World War Zero

World War Zero

It’s really cool to see this on Steam since back in the day the PC CD version was only ever sold in the UK. I played Iron Storm 20 years ago but never got a chance to play this game until now. Anyway, World War Zero is a 2004 Playstation 2 port of the 2002 PC game Iron Storm, but so many changes were made that it feels like almost an entirely different game, with only the basic level layout and story being the same.

It feels like a very typical “average” console FPS of the time period; overall feel is extremely similar to games like Warhammer 40k Fire Warrior, Red Faction 2, Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death, Killzone 1, etc. Gameplay is run-and-gun with no aim-down-sights, there is a little bit of sidepath exploration for extra ammo but overall levels are straightforward and linear, enemy behavior is mostly just run into line-of-sight, then stand still and shoot at you.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Singleplayer Games.

A fun mindless shooter that literally is BF1 before BF because everyone is using modern warfare type weapons and equipment. Diesel punk future more or less, but you play as the bad guys who literally “float armies on the stock market” against Ugenberg who surpressed the Bolsheviks which inadvertently stops WW2 but instead culminates to a long 60 year war and they try to pull a “humanity good war is pointless” which makes sense for that time but comes off as hollow because it’s forcing WW1 to have an obvious good guy bad guy cliche at the same time. And when you know the history it’s a bit more depressing, fun but meh. Also, the last boss is a pain, since you don’t get directions to anywhere just objectives and a map to wander in (like all old school games like that), you may have trouble finding it but there’s a Buddha statue and an elevator on the 2nd floor that you don’t even know is there. The boss is just a pain, you have to exploit his slow walking and stupidity because his minigun chews through you and anything blocking it, so just walk him to the boxes on the left via the alleyway and chuck grenades and whatnot over till he dies.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

World War Zero on Steam

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot

Half-Cooked for Wolfenstein and VR Fans Alike

I think I had realistic expectations for Cyberpilot. I could tell from the lack of coverage this was one of those obligatory VR spinoffs just so a franchise has some representation in the VR marketplace. It wasn’t going to be anything great but I love VR and I love Wolfenstein so I figured there’d be enough novelty to satisfy me. I was expecting something similar to Batman: Arkham VR, where there’s a very short adventure simulating some (but not many) of the franchises iconic moments in VR and then you get some virtual toys to play around with.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Singleplayer Games.

Experienced on the Oculus Rift with Touch Controllers

You can view my review & gameplay here:

I bought this game from a 3rd party website for 12% off the normal price of $19.99 USD. Whole game took me 3 hours to complete. I spent at least 30 of those minutes just getting around the bugs that I encountered during my gameplay.

Overall, I would say the game is rather mediocre. There’s nothing that really stands out about the title or the VR implementation. It’s rather surprising this effort comes from a Triple A publisher like Bethesda. I would rather they had spent the money they wasted on this project have gone into converting some of their older titles into VR. It would have been a much better investment for Zenimax.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot on Steam

Greenwood the Last Ritual

Greenwood the Last Ritual

Starting as an investigation plot with mystic elements and magic the game takes an unpleasant

! supposedly devotional turn. The player ends with

! unknowingly helping a destructive god in his cruel apocalypse. As is insinuated in found scrolls and conversations, mankind has committed a severe sin in trying to avoid being slaughered instead of just letting it happen. This is, what the player is meant put “right”. The meager story is quite linear, I did not find any way to change this pitiable course of action.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game


  • dark and creepy atmosphere

  • intriguing horror story

  • easy, enjoyable puzzles and quests

  • big map with many different regions for exploration

  • game is not short

  • game is cheap

  • graphics looks nice


  • pixel hunting

  • bad and clunky Diablo type mouse controls

  • repetetive and frequent paranormal attacks and quicktime-events halts gameplay. it’s getting tedious after a while.

  • very long loading time when starting the game

  • can’t manually save - only auto save

  • frustrating final puzzle.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Greenwood the Last Ritual on Steam

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Killing Nazis is very satisfying, and this game doesn’t fail to deliver.

Quite similar to the first one (which for me is a big plus, as I liked it a lot as well), with a couple of new features (

! contraptions, side quests, enigma machine etc.).

What I liked:

  • variety of locations;

  • memorable characters;

  • satisfying shooting and combat mechanics;

  • story is alright;

  • enemies are OK animation- and AI-wise;

  • possibility of different playstyles and approaches (I prefer stealth, and here it’s implemented nicely);

Real player with 52.3 hrs in game

“Come and f******* get me you white ass nazi pigs!” and the white supremacist father make this too much for me. Yeah, the cringe is strong with this one. Couldn’t help but think this was in response to the sitting president when this was made. Irregardless, this is just a copy paste of the last game with a side of politics and weak story sprinkled in. I don’t know how you can screw this game up, but they managed it somehow.

Real player with 36.1 hrs in game

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus on Steam

Anti Zombie AI - Tower Defense (Azai - TD)

Anti Zombie AI - Tower Defense (Azai - TD)

Here is what I like about this game:

Story - interesting

Balance - you can’t just let your turret do all the work, you have to put an effort as well.

Gameplay - it is decent

What I don’t like about it:

Controlls - takes time to figure it out

  • only W to move character around, and he also follows where mouse is.

Overall, not bad, fun little game.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

This game is a load of fun so far, very simple design which leads to first assuming the game is going to be rather easy. After a few times of playing you soon realize that the zombie waves are indeed randomly generated so you never really know what you are going to be up against, allowing for some decent replayability as well as a consistent challenge throughout the game.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Anti Zombie AI - Tower Defense (Azai - TD) on Steam



Very cute but super short, you can easily 100% BVB! in under 10 minutes without even working at it. The bear model is very nicely animated, he blinks and narrows his eyes along with some teeth gnashing as the enemy soldiers get closer to him. Recovering health is as simple as drinking a bottle of vodka and having a balalaika session.

The enemy AI is somewhat aimbot-like, so seeking some elevation is the best way to stay alive and kill between 80 and 90 of them in one session without dying should you be seeking the achievements. The enemy waves are endless so you can play as long as you like, plus there’s a functioning global leaderboard if you’re into that style of play.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Государственный гимн Советского Союза playing in the main menu — check.

Bear protagonist — check.

AK assault rifle with infinite ammo, obviously — check.

Drinking vodka for health without getting cirrhosis or Korsakoff’s syndrome — check.

Dummy Nazi antagonists shooting themselves, reminding the Red Army’s superiority over the

Third Reich’s military incompetence — check.

Playing a balalaika as a useless animation — check.

Катюша playing at the start of the “game” only once, leaving you without music during the rest of your “epic run” — check.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game


Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

In fact, I resisted Youngblood from the start. Since I had to take a break because of Covid and had a lot of time, I thought to myself, well, it’s Wolfenstein, it can’t be that bad, can it?

Yes, it is bad, unfortunately 😒

In itself, it’s actually a decent shooter with a few RGP elements. But the game gets boring just as quickly.

Instead of exciting missions in special locations such as the New Order lunar base or a regime film set in The New Colossus, you mainly run through the repetitive streets of Paris and rattle off small mission objectives. That’s why the main story is completely finished in about 10 hours.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

You can see what they were trying to do with this one.

They took the Wolfenstein engine, added two player co-op, and make the game infinitely replayable by having a few areas repopulate ala RPG-style, and added RPG-like elements to the game.

It sort of works - but as the side missions reuse the maps endlessly in fetch quests, you really retread a lot of the same ground. After a while the game areas become very repetitive and grindy, and somewhat pointless because you know the game has simply been padded out. This just wears out the replayability, especially since you’ll have to do the side-quests in order to level up to finish the main quest - but then the story isn’t that interesting either.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Wolfenstein: Youngblood on Steam

Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance

Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance

I can’t belive this game is in Steam! My first hack and slash game of my childhood

Good story, gore combat, finishers, weapon upgrades, variety of enemies, etc

And not only that, they added trading cards and achievements so it’s more enjoyable

The negative thing is that mouse players are fu*ked. There is no support for mouse. It seems like the company who decided to re-launch this old title (Acclaim entertainment was the original developer) is forcing you to buy a controller lol. I remember playing this game back in 2003 with mouse without problems

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

I hate the controls, I can barely change them. I´m a WASD player, I cannot play well with the arrows.

UPDATE: I managed to change the arrows to WASD, but no mouse for the attacks. I assigned other keys for the attacks. It´s playable now, anyway.

I only wish the movement vectors were attached to my view, not the gladiator´s (much like in drones, where you can choose which vector the drone will obey). For example, if the character is facing left, and I want him to keep going left, I have to press forward, not left. It´s annoying. Sometimes, in the middle of a huge brawl, it´s very hard to make the gladiator go the direction I want.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance on Steam

The Church in the Darkness ™

The Church in the Darkness ™

A quick look at gameplay from THE CHURCH IN THE DARKNESS and analysis.

In it you’re trying to track down your nephew who joined a Cult and relocated with them to their own new “utopia” in the Jungle to become entirely self-sufficient. With the help of a number of sympathetic members and other oppressed cult members, you’ve got to locate him and make your way out of the camp before disaster of the usual paranoid “lets all die together” type occurs. Now, most people take that to be “drink the koolaid” voluntary sheep-to-slaughter mindlessness. Though the very premise of TCINTD shows that its certainly not all like that, with many who clearly don’t want to be there anymore, let alone die for the place. The “true story” of any death-cult isn’t of masses killing themselves blindly, it'’s how a concentration of power in the most deluded and devoted drags the rest into their graves with a mass-murder majority the minority is hopeless to defy.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

I’ve actually been following the development of The Church in the Darkness for a few years now, so I was glad to see it release and snapped up a copy quickly. You can pretty much look at the product page and have a decent grasp for what this game is about, but I’ll go into my experience a bit regardless.


You play as Vic, an ex law enforcement agent asked by his sister to sneak into the compound of a cult called Collective Justice Mission, led by Isaac and Rebecca Walker, to check on your nephew Alex who has joined and been living with the cult without outside contact for two years. This is about as far as the story gets without deviating based on a set of different preacher personalities that can have Isaac and/or Rebecca genuinely trying to provide a peaceful life for the cult members to wanting to watch the whole world burn.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

The Church in the Darkness ™ on Steam



Rauniot is an isometric post-apocalyptic point and click adventure game full of intriguing puzzles with classic gameplay elements. Story takes place to beautiful and detailed environments in Northern Finland.

In year 1975 massive nature catastrophe pushed civilization over the edge.

Riots, massive conflicts and wars occurred. Once so glorious and powerful human race really lost it good.

Main continents were drowned by seas. Heavy amounts of pollution spread around from collapsed nuclear power plants and -warheads. Not many survived from those deadly times.

Children born mutated or dead taking their mothers with them. Fathers walking alone in bitterness and sorrow driven to cannibalism as food resources slowly ran out. In this sad new world nature and man are trying to survive and find balance.

Still some individuals manage to trust one another just enough to establish groups providing protection, food, clean water, medicine, electricity and knowledge for better life.

Aino is one of those lucky ones to be part of a group. But it can be one hard job in this world. Giving everything you’ve got in dangerous journeys and tasks prevents one to be isolated.

Rauniot on Steam