The good things:

-actually ingame looks pretty nice, the game is well done in maps, the landscape has no compare

-has a decent plot, actually enjoyable at the beggining

-really good game if you come here with your gf or a close friend, there is a lot things to do for 2 or more people outside ingame comunity

-nice looking costumes, characters, bosses

And the rest of the game

-has bugs, a lot. Since day 1 and still some remain

-admins, gm doesn’t give a single f**k about the game, they are just interested in 2 things; 1 money 2 keep the game running with low cost and more income

Real player with 1363.0 hrs in game

EDIT: my point still stands below but if youre going to hop in this game, know that development is dead, its never updating, they dont have a team for it anymore, dont give money to it because you aint gonna get any new content.

This game has it’s pros and cons, but all around, it’s not an absolute shit game and it’s good enough to get people willing to try MMOs, into that kinda scene, it’s a pretty good starter game instead of committing to something hardcore or that needs money to play.

I see SO many people shitting on this game becaue it’s not as good as the original ragnarok game, which honestly, you should never expect a ‘sequel’ to an MMO to be just like the original

Real player with 1097.2 hrs in game

Ragnarok Online 2 on Steam