Wooden House

Wooden House

For this review I will talk about my reviews.

I am none-native english speaker and I use steam review to practice my english. It generally worked out for me and I even have a few small review fans that like to read them. Which made me very happy. I feel bad that a lot of my spelling and grammer is bad but I don’t overly concerned to fix every single one of them because i am not selling my review for money.

This game however is selling for money on steam. Very well made small indie horror game by a none-native developer that put in a lot work for the enviroment, music, sound effect and terrible english.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ambient Short Games.

GDNomad strikes yet again, with another really bad horror game.


You play as a man who wants to get away from every day life and decides to take a retreat to their new home, but after a night there you notice there’s some spooky things going on and that’s where the story kicks off.

The story is atrocious and is insanely hard to follow and you barely know what’s going on, because of the most notorious staple of GDNomads games, THE BROKEN ENGLISH. Pretty much every sentence written has poor english grammar that makes it hard to actually understand what is going on.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Wooden House on Steam



I don’t think a lot of people don’t see the value in Mountain, and when people do they tend to simply overcomplicate the game for what it is. It’s not meant to be a ‘game’ exactly. The developers of the game purposefully say this originally: “Leave it open - it’s designed to run in the periphery of your life. Only interact with it when you feel like it. You can play Mountain while playing other games. If you are not playing it, it will play itself. “. Again Mountain is just mean to be left open and you can return to it when you feel like it. You might not see the aspect of it originally but you can find it later… hopefully. But then again, what are the standards of a ‘game’? Are we to simply segregate Mountain simply because it is possibly outside of the norm? On the contrary! Different experiences lead to different viewpoints which make you more open-minded. So can people truly state that Mountain is not a game but a screensaver? There are many ways to view Mountain and seeing it as a screensaver is one of the more popular demoralizing viewpoints to which many have so acquired. So one can only view Mountain as simply a standalone and not compare it to more contemporary issues. Or one can compare it but by doing so one loses the face value of the game itself. I think I’ve settled for now the dispute that this ‘game’ might be a screensaver or simply not a ‘game’ at all.

Real player with 25831.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ambient Indie Games.

I don’t really play video games. An old shoulder injury prevents me from manipulating a mouse at a computer for longer than what is required for work. A few weeks ago, I herniated a disc in my spine and was bedridden for several days. I discovered Mountain. A video game with no controls. Initially, I had the same reaction as everyone else. Neat, a pet rock to check in on occasionally with calm music and ambient sounds! Perfect!

But unlike everyone else, I kept Mountain up at the forefront of my computer screen while I knitted and listened to podcasts. I interacted with Mountain a lot. I spoke to it, cared after it like it was a plant. After 30+ hours of game play, I realized that this game actually has a few delightful little secrets.

! You actually do have some control in this game. The objects that land can be rearranged and moved by clicking and holding on them. But if you move an object too many times in a row, it can be lost, and too many lost items makes Mountain depressed. You can also literally shake off clouds. Mountain is intuitive to your interactions with it. The more you click on it, the more positive and happy the thoughts are. I once was rearranging objects and moving and clicking around for a solid 15 minutes and Mountain’s response was, “I’m a total babe.” Another time, I was rearranging objects and lost a cool item, so I closed out and reopened to the last save, and it responded with, “Wasn’t I just here?”

Real player with 95.7 hrs in game

Mountain on Steam