

Manage a sundry store and expand your areas of expertise until you become a multinational of commodities and durable goods, and become the richest in the world.

Read More: Best Alternate History Fast-Paced Games.

Dismantler on Steam

Red Button

Red Button

fun short

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Military Games.

usa are cracked

add more stuff

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Red Button on Steam



Absolutely amazing game! I loved every second of it. The game play is smooth and fun, and the characters as well as the story are very beautifully written. I highly recommend giving this game a try!

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Lore-Rich Games.

Finishing Fleshport took me about 9 hours, but I’m very slow and check every detail twice. This game had me hooked from beginning to end. Even with the small RPG Maker window size, I had the feeling that I was traversing through some supernatural landscape with its own people and customs. The characters are both unsettling and charming.

The design in some parts of the game are confusing, with doors that are hard to notice and details that are easy to miss. There was one puzzle in particular I could only figure out after interacting with every object and smooshing my face against every wall. There are also some bugs, especially with the chase mechanics, but nothing game-breaking. I fully recommend this weird, weird game.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Fleshport on Steam

Not Tonight 2

Not Tonight 2

Immigration Enforcement Case #112: You are under arrest. Unless your friends can cross a broken America, retrieve your identifying documents and stay out of trouble… this is the end of the American dream for you.

In an alternative broken America, where capitalism and political greed have taken center stage, your friend has gone missing. Snatched during a protest, Eduardo Suarez has been seized by the authorities, and now sits ready for processing in the Miami gulag.

Not Tonight 2 is an American document-checking road trip, fusing a time-pressure RPG with a politically charged, dark comedy where every decision matters. Will Eduardo’s friends Malik, Kevin and Mari manage to locate and deliver his documents to Miami in time, or is this the end of the American dream?

  • Three branching stories, written by a team of POC authors

  • Make your way across America, making terrifying decisions along the way

  • Work the doors of clubs, churches, race tracks, casinos, and cults

  • Check IDS, while completing a variety of silly, poignant minigames

  • Rhythm games, word association, serving burgers, assessing religion, checking chickens, and more

Not Tonight 2 on Steam

Not Tonight

Not Tonight

If you liked papers please you’re gonna love this game. Its the same concept of looking at papers and deciding whether they should pass, but as difficult as papers please was. (sorry my review will contain a lot of comparisons with papers please) Instead of working at one place you will work in many beautiful and interesting stations each with an interesting manager/boss. Each station will have different working requirements, some have 3 lines you will have to watch and let people through from and from as much as i’ve played you can get up to 4 sheets to check which creates a really hard game, and you will even have to check things like contraband and dress code. The game will guilt you into letting people in, you will also be bribed, there’s a resistance you could support and you can sell drugs/candy (still not sure) for extra cash.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Survive a oppressive world in this enjoyable Papers, Please-esque

Developed by PanicBarn, Not Tonight took place in an alternate history; a Post-Brexit United Kingdom specifically where citizens that are of European heritage (known as Euros) are constantly being oppressed by the government. You play as citizen #112, another ‘filthy Euro’ just waiting to be deported to your original country. Your goal is simple: avoid your inevitable fate, any means necessary.


As mentioned before, the game overall structure is similar to the much more well-known Papers, Please. In other words, a lot of micromanagement gameplay. As #112, you’ll be working as a bouncer for a multitude of different locales, ranging from nightclubs to drinking pubs to the London Wall itself. Your job is to supervise the entrance and decide whether the customers are allowed to enter or not. Or whether they deserved it or not.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Not Tonight on Steam

Nott Longa

Nott Longa

Such a unique narrative game, the closest thing I can compare it is something like ‘Doll’ by Braisque, it has that gloomy theme to it with philosophical vibes and many strange characters, but with a pretty unique story, something about the game world being a purgatory, a metaphor for being stuck in a nostalgia perhaps, unless maybe I missed the point. Sadly there seem to be a few translation issues, some intentional, some probably not, it’s hard to say because the game uses glitchy dialogue for the immersion. I was about to write a very positive review for this game, but then it softlocked near the end, and being a narrative game that nobody plays, I can’t even look it up, not to mention it leaves me without an important part to reflect on this experience (I liked the story, I still want to see the #$#$ ending though). I guess I could replay it, it’s not very long once you know all the answers to the tricky puzzles, about 2 to 3 hours with no hints, not that any were available when I needed them, but some of the puzzles were pretty creative, like you might have to do things outside of the game, cough cough. It’s one of those ‘cerebral’ games if you know what I mean, weird narrative, strange world, very atmospheric, maybe even experimental to some extent, it has a certain level of escapism which I really enjoy.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Absolute solid game for the bit i’ve played so far.

I’m going to continue to play more of it and keep updated.

I love the atmosphere and just everything about it.

It’s very unsettling. You go around doing quests for the people for those who have been sucked into the video game, which now is forever their norm day by day home since they can no longer escape from it, and eventually then turn to ghosts.

I can’t stress enough how wonderful this game is.

It’s like nothing i’ve played before.

Psychedelic and philosophical.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Nott Longa on Steam

Crowalt: Traces of the Lost Colony - Prologue

Crowalt: Traces of the Lost Colony - Prologue

Beautiful, creative game. I had fun playing, I’ve been following the team for a while, I’m sure the game will improve.

Sounds are really professional, I would even buy some of them to listen all day long.

In my hands our main character would definitely get pneumonia.

Also we won’t get along with the eagle in the main menu of the game, when I try to pet his head, he is turning his head :( … maybe he is trying to tell me something… maybe we will see that in the next episode… I’m very excited.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Interesting enough, it has the potential to be a solid point-and-click adventure game if the story’s done proper. There are a few issues though, mainly the grammar. There are a good number of grammatical errors. Misspellings, (not mentioning the pirates), odd spacing between letters, even a line of dialogue where an S is on the wrong word where it was meant to be at the end of the previous word.

I’m not trying to sound like a grammar freak, it’s just since text is the main way the game communicates with the player, it’s gotta be solid for it to stick. It honestly feels like they ran the text through Google Translate, or maybe a less experienced translator working on the English text?

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Crowalt: Traces of the Lost Colony - Prologue on Steam

Helium Electric

Helium Electric

A brief introduction

The story is set in the Cold War of the 1980s, in which humanity was blindly drawn into the Cold War without realizing that this insane endeavor was causing a shortage of resources. Until it came to a near standstill.

Corporations took control of the action and found new ways to supply the world with necessities. The Cold War became more and more a corporate struggle. Over time, one company proved particularly successful.

Helium Electric had found a way to mine helium on the moon and convert it to electricity on Earth. Earth’s future seemed assured, but at a very high price….


Helium Electric is a hard strategy game in which the player finds himself alone in a Moon station and has the mission to extract helium.

The goal is to achieve the highest possible helium mining rate and you are free to decide how to manage the station.

Depending on the amount of helium extracted, you get a daily payment to support your family and friends on Earth.

If you don’t, your relatives will suffer, your stress level will increase, and your mental health will decrease.

Once the player has reached a total helium mining amount of 25 tons, the contract with the Helium Electric corporation has been fulfilled and you can count on a position in the corporation if you perform well.

However, in order to achieve this goal, the player’s physical and mental health must be kept in mind. You are alone in the station and no one can help you.


The technology at your command is the latest from 1986.

The game is controlled with the dashboard by either entering commands with the mouse or keyboard. Several unmanned vehicles are coordinated and you only have a certain amount of time per day before the daily dose of radioactive radiation becomes too high.

There are:

  • 6 harvesters - Extraction of raw helium from Moon dust

  • 1 drone - Scan helium concentration, vehicles and the station

  • 1 recovery vehicle - Tow surface vehicles in the event of a failure

  • 2 satellites - Scan Moon surface and vehicle movement

After a work day you have the possibility to retreat to a recovery room below the lunar surface. Furthermore there is a communication system at your command. Of course all extra expenses will be charged.

It is up to you to complete the mission successfully.

Helium Electric on Steam



Build 1.1.6 review

This is an Indiana Jones (Temple of Doom/ Raiders of the Lost Ark) inspired role play tactics game that is suitable for players relatively new to tactical games. This is because each skirmish is generally resolved within 5 minutes. The adventure itself can last an hour or so depending on your choices and the number of sectors (maps) assigned to that adventure. Each adventure sector will always start and end at defined locations, but the possible routes are always procedurally generated. You can save after any encounter has been resolved.

Real player with 104.5 hrs in game


Pathway is a turn-based rogue-like that takes its core mechanics inspired by the Xcom series and its art style and story inspired by Indiana Jones. Neither of these hinders the game because it’s not original, in fact these two combined work well together. Though the rogue-like elements don’t suit the strategic and cautious gameplay style very well and overall it makes the game more repetitive and frustrating than it needs to be.


• 16 unique characters all with their unique abilities, skills, perks, and personalities

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Pathway on Steam

Chronicles of Sarval: Bridges of Koni

Chronicles of Sarval: Bridges of Koni

The game positively surprised me, the best aspects are:

GAMEPLAY: very simple and intuitive

CHALLENGE: innovative and different because combine the 2D arcade adventure with a simple puzzle.

SOUND: very well crafted and takes the player into a complete immersion

PLOT: complete, makes the player curious to reach the end of the game.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Great game, it made me nostalgic with this game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Chronicles of Sarval: Bridges of Koni on Steam