Crowalt: Traces of the Lost Colony - Prologue

Crowalt: Traces of the Lost Colony - Prologue

Beautiful, creative game. I had fun playing, I’ve been following the team for a while, I’m sure the game will improve.

Sounds are really professional, I would even buy some of them to listen all day long.

In my hands our main character would definitely get pneumonia.

Also we won’t get along with the eagle in the main menu of the game, when I try to pet his head, he is turning his head :( … maybe he is trying to tell me something… maybe we will see that in the next episode… I’m very excited.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Singleplayer Games.

Interesting enough, it has the potential to be a solid point-and-click adventure game if the story’s done proper. There are a few issues though, mainly the grammar. There are a good number of grammatical errors. Misspellings, (not mentioning the pirates), odd spacing between letters, even a line of dialogue where an S is on the wrong word where it was meant to be at the end of the previous word.

I’m not trying to sound like a grammar freak, it’s just since text is the main way the game communicates with the player, it’s gotta be solid for it to stick. It honestly feels like they ran the text through Google Translate, or maybe a less experienced translator working on the English text?

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Crowalt: Traces of the Lost Colony - Prologue on Steam