Fear Corporation

Fear Corporation

drop game no like

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Psychological Horror Games.

So I am re-reviewing this after it has been updated. The game has immensely improved with the changes. I was actually able to complete the whole game. The clown improvement has actually made the first part a lot more scary since he can pretty much pop up anywhere. For the second part I would say the statue would be more threatening if she moved faster but she did jump scare me a few times when I would turn around not expect her to be that close to me. Also the highlighted items allowed me to find how to proceed past that section. The last section was creepy for the first few minutes but grew a bit old pretty quick. Overall I think the game was fun in this new state and worth a play through plus the developer was willing to listen to the feedback and improve the game which is a big plus. I still think $10 is a bit on the high end of a price for this though but if you want to spend that much or if it’s on sale then go for it. If you want to see my first play through before the update you can check out my video below.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Fear Corporation on Steam

Zombies In The Dark

Zombies In The Dark


From time to time, I like to take a chance on a super-cheap indie title that I find on Steam. I generally like top-down shooters and spooky games, so Zombies in the Dark fit the bill. Although I saw a few negative reviews, these were from when the game was in early access. I had hoped that the most prominent issues were fixed by the time the 1.0 release rolled around.

Unfortunately, I was incorrect. There are a lot of issues here that make Zombies in the Dark unpleasant to play:

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Action Games.

I bought this game when it was on sale, It was interesting to play and it does remind me of the old resident evil games with the fixed point of view. I know its in early access, I’m hoping for more to be added.

The controls are very sensitive and it makes it a little hard to play. Its best to use the keyboard and mouse instead of the controller. I got further with the PC controls than I did with the console controls.

I like the old style of the game, so I’m not complaining.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Zombies In The Dark on Steam



What is this game and why do i love it

a bug that when you crouch with CTRL,you can’t get up

Even C

can’t move after loading save

the only place I can crouch is when the words C to crouch pop up

needs waypoints

please give those rubber people a jaw function

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Action Games.

DeRailed on Steam

The Climate Trail

The Climate Trail

‘Even if we were to stop putting out greenhouse gases right now, we’d still face decades of warming’ - Jamais Cascio

This is an Educational Awareness game that focuses on the Greenhouse Effect and the impact being made to the ozone layer - it sets a scenario where society has collapsed as we know it today and sets you on a survival resource trail.

If this isn’t your type of game (or you avoid resource management like I usually do!) it’s a free choice!

William Volk has created a free-play game based around the mechanics of The Oregon Trail yet placing the player into a scenario where Global Warming has caused the Oceans to rise causing countries (or States in this case) to be flooded. This has devastated society to the point a new currency of trade is in use and we see the only way to survive is to abandon the flooded regions and head to higher grounds.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

This is a really great game to remind us all of how well and truly hosed we are, if we can’t get global warming under control. Played to the end and, and didn’t regret it. (A bit boring or grindy at times, but that’s far overshadowed by the existential horror of our planet’s current tragectory. Oof.) Definitely worth playing! :)

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Climate Trail on Steam

Call of Duty®: Ghosts

Call of Duty®: Ghosts

Worth a buy, for who wants a Wasteland Call of Duty & deep ghost story. However, if you’re not sure, please continue reading to find your answer.


Please calculate your “YES” score to identify the value to buy (or replay value):

If your answer is unsure, kindly consider it as “NO”


  • Do you like to play diverse coop mode?* Do you like to play the campaign in a wasteland, space, underwater and etc?* Do you like deep and complex storyline about ghost squad?_

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Call of Duty has been one of, if not the most well known franchise in gaming this past generation and last. The franchise has been in decline quality wise after the release of Modern Warfare - excluding maybe Black Ops 2 - which leads to the release of one of the weakest entries (Both Single Player and Multi Player) in the franchise yet. From the get go, you’ll notice this game was built by Infinity Ward on the grounds of pure arrogance. This game is the very definition of “Bare minimum”.

Call of Duty: Ghosts stars a few protagonists, main one being Logan Walker - and the world they live in after a devastating Orbital Strike after a space station was hijacked. The story follows a special assault squad that go by the name of “Ghosts” and the brother’s entry to said Squad as they fight to take control of the US again.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Call of Duty®: Ghosts on Steam

Lambs on the road : The beginning

Lambs on the road : The beginning

Just incredible!! Very satisfactory to play, great story and mechanics, Recommended!

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Very intriguing story and entertaining puzzles.

I couldn’t help but devour it as if it were a Netflix season.

I hope they don’t take long to publish a second part.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Lambs on the road : The beginning on Steam

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency

Started the game, made a cup of coffee and got a call to go pick up my kid who was sick at school, forgot I left it on, went to to pick the kiddo up.

When I got back, the debt was totally gone, ISIS was eliminated, the game was already won, and I had every achievement.

No one was home while I was gone.

Trump won the game all by himself. Even changed my PC’s name to TRUMP.

Also for your information:


Real player with 312.8 hrs in game

Despite the constant negative press covfefe

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency is probably all what you’d expect; and I hope I don’t step on any trump sympathizers during this review.

It has violence, trading and “investing” and fucking up the world while still getting away with it.

Trumps thumbs up

A fun little game based on humour and satire.

Great use of voice quotes.

Trading cards which currently (dec 2017) sells for 0.20-0.25 the worth the money for a base cost of 3£ at a half price discount atm. BoosterPack at 0.88.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency on Steam