Fear Corporation

Fear Corporation

drop game no like

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Horror Games.

So I am re-reviewing this after it has been updated. The game has immensely improved with the changes. I was actually able to complete the whole game. The clown improvement has actually made the first part a lot more scary since he can pretty much pop up anywhere. For the second part I would say the statue would be more threatening if she moved faster but she did jump scare me a few times when I would turn around not expect her to be that close to me. Also the highlighted items allowed me to find how to proceed past that section. The last section was creepy for the first few minutes but grew a bit old pretty quick. Overall I think the game was fun in this new state and worth a play through plus the developer was willing to listen to the feedback and improve the game which is a big plus. I still think $10 is a bit on the high end of a price for this though but if you want to spend that much or if it’s on sale then go for it. If you want to see my first play through before the update you can check out my video below.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Fear Corporation on Steam



It really is a shame that this game doesn’t seem to be getting much attention. I think it is quite a hidden gem.

I really like the art style. All the character sprites just ooze personality. The only thing that bothers me a bit is that the idle animations in some cutscenes look a bit exaggerated, with some characters constantly headbanging for no reason. Less animation would have been more here. But I am willing to overlook that minor flaw because I just enjoy the style so much. Also, don’t let the cutesy look fool you. There are some really brutal scenes in this game.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Singleplayer Games.

It’s a good game where you play a bouncer hired by your maffia boss after being released from prison and no one else will give you a job, while all the while trying to stay on the straight and narrow and keep your bills paid. You have to check people coming into the night club for simple stuff to start with (dress code, ID, correct tickets, not under age, not drunk etc) but as things go along, you start getting extra requests and criteria to meet.

There’s a basic storyline. It doesn’t have many ways it can significantly branch from the linear storyline (so far the majority I tried don’t make a lot of difference or cause you to hit dead ends (sometimes literally.) So unless you enjoy the ticket checking side of things, replayability is limited. Checking tickets is fun and challenging for the first round, but does have threshold where it starts to lose its shine. (I kind of wish it was mixed up a bit with more variation.)

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

🧠 OUT OF THE BOX on Steam

Blair Witch VR

Blair Witch VR

My who family use the VR set but its easy for me, my brother and dad to find games, whoever, that’s not the case for my mum who prefers mystery and puzzle games but she liked the look of this and wanted to leave her comfort zone and to say the least we were all pleasantly surprised, the story is good and there’s plenty of times were were laughing at whoever was playing as they froze in place from being too scared.

You can for sure zoom past through the game but we take turn and take time to uncover everything we can, 13/17 chapters done with nearly 10 hours which was a nice surprise lengthwise.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best America Detective Games.

Do you like taking long walks in the woods with your dog and occasionally wetting your pants in sheer terror? Well then, have I got the game for you! Ok, so this is kind of a mixed bag but it’s a pretty good horror game for VR. Let’s talk pros and cons:

The Good:

It’s a pretty well-made game with great atmosphere. The first ~4 hours, in the woods, are about a 4/10 on the spookiness scale, atmospheric but nothing really scary, but the last ~2 hours, in the house, the spookiness gets cranked up to about 8/10 with bursts of 11/10. It was pretty intense in VR and I had to change my pants a few times… I also liked how the documents had a pop-out window for text that made them very easy to read. Reading text in VR is not always fun but this was a good and intuitive solution.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Blair Witch VR on Steam

Church of Stratum

Church of Stratum

The end of times is upon us, we must cast aside this land and embrace the land of past times if we are to one day walk in god’s new world.

So goes the speech the Church of Stratum cult repeated every day, until they all suddenly vanished over 40 years ago.

But now by accident you have just discovered their now abandoned underground bunker, make your way through the dilapidated hallways and discover the mystery of what caused the death of the entire bunker.

A story driven puzzle adventure game with a spooky atmosphere that does not have monsters or threats to the player.



    Explore a large section of the bunker and learn about those who called this place home.


    Solve puzzles to journy deeper into the bunker and uncover its secrets.


    Collect items used to solve puzzles. Find collectables hidden in the bunker.


    Open doors using a physics based pull and push system.

    Pick up objects, inspect them and then throw them around.


    The bunker was not always dilapidated, see what it looked like long ago before it fell.


    Lisen to behind the scenes info from the developer on aspects of the game and its development.

Church of Stratum on Steam

Millennium Atoll

Millennium Atoll

The idea is very nice and one can tell the effort it has been put on it, cool atmosphere.

But frankly, this game has no more than 40 minutes gameplay, it cannot be sold for the price it has. It is quite sad. It would be better to bundle it with other games. Or maybe I missed something?

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

I loved the characters and they stories, the main plot is super interesting.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Millennium Atoll on Steam



So I found this game in my qeue (a bit by surprise). And since I really like political-sim and strategy games, I decided to give it a try. Yes, it is really early access but under it’s surface is a good strategy game. You have to constantly run polls and ads, so you win over a state on several topics. But at the same time keep an eye on your money. First few turns took a bit of figuring out what to do, but after that I found the perfect strategy. Won my first game fairly easy with 430 - 108 electoral votes. I do hope they add more elements so there’s more gameplay.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Good game in development. A bit pricy for the state it is currently in now, but I trust that as updates come out and it leaves Early Access, the game will be higher quality. Definitley a good game if you’re into political stragety.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Electioneering on Steam



So the trailers are very honest about the kinds of things this game does that might need content warnings. Guns and blood and mental anguish and stuff. But I also kinda wanna warn people about one other thing this game does because it’s pretty unpleasant. It’s also like my favorite thing this game does so, idk, up to you if you wanna keep reading.

This game fucks with you. The pretentious way to say it would be to call Psycholonials a “challenging piece of art” which I think definitely applies but, you know, jerk off hand motion. I’m not a writer but I’ll try to find better ways to phrase this because… it’s complicated. It keeps doing this thing where it puts you on the defensive by saying something super iffy, but I think after playing the whole thing that I’ve settled on giving Hussie the benefit of the doubt that that’s intentional and making a point. It drops a lot of really big, really red flags but all of them have a more charitable reading that is good actually but requires a lot of unearned good faith reading on your part to see it.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Hi, sit down and bear with me. Keep in mind i have never felt the need to write a negative review to a game in my entire life. I am just sad.

This game is simply awful, just incredibly bad. There is nothing to like about anything except the music and SOME of the art. Jokes are bad, it’s just “2020 haha” moments and it’s boring. Seriously, i would never finish this if i played it alone, it’s not interesting. Bear with me, what is there to like about an edgy mental “celebrity” who destroys an entire country just BECAUSE? What’s to like about dumb conversations and just “oh, society is bad and i have the right to act like this because… i don’t know, i guess i can”. A lot of deaths occur simply because, too.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Psycholonials on Steam

Beat Defender

Beat Defender

My review may be biased due to my connection with the creator, however I feel confident saying that this game has the potential to become a great and very popular rhythm game. The premise is simple, and the game is quite simple to start learning. Personally I think the learning curve for the first few levels is just about right, requiring a bit of time to learn the basics, and to polish until the final level. Overall I would recommend the game to people that are looking for a new and interesting rhythm game, and especially so if the game continues to be developed.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Gaem gaem GAEMING!

The game follows a silent protagonist with no known name or history who slashes threats who try and invade homeless camps in the city. Other than that, the game has no real story (though I imagine that a story might be implemented later on.)

The game’s hybrid of rhythm and hack n slash makes the experience unique and enjoyable. However, there are times where the game felt cheap as there was a stun that didn’t allow me to move to another part of the map.

As for the final boss, he is 100% supa sick. However some of his indicators could be more visible as it took me a sew tries to understand what I was supposed to do.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Beat Defender on Steam

Red Embrace: Mezzanine

Red Embrace: Mezzanine

Red Embrace: Mezzanine is a short (~1 hour or even less) free visual novel with point-&click elements, 2 endings rewarded with 2 achs. Unfortunately, for now the game has limited features, so those achs won’t appear on steam profile((

I’m sure even if someone didn’t play Red Embrace or Red Embrace: Hollywood the game will be interesting enough. I have almost nothing to complain about: visuals are great, music is perfect to set that gloomy mood, the writing is so potent dragging you deep into that dark atmosphere. That’s really amazing how that short story, maybe not even the whole story but some kind of prologue for the future game, can awake such powerful emotions. Really impressive!

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

As usual, fine. As usual, there is a light sadness after passing the game. And not only because the story itself is sad, because it concerns loneliness, loss and hopelessness, but because it shows us what we dream about at some point. We all probably dreamed that on some day someone (and preferably some handsome guy) would offer us to change our lives. But this did not happen.

It’s very nice that the story echoes Red Embrace: Hollywood. I am very glad that I somehow found Argent Games.

Как обычно, прекрасно. Как обычно, после прохождения игры возникает легкая грусть. И не только потому, что сама история печальна, ведь она касается одиночества, потери и безнадежности, но и потому, что она показывает нам, о чем мы мечтаем в какой-то момент. Мы все, наверное, мечтали, что когда-нибудь кто-нибудь (и желательно какой-нибудь красавчик) предложит нам изменить нашу жизнь. Но этого не произошло.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Red Embrace: Mezzanine on Steam

The Climate Trail

The Climate Trail

‘Even if we were to stop putting out greenhouse gases right now, we’d still face decades of warming’ - Jamais Cascio

This is an Educational Awareness game that focuses on the Greenhouse Effect and the impact being made to the ozone layer - it sets a scenario where society has collapsed as we know it today and sets you on a survival resource trail.

If this isn’t your type of game (or you avoid resource management like I usually do!) it’s a free choice!

William Volk has created a free-play game based around the mechanics of The Oregon Trail yet placing the player into a scenario where Global Warming has caused the Oceans to rise causing countries (or States in this case) to be flooded. This has devastated society to the point a new currency of trade is in use and we see the only way to survive is to abandon the flooded regions and head to higher grounds.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

This is a really great game to remind us all of how well and truly hosed we are, if we can’t get global warming under control. Played to the end and, and didn’t regret it. (A bit boring or grindy at times, but that’s far overshadowed by the existential horror of our planet’s current tragectory. Oof.) Definitely worth playing! :)

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Climate Trail on Steam