BATTLESCAR: Punk Was Invented By Girls

BATTLESCAR: Punk Was Invented By Girls

Got it for 56 cents as a part of a bundle. Still got disappointed.

To be fair, it is well executed in terms of visual storytelling and cinematography. Some really creative sets there!

Unfortunately, these can’t do much if the narrative and the main characters are bland and uninteresting. The abrupt and undercooked ending made the already underwhelming story - a complete waste of time for me.

Also, it is an oculus exclusive, has a good amount of gender politics at its core, and if your chapter gets interrupted, like USB disconnection (thanks AMD) you need to suffer through the whole chapter without the option to skip forward.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Singleplayer Games.

As a VR artist, I really enjoyed this experience. It is quite daring in terms of the format of narrative and also mixing a kind of “book” feel into the VR aesthetic. I would recommend it for any VR artists as a source of inspiration.

The story is not the best however, a bit tacky and shallow but still enjoyable.

Disappointed that it took much longer to get on Steam than on Oculus Store and also that they only support Oculus headsets, especially since there are almost no interactions (any?), so it’s not like supporting controllers of other headsets would’ve been difficult.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

BATTLESCAR: Punk Was Invented By Girls on Steam



Carperation is a racing game with item and unique ability for each vehicle. Players can use different items or ability to win: not only can you boost yourself, you can also interrupt your opponents with different featured items and attack them! In the game, there are a lot of Hong Kong styled vehicles, such as taxi, jumbo taxi, rickshaw, three-wheeled ice cream bike, etc. Their unique ability can be utilized for defending, hacking, attack, etc. Split-screen and controller are supported. The game is very suitable for playing with friends, family and relatives, especially during party and festival.

Hongkongese (香港)

Carperation 係一個可以用道具同特殊能力嘅賽車遊戲。運用唔同嘅道具加上部車自身嘅特殊能力係比賽入面勝出。除咗可以幫自己加速之外,仲可以妨礙同影響對手。遊戲入面有好多唔同帶有香港特色既車可以揀,例如珍寶的士,人力車,三輪雪糕車。佢哋各自都有唔同嘅特殊能力,有防守嘅,有攻擊嘅,有干擾嘅,仲有更多。而且遊戲支援分割畫面同手制,非常適合party同節慶嗰陣同親朋戚友一齊玩。

Read More: Best Alternate History Modern Games.

Carperation on Steam

clown town 1443

clown town 1443

I’m just gonna say it, I honestly expected a lot worse going into this.

But I’m glad to say that this game certainly didn’t disappoint. Taking inspiration from the classic era of flash games, this game follows a well-established formula with a few extra strings attached. Simple but challenging, short and sweet, it is definitely worth picking up.

While the graphics in some aspects may be somewhat crude, it adds so much to the overall charm the game brings. The gameplay is solid and enjoyable, as physics are used very well to give the car a sense of weight and velocity. Although it is only 10 levels long for the main game, it can be very challenging at times. Especially with the 10 bonus levels you get from getting a high enough score in the endless mode.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Physics Games.

I bought clown town 1443 because the developer was in a random unrelated Twitch stream dropping Steam keys out of nowhere. That kind of guerrilla marketing appealed to me and so I decided to purchase the game instead, and that isn’t just me coping for not being fast enough to snag one of the keys despite how generous the developer was in giving them.

As a big Friday Night Funkin' appreciator I have a soft spot for games that are basically love letters to Flash classics, and this game is very clearly wearing its Trials influences on its sleeve. There’s a bit more to it than just a straight clone, as this game features a bit more depth to its mechanics, such as a heat bar that must be managed. You’re free to bump around generally as much as you want, but if you overheat from too much acceleration you temporarily lose control of your vehicle. Crash in this state, and you’ll have to restart the level again.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

clown town 1443 on Steam



My Opinion is sooo 50/50

Atmospheric with a creepy vibe! Scary bits in there too-

Just check the Screenshots and when you think you like the style buy it

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Good Game! Atmospheric with a creepy vibe! Scary bits in there too- would recommend!

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Deceased on Steam