Hate Free Heroes RPG 3.0 [Upgrading to 3D and Leaving Steam / Final Sale]

Hate Free Heroes RPG 3.0 [Upgrading to 3D and Leaving Steam / Final Sale]

I saw that this game had low reviews: so I felt bad for it. As I started playing it, I realized it was optimized for mobile as well, so that made more sense as to where all the reviews may have went. That aside… the game is actually: GREAT! Yeah! It made me feel like a really good RPG player lol. The tutorial teaches you only one button (Hah! For PC). Easiest tutorial ever! There is even an MP3 player function in this game to listen to some fun tunes!!! “Survive the Night” was my favorite! It was a must listen to everywhere the characters went. So you know that OST/Music are fun to listen to.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Cartoony Games.


This game may not the best game you will ever play, but it certainly lives up to its bill. Anyways, let’s go over the good and the bad:

The Good!

The old school RPG they promise is real: This really does play like an RPG of old, and if you have been looking for a turn-based RPG, then this will be something you can get into. You have many different options of attack, from regular atttacks to techniques/Justice Skills to healing skills, using items, etc. The exp. in this game feels really in place, as (until you get to the Elite section) you never really have to worry about grinding too much as you generally stay around the level of your enemies. This is nice if you hate grinding in games. There is alchemy among other things to make yourself stronger, and there are a few battles you might be able to skip if you want to. The game flows smoothly as a turn based RPG with a good battle system that can get you hooked on the game. Also you can get a helicopter early in the game to just zoom yourself to the dungeon you want to go to, but you don’t have to use it. Still its a nice perk to avoid mundane walking around. Your team is pretty balanced as well, although you must use the same 4 heroes. There is a general healer/buffer/magic user, two main dps, and a flex member which can heal/dot/damage/etc that is generally your most durable.

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

Hate Free Heroes RPG 3.0 [Upgrading to 3D and Leaving Steam / Final Sale] on Steam

Chibisu’s Costume Combat

Chibisu’s Costume Combat

Chibisu’s Costume Combat (C3) is a cute 2D Top-Down local multiplayer costume Party Battle Game! Play as Chibisu in a variety of unique costumes and use their abilities and map objects to defeat your friends and foes alike. Change costumes at any time to match the situation, throw your enemies for a loop, or even sync your attacks with your friends for wombo combos!

Play variety of game modes

  • Classic Death Match - Defeat the most players or be the first to reach the kill goal to win.

  • Stock Mode - Each player has limited lives. Be the last Chibisu Standing by taking all of your opponents lives.

  • Tag - Damage your opponents to tag them and use your abilities to avoid being tagged. Choose Between “Last It” (whoever is it at the end loses) and “Least It” (whoever has the least time it wins)

  • King of the Ring - Find and stay in the moving ring. You only get points when you’re alone in the ring so keep your opponents out. First to get to the score goal or who ever has the most points wins.

  • Target Tussle - Destroy the moving targets for points. Targets destroyed randomly move elsewhere.

  • Pet Ya Puppers - pet pups across the maps to gain points over time! Be the most loved by the pups to win!

Read More: Best Anime Split Screen Games.

Chibisu's Costume Combat on Steam



It’s not bad, but not good. The game has the weirdest time skip, I’d say, you will never guess which event will be skipped. It looks like the creator had a very limited time and a creativity crisis. Overall this game is just boring. But, hey, there is some uniqueness.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Character Customization Games.

Ok, so, this game is very inoffensive and fluffy, but really, it desperately needed some kind of twist or variety in it. It’s the same problem I had with Nekokoro – if you take away the bad endings and the ability to create weird scenarios purposefully ruining the romance from this author’s games, there’s really not much left in terms of memorable content and fun. The story flows decently after you get into it and it doesn’t have the creepy undertones of Nekopara… But there’s simply nothing beyond the very basic scenario you could immediately imagine from the premise (minus any romantic tension, if you expected that). Also, the production quality is not good enough to make the brief and generic slice-of-life content compelling. The resulting package is not terrible (the writing is consistently okay and visuals are at least consistent), but also not worth $10 – for half of that, I could consider giving it a thumbs up, but the price/quality ratio is simply way off.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

USAGIRI on Steam

Crown Land

Crown Land

What if medieval Europe and precolonial America were swapped? Crown Land is an epic fantasy visual novel set on an alternate Earth. Meet kings in Texas, lords in California, knights in New York, Cherokees in France, and many more! Crown Land features a cast of over THIRTY fully drawn characters, medieval twists on locations from all over North America (Texas, California, New York, Canada, and more), and a dark, gripping plotline. Wishlist Crown Land now!

Hunt down the horrendous Horned Face and avenge the death of his betrothed. That was the mission, and obsession, that Ethan Primrose had walked away from. Now, he lives his life peacefully and rules the State of California as the heir of both House Primrose and the Western region of the Fifty States. There he lives with his guilt-ridden squire, Olivia, and his wide-eyed sister, Novah. But everything changes when an old friend, one also with an insatiable obsession for finding the Horned Face, vanishes under mysterious circumstances.

To the north of the Fifty States, Premier Nyanna of the Province of Ontario has tried her best to keep the Republic out of a war with its southern neighbor. But when she learns about her brother’s unnatural circumstances, she commits herself to find the truth about her brother. Just as determined as she are her remaining brothers Sawyer and Hayes Maple— the first an arch-priest pushing for controversial reformations, the second the new and unprepared heir of House Maple.

Although separated by thousands of miles and vast landscapes, the actions of each character are concretely and profoundly felt by each and everyone else. With the entire Continent tenaciously teetering on the edge of a full-scale war, each character must understand that their actions and desires impact not just themselves, but the fate of the entire Continent.

Crown Land features a massive cast of over THIRTY drawn, original characters. The following is merely a small sample of them all.

Crown Land on Steam

Disney’s Chicken Little

Disney’s Chicken Little

Unironically the most amazing game i have ever played in my many years of existence. Each level and environment is masterfully crafted as if created by a God. I could easily spend thousands of hours on this game due to its immense replay value. Only hardcore gamers will be able to complete and truly appreciate all of the intricate details that were included in this masterpiece. However i will say that this game has come with its drawbacks, my wife left me the other day because i was too dedicated to chicken little. Although initially i was rather upset, i soon realised that chicken little was all that mattered to me and was therefore more important than her. All in all id say that you must play this game as it is objectively the best creation by man. Just be prepared for the toll that it will take on a mortals life. 10/10

Real player with 76.7 hrs in game

This is the worst game I have ever played in my entire life, I played Memetyper from this godawful platform and this is the actual worst thing I have ever played in my life. The animations are so slow and laggy that it looks like slow motion its so awful. I literally got stuck on the 3rd level of the game because the animation was so slow that I didn’t have time to react to a locker falling to jump over and dodge it. How the actual fuck does a company like disney manage to mess this up so much. I get disney isnt that great as a company but how do you do this. I quit the game when I got to the level where you chase the fish on the star. I got to the river and the leaves wouldn’t come so i could finish the game. I COULDN’T BEAT FUCKING CHICKEN LITTLE ON STEAM. JESUS CHRIST DISNEY HOW DO YOU DO THIS. for the love of god please spend your money on something better, even Memetyper is better than this hellhole.

Real player with 51.1 hrs in game

Disney's Chicken Little on Steam

Disney•Pixar Toy Story Mania!

Disney•Pixar Toy Story Mania!

Love the game just like the ride up in Disney land and I’m practicing at it so when the next time I go to Disneyland I can get my revenge on my dad on the ride

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Roses are red

Woody should be dead

Fuck this game

Its just really bad

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Disney•Pixar Toy Story Mania! on Steam

Izanami’s Dream Battle

Izanami’s Dream Battle

First off, I personaly don’t think that this is a game for newcomers, but it’s cheap so why not give it a try.

That being said, Inazami’s Dream Battle is a well made “bullet hell” game with (from what I seen) 4 playable characters (yeah, not 3 as description says). Those have some variety in shot type and bombs but I din’t had time to try them all yet.

Story is ok, I believe there is one or more references to Touhou Project.

The patterns are quite tight, especially on highest difficulty setting and for some might be undodgable without some basic knowledge from playing other Shmups beffore. Good news for new players, there is abudance of (9) bombs - those clear the field of bullets and deal some dammage to enemies (best used when you are cornered / can’t move freely anymore). For more seasoned players, yes you can decrease number of those.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Izanami’s Dream Battle is a cute parody game in the bullet hell genre.


Izanami has become bored with sitting around the house and being shut in. She does, however, have a group of friends in Eione, Florine, and Lauressa. Together they decide to show Izanami a magical stone from their homeland. The stone has the power to turn her thoughts into a reality. This enables Izanami to bring excitement to her own Danmaku (bullet hell). Izanami is determined to take over the moon and to make that her reality.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Izanami's Dream Battle on Steam




you are wrong to assume this is just a ‘good game’

the purity and essence of this is far superior than anything i have ever experienced in my entire life.

b can leave you completely clueless of the world, for one my entire family and wife have left me, but to that I say,


you may find yourself jobless, without a home, but that corner internet cafe is capable of fulfilling your every single need. What need is that you may ask? Well, its


your parents get concerned, they may not understand that your overall health isn’t of importance anymore, they won’t realise what this marvel of technology is to you and those who play it, so you simply have to ignore them, and find your way back to

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

This experience was life-changing.

From the homefield where the game starts, the home of b. The fields green of hope for something to be out there, perhaps in this universe, you could meet another of your kind, maybe this, will fill the emptiness inside. You start by searching around the tall grass and flowers, no trace of life. You then make your way to the tall tree, you look around, still no luck… Perhaps, you could go elsewhere, somewhere beyond… You start to race for space, in your run, you encounter the JPEG moon, the most amazing thing about this grass field. Beyond that, you start to see space, maybe, just maybe someone is waiting for you in space… Perhaps on these meteors heading your way… No, still no luck… Maybe somewhere BEYOND, you start to race even farther, to something more… immense… something hotter… THE SUN… On your journey, you encounter spinning galaxies, luminous objects. Your mind starts to go wild, and you hear music, intense music. You know what you want and you are fixated on it, the farther you go, the more intense the music gets. After such a long time, you see it! The moon AND the sun! You go wild, you go full speed towards it, but little do you know, it’s much father away than you thought. The anxiety is killing you. “Will I find who I am looking for or not? Will I ever be capable of going back? When will I reach it? Oh God, should I go back?” All these questions and more, but you keep your head straight. You know what you want and you won’t let anything let you down! Half way there, you realize it. The music in your head, it gives you motivation, you listen on to the music again, it’s louder than ever, and better than ever! You take your courage and go even faster than before, you go so fast, you don’t even know if you’re moving or not anymore. Then you reach it, the moon. It’s so calm and cool here, the best destination for a b. Looking up at space, you see the sun, smiling upon you. Maybe, just maybe, that emptiness inside was just because you didn’t feel at home anymore, this is your new home, and you feel fantastic.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

b on Steam

Candy Fall

Candy Fall

a very cute and unique reaction game, its a high score based game with 12 different speeds. you can either start from the slowest speed or move directly to the fastest speed like a level select, the controls take a some time to get used to and feel a little clunky, if you’re searching for a difficult to master time waster this could be the game for you and i don’t think you’ll regret spending your precious dollar on this, if the game gets expanded with more modes, less clunky controls or a multiplayer i’m pretty sure it may have a potential future.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Candy Fall on Steam

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1

Amazing game, makes me laugh every time I open it up. There is one problem, and it is that the game is only like 20-40 minutes of gameplay, on all of the eps for all options. Still a good game though. I would expect it to be at least $2 each

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

A short but sweet visual novel. Has a surprising amount of historical accuracy for a moe-styled retelling of the Nazis' propaganda efforts. I’d recommend not posting anything about it on YouTube if you value your channel (I’ve learned this the hard way).

You can reach an ending in about an hour if you don’t rush it and listen to the dialog.

Translations are very well done and everything is perfectly understandable.

One playthrough has me wanting to buy the sequels, if you’re interested then pick it up!

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1 on Steam