Great Battles of Carolus XII

Great Battles of Carolus XII


  • simple graphics

  • easy to learn, hard to master

  • price

  • easy concept, for me better than Great Battles


  • no settings (music disable, resolution settings, nothing)

  • no save function - if you have no more time or game crash you have no chance to continue battle

  • no minimap

  • only a little content

  • no army builder

  • no “undo movement” button

  • no “next unit” button

  • infantry and grenadiers looks the same


  • after winning battle “Continue” button does not work

Conclusion 6/10. It is fun for 5 Euro, but missing some basic functions.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Historical Games.

This game is great! It is easy to learn and simple but very engaging! I will spread the word and with you all the luck in its success!

Please play this game, folks!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Great Battles of Carolus XII on Steam



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A game that borrows inspiration from the roguelike and survival genre alike and puts you in an instant fight for survival against mysterious creatures, starvation, insanity and more.

Be prepared to fail over and over again while you keep learning how to keep a good balance of yours crews needs and safety.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Crafting Games.

I bought this to do a review of it for YT. Never before have I heard myself so depressed after a video. It isn’t from the melancholy of Lovecraftian literature either.


Aesthetically it reminds me of retro-indie games. Pretty good in that regard. However I’m not a fan of the GUI trying to move out of the way while I’m attempting to use it (infuriating to say the least). It took me about 15 minutes to learn the mechanics and I’m still not sure I have all of it with an hour of playing. I got the furnace once, but I’ve not seen it since and died soon after, considering the game doesn’t teach you how to use it. I tend to succumb to sanity being exhausted, but it’s impossible to keep my crew sufficiently saturated and not crazy. Frankly it’s not fun for me to die and die again with little to no progress being made so I don’t want to play it anymore.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Thalassophobia on Steam



  • The gameplay is fun and somewhat deep. Each enemy is unique and requires specific tactics to beat. You also need to keep in mind your surroundings, enemy status, and choose your equipment and consumables for each mission.

  • The graphics look decent during battles. It reminds me of Into The Breach units-as-icons visual style. Characters during dialogues require some polish, though the story here is non-important; the game fills more like chess - it doesn’t really need a deep and meaningful story arc, to begin with, if the gameplay is fun. Maybe something more will come up later (storywise), but I haven’t seen a lot of meaningful dialogues or character development during my first several hours of the game.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Pixel Graphics Games.

A fun little game. A bit clunky UI, so you need to spend some time to learn it.

Sometimes game give you hard challenges and you will not be able to finish some missions from a first try.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Thermonuclear on Steam



Amazing puzzle from what I’ve played, my only complaint is that you get booted to the main menu after every level, there is no restart button, and that you have to press backspace over and over, instead of being able to hold it down to undo multiple moves

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Really Fun Puzzle Game thats only in Alpha!?!?!?!? Can’t wait to see how polished this gets. Highly Recommend

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Payload on Steam

Möbius Front ‘83

Möbius Front ‘83

I think this is my first Steam review; I watched a talk from Zach and he said that he takes feedback seriously so I figured, why not?

I love Zachtronics’ coding games, and I also love turn-based wargames, so I was pretty excited for this one. Unfortunately I think they’ve missed the mark this time. There’s a lot to like, but while it has the pleasing simplicity of games like Into the Breach (single-digit numbers for health, damage, range, and speed, grid map, etc.) it lacking some of the elegance.

Real player with 53.5 hrs in game

Möbius Front 83 is a simple and good game. Yet to finish it, but played enough of it to say what I think.


  • Great presentation, graphics is aesthetically pleasing, great animations of units – I love how dust animation is used to indicate direction of movement of vehicles.

  • Outstanding sound design. Muffled sound of weapon fire and explosion sound like you hear weapons firing in the distance or if, like I imagine it would be to hear sound of weapons firing while you sit in an armoured vehicle.

Real player with 39.7 hrs in game

Möbius Front '83 on Steam



BUT - Alright another 300 hours down the tube and I have to amend nearly all of the below. There are mechanics in the game that allow for players that are in your coalition (Alliance) to move freely through your territory. Which is great in theory; until it cannot be revoked. There is a leave timer for your alliance set at 24 hours; the player leaving can start and stop this timer as many times as they please to get just the right amount of time to land in your homeland cities effectively removing you from the round. You will find a great many people hanging around trolling with this mechanic. So much so that any alliance made in a round is more dangerous to you than helpful. In speaking with staff, I’ve been told the same rules apply here for people legitimately playing as those whom are trolling. So; what this boils down to is if you want to invest upwards of 40 days in a round where someone will gleefully destroy themselves and you for the joy harassing another on the internet; or not. If you want to pay for this experience or not.

Real player with 2675.0 hrs in game

I like to play the game but it has a option for total paytowin. It destroys most rounds if someone spent alot gold to repair units, sabotage your city you cant counter. I understand that deployers need money but like in most games pay to win is the wrong way. Shame since it is a grat game.

Play Example:

I played Japan it is round 18 on a 24 hour cycle so i spent around 2 1/2 weeks in this round allready.

I managed get a coalition going with surrounding neighbors.

A few Ships are defending the Coasts and Industry is looking good.

Real player with 612.5 hrs in game


Best Election Simulator In Russia!

Best Election Simulator In Russia!

Who is your admiral general communist oligarch in the bright Russia of the future?

  • Putin? And his aquadisco, pouring Novichok on everyone in the neighborhood?

  • Or Lukashenka and a gang of security officials?

  • Navalny and his swarm of drones and protesters?

  • Or Trump on a posh aircraft carrier and his highly mobile rednecks on pickup trucks?

  • Or with unique mechanics completely out of control George Floyd and his hordes of activists?

Explore and dominate on a generated map

  • Loot and spend on strategically important buildings, or just buy a golden toilet brush for your luxury pirate yacht.

  • Each faction has its own line of development, so bring women and electoral votes to the yacht to get new opportunities, glorious pirate!

    For example, a couple of votes of friendly fellow citizens and Trump is already airstrikes enemies and bombing cities.

    However, it is even easier for Putin: carry two women and you have a great personal bunker.

Unique cell mechanics

At the start of the game, all cells are closed like a card back.

Open them and get unexpected turns.

  • Maybe it will be a nuclear rocket?

  • Or garages with a gop-stop?

Unit characteristics

Each unit earns experience in the course of the game, whether it is killing, women, or collecting votes.

In the future, the player distributes points for new characteristics in the improvement tree.

Some traits can be obtained by examining undiscovered cells. For example, a university has a chance to give a “Red diploma”, which gives + 0.001% to damage.

But the characteristics are not always SUCH POSITIVE! A unit that has been imprisoned has a 50% chance of receiving the “Buggered” debuff.

Find cards and strengthen the regime

Examples of cards:

  • “Legalization Of Prostitution”: 5% chance each turn that 3 random units will gain the characteristic “Prostitute” and start generating income when attacking.

  • “Nepotism”: First and permanent income from oil + 100%.

  • “Gopota Government Support”: 5% chance every turn that 2 loyal riot policemen will appear near the city.

  • “A Feast In Time Of Plague”: 5% chance each turn that 1 random unit will become a cannibal and start supplying food to the city with each kill.

Beware of the indigenous people!

So, the traffic police inspector will bankrupt the rednecks in pickup trucks, which have a movement range of two cells.

And the gopota, when attacking, has a chance to take away a weapon or object, including the NUCLEAR!

Do not forget that it is possible to subdue these crooks by priests and oligarchs. By the way, send juggernaut bears to attack with RPG and nuke!

Combine faction, regime and cards wisely

For example, Putin’s milestones such as “Bunker”, “Resetting Presidential Terms”, and “Coronation”, which provide good bonuses, go well with the “Clone Sovereign” upgrade of the Monarchy regime.

Best Election Simulator In Russia! on Steam

VOLOT: Red Odyssey

VOLOT: Red Odyssey

The earth is under a threat of destruction, and the survival of humanity depends on whether one of the Soviet ships, ‘Rodina’, can find a new home among the stars. Piloted vehicles - volots - were once used for the peaceful purposes, but now is the time to forge plowshares into swords. You have to lead a detachment of volots, and with their help make forays into completely new unexplored territories. But can technologies, created to bring peace, be a worthy contender in the war of the cosmic races?

Build a combat vehicle that suits your chosen mission best. Replenish the cache of weapons and technical modules by collecting blueprints. Create new types of different modules using resources found in battles. Combine these modules to adapt to weather and other conditions.

Misfortune never comes alone. The traitor on the ship will prevent you from successfully completing your expedition across the galaxy, wasting your resources and sabotaging your work if you don’t stop him in time.

Procedural generation of planets, missions and pilot personnel will make each playthrough unique. The story is made up of your decisions that you make as you progress through the game. Play the game in different ways and decide the final fate of the Rodina crew.

Come face to face with the enemy of humanity, who came from a distant galaxy. Learn more about the peculiarities of the planet and increase your chances of winning the battle. Find a new home for the Soviet people!

VOLOT: Red Odyssey on Steam

Dawn of the Mexica

Dawn of the Mexica

A deeply tactical and challenging roguelike that leads you through the Aztec underworld to the realms of the gods.

  • Fascinating mythology and stone-age combat aesthetic

  • Multiple viable combat and survival strategies.

  • Highly lethal combat system that may be frustrating for the casual gamer. Most deaths past the very beginning will occur from incapacitating crits (and sometimes critical fumbles); successful strategies will revolve around mitigating risk and/or playing rocket tag with certain enemies so they can’t fight back. Unlike many other games, hit points or health is a very poor measure of character survivability - in comparison with defensive skills, armor, etc. Control of distance, visibility, light levels, and cover are very important. Personally, I like it; but not for everyone.

Real player with 173.9 hrs in game

A very well-researched Mesoamerican roguelike that delves into a setting rarely explored in gaming mediums. The combat descriptions are quite nice, and there are a variety of different skills and classes to unlock. It’s quite enjoyable to try some utility skills to round out your character, things like swimming, liquid identification, and others can all be of service.

The main negative is that deaths can be nearly instantaneous. This makes for a game of planning, of thinking, “Hey, I’m a caster, maybe some perception will keep me from getting mauled around the next corner.” However, as the game is approachable for new runs, this isn’t much of an issue (though there are times when I’m wondering how to improve). It’s a whole lot better than TOME 4’s instadeaths 15+ hours into the campaign.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Dawn of the Mexica on Steam