Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency

Started the game, made a cup of coffee and got a call to go pick up my kid who was sick at school, forgot I left it on, went to to pick the kiddo up.

When I got back, the debt was totally gone, ISIS was eliminated, the game was already won, and I had every achievement.

No one was home while I was gone.

Trump won the game all by himself. Even changed my PC’s name to TRUMP.

Also for your information:


Real player with 312.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Political Games.

Despite the constant negative press covfefe

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency is probably all what you’d expect; and I hope I don’t step on any trump sympathizers during this review.

It has violence, trading and “investing” and fucking up the world while still getting away with it.

Trumps thumbs up

A fun little game based on humour and satire.

Great use of voice quotes.

Trading cards which currently (dec 2017) sells for 0.20-0.25 the worth the money for a base cost of 3£ at a half price discount atm. BoosterPack at 0.88.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency on Steam

Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition

Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition

I was going to recommend this game initially, but one month after release and the developers seem to have gone silent on us, no more updates or messages on the steam community. I am going to split this review into two parts, single player and multi player and talk about the pros and cons. Here we go:

The Single-player campaign - Length: 6-7 hours - Difficulty: Average ( I played about 8 hours of it )

So we get another typical cod campaign, the story is great, altho not at the same level as Black Ops 2 was, your choices do not impact the ending, in fact the campaign is preety much all linear. Graphics are the best the franchise has ever seen, and so are the audio effects, also gameplay has been refined to be extremely fast paced and enjoyable. Kevin Spacey’s performance is incredible, at some points the engine is struggling to keep up with his performance, making you wish Sledgehammer would have used live action cutscenes instead of CGI. The campaign is overall a great experience, if not a bit too short, they could have expanded on it and made it longer, it has some plot holes and rushed moments.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Dog Games.

(TL;DR can be found at the end of the review)

Call of the annual Duty - Underdeveloped Lagfare

I’ve been a huge fan of the Call of Duty franchise when Modern Warfare hit the stores. For years I’ve been playing pretty much nothing else and dumped hundreds, if not thousands of hours into it. I also played Modern Warfare 2 & 3 but it wasn’t the same for obvious reasons. Since then I wanted to buy another CoD that could bring back the nostalgia. Then Advanced Warfare comes along and actually gets a lot of good reviews and I get curios: Another studio, a longer delevopement time and fast dropping prices.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition on Steam

Ritual: Crown of Horns

Ritual: Crown of Horns

Summary: While Ritual may be in need of some quality of life improvements in certain areas, its fast-paced action-packed and strategic gameplay mixed with a metal soundtrack and varied weapons and abilities, create a difficult yet fun and engaging take on the Wild West. 8/10

A full detailed video review can be viewed here:


The writing is not a case of being a masterpiece but they certainly do the job, creating engagement and intrigue throughout. The characters bounce off each other reasonably well, with them often questioning each other or even outright annoying or teasing one another. It is unfortunate however that one doesn’t get nearly as much dialogue like that of the others, but regardless character design works. There is no mistaking the plot plays second to the gameplay in Ritual, never the less for those who are looking for a decent story in amongst all the carnage, there is an interesting one to be found here.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Western Games.

When it comes to top-down shooters, nothing beats tangling it up with hordes of monsters and all you have a six-shooter and pure luck. These are the kind of games that are exciting, fast-paced, and 100% rage-inducing. Ritual: Crown of Horns, from small indie studio Draw Distance, checks all the boxes.

Stylistically, this is a nice looking game. The art style heightens the grim landscape that we find our protagonist, Daniel Goodchild in. The music, a bold mix of heavy raw guitar and western-inspired melodies, only adds to the chaos that we’re about to dive into. Unfortunately, those two important elements are sometimes not enough to ease the frustrating aiming system and the unnecessarily hard stages you must clear.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Ritual: Crown of Horns on Steam