World End ECONOMiCA Ep.1

Genre: VN - Visal Novel/Reading Storytelling



Having played several other VNs where the player can choose the fate and ending of the story, this one is compleatly linear. No gameplay at all. If you were looking for action or plot twists, look away, you will be reading a lot.

Rating - 8/10

Other - 5/10


Grahpics are okish, capped normally at 1024 x 600 and fullscreened with little damage to the image of the storyplay. Anime style is a diffrence from S&W, more bold and less simple.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Indie Games.

Summery: A short Kinetic Novel (~10 hours) with mediocre content, but poor execution.

Story: 5 / 10

The story is about a runaway kid which does stock-trading on the moon. The futuristic moon colony setting isn’t really that necessary and I found myself doubting the correctness of the technical explanations on several occasions. There is still two episodes remaining, but as of right now it would probably have been better without the sci-fi setting.

One thing I loved about Spice and Wolf is that it presented trading and economic subjects in way which made them interesting. This was not the case with World End Economica 01, I found most of the stock-trading to be pretty boring.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01 on Steam

Idol Manager

Idol Manager

I put 88 hours into this game. The most standout part of it was the writing really had no business being as good as it was in this game, that is pretty clearly low budget and lacks some polish. I think if they would have kept fixing some of the bugs and polishing it for a month or two more before releasing, it could have easily been so much better and they could have charged twice as much. Also, having the 18+ version as DLC. I used the decensor patch (which turns it into more of an ecchi game, nothing hardcore), and while it didn’t make the game any better at the core, it did add a certain level of spice to elevate the experience.

Real player with 95.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Sexual Content Games.

This is the kinda game that I stayed up til 5am playing multiple times and when I finally reached the story mode ending early this morning I immediately asked my roommate “hey what do I do with my life now.” (Obviously the answer is to get the remaining endings and achievements but like. first playthrough is done there’s no going back to it.)

The story was a lot more interesting than I was expecting, but even without it the business sim part holds up imo. It’s really easy to get attached to the idols, and it’s fun and satisfying to help them earn fame and awards and such. Definitely don’t do what I did and buy this the week before two big projects are due though. For the sake of my grades I have to leave it alone for a while lmfao.

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

Idol Manager on Steam



World End Economica 2. Even though my recommendation wasn’t exactly glowing for the previous one, I would definitely recommend this one if you made it through the first. In my honest opinion, it was definitely better than the first.

The story this time around is four years on from the end of WEE episode 1 and is still economics based but the plots shift a bit. He is no longer making money for the sake of some ludicrous dream. In fact, he is no longer making much money at all. He and some Swiss (?) noble attempt to fight the corrupt giants of the financial world and a romantic sub-plot creeps in. He is stuck in a love polygon between several girls (yes this is a visual novel) but, this being WEE you do not get a choice in the matter. Fighting for justice is not simple and Haru (this translation team changed his name from Hal) must learn this while walking the razor’s edge and not lose sight of what really matters.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Indie Games.

Took five hours to burn through the entire thing in one shot.

If your think 13 bucks is worth five hours of reading, then buy this. ‘Cause it’s amazing. The game is full of references to the first game though, so if you haven’t played or read that, you’re probably going to be pretty lost for the first hour or so, upon which the information is reiterated so many times that you can probably piece together even if you didn’t know that yes, there was a WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.1 even though this is episode.2. Really, if you’ve played one, then you might find the constant reminders irritating. I sure did after, what, the twentieth time?

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.02 on Steam

STONKS-9800: Stock Market Simulator

STONKS-9800: Stock Market Simulator

A simulator of a businessman on the Japanese stock market in the 80s and 90s. Chill, catch a retro vibe, and watch your profits grow in the text-based game STONKS-9800.


  • Buy stocks, get dividends, monitor the stock price;

  • Your actions affect the market;

  • Keep an eye on your health and do not overwork, lest you end up in the hospital;

  • Take care of a lot of problems;

  • Buy your own real estate and cars, increasing your level of comfort;

  • Manage the company, having a controlling interest;

  • The opportunity to earn not only the legal way;

  • Mini-games: pachinko and betting on horse races;

  • Many other features and unexpected situations await you in STONKS-9800.

Press Kit

Free background music from MusMus

STONKS-9800: Stock Market Simulator on Steam

Anime Studio Tycoon

Anime Studio Tycoon

Needs a better translation, I am aware that the developer said he paid a guy on fiver for the translation, however I am also aware that that guy run it through google translate. The game needs more features including an indepth tutorial, the game is rather bare bones and very difficult, which it fine, I would appreciate more QOL quality of life features. The AI pathing is terrible. The boxes for text are very small.

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

It is like a game dev tycoon but too complex and also hard. Game is quite stable I didn’t notice any bugs so far but I hope developer will make it little easier to play. It is hard if you are casual player, it will take few attempts to understand how the game works but after you understand it you will start having fun with it.

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Anime Studio Tycoon on Steam



And finally, number three in the WEE series. The story here is another four years on from the previous episode (why four again? They seem to like the number four). This time, we are playing financial lecture with romantic subplot. Hal makes a big bet, wins big, things turn to crap and he chases after the girl he loves and we get a nice, happy, romantic ending. But, they really went full on this time with explaining how things work and even give definitions for some of the terms used. Why they didn’t do that from episode one, I will never know. On top of that, they even give diagrams to show how some things work. Diagrams that simplify or break down how some of these investments work. Diagrams. DIAGRAMS. To me, putting diagrams in was wholly unnecessary because reading this you need at least a basic understanding of how these things work and because this is number three in the series, and you have almost certainly read one and two, I feel like everyone reading this has that.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

World End Economica. An epic tale about greed, dreams, and moon stocks. Set four years after the second game this story concludes the series in one hell of beautiful finale.

First off, if you’re here to check out whether or not this trilogy is worth getting, YES. ABSOLUTELY. This series is great with each installment being an improvement over the previous which were already good and great games, respectively, in their own right. Be warned though, there’s a lot of economics terminology that may fly over your head, but even if you don’t understand a lot of the terms the underlying story is always easy enough to follow that it shouldn’t be a real issue. In fact, it may even interest you. At the very least you’re bound to learn something about stocks and the economy.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.03 on Steam

Seaside Cafe Story

Seaside Cafe Story

I am in love with this game! The mix of 2d, 3d and pixel art is one of the most adorable visuals I have seen in a while :D

Then there´s the combination of time management with budgeting plus juggling different recipes in the menu and that adds to the difficulty that made me struggle for a bit before getting the hang of it (but I´m still almost always broke XD)! The price this game is set at I´d say is more than fair and my kudos to the people that put together this charming game :)

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

It’s a cute game and I’m having fun with it.

I think certain things could be made clearer to the user though. I failed my first run and almost wrote a negative review based on the experience. It was my fault but I feel like if I had better visual cues I wouldn’t have mad the mistake I did. I spent too much money. I didn’t realise I was buying from the more expensive market cause foolish me thought it would have it’s own tab or something. I was much more aware of the exclamation mark and red numbers second time around.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Seaside Cafe Story on Steam



A truly rare and substantive peace. Something with true emergen in mind. 8/10 (so far)

Real player with 74.7 hrs in game

Great dynamic and evolving characters and compelling story. I am really enjoying this.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Crypterion on Steam

Life Simulator

Life Simulator

I’m coming at the review from having played it before and after the multilingual client was released. So far it feels like a modern take on Alter Ego, even if it differs in the presentation.

The sound isn’t grating on the nerves, but it works without having anything memorable. The graphics also have their own style which I do like so far.

Some of the trouble I’ve had were mainly bugs and awkward dialogue. Not bad enough to make me give up on the game, but enough to give someone a heads up.

The game has become a lot more playable after the addition of English to the client. To be honest there are bugs and errors which I expected. There are sections where the text is rather awkward during the dialogue. Given there are sections of the game that are still untranslated or awkwardly localized, it’s still playable to the point where advancing will take some time.

Real player with 72.0 hrs in game

I’ll be honest when I first played this I found it to be a nice little time passer. I was able to look past the hit and miss translation as you could usually get the jist of the conversation anyway. However that being said the game suffers for some pretty major problems if you’re playing the game in English:

  • The game freezes when trying to meet the first friend at the Restaurant when playing as the female lead character. (This has been reported numerous times with the reply typically being that it is fixed, even though the bug iiis still in the game)

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Life Simulator on Steam

Game Tycoon 2

Game Tycoon 2

  • First of all, this is not a Game Dev Tycoon! These two games may share similar topic, but the concepts are different. *

I’m recommending this game, because I enjoyed both first and second game in series, and there are only few games of this genre available. Sure, it has it’s pros and cons, but I think that true fans will find a way to enjoy it.

The game it self may be clunky, with not so sharp graphics, but underneath it is a true tycoon game. Tutorials may be better, but at the end it is us who needs to discover the whole game (yes, game developers wanted to be mysterious).

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

Not a bad game, but, frankly, it fails to reach the “standard” quality of the genre,

If you want to check, I own the majority of the “game development” games on Steam (and also some “small” non-Steam productions).

I have put this game at the end of the list and I’m really sorry to say this.

The main problems are:

  • there is a good tutorial, but this doesn’t help to understand how a game… sell! There is a strange feedback system that helps very little (there is a quality rating and a “professional” rating: this could work, but, at the end, only makes you create the best games on the market and see them selling very little…)

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Game Tycoon 2 on Steam