Christmas day

Christmas day

literally just a room with little interactivity.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ambient Relaxing Games.

I like the idea of a realtively simple interactive Christmas scene for the holidays – which is what led me to search for one, and I found this. It looked relatively nice, but in practise this plays like someone’s first attempt at an interactive UnrealEngine 4 scene. No control settings, so you can’t invert the mouse Y (annoying) and there’s just some weirdness about it, like the way shadows move in a pronounced fashion on the wall with no obvious source, the way you can pick things up but they don’t rotate smoothly when you move the mouse, or the way your character seems to constantly sway like she’s already drunk on nog. There’s little interactivity –you can turn floor lamps on and off (but not ceiling lights), and pick up presents and cookies and rotate them around, and that’s about it. I didn’t really expect much interactivity, but what there is is not worth doing because of the odd way it’s handled. This might be worth revisiting if the author decides to update with some improvements, but as it stands this is basically someone’s early UE4 test project and not worth paying for, even on sale.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Christmas day on Steam

Elder Puzzle

Elder Puzzle

Let me start off by saying, the achievement Level 11 is glitched. Even after completing every level I still can’t get it to pop so that is a little annoying. However, the game is actually pretty fun. The puzzles don’t take too long but they are quite enjoyable and well put together. The game is rather short but is pretty fun for $0.50 or $1.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ambient 2D Games.

Elder Puzzle is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template or using a game construction kit, and changing a few things. In this case it was a game construction kit/template for doing a simple jigsaw puzzle game with retro pixel “art” pictures.

This is deplorably low quality bundle trash. No professional effort was made in terms of game development, copying a template/using a game construction kit requires no talent, and unsurprisingly produces products that have little to no value as games, especially when compared to the work of professional developers who create genuine products for gamers. It’s almost as bad as an outright asset flip.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Elder Puzzle on Steam



I usually play puzzle games to relax after work.

This game is amazing. It’s both really calming and aesthetic in every way. The music and scenery is really original and both perfectly complement each other.

The tutorials are easy to follow and intuitive, so both children and adults can play and enjoy.

I find gameplay is a great experience overall and so far (I have yet to finish it) the difficulty is a perfect ramp up for where you are in the game. Showing mechanics as you progress in a slow and understanding fashion.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Ambient Indie Games.

Loved it!

Good puzzles, but not too hard. So it’s one of those rare games that can give you a challenge, but you can actually beat it!

I love short games that don’t waste my time, and don’t have bugs.

This is why I love indie games.

Also amazing soundtrack. Spotify when??

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Bloat on Steam

DeepStates [VR]

DeepStates [VR]

(Received this for free thanks to the thoughtful developer, after I provided a bunch of feedback during the ‘beta’. I had been planning to buy this on release and I think the asking price is just right!).

Absolutely stunning (highly realistic) environmental beauty, not just in visual fidelity but in sound, space, and spirit.

I’ve played and enjoyed a variety of ‘environment’ apps in VR, and none of them have impacted me like this. I’m on the Reverb G2, and these spaces feel so incredibly real I almost cried just looking out at the stars and moon from the desert landscape.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

This is a great vr experience, my favorite worlds were the planet and the time lapse area. The guided meditation worked surprisingly well, especially with the humming interaction, that was awesome. The mixing of the voice kind of knocked me out of it though the more I heard it. I feel like it’s too present, too much low end EQ and not enough verb. It sounds like someone speaking right next to your ear when it might be more comfortable for it to sound like it’s coming from the heavens. And maybe some gentle effect that quickly ramps up into the voice to let you know you’re about to hear it so it’s less alarming when it starts. Comfort adjustments worked great, the strobing effect was super intense (which is a good thing, I’d rather have effects like that come in strong and be able to dial them back with settings). Great work, this is awesome and I look forward to what worlds you build next.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

DeepStates [VR] on Steam

Tiny Bubbles

Tiny Bubbles

Tiny Bubbles is a world class casual puzzle game. It’s a joy to play each moment because the physics are so robust, and it still manages to be a genuine challenge. I love how the mechanics are loose enough to where you straight up have to quickly finesse the physics sometimes to beat the level, or you can take your time and megamind it. Add the “Nick’s Praise Award” to your giant award cabinet.

Real player with 50.8 hrs in game

Tiny Bubbles is one of those puzzle games that is mesmerizingly beautiful and zen to play.

I loved the beautiful sounds and peacefully balanced levels. I could enjoy mastering the challenges without having the cognitive overhead of a complicated UI often found in other puzzle games.

Everything was very intuitive. Actions primarily were fill colors and break barriers to merge liquid into a larger surface area.

I could play this game for hours. It helps me relax when stressed.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Tiny Bubbles on Steam



edit: every issue got fixed (undo, back to menu, windowed mode), so flipped the review to positive.

schematic is all about turning on lights, much like turn on the light . in this case, both black and gray energy has to reach each lamp, at which point they’ll excuse themselves from the circuit. that’s the general idea, though there are a few other mechanics, like fuses that disappear if they don’t get energy from either end, but their removal is not a win condition. in fact, their presence is often crucial for solving a level.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

A simple puzzle game. Can get a little frustrating at times but solving makes it all better

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Schematic on Steam



At some point, when you’re far along in terms of earned points and don’t want the particular run to end, it becomes less Relaxicon and a bit more Concentraticon and even Tensicon. Mainly, though, it is a simple, fairly easy and relaxing way to pass the time and work your brain and language skills. I really like the very detailed dictionary-based explanation of each applied word. It’s especially good for those learning the language - or just wanting to broaden their vocabulary.

Much recommended!

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game


  • Minimalist word game with great “feel” and responsiveness. Elements pop, float, and drift with natural animations.

  • Gameplay is straightforward and self-explanatory. Like Scrabble or Boggle, it maintains its longevity through simplicity. Longer words score higher. Varied words prevent hitting the “same letter limit.”


  • Dictionary is inconsistent. Sometimes word forms like past-participles, adverbs, and gerunds are allowed. Other times they are not. It all depends on whether the specific word is arbitrarily in the accepted word list or not. This becomes a problem when you’re at risk of a letter-limit game-over or fail a “minimum word length” challenge because you can’t add a -ing, -ous, or -tten suffix.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Relaxicon on Steam




Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Pretty decent puzzle game. Mechanics are very simple; just move a robot with the arrow keys, and help it push a crate to the opening in the floor. Took me about an hour-and-a-half to get through all 60 levels. The great part is, there’s still playability afterwards, being able to make your own puzzles and uploading for the world to share! It could benefit from having a simple tutorial, as well as the ability to change the background color, but still pretty good nonetheless.

Native Linux support!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Roboggled on Steam



Cats are wonderful creatures but you better not put them together without proper introduction. So, plan ahead to display them in the right order so they get along!

• Relaxing experience

• Classic sudoku with cats

• 4x4, 6x6 and 9x9 puzzles

• Customizable grid/background

• You can change cats/numbers anytime

Sudocats on Steam



I purchased this game a few day’s ago and I was immediately drawn to the gameplay. For someone who enjoy’s a lot of puzzle games, this was a good pass-time to play for a few hours at a time. The levels does continuously get harder and focus more on the problem solving. I definitely recommend the game for those who like to give your brain a small challenge.

Real player with 62.2 hrs in game

Edit– Just beat it- Was a fantastic game– Looking forward for future content. Honestly- For the price this game is well worth the 8 bucks I paid for this and they plan on adding more content.

Really simple and relaxing game, kinda like that water pipe game. It does get challenging.

Ran into some bugs and a level issue, devs got back to me personally, which felt odd– Reflecting on it, it kinda made me think this is what early access is really about. Homie said he would fix and update the game quickly. Felt like the dude was personally making me a video game– It was odd, but, hell… These are the kinda devs I want to support.

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Linklight on Steam