Dino D-Day

Dino D-Day

This game is absurd, and fun to play… usually. Pitting the Allies vs the Axis in an alternate history where Germany clones dinosaurs to fuel their war effort, the Axis forces have a near monopoly on the Dinos. This doesn’t mean that the Allies are any less fun to play though. Trigger, the Allies sole dino is one of the better ones, with a charge ability, and a solid machine gun to use.

Playing at the Allies is more a straightforward FPS, with relatively standard classes. There is an assault, a sniper, a medic, all the regulars, and they do quite well against the dinosaurs, to the point that with a competitive team, the Axis forces have a bit of a harder time of things. Shotguns end dinos, sniper rifles end dinos from a distance. The Allies have a clear advantage on range in general. With a female french resistance medic, and a female sniper, I am also happy to see that I can play as a woman for once in an FPS. One that isn’t merely relegated to a healer or noncombat class. This is pretty rare, and most people won’t care, but I think it is pretty cool. Also of note is that several classes have area of effect buffs, such as accuracy or healing, allowing small squads to become even more deadly.

Real player with 247.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History World War II Games.

This game is fun. No matter your skill, no matter your system, no matter the class you choose. This game embodies the ultimate dream of all young boys and I can assume many young girls. WW2 mixed with Dinos I mean it’s magic! I awaited this game from the moment I heard of it. It’s surprising a game like this took so long to come out. But the similarity to UT is what really makes this game fun for old school gamers. Let’s be honest ever since Halo and CS ruined gaming forever people have been waiting for a game that isn’t realistic. If I wanted to crouch and steady myself before every shot I’d go play paintball. I want to jump and flip like a jackass while some poor sap tries to shoot the ball of rubber I’ve become. It’s simple the matrix was cool that’s what I want from a game… any game. That said the graphics are ok at best but the gameplay more than makes up for it. The only real problem I have is getting hung up on walls and corners it’s sort of the one button mouse of gaming. A nearly unforgivable sin since it was fixed in most games long ago. All things considered it’s a great little number I’ll be playing for years to come. -SEF

Real player with 230.6 hrs in game

Dino D-Day on Steam

First Samurai

First Samurai

The Demon King descends from his mountain domain to you, the First Samurai and your master. Defenceless against the Demon’s magic, you succumb to his powers, leaving your Master to fight the Demon King alone. Your master falls in combat, dying. But, with his last breath, he summons the Wizard Mage. The Demon King fearing defeat, escapes to the future. Tormented, the young samurai seeks the teachings of the Wizard Mage in the ways of magic. Boiled with revenge and armed with a magical sword, the young samurai follows the Demon King into the future and the unknown…

Read More: Best Alternate History Fantasy Games.

First Samurai on Steam

Flight of the Amazon Queen: 25th Anniversary Edition

Flight of the Amazon Queen: 25th Anniversary Edition

This is a classic adventure released in 1995, altough you not have to expect something like an RTX remaster in graphics, the improvements are noticeables and much appreciated compared to the old pixel graphic style.

As always, like in any graphic adventure, the main focus goes to the puzzles and i can say that here we have very good ones, the level of difficulty is average, with few spikes on hard on some of the latests, but most of them are quite logic.

Personally i don’t like the hot spots revealer function, because i think the pixel hunting is a part of the difficulty of an adventure so this will help a lot, but it seems is a new tendency of many modern adventure games now.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Cartoon Games.

Note: Finished in 10 hours of gameplay.

In general:

What a nostalgia! I played this game as a kid 25 years ago. I loved it then, I love it now. Some players seem to be way too much critical. Well, this is NOT a remake. This is a simple port of the ORIGINAL game for modern OS with some new features. It runs in full-HD with updated UI and it has full voice acting. But it still looks like the old classic adventure game. Nicely done.


  • runs under modern OS in full-HD

  • faithful to the original look

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Flight of the Amazon Queen: 25th Anniversary Edition on Steam

Centurion Rex

Centurion Rex

Centurion Rex is a strategy game set in an alternate history where the Meditterean region is ruled by a Roman-dinosaur-led republic. Few dare to oppose the hegemony of the reptilian republic. One such force is Shark Shogunate - a militaristic dictatorship from the Far East.

You can take control of either republican or shark forces and lead them to victory through superior leadership and tactics.

Centurion Rex on Steam

Dino Eggs: Rebirth

Dino Eggs: Rebirth

A great homage to the original 1983 game, which is among my favorite Commodore games. Rebirth is just as addictive as its predecessor, and I love how the graphics, mechanics and sound effects all have elements that play off the original. My ONLY criticism is the atrocious kerning on the large scrolling cutscene text (I’m a graphic designer) - but otherwise I love it!

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

Having played the original since I was 7, I was quite intrigued by this reboot. I was not disappointed. It deftly straddles the line between nostalgic value and modern playability.

I have not yet played multiplayer with anyone as yet…hint hint, friends! 😸


Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Dino Eggs: Rebirth on Steam

Toy Tactics

Toy Tactics

The fight to become the supreme strategist has begun!

Command your troops and outclass other military geniuses from different ages in a take on battles like never before. Think fast, deploy your units, and emerge victorious. There is more than one road to victory, but only the smartest will get the prize. Sun Tzu is watching, are you ready?


Placing and moving your warriors wisely will allow you to overcome sieges, ambush your opponents, and deceive them. It may sound complicated, but you will control your wobblers by just drawing formations on the battlefield: you can also drag, merge, or change them: Surround, feint, outsmart… The world is your canvas!


During your adventure, you will come across ancient artifacts which enhance the abilities of your troops, but that is just the beginning… You can also unlock and acquire special powers: invoke reinforcements like catapults, summon flaming meteors, build your own walls and towers… Just draw and set the target locations on the ground, wait, and see…


When the contenders collide, their masses, weaponry, and inertia could make some helmets fly through the air. Physics is not oly fun to watch in massive matches, it may be on your side if you jump at the chance.

Toy Tactics on Steam