The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia

The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia

First off: I can’t believe that this game is priced under $19.99. It’s $12.99 — that’s simply unreal. 

As a player who has never really played any grand strategy games before, The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia has been a very surprising and enjoyable experience considering it’s an early access game developed by a dedicated team of four. If you had been watching/following this game for some time, you’ll know that Eagarlnia has gone through some rocky periods throughout the years, as the development team had been very silent about the game’s progress and status despite hosting it on Steam’s platform around late 2019. There were some hints here and there that the game would be localized to English, but there wasn’t any concrete information to go on for several months. Fortunately, the team would resurface to announce that the localization for English was well under way, and that the demo and early access release would arrive soon. If it wasn’t for their decision to localize, I most likely would’ve never stumbled across this gem of a game simply because of the language barrier.

Real player with 636.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Fantasy Games.

If you’re a lover of oldschool strategy games of this kind then do not hesistate and acquire this title for yourself. The game features a truckload of detailed artwork (so many heroes…), beautiful music and enjoyable game mechanics. The weak part is definitely the translation but I think they are working on it. It’s functional but at times it can be difficult to understand the correct meaning of a skill (example: a skill says that it is good against fighters but there are no fighter units… the closest would be soldiers but it might also refer to warriors or spearmen).

Real player with 127.2 hrs in game

The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia on Steam

Lost Technology

Lost Technology

I suggest you read game’s store description first before reading this (I often don’t do it myself), it’s pretty informative regarding basic game process.

There are 4(5) gamemodes:

Prologue: Birth - basically a story mode where you get text based events by capturing territories or fulfilling specific conditions. Writing is pretty interesting for a doujin game, I find Reinald scenario in particular pretty amusing, you don’t see endings like that every day. You can also unlock new characters or their stronger versions for random mode by completing certain scenarios.

Real player with 1300.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Indie Games.

Definitely a bit of a niche title that is not without its flaws. Basically it is a turn-based overworld with interconnected nodes representing fields of battle which you can control for income, and real-time battles whenever those nodes are contested. So, kind of like Total War but with over-the-top magical abilities for the anime generals. I personally enjoy it very much despite its myriad of flaws. The game also has a wonderful selection of music that for me never grew stale.

If you pick it up, I strongly recommend reading a community guide for gameplay tips like below:

Real player with 77.0 hrs in game

Lost Technology on Steam

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域

Good job. 难得有一个游戏让我能想起同时玩大航海时代和超级机器人大战的感觉。内政系统让我想起圣魔大战和lost technology。最有趣的是捕获系统,同时用海盗的导弹巡洋舰和北天的光束扁海盗不要太爽。同时也很期待Chaos Galaxy正式版的上市,希望开发者健健康康,开发顺利。

下面是几个针对新的Chaos Galaxy的建议:

1. 目前试玩版里,每个行星有五个slot可以建造要塞。不知道可不可以增加别的建筑,比如提升商业/工业/防御度上限的建筑?防御建筑当行星被占领时自动被拆除,其他建筑保留。

2. 是否有可能增加行星驻守舰队?满额的5个要塞在战力5000以上的舰队(旗舰+1-2巡洋舰+补给船+1机甲)面前仍然很脆弱,而能组建舰队的将领数貌似非常低(初始=3),所以领地稍大一点貌似就会被周边势力偷家。同1,是否可以通过建筑/科技增加仅仅驻守在行星本地的1艘巡洋舰+2机甲?


Real player with 41.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Indie Games.

Very nice, litlle one-man indie turn based strategy with retro touch.

Simple, but efficient strategy layer plus series of small scale tactical combats (at most 20 units on board, usually ca 8 turns) makes for fast paced game and prevent drag. Choices are minimalistic, but well implemented.

I found game reasonably simple (with beginning a bit more challenging) and needed 21 hours to reach all endings.

For negatives, there is little replayability. Game is somewhat unbalanced (submarines" are underwhelming), AI is passable, and plays by the rules (which is nice feat for such a small game), tlhough very predictable in tactical phase. RNG sometimes can be a bit annoying (but never ruined the battle for me). For the price I can really racommend game.

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域 on Steam

Chaos Galaxy

Chaos Galaxy

Instantly the game reminded me the old SNES game, Raiden? But that game uses hex cells instead.

Simple in operation, a lot of units, honestly i loved it. Definitely gonna try all the factions.

Tho i wish the bullets during the animation can fly in unison or salvo manner rather than sequential fire, which took a lot of time. Just like the SNES game I’ve mentioned.

With box cells, the game operates just like the Super Robot War series.

There are two major unit category, mechs or warships. Or maybe Gundams or those Carriers, Space Cruisers whatever. Mechs usually could steer inside asteroid clusters and they gained evasion bonus for that. They hit 100% all the time but suffer with lower total HP pool. Also a team divided by 3 units, losing 1 of them losing 1 weapon to fight with. Tho if the enemy weapon could fire once, they benefited by no matter powerful it was, it will only took one unit with it. If it connects.

Real player with 235.7 hrs in game

For full disclosure, I volunteered to review and correct the English text for this game. I’m listed in the credits for my assistance. I received a free copy of the game in advance of the release in order to have time to do this review. I also received some additional free keys. I also did a similar review for the previous game in the series, Chaos Sector. I purchased that game, but I did receive some free keys for the help I provided. Having contributed to the game’s content, I’m probably a bit emotionally invested into it.

Real player with 123.8 hrs in game

Chaos Galaxy on Steam

Palais de Reine

Palais de Reine

Played a bit more, and decided to add some new and fresh feelings. I definitely recommend this game, like 99 out of 100. Though lots of texts, even the opening took me like more than an hour (I’m a slow reader, though).

Highlight of the game, I think, is the way of building characters. Each character have distinct personalities and personal stories, for like 30-40 characters? It also built a pretty complete world, with reasonable explanation for all things I can think of.

This is a mixture of romance and strategy, like half-half. Yet I guess a reason why this game is not very popular is that neither is out-standing. I mean, both are great, but if compare each element to famous games like Civilization (famous strategy game) or 蝶の毒 華の鎖 (famous romance game), neither part stands out. I don’t play strategy games, so I only can speak romance-wise. The number of characters is both the tame’s highlight and weakness. With so many characters, it is just impossible to make everyone’s story equally impressive. Personally, only one character’s route made me feel like in love. All other romance route makes me feel average-good but not impressive (or maybe I’m too harsh). Though most non-romance routes are beautiful.

Real player with 85.6 hrs in game

Highly recommended.

-Romance parts are optional and not required to finish or to enjoy the game!!!

-It has two difficulty settings, normal and difficult.

-You can’t just click your way through the game. If you fail the strategy part then that means game over.

-Has partial voice acting. The 7 “poster boy” knights are all voiced, while the 20 kights are not voiced. Some of the Lords are

voiced, as well as the Princess’ two aides.

-Don’t focus too much on voiced characters. The rest of the cast all have their own stories and the majority of the characters can

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Palais de Reine on Steam

Empire Takeover

Empire Takeover

This is a fun & amazing tower crush game! Crush enemy’s towers, take over the empire!

● Fight: Connect all your buildings together to grow them taller and then takeover the enemy’s buildings.

● Control: Simple drag controls from one building to another.

● Build: Build your empire, occupy more territory, crush your opponents.

● Heroes: Recruit legendary heroes.

● Special art style: Lowpoly Style Game.

● 3 Special Mode:

#1 Stage Maker Mode: design levels by yourself and share it to your family, your friends or all the worldwide players.

Empire Takeover on Steam

Barbarian Legend

Barbarian Legend

Too Long Didn’t Read Version

| Recommend | ✔Yes, on sale, or part of a bundle |

| Adult Content | Animated scenes |

| Acts | Anal, Vaginal✔, Domination✔ |

| Censorship? | Yes, Mosaic |

| Hours of Gameplay | Many hours |

| Difficulty | Normal - Hard |

| Graphics | Good |

| Art Style | Anime |

| Bugs |

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Strategy sim + capture generals + mechanics = Grow and manage your barbarian army to take over the lands. Pillage, recruit, train, invade, adventure, sacrifice and fight. For the horde!

Follow our curator for similar games

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Barbarian Legend on Steam

Visiting a celebrity

Visiting a celebrity


Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

No point to this game. At all. You just click on the screen leveling up your money to buy so called perks which themselves are unending it looks like in how far you can level them each up. but you don’t get anything for this. not really. there are some odd little mini games, but there is no story going on, or point to the game. I bought it because it was ultra cheap and I was curious. All you do is click on a mode of transport and sometimes you can travel and the background changes. you don’t ask anything, you don’t do anything. It’s literally just click the middle of the screen, nine billion times until you realize there is no point and stop.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Visiting a celebrity on Steam

太平洋之嵐6 ~ 史上最大的激戰諾曼第攻防戰! Pacific Storm 6 - Battle for Normandy

太平洋之嵐6 ~ 史上最大的激戰諾曼第攻防戰! Pacific Storm 6 - Battle for Normandy

Only Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) and Japanese support, as far as I can tell. No English, despite what the Steam page says. Too bad, I was very disappointed.

While I was playing around for the required 5 minutes to submit a review, I chose the Japanese option for language, as I can at least recognize some of the characters. The voiceover text seemed to be in Japanese, and as far as I can tell most of the interface remained in Japanese as well. However, it looks like the unit description (?) page is only Chinese text . I could be mistaken.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

太平洋之嵐6 ~ 史上最大的激戰諾曼第攻防戰! Pacific Storm 6 - Battle for Normandy on Steam

Anime And Your Life

Anime And Your Life


So there is not a lot to this game. The only reason I put in so many hours into it (which essentially is just letting the game run) is because I felt I could top the leaderboards.

Well, I did top the leaderboards. But apparently, right around 2.2 billion people, the score caps out and sets you back at 0. 1700 HOURS TO GET THERE AND IT SETS ME BACK AT 0.

Real player with 1703.0 hrs in game

Boring, bland “gameplay”. Your grind coins to dress your girl and money to upgrade earth(which was really buggy for me).

Not many options for customizing the girl(only one body shape).

The “card game” is way too random in my opinion. English is not my first language but I think it’s called “happy families”?

Any way it’s a very bland and lame version of it.

It also features an unnecessary calculator.

The featured webbrowser was ok I guess, tho I have no idea why it is there in the first place.

All in all I don’t think this was worth my money.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Anime And Your Life on Steam