Farming Simulator 2011

Farming Simulator 2011

Highly detailed, great fun and hyper realistic farm equipment sim, plant growth is way faster than rw but this makes it great for gameplay. Would be good if settings on crop growth and realisum could be changed but this should be available in upcomming patches. Best part of the sim is the equipment detail, and all the mods and even more detailed equipment available from the OEM.s and forums, And lets face it we should not want to harvest crop for 24 hours on end in rt its all about checking out all the diff types of equipment for 30 to 45 min each, which this sim does amazingly well.

Real player with 156.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Agriculture Games.

Farming Simulator 2011 to kolejna część popularnej serii symulatorów farmy z detalami odtwarzających najdrobniejsze szczegóły rolniczego rzemiosła. Gra miała premiere 18 pażdziernika 2010. W porównaniu do poprzedniej części

farming simulator 2009 wprowadzonych zostało wiele nowych funkcji oraz poprawek. To, co nie uległo natomiast zmianie to fakt, że ponownie wcielamy się w młodego gospodarza, który krok po kroku poznawać będzie uroki życia rolnika. Naszym zadaniem jest oczywiście uzbieranie środków potrzebnych do stworzenia nowoczesnego gospodarstwa. Zarobki przyniesie nam praca na roli, konieczna więc będzie kultywacja ziemi, robienie zasiewów oraz zbieranie plonów. Miejscowy sklep posiada w swojej ofercie kilkanaście ciągników i kombajnów o różnej wielkości, mocy i efektywności pracy oraz ponad 30 innych maszyn, takich jak pługi, siewniki, prasy, kultywatory, kosiarki czy przyczepy. Dużą nowością jest wprowadzenie do gry hodowli bydła. Zmusza nas to do regularnego karmienia krów, ale dzięki temu otrzymujemy możliwość wzbogacania pól naturalnym nawozem oraz zarabiania na mleku. Przygotowano też ulepszony tryb kariery, w którym rozpoczniemy posiadając jedynie słabo wyposażoną farmę oraz przestarzały sprzęt. Nie musimy zresztą zarządzać naszym gospodarstwem samodzielnie, ponieważ dzięki trybowi multiplayer kilku graczy może się teraz wspólnie opiekować jednym terenem. Dzięki współpracy z korporacją AGCO (właścicielem marki Wendt) udało się autorom wprowadzić do gry licencjonowane traktory i kombajny. Możemy ponadto korzystać z narzędzi firm takich jak Poettinger, Vogel & Noot, Deutz-Fahr, Krone oraz Horsch. Dla początkujących rolników przygotowano długi na kilka misji samouczek. Warto też wspomnieć o realistycznym systemie dnia i nocy oraz zmiennych warunków pogodowych. Dodatkową pomocą są kontrolowane przez komputer pojazdy, które mogą nam asystować w wykonywaniu zadań. Farming Simulator 2011 oferuje wyraźnie lepszą grafikę niż jego poprzednicy. Co ciekawe, silnik gry korzysta z dobrodziejstw systemu fizycznego PhysX. Ponadto, rozbudowane edytory pozwalają na tworzenie i szybką instalację dodatkowych modów. Gra również doczekała się 4 pack dlc dzięki którym gra staje sie owiele ciekawsza .

Real player with 103.7 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 2011 on Steam

Twins of the Pasture

Twins of the Pasture

Most of the positive reviews of this game are joke reviews and some of the negative reviews complain about the adult aspects of the game I am going to try to give an objective informational review so you can make a good choice for you as to if you want this game or not .

The reason my review is negative is a personal view based on game play . that has nothing to do with the nudity or sexual content of this game .

I hate censorship with a passion however .

The first thing you need to know about twins of the pasture is this is not a game for children . As a matter of fact do not let any children you are in charge of read any further than this sentence Unless you are ok with discussing sexual matters of a possible deviant nature with said child I will try not to be to graphic .But I feel in order to describe the product I am going to be using some words of a sexual nature

Real player with 56.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Sexual Content Games.

I will be blunt and outright state that the general gameplay is not good. The characters move rather slow, many features seem half realized, and the game leaves you to your own devices after the intro. After that point, you go through the motions, testing every option until you finally get to the next H scene.

That said, I still recommend it for those who know what they’re getting into. After all, we’re not really here for engaging gameplay; we’re here because we are men of culture. There are 21 H events and about 170 CGs (keep in mind that includes images with slight differences) in total. In terms of contents, these scenes mostly involve prostitution, with two containing bestiality. The overall focus is on the moral degradation of the two protagonists and one side character. If any of these topics don’t sit right with you, then you should probably ignore this game.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Twins of the Pasture on Steam

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

I really love this game. It’s very cute without being cutesy most of the time and has an engaging story line.

The game is very reminiscent of Stardew Valley but with enough differences to be worth owning both.

I absolutely LOVE the farming mechanism, which allows for crops to MUTATE depending on chance, terrain type, and time of year as well as mutation boosting agents. It’s a very, very clever addition to a farming simulator and one I’ve never seen before. I also really love how the seasonal planting works, because unlike many other games, if you plant crops in the wrong season, they DO NOT die immediately. Actually, with enough care, fertilizer, and luck, you can grow any crop in any season. And as annoying as I find it sometimes, crops randomly DO wither and die on you, especially if you aren’t taking good care of them, which is aggravating when it happens but also a really nice touch. (My family grows food and our plants do not all suddenly wither at once with the change of season).

Real player with 120.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Agriculture Games.

I liked this game, but the reason I said I would not recommend it is largely because of a few small frustrating aspects of it, that I think add up to it just not being worth quite as much as $20. I’d value it at $8 maybe. The things I mean by frustrations:

  • I had to look up how to use Soleil, and guess what, if you’re playing the PC version of the game, you can’t! You have to play multiplayer with a console and 2 controllers for that. Stupid.

  • The controls are not that well explained inside the game. It took me forever to figure out how to actually use upgraded tools. All they tell you is “hold the Action button”, but that’s not what you actually have to do. What you actually have to do, that the game doesn’t tell you, is hold the action button and drag it across the squares you want to use it on. It was a pain in the ass to learn that bc like I said, the in-game exposition wasn’t adequate.

Real player with 95.1 hrs in game

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition on Steam

World’s Dawn

World’s Dawn

Put on a bikini top and went outside and everyone found it offensive!

At one time i got bored and i was like fakku with the clothes and went on outside with the bikini top on a hot day and everyone was like uhhhh looks like you got wrong side of the bed today! man that was funny in the game! the game surprises you with so many bits at unexpected times.

Now to the overall review: first of all i’d like to say that I have not played stardew valley, I heard its quite simillar to this so i cannot do a comparision. But with the time i had with the game it was pretty amazing and enjoyable. It’s very casual but you are under the clock so it’s half time management and half farming simulator. The story is about you who come from nowhere with a cute doggie, a man named paxel (a very harsh NPC). He brings you to a very beautiful village for a new start. The village has a rough history where there’s no rain and no crops can grow, with the power of appeasing the guardian deities of the village, it’s your job to restore the village and bring back the villages who left.

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

Now that I have completed the first year of this game and effectively achieved the “ending”, I feel as though I’m qualified enough to write a comprehensive review. So, I’ll start with the pros and cons.


⚘ Cute, homey pixel art befitting of a down-to-Earth farming game such as this one. Dynamic and detailed scenery that changes based on season and time of day.

⚘ Plenty of diverse characters to make the town feel alive.

⚘ Many upgrades and secrets to be had in this game. House, barn, and tool upgrades to make your life a lot easier. Secrets that can enhance your experience and provide you with new information about the world.

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

World's Dawn on Steam

Rune Factory 4 Special

Rune Factory 4 Special

The Peak of Farming RPG Game

Having played the game for countless hours in 3DS and the Switch, RF 4S is easily the best in the series and is the best RPG Farming sim out there, rivaling even Stardew Valley and easily outclassing the series this game is based on: Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons.

Besides as a Farming sim, the game is a great JRPG with nice and fluid combat, there are several weapon type which has different gameplay each such as short sword which is decently fast and will have 100% of your shield effect but it’s range is limited or dual knife which is extremely fast and have lots of DPS but the range is very short and you cannot have the shield benefit at all, my fav is great sword since it has a lot of damage and great reach but it’s slow and only have 50% of the shield effect, but you can use other weapon skill while benefiting the greatsword’s range and damage, yes you can use different weapon skill even if you’re not equiping the corresponding weapon but you’ll get double the MP cost penalty which is annoying early on but once you have lots of food to restore your MP it is not a big deal.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Full video review:

Written review below!

I was a bit iffy going into this one. Harvest Moon type games have always been a bit hit or miss for me, but with Rune Factory 5 coming out soon, I figured I’d give this one a shot.


Despite the simple graphics here - RF4S is a bit of a beast in terms of content. Not only is there the farming stuff, but you’ve got dungeon exploring, this extensive crafting system, a large map to explore, and a dating and marriage system on top of that. Up front, it seemed like I would get lost in all of this, but the game actually does a really good job easing you into it through its request system.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Rune Factory 4 Special on Steam



You’ve purchased your first plot of land in an aging post town in the heart of the Japanese countryside. Now, it’s up to you to create a homestead to be proud of. Cultivate the land, nurture your budding crops, and care for your animals. Use technology to keep in touch with new friends, access online shopping, and store your favorite farm fresh recipes.

Spend time getting to know the residents of SunnySide - old and new - all while balancing your newfound farm life. Don’t forget to take pause and enjoy the wonders of the Japanese landscape whilst discovering more about yourself and the world around you.

Modernize your farming experience with new technology that brings the classic, farming sim genre to the 21st century. Build solar panels, electric water pumps, contemporary machines for food production, and continuously upgrade your tech to improve your farming experience.

In SunnySide, we want you to enjoy all aspects of farming, especially in growing your own food. With modern technology, you can worry less about tedious daily tasks and more on living a life of balance.

With a focus on individuality, you will be provided with unique opportunities that allow for creative freedom and self-expression. Your avatar, homestead, and even your in-game cell phone can all be tailored to your preferences and desires. Customize buildings, layouts, decorations, clothing, hair, and more on your journey of self- discovery.

A proper homestead is self-sufficient, and your home in SunnySide is no different. Learn to collect your own water, generate power, grow and craft various food items, and cultivate your land to help support the local economy.

When SunnySide fully releases, you’ll be able to ferment your own soy sauce, slice tofu, grow and grind flour at the local mill, and craft artisan cheeses. The real magic of food, however, is what happens in the kitchen. Take produce a step further by cooking a wide variety of dishes in a kitchen you’ll be able to design and upgrade yourself. Nothing satisfies hunger like a home cooked meal after a long day’s work.

While a quiet life in the countryside is nice, life in SunnySide isn’t perfect. The locals have distinct personalities, stories, and issues which - through your decisions - can be uncovered. SunnySide has spent the last decade on a steady decline, but perhaps you’ll be the one to breathe new life into this desolate town.

Form bonds, join groups, attend events, and maybe even find someone special to share your days with.

Disclaimer: This game does not contain watering cans, shipping containers, incessant gifting, mayonnaise machines, and endless walking.

SunnySide on Steam



monster taming homesteading RPG

first off; the monster taming: monsters in this game are called ‘magnus’ which isnt a name that rolls off the tongue; theyre seemingly called magnus after the developers

every magnus you come across (except bosses) can be tamed; to tame them you need to feed them something they like (land crops, aqua crops, meat, fish, ore, lumber… and theres a couple of odd ones; like nerlicts are cannibals); whilst every magnus has a favourite food you dont need that to tame them (shroomies favourite food is rubrum logs; but you can feed it any logs to tame it)… once theyve been fed enough you can interract with them and a minigame occurs (theres some scaling to this to try and prevent you from getting high level magnus too early)

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game


I have played this game for a little under a week. While the game is still in early access, the devs have posted news about getting the game to a release soon thus, this review is mainly for their use and hopefully will allow them to fix some issues that I have found.

1. Gardening: The seed-plant pricing ratio becomes ridiculous immediately after the first spring in the game. The cost for the seed is almost equal to or significantly greater than the cost of the fully grown fruit yield. The gardening mechanic is effectively broken, as seeds often only give 1 fruit per grown seed, and then you have to buy more seeds. Half of the seeds are priced significantly more than the cost of the grown fruit, these are seeds that give fruit regularly(~3 days) per grown plant seed, but the cost is often greater than 10:1 and the entire season’s growth will just cover the cost of the seed in the first place. There seems to be no other method of acquiring seed other than the shop, as grown plants do not yield seeds for garden expansion or selling.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Re:Legend on Steam




After playing a little bit more, and unlocking additional stamina for Noby (yes, dear viewer, you’re not stuck at a teensy 100 units of stamina), the game becomes a lot less frustrating to play. Once you realize that you’re basically growing crops for yourself to make food with (for quick stamina recovery and to make the friendship slog less of a thing), that the animals are the main moneymakers of your farm, that your stamina is better spent gathering things, and OH MY GOSH MATERIAL SHED YES I NEEDED SPACE FOR MY ITEMS, this game becomes playable.

Real player with 229.8 hrs in game

game’s good but I really need harvester and tractor

After playing for more hours, I’m going to elaborate what I said above

In regards of crops

Plus points
  • Lots of plant varieties and crop leveling system

  • Massive space, really massive that even dedicating to half of the land for grass and wheats, you have another extra space to plant more

Minus points
  • Crop leveling system does get tedious. Single harvest crops can make it bearable but multi level crop is another story. Found out that multi harvest crops does not level up after its first harvest no matter how much Fancy fertilizer you dump. So just turn those higher level produce to seeds and plant more, right? Right?

Real player with 110.5 hrs in game