Farming Simulator 2011

Farming Simulator 2011

Highly detailed, great fun and hyper realistic farm equipment sim, plant growth is way faster than rw but this makes it great for gameplay. Would be good if settings on crop growth and realisum could be changed but this should be available in upcomming patches. Best part of the sim is the equipment detail, and all the mods and even more detailed equipment available from the OEM.s and forums, And lets face it we should not want to harvest crop for 24 hours on end in rt its all about checking out all the diff types of equipment for 30 to 45 min each, which this sim does amazingly well.

Real player with 156.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Multiplayer Games.

Farming Simulator 2011 to kolejna część popularnej serii symulatorów farmy z detalami odtwarzających najdrobniejsze szczegóły rolniczego rzemiosła. Gra miała premiere 18 pażdziernika 2010. W porównaniu do poprzedniej części

farming simulator 2009 wprowadzonych zostało wiele nowych funkcji oraz poprawek. To, co nie uległo natomiast zmianie to fakt, że ponownie wcielamy się w młodego gospodarza, który krok po kroku poznawać będzie uroki życia rolnika. Naszym zadaniem jest oczywiście uzbieranie środków potrzebnych do stworzenia nowoczesnego gospodarstwa. Zarobki przyniesie nam praca na roli, konieczna więc będzie kultywacja ziemi, robienie zasiewów oraz zbieranie plonów. Miejscowy sklep posiada w swojej ofercie kilkanaście ciągników i kombajnów o różnej wielkości, mocy i efektywności pracy oraz ponad 30 innych maszyn, takich jak pługi, siewniki, prasy, kultywatory, kosiarki czy przyczepy. Dużą nowością jest wprowadzenie do gry hodowli bydła. Zmusza nas to do regularnego karmienia krów, ale dzięki temu otrzymujemy możliwość wzbogacania pól naturalnym nawozem oraz zarabiania na mleku. Przygotowano też ulepszony tryb kariery, w którym rozpoczniemy posiadając jedynie słabo wyposażoną farmę oraz przestarzały sprzęt. Nie musimy zresztą zarządzać naszym gospodarstwem samodzielnie, ponieważ dzięki trybowi multiplayer kilku graczy może się teraz wspólnie opiekować jednym terenem. Dzięki współpracy z korporacją AGCO (właścicielem marki Wendt) udało się autorom wprowadzić do gry licencjonowane traktory i kombajny. Możemy ponadto korzystać z narzędzi firm takich jak Poettinger, Vogel & Noot, Deutz-Fahr, Krone oraz Horsch. Dla początkujących rolników przygotowano długi na kilka misji samouczek. Warto też wspomnieć o realistycznym systemie dnia i nocy oraz zmiennych warunków pogodowych. Dodatkową pomocą są kontrolowane przez komputer pojazdy, które mogą nam asystować w wykonywaniu zadań. Farming Simulator 2011 oferuje wyraźnie lepszą grafikę niż jego poprzednicy. Co ciekawe, silnik gry korzysta z dobrodziejstw systemu fizycznego PhysX. Ponadto, rozbudowane edytory pozwalają na tworzenie i szybką instalację dodatkowych modów. Gra również doczekała się 4 pack dlc dzięki którym gra staje sie owiele ciekawsza .

Real player with 103.7 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 2011 on Steam

Pumpkin Days

Pumpkin Days

UPDATE at 852 hours of Play:

The game is no longer early access, and I’m still enjoying it. It’s complete with dating and marriage implemented for the three main towns and the small island community. Harvesting has been improved and mass planting is now available. Crafting, cooking, farming, fishing and bug-hunting are all complete and included, and the museum is fully completable. I’ve spent hours exploring the different paths you can take to defeating the main enemy of the island’s happiness and environment, and getting to know the NPCs - and I know I have many more hours yet to go. I still recommend this game :-)

Real player with 860.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Casual Games.

I’m always lazy to write reviews, and frankly after gamers started caring more about eye candies and online multiplayer than old fashioned content and game humor (to… you know… entertain… rather than walk around the world looking for possible ant animations on the grass…) I have a really hard time finding a game that doesn’t bore me after the 10th enemy is down. So it really is something when I decide to use my precious time on a game review… or any review for that matter.

It saddens me to read so many bad reviews on this game, and so I feel the need to do something about it. Issue 1: the controls… I am aware that there are many people in the world with disabilities that might prevent them from enjoying the chosen base controls or even require a whole different option. My opinion is not meant to diminish their needs. However, from my perspective, a regular person with no such restrictions should be more than able to handle these controls. I have absolutely no issue with them! Certainly at first it wasn’t perfect, but recently a sensitivity slider has been added that worked wonders for me and I no longer have a single thing to complain about it. Also, the devs are working hard to provide another option for those who do need it.

Real player with 573.1 hrs in game

Pumpkin Days on Steam

Dream Girls Collection

Dream Girls Collection

so it is broken except for when you change frame rates, go into your refresh rate in nvidia and change it to 59 hz

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Anime Sexual Content Games.

It’s a decent puzzle game. I found the non-nude version to be more of a challenge. As the borders of each scene are less defined.

But it’s a pity that the achievements don’t count towards your total and perfect games.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Dream Girls Collection on Steam

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

I really love this game. It’s very cute without being cutesy most of the time and has an engaging story line.

The game is very reminiscent of Stardew Valley but with enough differences to be worth owning both.

I absolutely LOVE the farming mechanism, which allows for crops to MUTATE depending on chance, terrain type, and time of year as well as mutation boosting agents. It’s a very, very clever addition to a farming simulator and one I’ve never seen before. I also really love how the seasonal planting works, because unlike many other games, if you plant crops in the wrong season, they DO NOT die immediately. Actually, with enough care, fertilizer, and luck, you can grow any crop in any season. And as annoying as I find it sometimes, crops randomly DO wither and die on you, especially if you aren’t taking good care of them, which is aggravating when it happens but also a really nice touch. (My family grows food and our plants do not all suddenly wither at once with the change of season).

Real player with 120.3 hrs in game

I liked this game, but the reason I said I would not recommend it is largely because of a few small frustrating aspects of it, that I think add up to it just not being worth quite as much as $20. I’d value it at $8 maybe. The things I mean by frustrations:

  • I had to look up how to use Soleil, and guess what, if you’re playing the PC version of the game, you can’t! You have to play multiplayer with a console and 2 controllers for that. Stupid.

  • The controls are not that well explained inside the game. It took me forever to figure out how to actually use upgraded tools. All they tell you is “hold the Action button”, but that’s not what you actually have to do. What you actually have to do, that the game doesn’t tell you, is hold the action button and drag it across the squares you want to use it on. It was a pain in the ass to learn that bc like I said, the in-game exposition wasn’t adequate.

Real player with 95.1 hrs in game

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition on Steam

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town

I will say this~ As a die-hard HM weeb

With only 40hrs put into this game and only on “Autumn” Xseed has done a fine job with keeping the Harvest Moon franchise alive and ongoing. I love that they keep some of the same elements from the earlier games.

Pros: The graphics are beautiful and the characters are way better than Xseeds “SOS” where everyone looks the same. You have more personality with these new characters and they’re all so bubbly and cheerful and have their own unique dialogues. I do hope in the future that MORE Harvest Moon games will be coming out on the pc as I lack a newer Switch. Thanks for catering to the PC master race Xseed. Natsume has lost me in its very weak and un-immersive graphics. The animals are adorable everything about this game is amazingly fun and there’s so much to do the repetitiveness does not get “boring” or “old” It feels fresh every time you do something even if it is the same thing over and over again. All the villagers literally like everything so finding an item to give them daily is not hard. You even have CUSTOMIZATION to your main character. This is by far the best I have seen and ever played from Harvest moon when it comes to that. The outfits are so pretty too and don’t even get me started with the animations when farming. They’re on the peak.

Real player with 130.3 hrs in game

As much as it pains me, this is probably the first Story of Seasons title that I have to honestly say I cannot recommend.

There are some cute things about it, and some of the heart of the series is there, buried way way down in there, but honestly this feels like Story of Seasons is trying too hard to take My Time at Portia elements and falling so flat on it’s face that it tumbles right over a cliff.

First and foremost the balancing in the game is atrocious. Day 2 of Winter Year 1 and I had already beat the town development “main” story. Winter 23 of Year 1 and I was married to the bachelor of my choice. The only major story milestone left for me is to have the kid (which I have read ahead is an adoption thing regardless of hetero marriage status or not and that moderately irks me). After that it’s just little completionism, which at the rate I smashed through them in year 1 I don’t expect will take longer than the last Year 3 achievement.

Real player with 117.1 hrs in game

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town on Steam

Deiland: Pocket Planet

Deiland: Pocket Planet

Deiland: Pocket Planet is a relaxing farming adventure where you will have to take care of your tiny planet. Farm, craft and fight monsters to make your home a special place and help others with their quest.

Discover the story of Arco in this single-player experience, a tale about growing up, helping others and revealing the secrets that lie on the heart of your planet. We’ve crafted a relaxing game, with a strong narrative and a cast of diverse characters for you to meet.

Customize your planet with trees, plants, crops, flowers or structures, and take care of your farm animals.Discover how the whole planet changes through Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each crop will only be available in the right seasons.

Play and relax. Smooth and cute graphics as well as relaxing soundtrack to ease up the bustling everyday routine with over 12 characters to meet and befriend and more than 100 quests to uncover the secrets that the heart of your planet holds.

Deiland: Pocket Planet on Steam

World’s Dawn

World’s Dawn

Put on a bikini top and went outside and everyone found it offensive!

At one time i got bored and i was like fakku with the clothes and went on outside with the bikini top on a hot day and everyone was like uhhhh looks like you got wrong side of the bed today! man that was funny in the game! the game surprises you with so many bits at unexpected times.

Now to the overall review: first of all i’d like to say that I have not played stardew valley, I heard its quite simillar to this so i cannot do a comparision. But with the time i had with the game it was pretty amazing and enjoyable. It’s very casual but you are under the clock so it’s half time management and half farming simulator. The story is about you who come from nowhere with a cute doggie, a man named paxel (a very harsh NPC). He brings you to a very beautiful village for a new start. The village has a rough history where there’s no rain and no crops can grow, with the power of appeasing the guardian deities of the village, it’s your job to restore the village and bring back the villages who left.

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

Now that I have completed the first year of this game and effectively achieved the “ending”, I feel as though I’m qualified enough to write a comprehensive review. So, I’ll start with the pros and cons.


⚘ Cute, homey pixel art befitting of a down-to-Earth farming game such as this one. Dynamic and detailed scenery that changes based on season and time of day.

⚘ Plenty of diverse characters to make the town feel alive.

⚘ Many upgrades and secrets to be had in this game. House, barn, and tool upgrades to make your life a lot easier. Secrets that can enhance your experience and provide you with new information about the world.

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

World's Dawn on Steam

Melting Hearts: Our Love Will Grow 2

Melting Hearts: Our Love Will Grow 2

I am past day 200 in the game I am over half way, because I have 3 stars out of six, the game may start out slow when you don’t know what to do next, just talk to each person and you will find the way to each step so far I have a B&B getting my 4th renter on my farm, also make sure the animals are fed even though they demand such high quality stuff. I didn’t feed the goat and it slowed down my progress in the game- the more you play the better it gets and its adorable and it is alot like Our love will grow 1 but with a twist - there are not alot of people here but I know them all by name- they all give clues for each step of the way- its another adorable game by John Wizard for 3.99 its worth alot more as far as creative game play- its better than the 12.99 Worlds Dawn- if John Wizard puts out more games like this even with a bigger price tag- its worth 15. compared to other game you pay more and get less- I will buy his games again! Very well designed- interesting and so addictive- Don’t even listen to anyone who has not really played the game- they gave up way to soon- 6 hours into the game is to soon! I finished our love will grow-1 and this one is just as good!

Real player with 56.2 hrs in game

I didn’t mind the first “Our Love Will Grow” title or the second, but the sequel definitely has more to it. I think that repetition in farming games is inevitable, but that this series suffers from it being mind-numbing. I finished this game because I felt like it would be easy to do, and since it wouldn’t be difficult mechanically to complete the game, I felt as though I had an obligation to do it. I would describe this game as okay. I really like the party mechanic in the series–it’s a nice take on the events you see in other farming games, but the themes are varied. I would have liked a log of some sort to keep track of quests, and a repeating party schedule (I think there is one you have to attend for an achievement that I missed and didn’t realize til way later). Otherwise, it seems as though the game’s story exists in a kind of limbo: everything is triggered by your actions rather than there being a need to complete certain things by a certain time.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

Melting Hearts: Our Love Will Grow 2 on Steam

STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town

STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town

Fun & relaxing, a good remake, and easier.

Real player with 619.6 hrs in game

Quite faithful to the gba game (itself being a port of the psx game)

But i think its a missed opportunity to include many features that are done better in the psx game. eg. No greenhouse, no fish breeding, no rival marriage, no farm evaluation.

Real player with 81.7 hrs in game

STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town on Steam

Croppy Boy

Croppy Boy

It’s fun little game to mess around with.

The controls are a bit weird and will need awhile to get used to.

Controls :

included W A S D and Z (for tackle people, they’ll drop stuff on impact but.. it costs you stamina, will talk about this more later.)

  • A for dropping stuff you have (will drop crops first, then seeds)

  • S for tool actions (for watering crops, plow dirt, and seeding)

//it depends on your selected tool (choose with 1,2,3 or 4) also sickle is pretty much useless since you can cut glass without it.//

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

A cute, fun farming game with unique gameplay that makes it a great game to play in short bursts with a group of friends. If you are looking for a serious farming simulator or some ultra-complex strategic multiplayer game, this isn’t the game for you, but if you just want something that you can hop right on, spend less than 5 minutes learning the controls, and have fun – definitely check this out.

It’s also free-to-play without a cash shop for overpowered items or paywalls restricting what you can do. Definitely refreshing to see a game like that these days, given much worse games in the free-to-play category often try to shake you down for cash these days.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Croppy Boy on Steam