Railway Empire

Railway Empire

WRITE THIS DOWN: You WILL need to know a couple things.. Writing this review at 647 hours of playtime.. so I’m pretty sure I’m enjoying being an expert at it, and it helps a lot..

If you dont understand these comments, try googling the concepts anyway.. you need to know this stuff.

You will build single lane tracks early on and tear them up later to redesign… BECAUSE you will be short on money - always.. (unless you use unlimited sandbox or mods).

Learn how to use regular or one-way signals to create short lanes on the side of a long stretch of track so trains can pass each other along the way across large empty terrain areas.

Real player with 1489.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Management Games.

I spent a lot of my life on Railroad Tycoon, from the first one until the end of the series. A-Train, Transport Tycoon, Rails!, you name it. If it had a train in it, I bought it. So of course I bought this too.

I really, really like this game. There are elements here that feel like Railroad Tycoon 3, and there are elements that do not. Just enough for you to find something you like in this game regardless of how you felt about previous railroad incarnations. I’m going to lay out a PRO/CON/WISHLIST below for you to peruse at your leisure. I may edit these if they change down the road.

Real player with 332.2 hrs in game

Railway Empire on Steam

The Corporate Machine

The Corporate Machine

The first thing I need to say is READ THE MANUAL! If you’re like me and tend to play a casual game or two to get the hang of things it’s very easy to have no idea what you are doing and lose the game. A quick skiim of the manual will give you an idea of what is what and how the game runs.

I very nearly wrote a bad review after my first game after giving up in just five minutes, I hadn’t read the manual and had no clue what I was doing.

The graphics and sound options on the game are not great, basic graphics and no volume control are something of a turn-off, but you can do what I did and turn off the game’s music and ignore the graphiocs quality.

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Capitalism Games.

I got this with stardock legends pack, so it was so cheap. It works on my win 10, and I don’t update it unless it asks me so it works perfectly on win10. First with the cons, the training isn’t working as it shows when you press f2 ( it’s been showed in help, f1) so I played a game at beginner than “difficult in pain”. After few lose I managed to own the world. So there should be some ways to endure the others. Ok you will say me to use cards and lucki but cards require too much resources for a losing company. Maybe I’m telling this because MOBA games and their competitive game strategy is popular now, however, I still think there should be balance. Also I wish to have suggestions to continue after 55% global market sharings. Or there would be other choices such as technology winnig. And pros, if you like this kind of games you will like it. You really need to control market, demand and sellings should be balanced very well, otherwise you lose. I really liked it. I wish ppl upgraded it till now, but this gem also lost itself in the marketing :/

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

The Corporate Machine on Steam

Pax Narcotica: Trafficker

Pax Narcotica: Trafficker


Take on the role of cartel kingpin In Pax Narcotica: Trafficker. Develop smuggling routes, establish distribution across the US, corner the market, and defeat your competition using violence and strategic intelligence .

Choose your own approach to expanding your empire - spread aggressively across the US, or concentrate on specific cities and markets. Use your funds to hire soldiers and buy weapons to defeat your rivals, or bribe key figures to disrupt their operations.

Manage every shipment how you wish, with a fleet of vehicles on land, sea, and air - invest in counter-measures and build impenetrable supply lines,

Violence is not the only option: Undercut your rivals’ prices and steal their clientele, or supply rival gangs with weapons and product and let them do the dirty work.

Hire a team of engineers and chemists to build a network of meth labs, weed plantations, and weapons factories, and reduce the risk of costly international seizures.

Send money and weapons south of the border to build up your base of operations and take over rival territory. Increase the size of your shipments north, or recruit mercenaries to expand your control into new cities.


Every shipment comes with a risk of seizure by the authorities, or hijacking by a rival, but when a shipment gets through the rewards are enormous. You must decide how to reduce the risk, with simple measures such as decoy cars or concealment, or buying shell companies to transport cargo across the country.


At any time you can stop time to plan your next move. Arrange a chain of shipments; send operators to a city to assassinate a rival; transport cash across the border to pay for the next consignment, then watch the actions play out in real time.


Expand into over 50 US cities, each with different demands and underworld networks. Choose your clients, negotiate the highest price, and help them build their market share.


Invest in front businesses and real estate to clean your money, then send it south of the border to expand your power base. Always pay your suppliers on time, or risk losing the source of your power.


  • Play your way: Expand quickly and aggressively, or build up methodically

  • Attack your rivals directly, or undercut their prices and cut off their funding

  • Cut your product to maximise profit, or sell the highest quality merchandise to corner the market

  • Choose how to invest your money; Buy larger shipments, or hire soldiers to expand your operation

  • Build meth labs, weed farms, and weapon factories, and hire engineers and chemists to maximise their output

  • Recruit a network of cops, politicians, and lawyers, to build your empire, protect your cargo, and clean your money

Read More: Best America Crime Games.

Pax Narcotica: Trafficker on Steam

American Truck Simulator

American Truck Simulator

American Truck Simulator is another production from the great SCS Software studio. Considering how they care for their players in Euro Truck Simulator 2, it couldn’t be otherwise! The creators once again prove that the games they create are complete products and the support does not end when the game / add-on is paid for, but all the time! Soon there should be an update of the state of California, the original state that appeared with the game’s premiere over 5 years ago and is still being improved and adapted to current standards both visually and technically.

Real player with 270.0 hrs in game

American Truck Simulator (ATS) is the new title of the simulation created by SCS Software, which makes us live an adventure with our truck all around breath-taking landscapes and well-known places in USA. While you are travelling you will see the most famous architecture, for example The Golden Gate in San Francisco or the famous casino or hotel in Las Vegas. ATS is expanding more and more and this shows how SCS Software cares about making its product dynamic. We will play the part of a truck driver and we will travel on roads and highways with different sceneries in the background, such as desert, little populated areas or very busy metropolis. The unpublished system of event available for everybody and everywhere, thanks to the various upgrade, makes our adventure more interesting. It randomly creates accidents, parked cars and construction by the roadside or in the highway, reducing available lanes and blocking in cars, including out truck. Be careful when you are travelling because the police are always around the corner! Moreover, the fine collection system has become stricter than it was in the past, both because of the increase of the amount of money you have to pay if you exceed speed limitations, if you go right through red lights or if you cause accidents, and above all because patrol cars, which could normally drive through traffic or be hidden behind buildings or billboards, can give you a ticket at any stage; this makes the player pay attention to speed limitations, which vary according to each state. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8QocRQKJMk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NfkIrItLtI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCJkbGj7des ATS natively supports mods and communities, considering that the game engine is the same as Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS 2) and this has made many changes be able to replace the lack of official trucks and has made the game more realistic and longer-living. In ATS you will also find a managerial section in which you can purchase your truck (getting into debts with a bank, if it is necessary), customizing it according to your tastes and you can also choose among a list of several interesting jobs dedicated to those who have decided to freelance. You can also hire drivers, purchase other trucks and create a big machine which can make you earn a lot of money. At this stage you could also purchase warehouses and expand your business in other cities. Moreover, your driver can increase his level and get experience scores which you could use in different sectors, such as fragile or luxury goods, trafficking length, special transports (e.g. explosive) and rush deliveries. This happens above all when you meet longer trailers than they were before, so that also a veteran of this saga needs some time to get used to the driving of these new means and to park them. Actually, it is possible to choose the difficulty of this latter: normal or expert. In the normal version the maneuvers which are necessary are on the same level of ETS 2, in the expert version it becomes more and more difficult because you are required to park your trailer in little areas and overcome obstacles. ATS is a title in which developers have focused more on quality than on quantity of contents. For those who have experienced ETS 2 this could be a negative point, however the realism takes advantage of it and shows places and situations which are always different. I suggest that both those who experienced its predecessor and those who are neophytes buy this game. I highly recommend this game! World of Trucks TruckersMP 100% Achievements Guide #cioflix | iPLAY4FUN | myArtwork

Real player with 230.0 hrs in game

American Truck Simulator on Steam

Redneck Party

Redneck Party



Y’all ready for a ride like none other? I’m talkin' beer, fine country ladies, and the craziest decked out trucks you ever done seen. I’m talkin' Redneck Party, boy!

Show off your skills as you fix and upgrade some serious horsepower. Customise your wheels by painting body colors, selecting stickers and much more. All brakes are out. Enjoy the party!

And most important

  • Drive Monster Trucks

  • Repair / Fix Monster Trucks

  • Become the most popular guy at the party

It’s a Redneck Party Time !!!

  • Pick up girls

  • Custiomise your machine

  • Grab a beer and enjoy

  • Compete with other dudes

  • Change parts

  • Manage your budget

  • Use Cuckie cutter to cut parts

  • Make sure your’s is Bigger

Big Wheels, Big Cars, Big Guys

Be one of them!

Redneck Party on Steam

Build and Discover: America

Build and Discover: America

Build & Discover: America

Building simulator based on the history of the United States.

You will take part in the first moments when the conquistadors arrived on the new continent.

For centuries, you will participate in developing the

  • political

  • economic

  • cultural foundations of the new continent

That will lead you to the signing of the constitution, the establishment of congress, and industrial cities.

How does the story start?

Explorers are approaching unknown areas, which in the future will turn into something they cannot imagine.

They do not know what to expect and what they will encounter on their way.

The areas are vast and unpredictable.

The reality of the Wild West, unknown environment and countless possibilities.

The game is based on a true story but a lot depends on you!

Will you manage to collect all 50 stars?

The game presents historical challenges that encourage players to make decisions and experience real-time management and develop political skills based on understanding the needs of citizens.

Develop trade, modernize, arrange transport, conquer new territories and face unexpected threats. The atmosphere of the Wild West, international trade, new spices and food, the clash of cultures and undiscovered land await you.

Features of the game:

  • economic and political development of the new territory

  • building a strong state based on three pillars: transport, law and industry

  • changing latitude-dependent environment

  • storyline based on historical events

Build and Discover: America on Steam

Weaponry Dealer VR

Weaponry Dealer VR

Edit; April 7 2019: Wow I really understated it when I said how much this dev improves this game constantly. Constant new features, mos notably the reason I’m writing this today which is because he added a forcepull/magnet mechanic which means I can play seated or at least not having to bend down or out of my small playspace. The absoulute best management game with constant new content. One of my favorites and my kids as well!

–————— [/edit]

The dev has really turned this game around with frequent updates and is just absolutely killing it with improving things based on feedback from the community. I find myself spending waaaaay more time in this game then I expected and have to play it at least once daily.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Weapon dealer is fun for the start of the game and gives you the feel of job simulator, but with weapons. It allows you to create your own store and purchase and redistribute firearms and vehicles, which is neat! However… this game definitely has some bugs which will make you feel discouraged and efforts towards success seeming pointless, especially when you unlock the armory to sell vehicles. Also you must manually set each price tag for each vehicle making it a tedious click fest (Unlike the guns shop which saves your prices). I also noticed that it is pointless to run the gun shop when people will buy tanks and other vehicles for ludicrous prices. In one day I was able to make roughly two hundred thousand dollars with little effort and fix up my entire apartment. There is also no reason to use the apartment, because there is no hunger, sleep, or any other trait that will make you need to step away from the gun shop. So, grab your sleeping bag, your home is where you work. Another thing about the apartment and all the items that you purchase for the apartment is that they are all stagnant… You place the items and forget about what you placed for your apartment. There is no interaction with anything you purchase for your apartment. I also hate the concept of using a little dart gun (supposed to be a flare gun) while these people that are stealing high-end weaponry… It just doesn’t make sense. The aspect of the game however is neat, but for the issues that I have mentioned you will feel that you have wasted your time. It would also be nice to have some other areas to explore such as restaurants or bars, etc. Instead you are limited to the apartment (snore), gun shop, and armory. Also with the armory, it does not matter what you vehicles you choose to sell. The reason for this is there’s no demand for vehicles, unlike the gun shop which tells you what is currently in demand (Basically throw any vehicle out there raise the price incredibly and people will flood in and purchase everything fast). Did I mention that the armory is open 24/7, so if you need more cash you can just stay in the armory, place vehicles and click on the price the up arrow for your desired price (does not seem to really matter what price you place for the product).

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Weaponry Dealer VR on Steam

Monopolist: Technological Revolution

Monopolist: Technological Revolution

It’s a bad clone of Monopoy with poor camera controls and occasionally poor English.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Poor imitation of the Monopoly game.

The entire board was only 3/4 visible to the player.

REMEMBER to Press:

  1. Ctrl F or

  2. Ctrl C

  3. It will allow you to follow the characters as they move along the board.

  4. You can toggle between the macro picture of the entire board and micro picture of where you car is at.

Without doing 1 Or 2, you got zero chance of playing the game as you are flying blind on the board via the default display.

During the play:

I can’t feel the satisfaction of earning Income or Rent from my properties.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Monopolist: Technological Revolution on Steam

Trump VS Covid: Save The World Clicker

Trump VS Covid: Save The World Clicker

This game sucks and borderline unplayable. The mechanics don’t work and instead of fixing his game he just release PAID DLC cheats that speed everything up with the most expensive being $20~ AUD. RIDICULOUS! AVOID!

Real player with 2114.1 hrs in game

A clicker game that states, “You won’t stuck waiting for more income. There is always something you can build or upgrade” …that punishes you for clicking, by throttling/stopping your income if you click too much?

…and even when your income is coming in, there is definitely not always something to do.

The game is what it is, which isn’t all bad, but the more I reread the description, the more I ask myself…why state things that just aren’t true?

Also…no window mode? Sigh

Real player with 1374.6 hrs in game

Trump VS Covid: Save The World Clicker on Steam

Bourbon Empire

Bourbon Empire

Bourbon Empire is a real-time strategy game set in New York City during Prohibition somewhere in the late 1920’s. Claim territory as your own, and profit from the rising bootlegging industry. But be aware, law enforcement can either be your greatest ally, or help in your destruction.


Claim new territory within the city as your own. Collect protection payments from the various businesses and establishments within your neighborhoods. However, not all neighborhoods are the same, some have the potential to be far more profitable than others so pick your battles wisely.

Build Up Your Family

All those new neighborhoods are going to need some muscle to protect and manage it. Create capo units and assign gangsters from the neighborhoods to them. Deploy your crews to their respective districts and watch the money role in. Arm your gangsters with a variety of weapons from handguns to the classic tommy gun to explosives. Also watch them gain experience with every enemy they ‘whack’.

If you have money to spare, you can also purchase vehicles for your crews. Makes running around the city a whole lot easier.

Establish Illegal Businesses

Protection payments are nice and all (and it’s easy!) but the real money is in the rackets. Establish new enterprises ranging from loan sharking to speakeasies. Each type has their own pros and cons, so make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into ‘cause setting them up ain’t cheap.

Bourbon is the Name of the Game

Booze production, transportation, and sale in your ‘fine establishments’ will certainly help solve your financial woes. Alcohol is a precious commodity during this period and there never seems to be enough. It can both increase profits from some rackets and be a requirement for others to even function. Produce alcohol in modified warehouses, load up your trucks, and get it into your businesses.

Law Enforcement

No crime ever goes unnoticed. Every illegal activity creates some form of heat, if you let that heat get out of hand the police will step in. From imposing fines to arresting (temporarily removing) your muscle to outright shutting down your businesses, the cops can make life very unpleasant.

However, they can also be a real help. Greasing the right palms and having police on the payroll not only helps prevent heat from building up, but the police can also come to your aid whether they’re watching over your neighborhoods, raiding enemy establishments, or even protecting your booze shipments from rival families.

Bourbon Empire on Steam