Rear of Business

Rear of Business

Far too early access, there’s nothing to do other than walk or run around lol

currently bad fps, can walk through props/objects. can also walk through walls/windows in many buildings.

not sure why you have weapons there’s nothing to shoot. i started with some grenades but not really sure why lol.

I’d be interested to see if the devs actually do anything with this game or if it’s just a failed project.

Unfortunately i’ll be after a refund..

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Heist Games.

Rear of Business on Steam

The Amazing American Circus

The Amazing American Circus

Target Audience: Those Willing to Take the Lows With The Highs in Card RPGs


This is a recommendation in essence, but for a specific subset of people.

I’m going to be straight up from the get go here: The Amazing American Circus is one of those games that I want to love up and down, but ended up being the biggest thorn in my side due to what happened during the review period. To say that I faced some of the worst bugs: specifically saved game bugs, in my review career would have been an understatement: I had 8 separate runs break wildly in that period where I could not continue to make progress. While those bugs seem to be fixed now, I have a form of PTSD at this point. Every time I play, I’m waiting for the game to break again. Hell, even the video I made had a major bug in it. There’s a reason I have around 40+ hours of gameplay without actually beating the game, and to say it hung over the experience would be an understatement to say the least.

Real player with 57.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Crafting Games.

This is not a Slay to Spire, this is not a Monster Train. The Amazing American Circus is not a roguelike-roguelite card game, it is more like a card game built around a campaign, with some management sim built around it, in which you need to cover the costs, upgrades etc from the incomes you get during the shows.

If you more curious about the game, and want to check a short, ~20mins long video in which I showing what content you could expect from the game with one circus show (card battle) included, then here is mine:

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

The Amazing American Circus on Steam

Gang wars

Gang wars

It’s a gangster’s world, the one who shoots faster lives longer. So, move, move, move and shoot, shoot, shoot.

Your task is to kill all enemies and collect money. More money you collect, more bullets you can buy.

More levels you pass, better weapon you get.

It sounds very simple, but when you start playing you will see that it is not so easy.

With each wave come more gangsters, they move faster and are better equipped, so you should be really good to survive!


Read More: Best America Action Games.

Gang wars on Steam

Drug Business

Drug Business

Drug Business- Single player simulation game.

You live in a poor area of the city, where there is no job and practically no one has any money. The only way to make money is to break the law and embark on a criminal path. Even the bar, unexpectedly inherited from a deceased uncle, cannot solve your problems. The institution does not make a profit: the contingent leaves much to be desired, and so does the furnishings (shabby walls, old furniture, cheap food and drinks). You understand that the money you have will not be enough to develop this business.

Drug Business on Steam

Church of Stratum

Church of Stratum

The end of times is upon us, we must cast aside this land and embrace the land of past times if we are to one day walk in god’s new world.

So goes the speech the Church of Stratum cult repeated every day, until they all suddenly vanished over 40 years ago.

But now by accident you have just discovered their now abandoned underground bunker, make your way through the dilapidated hallways and discover the mystery of what caused the death of the entire bunker.

A story driven puzzle adventure game with a spooky atmosphere that does not have monsters or threats to the player.



    Explore a large section of the bunker and learn about those who called this place home.


    Solve puzzles to journy deeper into the bunker and uncover its secrets.


    Collect items used to solve puzzles. Find collectables hidden in the bunker.


    Open doors using a physics based pull and push system.

    Pick up objects, inspect them and then throw them around.


    The bunker was not always dilapidated, see what it looked like long ago before it fell.


    Lisen to behind the scenes info from the developer on aspects of the game and its development.

Church of Stratum on Steam

The Corporate Machine

The Corporate Machine

The first thing I need to say is READ THE MANUAL! If you’re like me and tend to play a casual game or two to get the hang of things it’s very easy to have no idea what you are doing and lose the game. A quick skiim of the manual will give you an idea of what is what and how the game runs.

I very nearly wrote a bad review after my first game after giving up in just five minutes, I hadn’t read the manual and had no clue what I was doing.

The graphics and sound options on the game are not great, basic graphics and no volume control are something of a turn-off, but you can do what I did and turn off the game’s music and ignore the graphiocs quality.

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

I got this with stardock legends pack, so it was so cheap. It works on my win 10, and I don’t update it unless it asks me so it works perfectly on win10. First with the cons, the training isn’t working as it shows when you press f2 ( it’s been showed in help, f1) so I played a game at beginner than “difficult in pain”. After few lose I managed to own the world. So there should be some ways to endure the others. Ok you will say me to use cards and lucki but cards require too much resources for a losing company. Maybe I’m telling this because MOBA games and their competitive game strategy is popular now, however, I still think there should be balance. Also I wish to have suggestions to continue after 55% global market sharings. Or there would be other choices such as technology winnig. And pros, if you like this kind of games you will like it. You really need to control market, demand and sellings should be balanced very well, otherwise you lose. I really liked it. I wish ppl upgraded it till now, but this gem also lost itself in the marketing :/

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

The Corporate Machine on Steam

The Legend of Bear-Truck Trucker

The Legend of Bear-Truck Trucker

I spent the weekend absolutely obsessed with this game. A very simple premise, and incredibly charming in its own quiet way. There’s some real min-maxing depth available here, and lots of laughs (with the occasional heartbreak) in the physics. Highly recommended for those stretches of time where no other games seem to stick and you just don’t know what to play. You want to play this :)

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Even tho I’ve only Played this for 3 Hour’s NONSTOP there’s something primal inside all of us that need’s to stack & organise everything otherwise known as OSD

& this game somehow nail’s that 100% as you drive all over America making delivery after delivery I will update this sometime in the future

But it’s so good I have to shout it out now

Might even try 2 convice Captin Sause to play it

10/10 Would Bear again

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

The Legend of Bear-Truck Trucker on Steam

Pax Narcotica: Trafficker

Pax Narcotica: Trafficker


Take on the role of cartel kingpin In Pax Narcotica: Trafficker. Develop smuggling routes, establish distribution across the US, corner the market, and defeat your competition using violence and strategic intelligence .

Choose your own approach to expanding your empire - spread aggressively across the US, or concentrate on specific cities and markets. Use your funds to hire soldiers and buy weapons to defeat your rivals, or bribe key figures to disrupt their operations.

Manage every shipment how you wish, with a fleet of vehicles on land, sea, and air - invest in counter-measures and build impenetrable supply lines,

Violence is not the only option: Undercut your rivals’ prices and steal their clientele, or supply rival gangs with weapons and product and let them do the dirty work.

Hire a team of engineers and chemists to build a network of meth labs, weed plantations, and weapons factories, and reduce the risk of costly international seizures.

Send money and weapons south of the border to build up your base of operations and take over rival territory. Increase the size of your shipments north, or recruit mercenaries to expand your control into new cities.


Every shipment comes with a risk of seizure by the authorities, or hijacking by a rival, but when a shipment gets through the rewards are enormous. You must decide how to reduce the risk, with simple measures such as decoy cars or concealment, or buying shell companies to transport cargo across the country.


At any time you can stop time to plan your next move. Arrange a chain of shipments; send operators to a city to assassinate a rival; transport cash across the border to pay for the next consignment, then watch the actions play out in real time.


Expand into over 50 US cities, each with different demands and underworld networks. Choose your clients, negotiate the highest price, and help them build their market share.


Invest in front businesses and real estate to clean your money, then send it south of the border to expand your power base. Always pay your suppliers on time, or risk losing the source of your power.


  • Play your way: Expand quickly and aggressively, or build up methodically

  • Attack your rivals directly, or undercut their prices and cut off their funding

  • Cut your product to maximise profit, or sell the highest quality merchandise to corner the market

  • Choose how to invest your money; Buy larger shipments, or hire soldiers to expand your operation

  • Build meth labs, weed farms, and weapon factories, and hire engineers and chemists to maximise their output

  • Recruit a network of cops, politicians, and lawyers, to build your empire, protect your cargo, and clean your money

Pax Narcotica: Trafficker on Steam

City Of Thugs

City Of Thugs

ok developer fix it and i change my review , that was fast and nice because it was imbosible to even defeat 1 enemy

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

It almost feels like the percentages don’t mean anything. I would miss over 90% of shots when the acuracy said 63%, but when my accuracy was 59%, I was hitting most shots. But the AI is nuts, their accuracy would say 43% and hit 10 shots in a row. Good game in the works tho

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

City Of Thugs on Steam

City of Gangsters

City of Gangsters

An amazing game overall. I would like a few more features though, such as the ability to export goods to other cities, mansions that you can buy, maps based on Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, and the ability to buy off the mayor or even run for office.

Real player with 227.2 hrs in game

Great management style game. Don’t expect a game with heavy fighting as this is not the focus of the game. It’s really how to max profit. Easy recommend for me.

Real player with 115.0 hrs in game

City of Gangsters on Steam