American Patriots: The Swamp Fox

American Patriots: The Swamp Fox

This is just a plain neverending wave shooter. Simple as that. The game doesn’t claim to be anything else. A bit unpolished, but it seems to be a one man job. A bit heavy on the price since it is really basic, but I picked it up at a sales so I guess it was OK.

The big let down is how demanding this little game is. I had to play at 720p with lowest settings on everything. And I still had some performance issue when there were many enemies. Hopefully fixed in future updates.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Action Games.

Verry bad game pls don’t buy it

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

American Patriots: The Swamp Fox on Steam

Gold Rush! Classic

Gold Rush! Classic

Classic Sierra Adventure Games;

So, that intro from the beginning makes me sigh from the inside. These games (for me) are memories of growing up and sitting on my father’s knee and learning about computers…(the next step involved constructing my own PC from scratch, but that’s a different story for a different time)

Sierra INVENTED the adventure genre as far as I’m concerned, and “Gold Rush” is not only an excellent example of a classic adventure game, it is also the benchmark for self-involved concepts as well as being true to life history.

Real player with 195.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Action Games.

This game can be super annoying if you don’t know what to expect. Part of it is the primitive mechanics. It’s not like today’s point and click game where you click on a location and the character will move there. You have to use your arrow keys to direct every step of the movement. You also have to instruct the character what to do. Encountering another character will not automatically trigger conversation. You have to tell your character to ‘talk’ by typing this in. If you don’t type in the correct series of words, this will also halt your progress. And last but not least, there is potential to fall into a big hole in this game. Let’s say you did not pick up a certain something on level one, well if you don’t have it at level 10, you can forget finishing this game …  Still, there is a lot of charm to this game with its graphics and story plot. I recommend it on sale. I would also like to play the updated anniversary edition.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Gold Rush! Classic on Steam

Fortune and Gloria

Fortune and Gloria

Would be nice if one could use and upgrade different weapons or collect enemy weapons,

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Bullet Hell Games.

Basically a “Freedom! Do or Die” clone. Not as cool but still a lot of fun!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Fortune and Gloria on Steam

Steel Assault

Steel Assault

First of all, this game is an absolute piece of art, there’s no doubt about it. This goes beyond gorgeous visuals and a banger OST - this thing truly captures the essence of nineties' shooters at their best, cleverly hiding modern game design under retro look&feel. The level design is generally more thought out and balanced, there are no blatantly unfair or frustrating things to be found, and the controls are as tight they ever were. For me, these things already make up the asking price.

Now, the game is not without it’s problems, though. People tend to complain about the amount of content. That criticism I don’t agree with. Most people complaining about that have played the normal difficulty through in a couple of hours and feel the game is through. But as the devs have explained, the real game is the hard mode. I’m pretty sure most of us will NOT clear that on the first sitting, and there’s plenty of game left after normal mode playthrough.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

The fact that the developers listened so much to our feedback from the demo already deserves praise. I’m not going to go into details, but basically, they improved on basically every aspect of the game by a lot and made the more frustrating parts less frustrating, or non-existent.

While it’s a joy to see all the differences and improvements in the game compared to the demo, the game itself is fantastic. It’s a high adrenaline action platformer, where split second decisions will always demand your focus pretty much all the time. It really wears down your fingers, but this is exactly what we came for. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t just for oldschool platformer veterans, since now they added difficulty levels which is a welcome addition. Don’t EVER feel bad for playing it on Easy or Very Easy. Get familiar with the feel of the game, the different type of enemies, stages, etc. Then if you feel like you’ve mastered that difficulty level, you can always challenge yourself by playing it one difficulty level above. But it also pleases the more hardcore crowd. The Normal difficulty I feel like is just right, it offers a good challenge.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Steel Assault on Steam

Cold Vengeance

Cold Vengeance

Cold Vengeance is a gun-blazing action-arcade romp through a deliberately polygonal, block-y and hazy look to it that makes it reminiscent of late 90’s 3D action games for the N64, PSX, and Saturn. This retro-flavored and post-apocalyptic appearance in tandem with the forward moving, almost on-rails nature of the shooting bring me back to what I loved most of the era.

An Americana lovechild between Fist of the North Star post-apocalyptic wasteland sensibilities and Sin and Punishment gritty rail-gunning low-poly N64 age badassery, the intuitive weapon combining of the iconic Gunstar Heroes with the forward-pressing level progression of Shock Troopers all wrapped in a hilariously satirical romp rife with action and macho-fueled patriotism that only a post-2016 America could truly be deserving of.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Playing Cold Vengeance, you can tell this is likely Renegade Sector’s first foray into 3D games; it’s a notably less polished experience than later titles. The inability to turn around is an interesting constraint, one further explored in other RS games, but here the limited free-aim feels a bit clunky, fighting you at the edges and clipping in confined spaces. One unfortunate close-quarters boss fight in particular brings all of this into sharp relief. It’s frustrating, but thankfully not overly difficult, so it’s not long until we’re back in business running and gunning. Overall, it’s a characteristically fun and no-nonsense game with bright, crisp visuals, interesting level design and satisfying power-up synergies.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Cold Vengeance on Steam

Dawn of the Mexica

Dawn of the Mexica

A deeply tactical and challenging roguelike that leads you through the Aztec underworld to the realms of the gods.

  • Fascinating mythology and stone-age combat aesthetic

  • Multiple viable combat and survival strategies.

  • Highly lethal combat system that may be frustrating for the casual gamer. Most deaths past the very beginning will occur from incapacitating crits (and sometimes critical fumbles); successful strategies will revolve around mitigating risk and/or playing rocket tag with certain enemies so they can’t fight back. Unlike many other games, hit points or health is a very poor measure of character survivability - in comparison with defensive skills, armor, etc. Control of distance, visibility, light levels, and cover are very important. Personally, I like it; but not for everyone.

Real player with 173.9 hrs in game

A very well-researched Mesoamerican roguelike that delves into a setting rarely explored in gaming mediums. The combat descriptions are quite nice, and there are a variety of different skills and classes to unlock. It’s quite enjoyable to try some utility skills to round out your character, things like swimming, liquid identification, and others can all be of service.

The main negative is that deaths can be nearly instantaneous. This makes for a game of planning, of thinking, “Hey, I’m a caster, maybe some perception will keep me from getting mauled around the next corner.” However, as the game is approachable for new runs, this isn’t much of an issue (though there are times when I’m wondering how to improve). It’s a whole lot better than TOME 4’s instadeaths 15+ hours into the campaign.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Dawn of the Mexica on Steam

Wargame: Airland Battle

Wargame: Airland Battle

This game has gotten some raw reviews lately by people whome have put very little time into this game. Others have voiced legitimate points over the games campiagn mode. This mode is very lacking but shows just a glimpse of what a campaign can really be if they move in a different direction (i.e. Total War). The maps are set up pretty good with great detail in vegetation and the size of the air space your planes fly in is amazing. Model detail for the vehicles and air power are great while the infrantry is mediocre whitch leaves alot to be desired. The difference between models of air craft is neglegable with no difference in aero-nautical and external hardware. They swap out the skins and say it is a different vehicle despite the fact they look the same.

Real player with 195.8 hrs in game

Before reeding, please accepte that i have bad Englsih :)

90 hourse online and 300 offline game time.

Short: This game are taking the RTS in a new lvl and twist. Cause the game have made it massive and “smal” in the same time. I feel the developer have made it realistic and smoth. And I feel like i have the countroll over whats happening while playing.

Long: I go after 6 thing i going to rank. GIGS-CO


I find it realy great. It is many thing that bring it easy to play, but in same time funny to countrol. One eks: can give many comands; move fast, move, attack, spread, regroup, split. This is very importan when it comes to winning or losing. (You can say witch direction thay gonne stay at if you are holding in left mouse butten).

Real player with 133.3 hrs in game

Wargame: Airland Battle on Steam

Call of Duty®

Call of Duty®

Buy this game. Play it. Beat it. Though this franchise has become a good example of why triple A games are garbage, the original Call Of Duty from 2003 is an outstanding accomplishment for the FPS genre. The graphics are dated by today’s standards, but look great even for a game this old.

The multiplayer lobbies are dead, sure, but the campaign is where the action’s at. This game is from a lost time back when Call Of Duty wasn’t about no-scoping some noobs but instead was all about the glorified single player. It also isn’t scared to show off as many swastikas as possible (seriously, count those flags in the Alps Chateau mission) unlike 2017’s wimpy excuse of a historical war game, Call Of Duty WWII.

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

I might have some nostalgic bias towards this particular installment in the franchise as it was one of the very first PC-games I got my hands on back in 2003. But in comparison to other first-person shooters released around the same time, this title holds up supringly well after all these years.

I feel like many of these early 2000’s first-person shooters have not aged particulary well, primairly when it comes down to the core gameplay loop, even if there is of course exceptions. And Call of Duty being one of them. Apart from the obvious graphical age, the game does feel very smooth in its general gunplay and movement. Although the AI is not the best, it does it’s job for the most part.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Call of Duty® on Steam

Ritual: Crown of Horns

Ritual: Crown of Horns

Summary: While Ritual may be in need of some quality of life improvements in certain areas, its fast-paced action-packed and strategic gameplay mixed with a metal soundtrack and varied weapons and abilities, create a difficult yet fun and engaging take on the Wild West. 8/10

A full detailed video review can be viewed here:


The writing is not a case of being a masterpiece but they certainly do the job, creating engagement and intrigue throughout. The characters bounce off each other reasonably well, with them often questioning each other or even outright annoying or teasing one another. It is unfortunate however that one doesn’t get nearly as much dialogue like that of the others, but regardless character design works. There is no mistaking the plot plays second to the gameplay in Ritual, never the less for those who are looking for a decent story in amongst all the carnage, there is an interesting one to be found here.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

When it comes to top-down shooters, nothing beats tangling it up with hordes of monsters and all you have a six-shooter and pure luck. These are the kind of games that are exciting, fast-paced, and 100% rage-inducing. Ritual: Crown of Horns, from small indie studio Draw Distance, checks all the boxes.

Stylistically, this is a nice looking game. The art style heightens the grim landscape that we find our protagonist, Daniel Goodchild in. The music, a bold mix of heavy raw guitar and western-inspired melodies, only adds to the chaos that we’re about to dive into. Unfortunately, those two important elements are sometimes not enough to ease the frustrating aiming system and the unnecessarily hard stages you must clear.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Ritual: Crown of Horns on Steam

The 7th Guest: 25th Anniversary Edition

The 7th Guest: 25th Anniversary Edition

Take this game for what it is… a snapshot in time from the early days of CD-ROM gaming. 7th Guest came out at a time when graphic realism and full motion video were cutting edge. Go into it acknowledging its place in the annals of video game history, and there is a good time to be had, for a short while at least. There are some clever puzzles scattered about.

Does the game hold up after all these years? In short, no. It’s a relic from a long forgotten and much maligned era. The visuals were certainly impressive for their time, but we’ve been spoiled heartily since then. What’s left at its core is a series of puzzles which are tame by today’s standards. The difficulty ranges from absurdly easy to absurdly difficult. However, the difficulty is mostly caused by a lack of context, particularly with the Skyscraper puzzle. Most of the puzzles have zero replay value once you’ve figured them out. The cut-scenes are poorly acted, which is on par for the early 90s. The point and click controls are a touch wonky, and there is a severe shortage of items you can actually interact with. The “action” is continually interrupted by voice overs, for some reason you must politely wait for Stauf to mock you (or move over and click the skip button) before you can click anything. The story feels arbitrary, which used to be forgivable because “WOW FMV”, but don’t go in expecting to be entertained it.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Yet another game I wish there was a neutral recommendation for. I’m giving this a thumbs up for the sheer fact that the original game itself was clearly a quality product and for this reason I feel I cannot give it a thumbs down. I can’t help but cynically view this edition, as a cash grab on what was originally a successful game. A way to remove the original from stores and jack the price up after labelling it as “remastered” while cashing in on the loyalty of fans to the title . You know, there’s this saying about ducks…if it walks and talks like one…

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

The 7th Guest: 25th Anniversary Edition on Steam