Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part III : NightFall

Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part III : NightFall

This visual novel is the last in the Welcome To… Chichester 2 trilogy, and the penultimate episode. Playing the previous episode would be beneficial.

The Story

For a short while after the events of No Regrets For The Future, life returned to normality for the protagonist and Grendel Jinx. However, with William making an unwanted return from the Happy Glowstick Funtime Re-education Camp, everything starts becoming more complicated for Grendel as she has to contend with final school exams, her parents divorcing, and an unwanted new stepsister.

The protagonist is naturally dragged into these affairs as he/she has to contend with an assassination attempt by Grendel’s father, being abducted by Grendel’s mother, an increasingly hostile (to The Council Of The Unseen) secretary and a debauched boss, culminating in the protagonist being forced to destroy The Council Of The Unseen, by using their own weapons against them.

Spanning five years from the end of No Regrets to the start of The Spy Of America And The Long Vacation, this episode concludes the main prequel arc - with a bang

Features :

  • 11 bad endings and one true ending

  • Multiple routes

  • 100,000+ word story, with an estimated play time of 6 - 8 hours. Complete the game, and subsequent playthroughs will extend the story by around 2 to 3 hours, with extra detail for certain events.

  • Option to display current route (and choice)

  • Visual impairment modes as well (font change, font size and so on)

Read More: Best Anime Casual Games.

Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part III : NightFall on Steam



Anarcute is a game that involves leading critter rioters against the Brainwash Patrol, who have dominated the world and rule through broadcasting propoganda and I guess sleep-signals (hence the sleeping rioters, and the ones who are attached to the side of buildings). The game has a cute aesthetic based on chibi models, simplified yet interactive backgrounds, and catchy + cute electronica soundtracks. It involves massing up rioters to gain abilities (which can also be lost if you lose rioters at certain thresholds), some of which you need to traverse, but the game works well in that you can find other routes and means to get through the level with what is given. New abilities range from improving speed or stomping, to bouncing and endless projectles, as well as ludicrous ones like enamoring cops with cuteness or grabbing buildings and throwing them on your enemies. Though I see the most usage out of the molotovs one.

Real player with 67.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Cute Games.

Anarcute is a super kawaii game where the player has to manage their mob of cute chibi animals as they liberate different cities. The contrast of cute animals destroying cities and causing mayhem is what drew me to this game to begin with but the challenge is what kept me around. Well, that and the fact that THEY HAVE UNICORNS!!! I mean there really should be more games with beautiful sparkly unicorns.

Some of the levels are easier than others but the real challenge comes from the fact that individual rioters cannot be controlled, only the crowd as a whole. This can become annoyingly frustrating in some situations. At times it feels like herding cats, but what else would you expect from a bunch of adorable anarchists?

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

Anarcute on Steam

BAYANI - Fighting Game

BAYANI - Fighting Game

Ranida Games used a simple control scheme as a stepping stone for players to understand the intricacies of the characters they use, allowing players to make creative combos and playstyles that work for them. Bayani is one of those few gems that have a low entry-barrier with decent amount of depth.

The graphics are not the best, and there’s a lot of room for improvement, but the gameplay at least makes up for that.

Bursting is the only main issue in Bayani as the availability of bursts is in favor of the most aggressive player. The thing about bursts is that they’re meant to give players a decent fighting chance in fights that seem to be one-sided, and players don’t have much of a fighting chance when the burst becomes available the moment they have less than 40% of their health.

Real player with 186.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Indie Games.

Bought this game on early access and its pretty good for what it is! It honestly might wash the taste of Street Fighter 5 off my tongue and its brimming with potential! Hopefully the devs will polish it further and add more content.

Gameplay is fun and feels right at home for FGC veterans that are tired of whatever Capcom’s doing with their modern 2d fighters.

It doesnt have multiplayer yet! Hopefully they get to work on this immediately!

The artstyle is a miss for me, its inspired but its kinda rough. The backgrounds need a bit more work. Animations are alright and easy to read

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

BAYANI - Fighting Game on Steam

Attack Heroes

Attack Heroes

Attack Heroes is a stylish non-stop action game where the heroes take turns attacking. During a hero’s attack friendly heroes can join with their helper attack if available. Also: cute anime style.


The PROS outweigh the cons

  • Unique gameplay!

  • Many enemy types

  • Cute style with big Chinese text on the screen

  • Fun enough story. 2 of the main characters have enough personality


  • Just 4 girls in the game? And 8 guys . . .

  • If you think you play a level, and then continue to the next level and continue with the story, no! You usually need to play the same levels again to complete challenges that are only available after beating the level once, and your character may not be strong enough to stand enough of a chance to beat the next level.

Real player with 28.0 hrs in game

Surprisingly good

Basically a parody of Japanese style games, over the top animations, over the top music

RPG elements, unlockable characters, good steam integration with cards and achievements

Overall good effort

Some minor issues, some parts untranslated and a lot of the translations are pretty bad, slightly shonky controls in places but still great fun

Edit: in late game the shonky controls are really annoying, sometimes pushing a button just doesn’t execute the move (event though I started really slamming the buttons to make sure they are being pressed) even and it instantly ruins combos and just makes things super annoying

Real player with 22.2 hrs in game

Attack Heroes on Steam

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae

It’s not too often than I walk down the street and decide that my life plagued by the lack of indie hack and slashes in my life, but whenever I am Steam is there to save the day with a hanky, a knife, and a picture of a waifu.

In Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae, a very SEO friendly name, you play as a Mitsurugi out to Kamui Hikae. Probably just means Blade Templar Maiden, haven’t the foggiest.

Your stages are all various flavours of circle and your combat is aiming to hack and slash with the best of them. Why, you’ve got your launchers, your forward and neutral ground combos, your alt combo and your weird katana meter that dictates how much katana you can katana. That can be upgraded to 9 separate full magic bars.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

It’s a fun game. Really fun in my opinion. It’s a stylish arena hack and slash game. If you’re a fan of stuff like anime, you’ll probably think the combat is awesome. You slash up enemies with your sword at hyper-fast speeds and as you sheathe your sword, they all fall down, instantly dead. It’s pretty cool.

The graphics aren’t anything mind-blowing, but it looks pretty good and gets the job done. Honestly, it could have been all stick figure people and the game would hold up just as well. The real strength of the game is in mastering the combat. The main character, Misa, and her nemesis, Suzuka, both look well animated. Many reviews/comments seem extremely focused on the fact that you get glimpses of panties, but the combat is so fast paced that I’ve never really noticed. The enemies all look kinda bland, besides the bosses. They are mostly just robot businessmen (I guess…) with a few different colored suits. I suppose the giant robot enemies look kinda cool, too.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae on Steam

Actraiser Renaissance

Actraiser Renaissance

First of all, this is a QUINTET remaster. The mere fact that this game exists is a tremendous blessing for a certain cult fanbase.

The obvious bias aside, is the game good?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE

It’s obvious that a lot of faithful effort was put into remastering this game. From including Yuzo Koshiro’s amazing soundtrack and accompaniment to the astounding artwork given to the many characters, menus and intro cutscene. People put their sweat and tears into this, and it shows in that regard.

Real player with 54.0 hrs in game

A great example on how to make a remake. Renaissance does an excellent job of bring the original SNES games action and town sim into a modern era with new graphics, classic and remixed soundtrack, and expanded story that makes you feel more immersed in what was a somewhat bare-bones world before.

The new artwork is great and the story telling is actually quite deep. Everything reads like a positive psalm with the writing really showing some great character development and overall storytelling. Which is good as all the new characters do little gameplay wise. The story is the only way you will interact and learn about the characters and their backstories.

Real player with 40.9 hrs in game

Actraiser Renaissance on Steam

Incremental Epic Breakers

Incremental Epic Breakers

I liked Incremental Epic Heroes (IEH) by the same developer, so I gave it a try. I have to say that at first I didn’t like this one very much. It required a lot of active play, it was very slow to improve, and honestly just breaking blocks wasn’t very fun. I stuck with it though mostly out of loyalty to the developers.

It got a LOT better. First the developers put out an update that speeds the progress early on which was really needed. Secondly, the game modes get interesting later on. The missions are the first start, but it really gets fun with the challenges and as you really start to use the crafting system.

Real player with 469.1 hrs in game

Not a fun game at all. Only playing this to get rewards on IEH

Multiple bugs and logical errors. Capture shot that costs 5k coins in store doesn’t do anything in challenge when placed, what a waste. If you buy quest rarity, the quests you get are practically impossible to complete by a normal human. You want me open 100 chests in 24 hours? Active play I don’t see more than 5 an hour. 10 mimics in a day? I think I’ve seen 10since I started playing 2 days ago. Too many flaws, don’t waste your time here even if it’s for IEH bonuses

Real player with 291.9 hrs in game

Incremental Epic Breakers on Steam

Fallstreak: Requiem for my Homeland

Fallstreak: Requiem for my Homeland

Humanity has tapped into the very power of possibility and has doomed itself in the process. The MC is a child soldier tasked with fighting a war over scraps, and a chance for a few humans to survive advancing armageddon. This VN is a vicious look at war, love and human ambition. There are waifus, war crimes, well written scif-fi and extreme violence. Although there are certainly better looking visual novels, the character designs are appealing and the music is surprisingly good. There are even genuinely comedic moments in all of the grim dark (An old man’s joke about painting his wife’s canvas comes to mind). Of course those happy moments are a set up for an absolutely brutal series of events that will leave you feeling hollow at the end of it. Best $5 I’ve spent all year.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Rather than being a sequel to the original game, this game is the prequel. It explains alot of what happens in the original game.

While definitely shorter than the one before it, the writing, sound design, CG’s, etc. are still very good, if not better. Taking the brutal and gut wrenching descriptions of gore on a whole nother level (coming from my mind). The OST’s of this VN is amazing, perhaps at times better than the original one. While I am sad that this one doesn’t have as much gameplay to offer as the first Fallstreak, it is still a masterpiece. A diamond in the rough, just waiting to be found. Was it well worth the 4 euros I spent on it? Very. If you are reading this to see if you should buy this or not, then let me say that. This game isn’t a requirement, but if you enjoyed the first Fallstreak as much as I did then it is well worth the price.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Fallstreak: Requiem for my Homeland on Steam

Explosive Jake

Explosive Jake

it’s a great game and the soundtrack is very good

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Неплохой клон Бомбермена, убить время, провести лампово пару вечеров под добротный чиптюн - самое-то. Однако, игра имеет ряд минусов, о которых нельзя не сообщить:

  • Главным минусом является управление. Персонаж очень медлителен, неповоротлив, а вместе с местными хитбоксами иной раз погибать приходилось очень глупо.

  • Уровни не генерируются рандомно или процедурно, они заранее заготовлены, соответсвенно, все поверапы лежат на одном месте. Так что можно просто запоминать где они, и при случайной гибели, пытаться пробираться уже сразу к ним.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Explosive Jake on Steam

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

The premise is cheesy. The dialog is hammy. But ham and cheese has never tasted this good!

Before we continue, let’s get the negatives out of the way so we can focus on talking about how awesome EDF is.

The base price can seem a bit steep given the game’s age, and the highest discount you’ll ever find is 40% off. Yes, it’s a console port. That means enduring some things such as a clunky menu interface and unmappable, hardcoded keybinds. Increasing your arsenal and max health isn’t just tedious, it’s a requirement for the higher difficulties. There’s talk of a cheater problem in public lobbies, and creating a private online game requires you to invite your friends through the chat shortcuts window, of all things. I don’t believe you can invite anyone mid-mission, either. Sometimes there will be so many enemies or explosions on-screen that your framerate will take a very noticeable hit even on a good computer. I don’t think there’s a borderless windowed mode, if that matters to you. Oh, and the game can’t even be launched if you’re on a version of Windows older than 7.

Real player with 761.5 hrs in game


Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair, or more commonly referred to as EDF, is a third person shooter that puts you in the shoes of an unnamed soldier of the Earth Defense Force that is tasked with locating and eradicating giant insects and robots from across the globe. Your mission is simple – kill everything that moves.

You’re given four class options before starting: Ranger, Fencer, Wing Diver or Air Raider. Rangers are your typical versatile infantry class, able to equip a variety of guns, sniper rifles, or a plethora of explosives and specialty weapons. Your next option is the Air Raider, a class that has the ability to call in buffs such as shields, turrets, healing modules and heavy armor, such as tanks, helicopters and a slew of different mechanized vehicles. Your third option is the lightly-armored, agile and swift-moving Wing Diver, an all-female crew of airborne infantry that use energy weapons and jetpacks to quickly move about the battlefield. Your final option is the Fencer, EDF’s dual-wielding tank, comprised of thick armor and massive cannons at the expensive of maneuverability.

Real player with 213.7 hrs in game

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair on Steam